Class: WatirNokogiri::Input
- Inherits:
- Object
- Element
- HTMLElement
- WatirNokogiri::Input
- Defined in:
- lib/watir-nokogiri/elements/input.rb,
Constant Summary
Constants included from AttributeHelper
Instance Method Summary collapse
#enabled? ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if input is enabled.
#type ⇒ String
Return the type attribute of the element, or ‘text’ if the attribute is invalid.
Methods inherited from Element
#==, #attribute_value, #click, #css_path, #document, #driver, #exists?, #html, #id, #initialize, #inspect, #nokogiri, #parent, #present?, #style, #tag_name, #text, #to_subtype, #value, #visible?, #xpath
Methods included from AttributeHelper
#attribute_list, #attributes, #typed_attributes
Methods included from Container
#a, #abbr, #abbrs, #address, #addresses, #area, #areas, #article, #articles, #as, #aside, #asides, #audio, #audios, #b, #base, #bases, #bdi, #bdis, #bdo, #bdos, #blockquote, #blockquotes, #body, #bodys, #br, #brs, #bs, #button, #buttons, #canvas, #canvases, #caption, #captions, #checkbox, #checkboxes, #cite, #cites, #code, #codes, #col, #colgroup, #colgroups, #cols, #command, #commands, #data, #datalist, #datalists, #datas, #dd, #dds, #del, #dels, #details, #detailses, #dfn, #dfns, #dialog, #dialogs, #div, #divs, #dl, #dls, #dt, #dts, #element, #elements, #em, #embed, #embeds, #ems, #extract_selector, #field_set, #field_sets, #fieldset, #fieldsets, #figcaption, #figcaptions, #figure, #figures, #file_field, #file_fields, #font, #fonts, #footer, #footers, #form, #forms, #frame, #frames, #frameset, #framesets, #h1, #h1s, #h2, #h2s, #h3, #h3s, #h4, #h4s, #h5, #h5s, #h6, #h6s, #head, #header, #headers, #heads, #hgroup, #hgroups, #hidden, #hiddens, #hr, #hrs, #html, #htmls, #i, #iframe, #iframes, #image, #images, #img, #imgs, #input, #inputs, #ins, #inses, #is, #kbd, #kbds, #keygen, #keygens, #label, #labels, #legend, #legends, #li, #link, #links, #lis, #map, #maps, #mark, #marks, #menu, #menus, #meta, #metas, #meter, #meters, #nav, #navs, #noscript, #noscripts, #object, #objects, #ol, #ols, #optgroup, #optgroups, #option, #options, #output, #outputs, #p, #param, #params, #pre, #pres, #progress, #progresses, #ps, #q, #qs, #radio, #radios, #rp, #rps, #rt, #rts, #rubies, #ruby, #s, #samp, #samps, #script, #scripts, #section, #sections, #select, #select_list, #select_lists, #selects, #small, #smalls, #source, #sources, #span, #spans, #ss, #strong, #strongs, #style, #styles, #sub, #subs, #summaries, #summary, #sup, #sups, #table, #tables, #tbody, #tbodys, #td, #tds, #text_field, #text_fields, #textarea, #textareas, #tfoot, #tfoots, #th, #thead, #theads, #ths, #time, #times, #title, #titles, #tr, #track, #tracks, #trs, #u, #ul, #uls, #us, #var, #vars, #video, #videos, #wbr, #wbrs
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from WatirNokogiri::Element
Dynamic Method Handling
This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class WatirNokogiri::Element
Instance Method Details
#enabled? ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if input is enabled.
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# File 'lib/watir-nokogiri/elements/input.rb', line 13 def enabled? !disabled? end |
#type ⇒ String
Return the type attribute of the element, or ‘text’ if the attribute is invalid. TODO: discuss.
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# File 'lib/watir-nokogiri/elements/input.rb', line 24 def type assert_exists value = @element.get_attribute("type").to_s # we return 'text' if the type is invalid # not sure if we really should do this TextFieldLocator::NON_TEXT_TYPES.include?(value) ? value : 'text' end |