Module: Libxlsxwriter
- Extended by:
- FFI::Library
- Defined in:
- lib/fast_excel/binding.rb,
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: AppWrappers, ChartAxisWrappers, ChartSeriesWrappers, ChartWrappers, ContentTypesWrappers, CoreWrappers, CustomWrappers, DatetimeWrappers, DrawingWrappers, FormatWrappers, PackagerWrappers, RelationshipsWrappers, SstWrappers, StylesWrappers, ThemeWrappers, WorkbookWrappers, WorksheetWrappers Classes: App, Autofilter, Border, Cell, CellTreePointers, CellU, Chart, ChartAxis, ChartData, ChartFill, ChartFont, ChartGridline, ChartLegend, ChartLine, ChartListPointers, ChartMarker, ChartOrderedListPointers, ChartPattern, ChartPoint, ChartSeries, ChartSeriesList, ChartSeriesListPointers, ChartTitle, Charts, ColOptions, ContentTypes, Core, Custom, CustomProperties, CustomProperty, CustomPropertyListPointers, CustomPropertyU, Datetime, DefinedName, DefinedNameListPointers, DefinedNames, DocProperties, Drawing, DrawingCoords, DrawingObject, DrawingObjectListPointers, DrawingObjects, Fill, Font, Format, FormatListPointers, Formats, HashBucketList, HashElement, HashElementHashListPointers, HashElementHashOrderPointers, HashOrderList, HashTable, HeaderFooterOptions, HeadingPair, HeadingPairListPointers, HeadingPairs, ImageData, ImageOptions, ImageOptionsListPointers, MergedRange, MergedRangeListPointers, MergedRanges, Packager, Panes, PartName, PartNameListPointers, PartNames, PrintArea, Protection, RelTuple, RelTupleListPointers, RelTuples, Relationships, RepeatCols, RepeatRows, Row, RowColOptions, RowTreePointers, Selection, SelectionListPointers, Selections, SeriesDataPoint, SeriesDataPointListPointers, SeriesDataPoints, SeriesErrorBars, SeriesRange, Sheet, Sheets, Sst, SstElement, SstElementSstOrderPointers, SstElementSstTreePointers, SstOrderList, SstRbTree, Styles, TableCells, TableRows, Theme, TmZipS, Tuple, TupleListPointers, Tuples, Workbook, WorkbookOptions, Worksheet, WorksheetInitData, WorksheetListPointers, WorksheetName, WorksheetNameTreePointers, WorksheetNames, Worksheets, XmlAttribute, XmlAttributeList, XmlAttributeListEntries, ZipFileinfo, ZlibFilefunc6432DefS, ZlibFilefunc64DefS, ZlibFilefuncDefS
Constant Summary collapse
- RB_RED =
- RB_INF =
- EPOCH_1900 =
- EPOCH_1904 =
- MAXU32 =
- ZIP_OK =
- ATTR_32 =
Class Method Summary collapse
._callback_close_file_func_(opaque, stream) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(Voidpf)
This entry is only for documentation and no real method..
._callback_open64_file_func_(voidpf, opaque, filename, mode) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(Voidpf)
This entry is only for documentation and no real method..
._callback_open_file_func_(voidpf, opaque, filename, mode) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(Voidpf)
This entry is only for documentation and no real method..
._callback_read_file_func_(u_long, opaque, stream, buf, size) ⇒ Integer
This entry is only for documentation and no real method..
._callback_seek64_file_func_(opaque, stream, offset, origin) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(Voidpf)
This entry is only for documentation and no real method..
._callback_seek_file_func_(opaque, stream, offset, origin) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(Voidpf)
This entry is only for documentation and no real method..
._callback_tell64_file_func_(zpos64_t, opaque, stream) ⇒ Integer
This entry is only for documentation and no real method..
._callback_tell_file_func_(opaque, stream) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(Voidpf)
This entry is only for documentation and no real method..
._callback_testerror_file_func_(opaque, stream) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(Voidpf)
This entry is only for documentation and no real method..
._callback_write_file_func_(u_long, opaque, stream, buf, size) ⇒ Integer
This entry is only for documentation and no real method..
._enum_anchor_edit_types_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_anchor_types_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_boolean_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_cell_types_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_chart_axis_display_unit_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_chart_axis_label_position_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_chart_axis_tick_mark_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_chart_axis_tick_position_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_chart_blank_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_chart_error_bar_cap_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_chart_error_bar_direction_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_chart_error_bar_type_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_chart_grouping_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_chart_label_position_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_chart_label_separator_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_chart_legend_position_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_chart_line_dash_type_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_chart_marker_type_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_chart_pattern_type_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_chart_position_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_chart_subtype_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_chart_trendline_type_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_chart_type_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_custom_property_types_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_defined_colors_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_drawing_types_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_error_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_format_alignments_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_format_borders_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_format_diagonal_types_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_format_patterns_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_format_scripts_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_format_underlines_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_gridlines_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_image_types_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
._enum_pane_types_ ⇒ Symbol
<em>This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
- .add_document_relationship(self_, type, target) ⇒ nil
- .add_drawing_object(drawing, drawing_object) ⇒ nil
- .add_ms_package_relationship(self_, type, target) ⇒ nil
- .add_package_relationship(self_, type, target) ⇒ nil
- .add_worksheet_relationship(self_, type, target, target_mode) ⇒ nil
- .app_add_heading_pair(self_, key, value) ⇒ nil
- .app_add_part_name(self_, name) ⇒ nil
- .app_assemble_xml_file(self_) ⇒ nil
- .app_free(app) ⇒ nil
- .app_new ⇒ App
- .attach_function(name, *_) ⇒ Object
- .call_zopen64(pfilefunc, filename, mode) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(Voidpf)
- .call_zseek64(pfilefunc, filestream, offset, origin) ⇒ Integer
- .call_ztell64(pfilefunc, filestream) ⇒ Integer
- .chart_add_data_cache(range, data, rows, cols, col) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .chart_add_series(chart, categories, values) ⇒ ChartSeries
- .chart_assemble_xml_file(chart) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_major_gridlines_set_line(axis, line) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_major_gridlines_set_visible(axis, visible) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_minor_gridlines_set_line(axis, line) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_minor_gridlines_set_visible(axis, visible) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_off(axis) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_crossing(axis, value) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_crossing_max(axis) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_display_units(axis, units) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_display_units_visible(axis, visible) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_fill(axis, fill) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_interval_tick(axis, unit) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_interval_unit(axis, unit) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_label_position(axis, position) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_line(axis, line) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_log_base(axis, log_base) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_major_tick_mark(axis, type) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_major_unit(axis, unit) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_max(axis, max) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_min(axis, min) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_minor_tick_mark(axis, type) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_minor_unit(axis, unit) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_name(axis, name) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_name_font(axis, font) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_name_range(axis, sheetname, row, col) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_num_font(axis, font) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_num_format(axis, num_format) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_pattern(axis, pattern) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_position(axis, position) ⇒ nil
- .chart_axis_set_reverse(axis) ⇒ nil
