"4000"=>"Bad Request",
"4011"=>"Unauthorized [Practice does not exist or is inactive]",
"4012"=>"Unauthorized [User does not exist or is inactive]",
"4060"=>"A validation error in the request. For example not including a required field, an invalid e-mail address, too long of a value, etc. A list of the errors is included in the message.",
"5000"=>"an unknown error has occurred",
"5100"=>"an unknown server error has occurred",
"5110"=>"an unknown server error has occurred",
"4130"=>"account already exists",
"4110"=>"no practice ID",
"4160"=>"direct domain is invalid",
"4621"=>"direct address error: domain does not match the direct domain for this vendor",
"4150"=>"direct domain is already taken",
"4163"=>"direct domain is unavailable",
"4610"=>"direct address error: direct address is taken",
"4161"=>"web address is invalid",
"4131"=>"account does not exist",
"4140"=>"web address is already taken",
"4230"=>"user already exists",
"4210"=>"no user ID",
"4241"=>"invalid user ID, user IDs starting with '@' are reserved for practice users",
"4251"=>"invalid NPI",
"4252"=>"invalid taxonomy code",
"4630"=>"direct address error: account does not have a direct domain configured",
"4232"=>"user password is required",
"4240"=>"user does not exist, use practice methods instead",
"4231"=>"user does not exist",
"4641"=>"direct address error: sending user does not have a direct address configured",
"4642"=>"direct address error: identity verification required to send to this address",
"4640"=>"direct address error: invalid direct address",
"4650"=>"direct error: send failed",
"4651"=>"direct error: send failed and/or invalid direct address",
"4430"=>"message type does not have any MDNs",
"4410"=>"message not found",
"4652"=>"direct error: either from or patientDemographics is required",
"4071"=>"Recipient not found",
"4070"=>"Invalid recipient",
"4831"=>"portal account does not exist",
"4830"=>"portal account already exists",
"4832"=>"patient has opted out of portal communications",
"4731"=>"patient account does not exist",
"4960"=>"image not found",
"4331"=>"contact does not exist",
"4931"=>"you sent zero bulk faxes with this bulkFaxId",
"4021"=>"Invalid date format",
"4930"=>"no fax found for this ID",
"4932"=>"fax number does not appear to be available",
"4933"=>"invalid fax number",
"4330"=>"contact already exists",
"6212"=>"at least one id must be specified for the request",
"4162"=>"ip is invalid",
"4165"=>"port is invalid",
"6210"=>"at least one value must be provided",
"6213"=>"record does not exist for ID",
"9010"=>"the date format must be in the format is yyyy-MM-dd"