VersaFleet API

You'll need a VersaFleet account to use the API, if you don't have one visit the VersaFleet website for more information.

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Add versafleet to your application's Gemfile:

bundle add versafleet

# OR in the Gemfile
gem "versafleet"


To access the API, you'll need to create a Versafleet::Client and pass in your API Key and Secret Key. See How to obtain API keys

Need more details? See VersaFleet API Documentation to see how it works internally.

client = ENV["CLIENT_ID"], client_secret: ENV["CLIENT_SECRET"])

The client then gives you access to each of resources.



# list jobs with per page is 20 20)
# view the a job details "id")
# create a job {})
# update job "id", job: {})
# cancel the job "id")
# list tasks of job "id")


# list all tasks
# list all tasks by state
client.tasks.list_by_state(state: state)
# get the task details
client.tasks.retrieve(task_id: task_id)
# get the task by tracking id
client.tasks.retrieve_by_tracking_id(tracking_id: tracking_id)
# update the task
client.tasks.update(task_id: task_id, task_attributes: {})
# add a task to job
client.tasks.create(task_attributes: {})
# assign task to driver
client.tasks.assign(task_id: task_id, task: {driver_id: driver_id, vehicle_id: vehicle_id, remarks: "Notes"})
# assign multiple tasks to driver
client.tasks.assign_multiple(task: {ids: [], driver_id: driver_id, vehicle_id: vehicle_id, remarks: "Notes"})
# unassign task
client.tasks.unassign(task_id: task_id)
# unassign multiple tasks
client.tasks.unassign_multiple(task: {ids: []})
# cancel the task
client.tasks.cancel(task_id: task_id)
# complete the task
client.tasks.complete(task_id: task_id)
# incomplete the task
client.tasks.incomplete(task_id: task_id)
# set state to the task
client.tasks.set_state(task_id: task_id, to_state: to_state)
# archive the task
client.tasks.archive(task_id: task_id)
# unarchive the task
client.tasks.unarchive(task_id: task_id)
# allocate task to transporter
client.tasks.allocate(task_id: task_id, sub_account_id: )
# get the task completion histories
client.tasks.completion_histories(task_id: task_id)
# get the base task completion histories
client.tasks.base_completion_histories(task_id: task_id)


# list drivers
# get a driver details
client.drivers.retrieve(driver_id: driver_id)
# create driver
client.drivers.create(driver: {name: "Yolo", dob: "1990-09-09"})
# update driver
client.drivers.update(driver_id: driver_id, driver: {name: "Yolo update"})


# list vehicles
# get a vehicle details
client.vehicles.retrieve(vehicle_id: vehicle_id)
# create vehicle
client.vehicles.create(vehicle: {plate_number: "SK1212", model: "Honda", speed: 50})
# update vehicle
client.vehicles.update(vehicle_id: vehicle_id, vehicle: {model: "Mercedes", speed: 70})


# list runsheets by driver
client.runsheets.drivers_tasks(driver_id: driver_id)
# filter runsheets by date
client.runsheets.drivers_tasks(driver_id: driver_id, date: "2021-10-14")
# filter by date and state of the tasks
client.runsheets.drivers_tasks(driver_id: driver_id, date: "2021-10-14", state: "successful")


# list customers
# get a customer details
client.customers.retrieve(customer_id: customer_id)
# create customer
client.customers.create(customer: {name: "John Doe", email: "[email protected]"})
# update customer
client.customers.update(customer_id: customer_id, customer: {name: "Bourne"})


  • [x] Add API Documentation (#2)
  • [ ] Add Docker support
  • [ ] Support to All VersaFleet API endpoints.
    • [x] Add Jobs V2 API
    • [x] Add Tasks API
    • [ ] Non-Authenticated Tracking API
    • [x] Add Runsheets API (#5)
    • [x] Add Drivers API (#1)
    • [x] Add Vehicles API (#4)
    • [x] Add Customers API (#6)
    • [ ] Add Account API

🙏 Contributing

This project uses Standard for formatting Ruby code. Please make sure to run standardrb before submitting pull requests. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the VersaFleet project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.