- .chart_chartarea_set_fill(chart, fill) ⇒ nil
- .chart_chartarea_set_line(chart, line) ⇒ nil
- .chart_chartarea_set_pattern(chart, pattern) ⇒ nil
- .chart_free(chart) ⇒ nil
- .chart_legend_delete_series(chart, delete_series) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .chart_legend_set_font(chart, font) ⇒ nil
- .chart_legend_set_position(chart, position) ⇒ nil
- .chart_new(type) ⇒ Chart
- .chart_plotarea_set_fill(chart, fill) ⇒ nil
- .chart_plotarea_set_line(chart, line) ⇒ nil
- .chart_plotarea_set_pattern(chart, pattern) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_categories(series, sheetname, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_error_bars(error_bars, type, value) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_error_bars_direction(error_bars, direction) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_error_bars_endcap(error_bars, endcap) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_error_bars_line(error_bars, line) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_fill(series, fill) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_invert_if_negative(series) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_labels(series) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_labels_font(series, font) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_labels_leader_line(series) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_labels_legend(series) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_labels_num_format(series, num_format) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_labels_options(series, show_name, show_category, show_value) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_labels_percentage(series) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_labels_position(series, position) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_labels_separator(series, separator) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_line(series, line) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_marker_fill(series, fill) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_marker_line(series, line) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_marker_pattern(series, pattern) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_marker_size(series, size) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_marker_type(series, type) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_name(series, name) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_name_range(series, sheetname, row, col) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_pattern(series, pattern) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_points(series, points) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .chart_series_set_smooth(series, smooth) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_trendline(series, type, value) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_trendline_equation(series) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_trendline_forecast(series, forward, backward) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_trendline_intercept(series, intercept) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_trendline_line(series, line) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_trendline_name(series, name) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_trendline_r_squared(series) ⇒ nil
- .chart_series_set_values(series, sheetname, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col) ⇒ nil
- .chart_set_drop_lines(chart, line) ⇒ nil
- .chart_set_high_low_lines(chart, line) ⇒ nil
- .chart_set_hole_size(chart, size) ⇒ nil
- .chart_set_rotation(chart, rotation) ⇒ nil
- .chart_set_series_gap(chart, gap) ⇒ nil
- .chart_set_series_overlap(chart, overlap) ⇒ nil
- .chart_set_style(chart, style_id) ⇒ nil
- .chart_set_table(chart) ⇒ nil
- .chart_set_table_font(chart, font) ⇒ nil
- .chart_set_table_grid(chart, horizontal, vertical, outline, legend_keys) ⇒ nil
- .chart_set_up_down_bars(chart) ⇒ nil
- .chart_set_up_down_bars_format(chart, up_bar_line, up_bar_fill, down_bar_line, down_bar_fill) ⇒ nil
- .chart_show_blanks_as(chart, option) ⇒ nil
- .chart_show_hidden_data(chart) ⇒ nil
- .chart_title_off(chart) ⇒ nil
- .chart_title_set_name(chart, name) ⇒ nil
- .chart_title_set_name_font(chart, font) ⇒ nil
- .chart_title_set_name_range(chart, sheetname, row, col) ⇒ nil
- .col_to_name(col_name, col_num, absolute) ⇒ nil
- .content_types_assemble_xml_file(content_types) ⇒ nil
- .content_types_free(content_types) ⇒ nil
- .content_types_new ⇒ ContentTypes
- .core_assemble_xml_file(self_) ⇒ nil
- .core_free(core) ⇒ nil
- .core_new ⇒ Core
- .create_package(self_) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .ct_add_calc_chain(content_types) ⇒ nil
- .ct_add_chart_name(content_types, name) ⇒ nil
- .ct_add_custom_properties(content_types) ⇒ nil
- .ct_add_default(content_types, key, value) ⇒ nil
- .ct_add_drawing_name(content_types, name) ⇒ nil
- .ct_add_override(content_types, key, value) ⇒ nil
- .ct_add_shared_strings(content_types) ⇒ nil
- .ct_add_worksheet_name(content_types, name) ⇒ nil
- .custom_assemble_xml_file(self_) ⇒ nil
- .custom_free(custom) ⇒ nil
- .custom_new ⇒ Custom
- .datetime_to_excel_date(datetime, date_1904) ⇒ Float
- .drawing_assemble_xml_file(self_) ⇒ nil
- .drawing_free(drawing) ⇒ nil
- .drawing_new ⇒ Drawing
- .escape_control_characters(string) ⇒ String
- .escape_data(data) ⇒ String
- .fill_fopen64_filefunc(pzlib_filefunc_def) ⇒ nil
- .fill_fopen_filefunc(pzlib_filefunc_def) ⇒ nil
- .fill_zlib_filefunc64_32_def_from_filefunc32(p_filefunc64_32, p_filefunc32) ⇒ nil
- .format_check_color(color) ⇒ Integer
- .format_free(format) ⇒ nil
- .format_get_border_key(format) ⇒ Border
- .format_get_fill_key(format) ⇒ Fill
- .format_get_font_key(format) ⇒ Font
- .format_get_xf_index(format) ⇒ Integer
- .format_new ⇒ Format
- .format_set_align(format, alignment) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_bg_color(format, color) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_bold(format) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_border(format, style) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_border_color(format, color) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_bottom(format, style) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_bottom_color(format, color) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_diag_border(format, value) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_diag_color(format, color) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_diag_type(format, value) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_fg_color(format, color) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_font_charset(format, value) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_font_color(format, color) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_font_condense(format) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_font_extend(format) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_font_family(format, value) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_font_name(format, font_name) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_font_outline(format) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_font_scheme(format, font_scheme) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_font_script(format, style) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_font_shadow(format) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_font_size(format, size) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_font_strikeout(format) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_hidden(format) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_indent(format, level) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_italic(format) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_left(format, style) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_left_color(format, color) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_num_format(format, num_format) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_num_format_index(format, index) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_pattern(format, index) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_reading_order(format, value) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_right(format, style) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_right_color(format, color) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_rotation(format, angle) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_shrink(format) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_text_wrap(format) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_theme(format, value) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_top(format, style) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_top_color(format, color) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_underline(format, style) ⇒ nil
- .format_set_unlocked(format) ⇒ nil
- .free_drawing_object(drawing_object) ⇒ nil
- .free_relationships(relationships) ⇒ nil
- .get_sst_index(sst, string) ⇒ SstElement
- .hash_free(hash) ⇒ nil
- .hash_key_exists(hash, key, key_len) ⇒ HashElement
- .hash_new(num_buckets, free_key, free_value) ⇒ HashTable
- .insert_hash_element(hash, key, value, key_len) ⇒ HashElement
- .name_to_col(col_str) ⇒ Integer
- .name_to_col_2(col_str) ⇒ Integer
- .name_to_row(row_str) ⇒ Integer
- .name_to_row_2(row_str) ⇒ Integer
- .new_attribute_dbl(key, value) ⇒ XmlAttribute
- .new_attribute_int(key, value) ⇒ XmlAttribute
.new_attribute_str(key, value) ⇒ XmlAttribute
Create a new attribute struct to add to a xml_attribute_list.
