Class: Arachni::Plugins::FormDicattack
- Inherits:
- Object
- Component::Base
- Arachni::Plugin::Base
- Arachni::Plugins::FormDicattack
- Defined in:
- components/plugins/form_dicattack.rb
Constant Summary
Constants included from Arachni
BANNER, Cookie, Form, Header, JSON, Link, LinkTemplate, NestedCookie, Severity, UIForm, UIInput, VERSION, WEBSITE, WIKI, XML
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from Arachni::Plugin::Base
Class Method Summary collapse
Instance Method Summary collapse
Methods inherited from Arachni::Plugin::Base
#browser_cluster, distributable, distributable?, #framework_abort, #framework_pause, #framework_resume, gems, #http, #info, #initialize, is_distributable, merge, #register_results, #restore, #session, #suspend, #wait_while_framework_running, #with_browser
Methods inherited from Component::Base
author, description, fullname, #shortname, shortname, shortname=, version
Methods included from Component::Output
#depersonalize_output, #depersonalize_output?, #intercept_print_message
Methods included from UI::Output
#caller_location, #debug?, #debug_level, #debug_level_1?, #debug_level_2?, #debug_level_3?, #debug_level_4?, #debug_off, #debug_on, #disable_only_positives, #error_buffer, #error_log_fd, #error_logfile, #has_error_log?, #included, #log_error, #mute, #muted?, #only_positives, #only_positives?, #print_bad, #print_debug, #print_debug_backtrace, #print_debug_exception, #print_debug_level_1, #print_debug_level_2, #print_debug_level_3, #print_debug_level_4, #print_error, #print_error_backtrace, #print_exception, #print_info, #print_line, #print_ok, #print_status, #print_verbose, #reroute_to_file, #reroute_to_file?, reset_output_options, #set_error_logfile, #unmute, #verbose?, #verbose_off, #verbose_on
Methods included from Component::Utilities
Methods included from Utilities
#available_port, available_port_mutex, #bytes_to_kilobytes, #bytes_to_megabytes, #caller_name, #caller_path, #cookie_decode, #cookie_encode, #cookies_from_file, #cookies_from_parser, #cookies_from_response, #exception_jail, #exclude_path?, #follow_protocol?, #form_decode, #form_encode, #forms_from_parser, #forms_from_response, #full_and_absolute_url?, #generate_token, #get_path, #hms_to_seconds, #html_decode, #html_encode, #include_path?, #links_from_parser, #links_from_response, #normalize_url, #page_from_response, #page_from_url, #parse_set_cookie, #path_in_domain?, #path_too_deep?, #port_available?, #rand_port, #random_seed, #redundant_path?, #regexp_array_match, #remove_constants, #request_parse_body, #seconds_to_hms, #skip_page?, #skip_path?, #skip_resource?, #skip_response?, #to_absolute, #uri_decode, #uri_encode, #uri_parse, #uri_parse_query, #uri_parser, #uri_rewrite
Methods included from Arachni
URI, collect_young_objects, #get_long_win32_filename, jruby?, null_device, profile?, windows?
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from Arachni::Plugin::Base
Class Method Details
.info ⇒ Object
86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 |
# File 'components/plugins/form_dicattack.rb', line 86 def { name: 'Form dictionary attacker', description: %q{ Uses wordlists to crack login forms. If the cracking process is successful the found credentials will be set framework-wide and used for the duration of the audit. If that's not what you want, set the scope page-limit option to "0". }, author: 'Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos <>', version: '0.1.7', options: [ :username_list, required: true, description: 'File with a list of usernames (newline separated).' ), :password_list, required: true, description: 'File with a list of passwords (newline separated).' ), :username_field, required: true, description: 'The name of the username form field.' ), :password_field, required: true, description: 'The name of the password form field.' ), :login_verifier, required: true, description: 'A regular expression which will be used to verify a successful login. For example, if a logout link only appears when a user is ' + 'logged in then it can be a perfect choice.' ) ] } end |
Instance Method Details
#clean_up ⇒ Object
82 83 84 |
# File 'components/plugins/form_dicattack.rb', line 82 def clean_up framework_resume end |
#prepare ⇒ Object
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 |
# File 'components/plugins/form_dicattack.rb', line 13 def prepare @url = framework..url @users = [:username_list] ).split( "\n" ) @passwds = [:password_list] ).split( "\n" ) @user_field = [:username_field] @passwd_field = [:password_field] @verifier = [:login_verifier] ) @found = false framework_pause end |
#run ⇒ Object
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 |
# File 'components/plugins/form_dicattack.rb', line 29 def run form = session.find_login_form( url: @url, inputs: [ @user_field, @passwd_field ] ) if !form print_bad "Could not find a form suiting the provided params at: #{@url }" return end print_status "Found log-in form with name: #{form.name_or_id || '<n/a>'}" print_status 'Building the request queue...' total_req = @users.size * @passwds.size print_status "Number of requests to be performed: #{total_req}" # we need a clean cookie slate for each request opts = { no_cookie_jar: true, update_cookies: true, follow_location: false } @users.each do |user| @passwds.each do |pass| # merge the input fields of the form with our own params form.update( @user_field => user, @passwd_field => pass ) form.submit( opts ) do |response| next if @found print_status "#{@user_field}: '#{user}' -- #{@passwd_field}: '#{pass}'" next if !response.body.match( @verifier ) @found = true print_ok "Found a match -- #{@user_field}: '#{user}'" + " -- #{@passwd_field}: '#{pass}'" # register our findings... register_results( 'username' => user, 'password' => pass ) http.abort end end end print_status 'Waiting for the requests to complete...' print_bad 'Couldn\'t find a match.' if !@found end |