Module: Usps::Api::Endpoints::SCAN

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Instance Method Details

#scan(options = {}) ⇒ Object

The SCAN API allows integrators to consolidate multiple domestic and international labels and custom forms through one Electronic File Number (EFN) and physical SCAN Form (PS Form 5630 or 3152). The API operates as follows:


  • options (Hash) (defaults to: {})

Options Hash (options):

  • scan_request (required, Hash)


    • :option (Hash) — Groups form information

      • :form (String) — Designates desired label option selected by customer. Enter one of the valid entries: ‘3152’ generates PS Form 3152. ‘5630’ generates PS Form 5630. For example: <Form>3152</Form>

      • :from_name (required, String) — Name of sender. Example: <FromName>Joe Smith</FromName>

      • :from_firm (String) — Company name. Example: <FromFirm>ABC Corp.</FromFirm>

      • :from_address1 (String) — From address line 1. Denote apartment or suite number. Example: <FromAddress1>Apt. 3C</FromAddress1>

      • :from_address2 (required, String) — From address line 2. Denote street/structure number. Example: <FromAddress2>475 L’Enfant Plaza SW</FromAddress2>

      • :from_city (required, String) — From city. Example: <FromCity>Greenbelt</FromCity>

      • :from_state (required, String) — From state. Example: <FromState>MD</FromState>

      • :from_zip5 (required, String) — From ZIP Code. Must be a valid ZIP5 Code. Example: <FromZip5>20770</FromZip5>

      • :from_zip4 (String) — From ZIP Code+4. Example: <FromZip4>1234</FromZip4>

      • :shipment (Hash) — Groups shipment information

        • :package_detail (Hash) — Groups package detail information

          • :pkg_barcode (required, String) — Individual package barcodes. Example: <PkgBarcode>42020260910180521390702413570 </PkgBarcode> Note: The SCAN API can contain no more than 1,000 package barcodes in a single request. If exceeded, ‘Total PackageDetail items exceeded 1000.’ error will return”

          • :special_service (Hash) — FOR FUTURE USE. Groups extra service information.

            • :spc_serv_code (required, String) — FOR FUTURE USE. If present, must be <SpcServFee>. From Extra Service Code table. Example: <SpcServCode>01</SpcServCode>

            • :spc_serv_fee (required, String) — FOR FUTURE USE. Fee for Extra Service. Example: <SpcServFee>00275</SpcServFee>

            • :e_mail (String) — FOR FUTURE USE. Email address of acceptance scan event recipient. Example: <EMail>[email protected]</EMail>

            • :close_manifest (Boolean) — Used to include all labels for the submitted UserID. There are two values: “ALL” will close all labels for the submitted USERID. “SHIPDATE” will close all the labels for the submitted USERID that have the <Shipdate> tag matching the value in the <MailDate> tag. Note: When <CloseManifest> is indicated in the request, the following two response fields are eligible to return if conditions are met: · <MaxPackagesExceeded> · <MaxLabelsExceeded>

            • :mail_date (required, String) — Date of mailing/Carrier Pickup. This denotes date mail to be tendered to Postal Service. YYYYMMDD format. Example: <MailDate>20060103</MailDate>

            • :mail_time (required, String) — Time of mailing/Carrier Pickup. This is an approximation. This denotes time of mail to be tendered to Postal Service. HHMMSS (24 hour) format. Example: <MailTime>143000</MailTime>

            • :entry_facility (required, String) — ZIP Code of Postal Service facility. Populate/required only if different from <FromZip5>. Example: <EntryFacility>07067</EntryFacility>

            • :image_type (required, String) — The form image format desired. Enter one of the valid entries: Example: <ImageType>TIF</ImageType>

            • :customer_ref_no (String) — Arbitrary number for customers own tracking or inventory systems, does not print to form or manifest with Product Tracking. May be any combination of alpha and numeric characters, up to a maximum of 30. Example: <CustomerRefNo>123456</CustomerRefNo>

            • :carrier_pickup (Boolean) — FOR FUTURE USE.

# File 'lib/usps/api/endpoints/scan.rb', line 39

def scan(options = {})
	throw'Required arguments :scan_request missing') if options[:scan_request].nil?

	request = build_request(:scan, options)
	get('', {
		API: 'SCAN',
		XML: request,