- .new_workbook(filename) ⇒ Workbook
- .new_workbook_opt(filename, options) ⇒ Workbook
- .packager_free(packager) ⇒ nil
- .packager_new(filename, tmpdir) ⇒ Packager
- .quote_sheetname(str) ⇒ String
- .relationships_assemble_xml_file(self_) ⇒ nil
.relationships_new ⇒ Relationships
- .rowcol_to_cell(cell_name, row, col) ⇒ nil
- .rowcol_to_cell_abs(cell_name, row, col, abs_row, abs_col) ⇒ nil
- .rowcol_to_formula_abs(formula, sheetname, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col) ⇒ nil
- .rowcol_to_range(range, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col) ⇒ nil
- .rowcol_to_range_abs(range, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col) ⇒ nil
- .sst_assemble_xml_file(self_) ⇒ nil
- .sst_free(sst) ⇒ nil
- .sst_new ⇒ Sst
- .str_tolower(str) ⇒ nil
- .strdup(str) ⇒ String
- .strerror(error_num) ⇒ String
- .styles_assemble_xml_file(self_) ⇒ nil
- .styles_free(styles) ⇒ nil
- .styles_new ⇒ Styles
- .theme_assemble_xml_file(self_) ⇒ nil
- .theme_free(theme) ⇒ nil
- .theme_new ⇒ Theme
- .theme_xml_declaration(self_) ⇒ nil
- .tmpfile(tmpdir) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(*FILE)
- .tmpfileplus(dir, prefix, pathname, keep) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(*FILE)
- .tmpfileplus_f(dir, prefix, pathnamebuf, pathsize, keep) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(*FILE)
- .utf8_strlen(str) ⇒ Integer
- .workbook_add_chart(workbook, chart_type) ⇒ Chart
- .workbook_add_format(workbook) ⇒ Format
- .workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, sheetname) ⇒ Worksheet
- .workbook_assemble_xml_file(workbook) ⇒ nil
- .workbook_close(workbook) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .workbook_define_name(workbook, name, formula) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .workbook_free(workbook) ⇒ nil
- .workbook_get_worksheet_by_name(workbook, name) ⇒ Worksheet
- .workbook_new(filename) ⇒ Workbook
- .workbook_new_opt(filename, options) ⇒ Workbook
- .workbook_set_custom_property_boolean(workbook, name, value) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .workbook_set_custom_property_datetime(workbook, name, datetime) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .workbook_set_custom_property_integer(workbook, name, value) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .workbook_set_custom_property_number(workbook, name, value) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .workbook_set_custom_property_string(workbook, name, value) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .workbook_set_default_xf_indices(workbook) ⇒ nil
- .workbook_set_properties(workbook, properties) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .workbook_validate_sheet_name(workbook, sheetname) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_activate(worksheet) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_assemble_xml_file(worksheet) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_autofilter(worksheet, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_center_horizontally(worksheet) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_center_vertically(worksheet) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_find_cell(row, col_num) ⇒ Cell
- .worksheet_find_row(worksheet, row_num) ⇒ Row
- .worksheet_fit_to_pages(worksheet, width, height) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_free(worksheet) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_freeze_panes(worksheet, row, col) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_freeze_panes_opt(worksheet, first_row, first_col, top_row, left_col, type) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_gridlines(worksheet, option) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_hide(worksheet) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_hide_zero(worksheet) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_insert_chart(worksheet, row, col, chart) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_insert_chart_opt(worksheet, row, col, chart, user_options) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_insert_image(worksheet, row, col, filename) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_insert_image_opt(worksheet, row, col, filename, options) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_merge_range(worksheet, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col, string, format) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_new(init_data) ⇒ Worksheet
- .worksheet_prepare_chart(worksheet, chart_ref_id, drawing_id, image_data) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_prepare_image(worksheet, image_ref_id, drawing_id, image_data) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_print_across(worksheet) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_print_area(worksheet, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_print_row_col_headers(worksheet) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_protect(worksheet, password, options) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_repeat_columns(worksheet, first_col, last_col) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_repeat_rows(worksheet, first_row, last_row) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_right_to_left(worksheet) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_select(worksheet) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_set_column(worksheet, first_col, last_col, width, format) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_set_column_opt(worksheet, first_col, last_col, width, format, options) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_set_default_row(worksheet, height, hide_unused_rows) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_set_first_sheet(worksheet) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_set_footer(worksheet, string) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_set_footer_opt(worksheet, string, options) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_set_h_pagebreaks(worksheet, breaks) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_set_header(worksheet, string) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_set_header_opt(worksheet, string, options) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_set_landscape(worksheet) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_set_margins(worksheet, left, right, top, bottom) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_set_page_view(worksheet) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_set_paper(worksheet, paper_type) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_set_portrait(worksheet) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_set_print_scale(worksheet, scale) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_set_row(worksheet, row, height, format) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_set_row_opt(worksheet, row, height, format, options) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_set_selection(worksheet, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_set_start_page(worksheet, start_page) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_set_tab_color(worksheet, color) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_set_v_pagebreaks(worksheet, breaks) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_set_zoom(worksheet, scale) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_split_panes(worksheet, vertical, horizontal) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_split_panes_opt(worksheet, vertical, horizontal, top_row, left_col) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_write_array_formula(worksheet, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col, formula, format) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_write_array_formula_num(worksheet, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col, formula, format, result) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_write_blank(worksheet, row, col, format) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_write_boolean(worksheet, row, col, value, format) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_write_datetime(worksheet, row, col, datetime, format) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_write_formula(worksheet, row, col, formula, format) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_write_formula_num(worksheet, row, col, formula, format, result) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_write_number(worksheet, row, col, number, format) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_write_single_row(worksheet) ⇒ nil
- .worksheet_write_string(worksheet, row, col, string, format) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_write_url(worksheet, row, col, url, format) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
- .worksheet_write_url_opt(worksheet, row_num, col_num, url, format, string, tooltip) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
.xml_data_element(xmlfile, tag, data, attributes) ⇒ nil
Write an XML element containing data and optional attributes.
.xml_declaration(xmlfile) ⇒ nil
Create the XML declaration in an XML file.
.xml_empty_tag(xmlfile, tag, attributes) ⇒ nil
Write an XML empty tag with optional attributes.
.xml_empty_tag_unencoded(xmlfile, tag, attributes) ⇒ nil
Write an XML empty tag with optional un-encoded attributes.
.xml_end_tag(xmlfile, tag) ⇒ nil
Write an XML end tag.
.xml_start_tag(xmlfile, tag, attributes) ⇒ nil
Write an XML start tag with optional attributes.
.xml_start_tag_unencoded(xmlfile, tag, attributes) ⇒ nil
Write an XML start tag with optional un-encoded attributes.
