Class: Arachni::Checks::NoSqlInjection
- Inherits:
- Object
- Arachni::Component::Base
- Arachni::Check::Base
- Arachni::Checks::NoSqlInjection
- Defined in:
- components/checks/active/no_sql_injection.rb
Constant Summary
Constants included from Arachni::Check::Auditor
Arachni::Check::Auditor::DOM_ELEMENTS_WITH_INPUTS, Arachni::Check::Auditor::ELEMENTS_WITH_INPUTS, Arachni::Check::Auditor::FILE_SIGNATURES, Arachni::Check::Auditor::FILE_SIGNATURES_PER_PLATFORM, Arachni::Check::Auditor::Format, Arachni::Check::Auditor::SOURCE_CODE_SIGNATURES_PER_PLATFORM
Constants included from Arachni
BANNER, Arachni::Cookie, Form, Header, JSON, Link, LinkTemplate, NestedCookie, Severity, UIForm, UIInput, VERSION, WEBSITE, WIKI, XML
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes included from Arachni::Check::Auditor
Class Method Summary collapse
- .error_signatures ⇒ Object
- .info ⇒ Object
- .options ⇒ Object
.payloads ⇒ Object
Prepares the payloads that will hopefully cause the webapp to output SQL error messages if included as part of an SQL query.
Instance Method Summary collapse
Methods inherited from Arachni::Check::Base
#browser_cluster, #clean_up, elements, exempt_platforms, has_exempt_platforms?, has_platforms?, #initialize, platforms, #plugins, prefer, #preferred, preferred, #prepare, #session, supports_platforms?
Methods included from Arachni::Check::Auditor
#audit, #audit_differential, #audit_signature, #audit_timeout, #audited, #audited?, #buffered_audit, #each_candidate_dom_element, #each_candidate_element, has_timeout_candidates?, #http, #initialize, #log, #log_issue, #log_remote_file, #log_remote_file_if_exists, #match_and_log, #max_issues, #preferred, reset, #skip?, timeout_audit_run, #trace_taint, #with_browser, #with_browser_cluster
Methods inherited from Arachni::Component::Base
author, description, fullname, #shortname, shortname, shortname=, version
Methods included from Arachni::Component::Output
#depersonalize_output, #depersonalize_output?, #intercept_print_message
Methods included from UI::Output
#caller_location, #debug?, #debug_level, #debug_level_1?, #debug_level_2?, #debug_level_3?, #debug_level_4?, #debug_off, #debug_on, #disable_only_positives, #error_buffer, #error_log_fd, #error_logfile, #has_error_log?, #included, #log_error, #mute, #muted?, #only_positives, #only_positives?, #print_bad, #print_debug, #print_debug_backtrace, #print_debug_exception, #print_debug_level_1, #print_debug_level_2, #print_debug_level_3, #print_debug_level_4, #print_error, #print_error_backtrace, #print_exception, #print_info, #print_line, #print_ok, #print_status, #print_verbose, #reroute_to_file, #reroute_to_file?, reset_output_options, #set_error_logfile, #unmute, #verbose?, #verbose_off, #verbose_on
Methods included from Arachni::Component::Utilities
Methods included from Utilities
#available_port, available_port_mutex, #bytes_to_kilobytes, #bytes_to_megabytes, #caller_name, #caller_path, #cookie_decode, #cookie_encode, #cookies_from_file, #cookies_from_parser, #cookies_from_response, #exception_jail, #exclude_path?, #follow_protocol?, #form_decode, #form_encode, #forms_from_parser, #forms_from_response, #full_and_absolute_url?, #generate_token, #get_path, #hms_to_seconds, #html_decode, #html_encode, #include_path?, #links_from_parser, #links_from_response, #normalize_url, #page_from_response, #page_from_url, #parse_set_cookie, #path_in_domain?, #path_too_deep?, #port_available?, #rand_port, #random_seed, #redundant_path?, #regexp_array_match, #remove_constants, #request_parse_body, #seconds_to_hms, #skip_page?, #skip_path?, #skip_resource?, #skip_response?, #to_absolute, #uri_decode, #uri_encode, #uri_parse, #uri_parse_query, #uri_parser, #uri_rewrite
Methods included from Arachni
URI, collect_young_objects, #get_long_win32_filename, jruby?, null_device, profile?, windows?
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from Arachni::Check::Base
Class Method Details
.error_signatures ⇒ Object
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 |
# File 'components/checks/active/no_sql_injection.rb', line 12 def self.error_signatures return @error_signatures if @error_signatures @error_signatures = {} Dir[File.dirname( __FILE__ ) + '/no_sql_injection/substrings/*'].each do |file| @error_signatures[File.basename( file ).to_sym] = file ).split( "\n" ) end @error_signatures end |
.info ⇒ Object
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 |
# File 'components/checks/active/no_sql_injection.rb', line 41 def { name: 'NoSQL Injection', description: %q{ NoSQL injection check, uses known DB errors to identify vulnerabilities. }, elements: ELEMENTS_WITH_INPUTS, author: 'Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos <[email protected]>', version: '0.1.3', platforms: payloads.keys, issue: { name: %q{NoSQL Injection}, description: %q{ A NoSQL injection occurs when a value originating from the client's request is used within a NoSQL call without prior sanitisation. This can allow cyber-criminals to execute arbitrary NoSQL code and thus steal data, or use the additional functionality of the database server to take control of further server components. Arachni discovered that the affected page and parameter are vulnerable. This injection was detected as Arachni was able to discover known error messages within the server's response. }, tags: %w(nosql injection regexp database error), references: { 'OWASP' => '' }, cwe: 89, severity: Severity::HIGH, remedy_guidance: %q{ The most effective remediation against NoSQL injection attacks is to ensure that NoSQL API calls are not constructed via string concatenation that includes unsanitized data. Sanitization is best achieved using existing escaping libraries. } } } end |
.options ⇒ Object
30 31 32 33 34 35 |
# File 'components/checks/active/no_sql_injection.rb', line 30 def self. @options ||= { format: [Format::APPEND], signatures: error_signatures } end |
.payloads ⇒ Object
Prepares the payloads that will hopefully cause the webapp to output SQL error messages if included as part of an SQL query.
26 27 28 |
# File 'components/checks/active/no_sql_injection.rb', line 26 def self.payloads @payloads ||= { mongodb: '\';.")' } end |
Instance Method Details
#run ⇒ Object
37 38 39 |
# File 'components/checks/active/no_sql_injection.rb', line 37 def run audit self.class.payloads, self.class. end |