All URIs are relative to https://<vcenter>/rest
Method | HTTP request | Description |
get | GET /appliance/recovery/backup/system-name/system_name/archives/archive | Returns the information for backup corresponding to given backup location and system name. |
list | GET /appliance/recovery/backup/system-name/system_name/archives | Returns information about backup archives corresponding to given backup location and system name, which match the FilterSpec. |
ApplianceRecoveryBackupSystemNameArchiveResult get(system_name, spec_location, archive, opts)
Returns the information for backup corresponding to given backup location and system name.
# load the gem
require 'vsphere-automation-appliance'
# setup authorization
VSphereAutomation::Configuration.new.tap do |config|
# Configure API key authorization: api_key
config.api_key['vmware-api-session-id'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
#config.api_key_prefix['vmware-api-session-id'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance = VSphereAutomation::Appliance::RecoveryBackupSystemNameArchiveApi.new
system_name = 'system_name_example' # String | System name identifier.
spec_location = 'spec_location_example' # String | Backup location URL.
archive = 'archive_example' # String | Archive identifier.
opts = {
spec_location_user: 'spec_location_user_example', # String | Username for the given location.
spec_location_password: 'spec_location_password_example' # String | Password for the given location.
#Returns the information for backup corresponding to given backup location and system name.
result = api_instance.get(system_name, spec_location, archive, opts)
p result
rescue VSphereAutomation::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling RecoveryBackupSystemNameArchiveApi->get: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
system_name | String | System name identifier. | |
spec_location | String | Backup location URL. | |
archive | String | Archive identifier. | |
spec_location_user | String | Username for the given location. | [optional] |
spec_location_password | String | Password for the given location. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
ApplianceRecoveryBackupSystemNameArchiveListResult list(system_name, loc_spec_location, opts)
Returns information about backup archives corresponding to given backup location and system name, which match the FilterSpec.
# load the gem
require 'vsphere-automation-appliance'
# setup authorization
VSphereAutomation::Configuration.new.tap do |config|
# Configure API key authorization: api_key
config.api_key['vmware-api-session-id'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
#config.api_key_prefix['vmware-api-session-id'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance = VSphereAutomation::Appliance::RecoveryBackupSystemNameArchiveApi.new
system_name = 'system_name_example' # String | System name identifier.
loc_spec_location = 'loc_spec_location_example' # String | Backup location URL.
opts = {
filter_spec_start_timestamp: 'filter_spec_start_timestamp_example', # String | Backup must have been taken on or after this time to match the filter.
filter_spec_end_timestamp: 'filter_spec_end_timestamp_example', # String | Backup must have been taken on or before this time to match the filter.
filter_spec_comment_substring: 'filter_spec_comment_substring_example', # String | Backup comment must contain this {@term string} to match the filter.
filter_spec_max_results: 56, # Integer | Limit result to a max count of most recent backups.
loc_spec_location_user: 'loc_spec_location_user_example', # String | Username for the given location.
loc_spec_location_password: 'loc_spec_location_password_example' # String | Password for the given location.
#Returns information about backup archives corresponding to given backup location and system name, which match the {@link FilterSpec}.
result = api_instance.list(system_name, loc_spec_location, opts)
p result
rescue VSphereAutomation::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling RecoveryBackupSystemNameArchiveApi->list: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
system_name | String | System name identifier. | |
loc_spec_location | String | Backup location URL. | |
filter_spec_start_timestamp | String | Backup must have been taken on or after this time to match the filter. | [optional] |
filter_spec_end_timestamp | String | Backup must have been taken on or before this time to match the filter. | [optional] |
filter_spec_comment_substring | String | Backup comment must contain this string to match the filter. | [optional] |
filter_spec_max_results | Integer | Limit result to a max count of most recent backups. | [optional] |
loc_spec_location_user | String | Username for the given location. | [optional] |
loc_spec_location_password | String | Password for the given location. | [optional] |
Return type
HTTP request headers
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json