- .zip_close(file, global_comment) ⇒ Integer
- .zip_close_file_in_zip(file) ⇒ Integer
- .zip_close_file_in_zip_raw(file, uncompressed_size, crc32) ⇒ Integer
- .zip_close_file_in_zip_raw64(file, uncompressed_size, crc32) ⇒ Integer
- .zip_open(pathname, append) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(ZipFile)
- .zip_open2(pathname, append, globalcomment, pzlib_filefunc_def) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(ZipFile)
- .zip_open2_64(pathname, append, globalcomment, pzlib_filefunc_def) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(ZipFile)
- .zip_open64(pathname, append) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(ZipFile)
- .zip_open_new_file_in_zip(file, filename, zipfi, extrafield_local, size_extrafield_local, extrafield_global, size_extrafield_global, comment, method, level) ⇒ Integer
- .zip_open_new_file_in_zip2(file, filename, zipfi, extrafield_local, size_extrafield_local, extrafield_global, size_extrafield_global, comment, method, level, raw) ⇒ Integer
- .zip_open_new_file_in_zip2_64(file, filename, zipfi, extrafield_local, size_extrafield_local, extrafield_global, size_extrafield_global, comment, method, level, raw, zip64) ⇒ Integer
- .zip_open_new_file_in_zip3(file, filename, zipfi, extrafield_local, size_extrafield_local, extrafield_global, size_extrafield_global, comment, method, level, raw, window_bits, mem_level, strategy, password, crc_for_crypting) ⇒ Integer
- .zip_open_new_file_in_zip3_64(file, filename, zipfi, extrafield_local, size_extrafield_local, extrafield_global, size_extrafield_global, comment, method, level, raw, window_bits, mem_level, strategy, password, crc_for_crypting, zip64) ⇒ Integer
- .zip_open_new_file_in_zip4(file, filename, zipfi, extrafield_local, size_extrafield_local, extrafield_global, size_extrafield_global, comment, method, level, raw, window_bits, mem_level, strategy, password, crc_for_crypting, version_made_by, flag_base) ⇒ Integer
- .zip_open_new_file_in_zip4_64(file, filename, zipfi, extrafield_local, size_extrafield_local, extrafield_global, size_extrafield_global, comment, method, level, raw, window_bits, mem_level, strategy, password, crc_for_crypting, version_made_by, flag_base, zip64) ⇒ Integer
- .zip_open_new_file_in_zip64(file, filename, zipfi, extrafield_local, size_extrafield_local, extrafield_global, size_extrafield_global, comment, method, level, zip64) ⇒ Integer
- .zip_remove_extra_info_block(p_data, data_len, s_header) ⇒ Integer
- .zip_write_in_file_in_zip(file, buf, len) ⇒ Integer
Instance Method Summary collapse
- #cell(cell) ⇒ Object
- #cols(cols) ⇒ Object
- #error(message) ⇒ Object
- #mem_error ⇒ Object
- #qmd_list_check_head(head, field) ⇒ Object
- #qmd_list_check_next(elm, field) ⇒ Object
- #qmd_list_check_prev(elm, field) ⇒ Object
- #qmd_savelink(name, link) ⇒ Object
- #qmd_tailq_check_head(head, field) ⇒ Object
- #qmd_tailq_check_next(elm, field) ⇒ Object
- #qmd_tailq_check_prev(elm, field) ⇒ Object
- #qmd_tailq_check_tail(head, headname) ⇒ Object
- #qmd_trace_elem(elem) ⇒ Object
- #qmd_trace_head(head) ⇒ Object
- #range(range) ⇒ Object
- #rb_generate(name, type, field, cmp) ⇒ Object
- #rb_generate_internal(name, type, field, cmp, attr) ⇒ Object
- #rb_prototype(name, type, field, cmp) ⇒ Object
- #trashit(x) ⇒ Object
- #warn(message) ⇒ Object
- #warn_format(message) ⇒ Object
- #warn_format1(message, var) ⇒ Object
- #warn_format2(message, var1, var2) ⇒ Object
- #zip_errno(_Z_ERRNO) ⇒ Object
Class Method Details
._callback_close_file_func_(opaque, stream) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(Voidpf)
This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
1920 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1920 callback :close_file_func, [:pointer, :pointer], :pointer |
._callback_open64_file_func_(voidpf, opaque, filename, mode) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(Voidpf)
This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
2009 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2009 callback :open64_file_func, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :int], :pointer |
._callback_open_file_func_(voidpf, opaque, filename, mode) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(Voidpf)
This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
1887 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1887 callback :open_file_func, [:pointer, :pointer, :string, :int], :pointer |
._callback_read_file_func_(u_long, opaque, stream, buf, size) ⇒ Integer
This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
1899 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1899 callback :read_file_func, [:ulong, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :ulong], :ulong |
._callback_seek64_file_func_(opaque, stream, offset, origin) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(Voidpf)
This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
1998 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1998 callback :seek64_file_func, [:pointer, :pointer, :ulong_long, :int], :pointer |
._callback_seek_file_func_(opaque, stream, offset, origin) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(Voidpf)
This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
1949 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1949 callback :seek_file_func, [:pointer, :pointer, :ulong, :int], :pointer |
._callback_tell64_file_func_(zpos64_t, opaque, stream) ⇒ Integer
This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
1987 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1987 callback :tell64_file_func, [:ulong_long, :pointer, :pointer], :ulong_long |
._callback_tell_file_func_(opaque, stream) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(Voidpf)
This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
1938 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1938 callback :tell_file_func, [:pointer, :pointer], :pointer |
._callback_testerror_file_func_(opaque, stream) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(Voidpf)
This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
1929 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1929 callback :testerror_file_func, [:pointer, :pointer], :pointer |
._callback_write_file_func_(u_long, opaque, stream, buf, size) ⇒ Integer
This entry is only for documentation and no real method.
1911 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1911 callback :write_file_func, [:ulong, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :ulong], :ulong |
._enum_anchor_edit_types_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:anchor_edit_types).
- :as_none
- :as_relative
- :as_one_cell
- :as_absolute
- :as_relative
782 783 784 785 786 787 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 782 enum :anchor_edit_types, [ :as_none, 0, :as_relative, 1, :as_one_cell, 2, :as_absolute, 3 ] |
._enum_anchor_types_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:anchor_types).
- :type_none
- :type_image
- :type_chart
- :type_image
761 762 763 764 765 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 761 enum :anchor_types, [ :type_none, 0, :type_image, 1, :type_chart, 2 ] |
._enum_boolean_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:boolean).
- :false_
False value.
- :true_
True value.
266 267 268 269 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 266 enum :boolean, [ :false_, 0, :true_, 1 ] |
._enum_cell_types_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:cell_types).
- :number_cell
- :string_cell
- :inline_string_cell
- :formula_cell
- :array_formula_cell
- :blank_cell
- :boolean_cell
- :hyperlink_url
- :hyperlink_internal
- :hyperlink_external
- :string_cell
896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 896 enum :cell_types, [ :number_cell, 1, :string_cell, 2, :inline_string_cell, 3, :inline_rich_string_cell, 4, :formula_cell, 5, :array_formula_cell, 6, :blank_cell, 7, :boolean_cell, 8, :hyperlink_url, 9, :hyperlink_internal, 10, :hyperlink_external, 11 ] |
._enum_chart_axis_display_unit_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:chart_axis_display_unit).
- :units_none
Axis display units: None. The default.
- :units_hundreds
Axis display units: Hundreds.
- :units_thousands
Axis display units: Thousands.
- :units_ten_thousands
Axis display units: Ten thousands.
- :units_hundred_thousands
Axis display units: Hundred thousands.
- :units_millions
Axis display units: Millions.
- :units_ten_millions
Axis display units: Ten millions.
- :units_hundred_millions
Axis display units: Hundred millions.
- :units_billions
Axis display units: Billions.
- :units_trillions
Axis display units: Trillions.
546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 546 enum :chart_axis_display_unit, [ :units_none, 0, :units_hundreds, 1, :units_thousands, 2, :units_ten_thousands, 3, :units_hundred_thousands, 4, :units_millions, 5, :units_ten_millions, 6, :units_hundred_millions, 7, :units_billions, 8, :units_trillions, 9 ] |
._enum_chart_axis_label_position_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:chart_axis_label_position).
- :next_to
Position the axis labels next to the axis. The default.
