Find AI Ruby API library

The Find AI Ruby library provides convenient access to the Find AI REST API from any Ruby 3.0+ application.

It is generated with Stainless.


Documentation for the most recent version of this gem can be found on RubyDoc.

The underlying REST API documentation can be found on


To use this gem during the beta, install directly from GitHub with Bundler by adding the following to your application's Gemfile:

gem "find-ai", git: "", branch: "main"

To fetch an initial copy of the gem:

bundle install

To update the version used by your application when updates are pushed to GitHub:

bundle update find-ai


require "find-ai"

find_ai =
  api_key: "My API Key" # defaults to ENV["FIND_AI_API_KEY"]

searches = find_ai.searches.retrieve


When the library is unable to connect to the API, or if the API returns a non-success status code (i.e., 4xx or 5xx response), a subclass of FindAI::HTTP::Error will be thrown:

  search = find_ai.searches.retrieve
rescue FindAI::HTTP::Error => e
  puts e.code # 400

Error codes are as followed:

Status Code Error Type
400 BadRequestError
401 AuthenticationError
403 PermissionDeniedError
404 NotFoundError
409 ConflictError
422 UnprocessableEntityError
429 RateLimitError
>=500 InternalServerError
(else) APIStatusError
N/A APIConnectionError


Certain errors will be automatically retried 2 times by default, with a short exponential backoff. Connection errors (for example, due to a network connectivity problem), 408 Request Timeout, 409 Conflict, 429 Rate Limit, and >=500 Internal errors will all be retried by default.

You can use the max_retries option to configure or disable this:

# Configure the default for all requests:
find_ai =
  max_retries: 0 # default is 2

# Or, configure per-request:
find_ai.searches.retrieve(max_retries: 5)


This package follows SemVer conventions. As the library is in initial development and has a major version of 0, APIs may change at any time.


Ruby 3.0 or higher.