- :high
Position the axis labels at the top of the chart, for horizontal axes, or to the right for vertical axes.
- :low
Position the axis labels at the bottom of the chart, for horizontal axes, or to the left for vertical axes.
- :none
Turn off the the axis labels.
512 513 514 515 516 517 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 512 enum :chart_axis_label_position, [ :next_to, 0, :high, 1, :low, 2, :none, 3 ] |
._enum_chart_axis_tick_mark_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:chart_axis_tick_mark).
- :default
Default tick mark for the chart axis. Usually outside.
- :none
No tick mark for the axis.
- :inside
Tick mark inside the axis only.
- :outside
Tick mark outside the axis only.
- :crossing
Tick mark inside and outside the axis.
576 577 578 579 580 581 582 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 576 enum :chart_axis_tick_mark, [ :default, 0, :none, 1, :inside, 2, :outside, 3, :crossing, 4 ] |
._enum_chart_axis_tick_position_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:chart_axis_tick_position).
- :default
- :on_tick
Position category axis on tick marks.
- :between
Position category axis between tick marks.
489 490 491 492 493 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 489 enum :chart_axis_tick_position, [ :default, 0, :on_tick, 1, :between, 2 ] |
._enum_chart_blank_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:chart_blank).
- :blanks_as_gap
Show empty chart cells as gaps in the data. The default.
- :blanks_as_zero
Show empty chart cells as zeros.
- :blanks_as_connected
Show empty chart cells as connected. Only for charts with lines.
825 826 827 828 829 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 825 enum :chart_blank, [ :blanks_as_gap, 0, :blanks_as_zero, 1, :blanks_as_connected, 2 ] |
._enum_chart_error_bar_cap_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:chart_error_bar_cap).
- :end_
Flat end cap. The default.
- :no
No end cap.
905 906 907 908 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 905 enum :chart_error_bar_cap, [ :end_, 0, :no, 1 ] |
._enum_chart_error_bar_direction_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:chart_error_bar_direction).
- :dir_both
Error bar extends in both directions. The default.
- :dir_plus
Error bar extends in positive direction.
- :dir_minus
Error bar extends in negative direction.
888 889 890 891 892 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 888 enum :chart_error_bar_direction, [ :dir_both, 0, :dir_plus, 1, :dir_minus, 2 ] |
._enum_chart_error_bar_type_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:chart_error_bar_type).
- :std_error
Error bar type: Standard error.
- :fixed
Error bar type: Fixed value.
- :percentage
Error bar type: Percentage.
- :std_dev
Error bar type: Standard deviation(s).
868 869 870 871 872 873 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 868 enum :chart_error_bar_type, [ :std_error, 0, :fixed, 1, :percentage, 2, :std_dev, 3 ] |
._enum_chart_grouping_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:chart_grouping).
- :clustered
- :standard
- :percentstacked
- :stacked
- :standard
469 470 471 472 473 474 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 469 enum :chart_grouping, [ :clustered, 0, :standard, 1, :percentstacked, 2, :stacked, 3 ] |
._enum_chart_label_position_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:chart_label_position).
- :default
Series data label position: default position.
- :center
Series data label position: center.
- :right
Series data label position: right.
- :left
Series data label position: left.
- :above
Series data label position: above.
- :below
Series data label position: below.
- :inside_base
Series data label position: inside base.
- :inside_end
Series data label position: inside end.
- :outside_end
Series data label position: outside end.
- :best_fit
Series data label position: best fit.
397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 397 enum :chart_label_position, [ :default, 0, :center, 1, :right, 2, :left, 3, :above, 4, :below, 5, :inside_base, 6, :inside_end, 7, :outside_end, 8, :best_fit, 9 ] |
._enum_chart_label_separator_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:chart_label_separator).
- :comma
Series data label separator: comma (the default).
- :semicolon
Series data label separator: semicolon.
- :period
Series data label separator: period.
- :newline
Series data label separator: newline.
- :space
Series data label separator: space.
427 428 429 430 431 432 433 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 427 enum :chart_label_separator, [ :comma, 0, :semicolon, 1, :period, 2, :newline, 3, :space, 4 ] |
._enum_chart_legend_position_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:chart_legend_position).
- :none
No chart legend.
- :right
Chart legend positioned at right side.
- :left
Chart legend positioned at left side.
- :top
Chart legend positioned at top.
- :bottom
Chart legend positioned at bottom.
- :overlay_right
Chart legend overlaid at right side.
- :overlay_left
Chart legend overlaid at left side.
117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 117 enum :chart_legend_position, [ :none, 0, :right, 1, :left, 2, :top, 3, :bottom, 4, :overlay_right, 5, :overlay_left, 6 ] |
._enum_chart_line_dash_type_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:chart_line_dash_type).
- :solid
- :round_dot
Round Dot.
- :square_dot
Square Dot.
- :dash
- :dash_dot
Dash Dot.
- :long_dash
Long Dash.
- :long_dash_dot
Long Dash Dot.
- :long_dash_dot_dot
Long Dash Dot Dot.
- :dot
These aren’t available in the dialog but are used by Excel.
- :system_dash_dot
- :system_dash_dot_dot
156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 156 enum :chart_line_dash_type, [ :solid, 0, :round_dot, 1, :square_dot, 2, :dash, 3, :dash_dot, 4, :long_dash, 5, :long_dash_dot, 6, :long_dash_dot_dot, 7, :dot, 8, :system_dash_dot, 9, :system_dash_dot_dot, 10 ] |
._enum_chart_marker_type_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:chart_marker_type).
- :automatic
Automatic, series default, marker type.
- :none
No marker type.
- :square
Square marker type.
- :diamond
Diamond marker type.
- :triangle
Triangle marker type.
- :x
X shape marker type.
- :star
Star marker type.
- :short_dash
Short dash marker type.
- :long_dash
Long dash marker type.
- :circle
Circle marker type.
- :plus
Plus (+) marker type.
199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 199 enum :chart_marker_type, [ :automatic, 0, :none, 1, :square, 2, :diamond, 3, :triangle, 4, :x, 5, :star, 6, :short_dash, 7, :long_dash, 8, :circle, 9, :plus, 10 ] |
._enum_chart_pattern_type_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:chart_pattern_type).
- :none
None pattern.
- :percent_5
5 Percent pattern.
- :percent_10
10 Percent pattern.
- :percent_20
20 Percent pattern.
- :percent_25
25 Percent pattern.
- :percent_30
30 Percent pattern.
- :percent_40
40 Percent pattern.
- :percent_50
50 Percent pattern.
- :percent_60
60 Percent pattern.
- :percent_70
70 Percent pattern.
- :percent_75
75 Percent pattern.
- :percent_80
80 Percent pattern.
- :percent_90
90 Percent pattern.
- :light_downward_diagonal
Light downward diagonal pattern.
- :light_upward_diagonal
Light upward diagonal pattern.
- :dark_downward_diagonal
Dark downward diagonal pattern.
- :dark_upward_diagonal
Dark upward diagonal pattern.
- :wide_downward_diagonal
Wide downward diagonal pattern.
- :wide_upward_diagonal
Wide upward diagonal pattern.
- :light_vertical
Light vertical pattern.
- :light_horizontal
Light horizontal pattern.
- :narrow_vertical
Narrow vertical pattern.
- :narrow_horizontal
Narrow horizontal pattern.
- :dark_vertical
Dark vertical pattern.
- :dark_horizontal
Dark horizontal pattern.
- :dashed_downward_diagonal
Dashed downward diagonal pattern.
- :dashed_upward_diagonal
Dashed upward diagonal pattern.
- :dashed_horizontal
Dashed horizontal pattern.
- :dashed_vertical
Dashed vertical pattern.
- :small_confetti
Small confetti pattern.
- :large_confetti
Large confetti pattern.
- :zigzag
Zigzag pattern.
- :wave
Wave pattern.
- :diagonal_brick
Diagonal brick pattern.
- :horizontal_brick
Horizontal brick pattern.
- :weave
Weave pattern.
- :plaid
Plaid pattern.
- :divot
Divot pattern.
- :dotted_grid
Dotted grid pattern.
- :dotted_diamond
Dotted diamond pattern.
- :shingle
Shingle pattern.
- :trellis
Trellis pattern.
- :sphere
Sphere pattern.
- :small_grid
Small grid pattern.
- :large_grid
Large grid pattern.
- :small_check
Small check pattern.
- :large_check
Large check pattern.
- :outlined_diamond
Outlined diamond pattern.
- :solid_diamond
Solid diamond pattern.
318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 318 enum :chart_pattern_type, [ :none, 0, :percent_5, 1, :percent_10, 2, :percent_20, 3, :percent_25, 4, :percent_30, 5, :percent_40, 6, :percent_50, 7, :percent_60, 8, :percent_70, 9, :percent_75, 10, :percent_80, 11, :percent_90, 12, :light_downward_diagonal, 13, :light_upward_diagonal, 14, :dark_downward_diagonal, 15, :dark_upward_diagonal, 16, :wide_downward_diagonal, 17, :wide_upward_diagonal, 18, :light_vertical, 19, :light_horizontal, 20, :narrow_vertical, 21, :narrow_horizontal, 22, :dark_vertical, 23, :dark_horizontal, 24, :dashed_downward_diagonal, 25, :dashed_upward_diagonal, 26, :dashed_horizontal, 27, :dashed_vertical, 28, :small_confetti, 29, :large_confetti, 30, :zigzag, 31, :wave, 32, :diagonal_brick, 33, :horizontal_brick, 34, :weave, 35, :plaid, 36, :divot, 37, :dotted_grid, 38, :dotted_diamond, 39, :shingle, 40, :trellis, 41, :sphere, 42, :small_grid, 43, :large_grid, 44, :small_check, 45, :large_check, 46, :outlined_diamond, 47, :solid_diamond, 48 ] |
._enum_chart_position_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:chart_position).
- :axis_right
- :axis_left
- :axis_top
- :axis_bottom
- :axis_left
846 847 848 849 850 851 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 846 enum :chart_position, [ :axis_right, 0, :axis_left, 1, :axis_top, 2, :axis_bottom, 3 ] |
._enum_chart_subtype_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:chart_subtype).
- :none
- :stacked
- :stacked_percent
- :stacked
448 449 450 451 452 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 448 enum :chart_subtype, [ :none, 0, :stacked, 1, :stacked_percent, 2 ] |
._enum_chart_trendline_type_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:chart_trendline_type).
- :linear
Trendline type: Linear.
- :log
Trendline type: Logarithm.
- :poly
Trendline type: Polynomial.
- :power
Trendline type: Power.
- :exp
Trendline type: Exponential.
- :average
Trendline type: Moving Average.
976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 976 enum :chart_trendline_type, [ :linear, 0, :log, 1, :poly, 2, :power, 3, :exp, 4, :average, 5 ] |
._enum_chart_type_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:chart_type).
- :none
- :area
Area chart.
- :area_stacked
Area chart - stacked.
- :area_stacked_percent
Area chart - percentage stacked.
- :bar
Bar chart.
- :bar_stacked
Bar chart - stacked.
- :bar_stacked_percent
Bar chart - percentage stacked.
- :column
Column chart.
- :column_stacked
Column chart - stacked.
- :column_stacked_percent
Column chart - percentage stacked.
- :doughnut
Doughnut chart.
- :line
Line chart.
- :pie
Pie chart.
- :scatter
Scatter chart.
- :scatter_straight
Scatter chart - straight.
- :scatter_straight_with_markers
Scatter chart - straight with markers.
- :scatter_smooth
Scatter chart - smooth.
- :scatter_smooth_with_markers
Scatter chart - smooth with markers.
- :radar
Radar chart.
- :radar_with_markers
Radar chart - with markers.
- :radar_filled
Radar chart - filled.
72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 72 enum :chart_type, [ :none, 0, :area, 1, :area_stacked, 2, :area_stacked_percent, 3, :bar, 4, :bar_stacked, 5, :bar_stacked_percent, 6, :column, 7, :column_stacked, 8, :column_stacked_percent, 9, :doughnut, 10, :line, 11, :pie, 12, :scatter, 13, :scatter_straight, 14, :scatter_straight_with_markers, 15, :scatter_smooth, 16, :scatter_smooth_with_markers, 17, :radar, 18, :radar_with_markers, 19, :radar_filled, 20 ] |
._enum_custom_property_types_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:custom_property_types).
- :none
- :string
- :double
- :integer
- :boolean
- :datetime
- :string
398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 398 enum :custom_property_types, [ :none, 0, :string, 1, :double, 2, :integer, 3, :boolean, 4, :datetime, 5 ] |
._enum_defined_colors_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:defined_colors).
- :color_black
- :color_blue
- :color_brown
- :color_cyan
- :color_gray
- :color_green
- :color_lime
- :color_magenta
- :color_navy
- :color_orange
- :color_pink
- :color_purple
- :color_red
- :color_silver
- :color_white
- :color_yellow
147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 147 enum :defined_colors, [ :color_black, 16777216, :color_blue, 255, :color_brown, 8388608, :color_cyan, 65535, :color_gray, 8421504, :color_green, 32768, :color_lime, 65280, :color_magenta, 16711935, :color_navy, 128, :color_orange, 16737792, :color_pink, 16711935, :color_purple, 8388736, :color_red, 16711680, :color_silver, 12632256, :color_white, 16777215, :color_yellow, 16776960 ] |
._enum_drawing_types_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:drawing_types).
- :none
- :image
- :chart
- :shape
- :image
741 742 743 744 745 746 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 741 enum :drawing_types, [ :none, 0, :image, 1, :chart, 2, :shape, 3 ] |
._enum_error_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:error).
- :no_error
No error.
- :error_memory_malloc_failed
Memory error, failed to malloc() required memory.
- :error_creating_xlsx_file
Error creating output xlsx file. Usually a permissions error.
- :error_creating_tmpfile
Error encountered when creating a tmpfile during file assembly.
- :error_zip_file_operation
Zlib error with a file operation while creating xlsx file.
- :error_zip_file_add
Zlib error when adding sub file to xlsx file.
- :error_zip_close
Zlib error when closing xlsx file.
- :error_null_parameter_ignored
NULL function parameter ignored.
- :error_parameter_validation
Function parameter validation error.
- :error_sheetname_length_exceeded
Worksheet name exceeds Excel’s limit of 31 characters.
- :error_invalid_sheetname_character
Worksheet name contains invalid Excel character: ‘():*?/\’
- :error_sheetname_already_used
Worksheet name is already in use.
- :error_128_string_length_exceeded
Parameter exceeds Excel’s limit of 128 characters.
- :error_255_string_length_exceeded
Parameter exceeds Excel’s limit of 255 characters.
- :error_max_string_length_exceeded
String exceeds Excel’s limit of 32,767 characters.
- :error_shared_string_index_not_found
Error finding internal string index.
- :error_worksheet_index_out_of_range
Worksheet row or column index out of range.
- :error_worksheet_max_number_urls_exceeded
Maximum number of worksheet URLs (65530) exceeded.
- :error_image_dimensions
Couldn’t read image dimensions or DPI.
- :max_errno
318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 318 enum :error, [ :no_error, 0, :error_memory_malloc_failed, 1, :error_creating_xlsx_file, 2, :error_creating_tmpfile, 3, :error_reading_tmpfile, 4, :error_zip_file_operation, 5, :error_zip_parameter_error, 6, :error_zip_bad_zip_file, 7, :error_zip_internal_error, 8, :error_zip_file_add, 9, :error_zip_close, 10, :error_null_parameter_ignored, 11, :error_parameter_validation, 12, :error_sheetname_length_exceeded, 13, :error_invalid_sheetname_character, 14, :error_sheetname_start_end_apostrophe, 15, :error_sheetname_already_used, 16, :error_sheetname_reserved, 17, :error_32_string_length_exceeded, 18, :error_128_string_length_exceeded, 19, :error_255_string_length_exceeded, 20, :error_max_string_length_exceeded, 21, :error_shared_string_index_not_found, 22, :error_worksheet_index_out_of_range, 23, :error_worksheet_max_number_urls_exceeded, 24, :error_image_dimensions, 25, :max_errno, 26 ] |
._enum_format_alignments_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:format_alignments).
- :align_none
No alignment. Cell will use Excel’s default for the data type
- :align_left
Left horizontal alignment
- :align_center
Center horizontal alignment
- :align_right
Right horizontal alignment
- :align_fill
Cell fill horizontal alignment
- :align_justify
Justify horizontal alignment
- :align_center_across
Center Across horizontal alignment
- :align_distributed
Left horizontal alignment
- :align_vertical_top
Top vertical alignment
- :align_vertical_bottom
Bottom vertical alignment
- :align_vertical_center
Center vertical alignment
- :align_vertical_justify
Justify vertical alignment
- :align_vertical_distributed
Distributed vertical alignment
73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 73 enum :format_alignments, [ :align_none, 0, :align_left, 1, :align_center, 2, :align_right, 3, :align_fill, 4, :align_justify, 5, :align_center_across, 6, :align_distributed, 7, :align_vertical_top, 8, :align_vertical_bottom, 9, :align_vertical_center, 10, :align_vertical_justify, 11, :align_vertical_distributed, 12 ] |
._enum_format_borders_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:format_borders).
- :border_none
No border
- :border_thin
Thin border style
- :border_medium
Medium border style
- :border_dashed
Dashed border style
- :border_dotted
Dotted border style
- :border_thick
Thick border style
- :border_double
Double border style
- :border_hair
Hair border style
- :border_medium_dashed
Medium dashed border style
- :border_dash_dot
Dash-dot border style
- :border_medium_dash_dot
Medium dash-dot border style
- :border_dash_dot_dot
Dash-dot-dot border style
- :border_medium_dash_dot_dot
Medium dash-dot-dot border style
- :border_slant_dash_dot
Slant dash-dot border style
268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 268 enum :format_borders, [ :border_none, 0, :border_thin, 1, :border_medium, 2, :border_dashed, 3, :border_dotted, 4, :border_thick, 5, :border_double, 6, :border_hair, 7, :border_medium_dashed, 8, :border_dash_dot, 9, :border_medium_dash_dot, 10, :border_dash_dot_dot, 11, :border_medium_dash_dot_dot, 12, :border_slant_dash_dot, 13 ] |
._enum_format_diagonal_types_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:format_diagonal_types).
- :border_up
- :border_down
- :border_up_down
- :border_down
102 103 104 105 106 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 102 enum :format_diagonal_types, [ :border_up, 1, :border_down, 2, :border_up_down, 3 ] |
._enum_format_patterns_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:format_patterns).
- :pattern_none
Empty pattern
- :pattern_solid
Solid pattern
- :pattern_medium_gray
Medium gray pattern
- :pattern_dark_gray
Dark gray pattern
- :pattern_light_gray
Light gray pattern
- :pattern_dark_horizontal
Dark horizontal line pattern
- :pattern_dark_vertical
Dark vertical line pattern
- :pattern_dark_down
Dark diagonal stripe pattern
- :pattern_dark_up
Reverse dark diagonal stripe pattern
- :pattern_dark_grid
Dark grid pattern
- :pattern_dark_trellis
Dark trellis pattern
- :pattern_light_horizontal
Light horizontal Line pattern
- :pattern_light_vertical
Light vertical line pattern
- :pattern_light_down
Light diagonal stripe pattern
- :pattern_light_up
Reverse light diagonal stripe pattern
- :pattern_light_grid
Light grid pattern
- :pattern_light_trellis
Light trellis pattern
- :pattern_gray_125
12.5% gray pattern
- :pattern_gray_0625
6.25% gray pattern
211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 211 enum :format_patterns, [ :pattern_none, 0, :pattern_solid, 1, :pattern_medium_gray, 2, :pattern_dark_gray, 3, :pattern_light_gray, 4, :pattern_dark_horizontal, 5, :pattern_dark_vertical, 6, :pattern_dark_down, 7, :pattern_dark_up, 8, :pattern_dark_grid, 9, :pattern_dark_trellis, 10, :pattern_light_horizontal, 11, :pattern_light_vertical, 12, :pattern_light_down, 13, :pattern_light_up, 14, :pattern_light_grid, 15, :pattern_light_trellis, 16, :pattern_gray_125, 17, :pattern_gray_0625, 18 ] |
._enum_format_scripts_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:format_scripts).
- :font_superscript
Superscript font
- :font_subscript
Subscript font
35 36 37 38 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 35 enum :format_scripts, [ :font_superscript, 1, :font_subscript, 2 ] |
._enum_format_underlines_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:format_underlines).
- :underline_single
Single underline
- :underline_double
Double underline
- :underline_single_accounting
Single accounting underline
- :underline_double_accounting
Double accounting underline
17 18 19 20 21 22 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 17 enum :format_underlines, [ :underline_single, 1, :underline_double, 2, :underline_single_accounting, 3, :underline_double_accounting, 4 ] |
._enum_gridlines_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:gridlines).
- :hide_all
Hide screen and print gridlines.
- :show_screen
Show screen gridlines.
- :show_print
Show print gridlines.
- :show_all
Show screen and print gridlines.
1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1073 enum :gridlines, [ :hide_all, 0, :show_screen, 1, :show_print, 2, :show_all, 3 ] |
._enum_image_types_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:image_types).
- :unknown
- :png
- :jpeg
- :bmp
- :png
804 805 806 807 808 809 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 804 enum :image_types, [ :unknown, 0, :png, 1, :jpeg, 2, :bmp, 3 ] |
._enum_pane_types_ ⇒ Symbol
This entry is only for documentation and no real method. The FFI::Enum can be accessed via #enum_type(:pane_types).
- :no_panes
- :freeze_panes
- :split_panes
- :freeze_split_panes
- :freeze_panes
1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1096 enum :pane_types, [ :no_panes, 0, :freeze_panes, 1, :split_panes, 2, :freeze_split_panes, 3 ] |
.add_document_relationship(self_, type, target) ⇒ nil
2557 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2557 attach_function :add_document_relationship, :lxw_add_document_relationship, [Relationships, :string, :string], :void |
.add_drawing_object(drawing, drawing_object) ⇒ nil
932 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 932 attach_function :add_drawing_object, :lxw_add_drawing_object, [Drawing, DrawingObject], :void |
.add_ms_package_relationship(self_, type, target) ⇒ nil
2573 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2573 attach_function :add_ms_package_relationship, :lxw_add_ms_package_relationship, [Relationships, :string, :string], :void |
.add_package_relationship(self_, type, target) ⇒ nil
2565 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2565 attach_function :add_package_relationship, :lxw_add_package_relationship, [Relationships, :string, :string], :void |
.add_worksheet_relationship(self_, type, target, target_mode) ⇒ nil
2582 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2582 attach_function :add_worksheet_relationship, :lxw_add_worksheet_relationship, [Relationships, :string, :string, :string], :void |
.app_add_heading_pair(self_, key, value) ⇒ nil
1695 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1695 attach_function :app_add_heading_pair, :lxw_app_add_heading_pair, [App, :string, :string], :void |
.app_add_part_name(self_, name) ⇒ nil
1687 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1687 attach_function :app_add_part_name, :lxw_app_add_part_name, [App, :string], :void |
.app_assemble_xml_file(self_) ⇒ nil
1680 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1680 attach_function :app_assemble_xml_file, :lxw_app_assemble_xml_file, [App], :void |
.app_free(app) ⇒ nil
1674 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1674 attach_function :app_free, :lxw_app_free, [App], :void |
.app_new ⇒ App
1668 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1668 attach_function :app_new, :lxw_app_new, [], App |
.attach_function(name, *_) ⇒ Object
15 16 17 18 19 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 15 def self.attach_function(name, *_) begin; super; rescue FFI::NotFoundError => e (class << self; self; end).class_eval { define_method(name) { |*_| raise e } } end end |
.call_zopen64(pfilefunc, filename, mode) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(Voidpf)
2073 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2073 attach_function :call_zopen64, :call_zopen64, [ZlibFilefunc6432DefS, :pointer, :int], :pointer |
.call_zseek64(pfilefunc, filestream, offset, origin) ⇒ Integer
2082 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2082 attach_function :call_zseek64, :call_zseek64, [ZlibFilefunc6432DefS, :pointer, :ulong_long, :int], :long |
.call_ztell64(pfilefunc, filestream) ⇒ Integer
2089 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2089 attach_function :call_ztell64, :call_ztell64, [ZlibFilefunc6432DefS, :pointer], :ulong_long |
.chart_add_data_cache(range, data, rows, cols, col) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
2684 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2684 attach_function :chart_add_data_cache, :lxw_chart_add_data_cache, [SeriesRange, :pointer, :ushort, :uchar, :uchar], :error |
.chart_add_series(chart, categories, values) ⇒ ChartSeries
2026 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2026 attach_function :chart_add_series, :chart_add_series, [Chart, :string, :string], ChartSeries |
.chart_assemble_xml_file(chart) ⇒ nil
2018 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2018 attach_function :chart_assemble_xml_file, :lxw_chart_assemble_xml_file, [Chart], :void |
.chart_axis_major_gridlines_set_line(axis, line) ⇒ nil
2474 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2474 attach_function :chart_axis_major_gridlines_set_line, :chart_axis_major_gridlines_set_line, [ChartAxis, ChartLine], :void |
.chart_axis_major_gridlines_set_visible(axis, visible) ⇒ nil
2460 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2460 attach_function :chart_axis_major_gridlines_set_visible, :chart_axis_major_gridlines_set_visible, [ChartAxis, :uchar], :void |
.chart_axis_minor_gridlines_set_line(axis, line) ⇒ nil
2481 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2481 attach_function :chart_axis_minor_gridlines_set_line, :chart_axis_minor_gridlines_set_line, [ChartAxis, ChartLine], :void |
.chart_axis_minor_gridlines_set_visible(axis, visible) ⇒ nil
2467 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2467 attach_function :chart_axis_minor_gridlines_set_visible, :chart_axis_minor_gridlines_set_visible, [ChartAxis, :uchar], :void |
.chart_axis_off(axis) ⇒ nil
2362 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2362 attach_function :chart_axis_off, :chart_axis_off, [ChartAxis], :void |
.chart_axis_set_crossing(axis, value) ⇒ nil
2350 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2350 attach_function :chart_axis_set_crossing, :chart_axis_set_crossing, [ChartAxis, :double], :void |
.chart_axis_set_crossing_max(axis) ⇒ nil
2356 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2356 attach_function :chart_axis_set_crossing_max, :chart_axis_set_crossing_max, [ChartAxis], :void |
.chart_axis_set_display_units(axis, units) ⇒ nil
2446 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2446 attach_function :chart_axis_set_display_units, :chart_axis_set_display_units, [ChartAxis, :uchar], :void |
.chart_axis_set_display_units_visible(axis, visible) ⇒ nil
2453 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2453 attach_function :chart_axis_set_display_units_visible, :chart_axis_set_display_units_visible, [ChartAxis, :uchar], :void |
.chart_axis_set_fill(axis, fill) ⇒ nil
2330 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2330 attach_function :chart_axis_set_fill, :chart_axis_set_fill, [ChartAxis, ChartFill], :void |
.chart_axis_set_interval_tick(axis, unit) ⇒ nil
2425 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2425 attach_function :chart_axis_set_interval_tick, :chart_axis_set_interval_tick, [ChartAxis, :ushort], :void |
.chart_axis_set_interval_unit(axis, unit) ⇒ nil
2418 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2418 attach_function :chart_axis_set_interval_unit, :chart_axis_set_interval_unit, [ChartAxis, :ushort], :void |
.chart_axis_set_label_position(axis, position) ⇒ nil
2376 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2376 attach_function :chart_axis_set_label_position, :chart_axis_set_label_position, [ChartAxis, :uchar], :void |
.chart_axis_set_line(axis, line) ⇒ nil
2323 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2323 attach_function :chart_axis_set_line, :chart_axis_set_line, [ChartAxis, ChartLine], :void |
.chart_axis_set_log_base(axis, log_base) ⇒ nil
2397 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2397 attach_function :chart_axis_set_log_base, :chart_axis_set_log_base, [ChartAxis, :ushort], :void |
.chart_axis_set_major_tick_mark(axis, type) ⇒ nil
2404 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2404 attach_function :chart_axis_set_major_tick_mark, :chart_axis_set_major_tick_mark, [ChartAxis, :uchar], :void |
.chart_axis_set_major_unit(axis, unit) ⇒ nil
2432 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2432 attach_function :chart_axis_set_major_unit, :chart_axis_set_major_unit, [ChartAxis, :double], :void |
.chart_axis_set_max(axis, max) ⇒ nil
2390 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2390 attach_function :chart_axis_set_max, :chart_axis_set_max, [ChartAxis, :double], :void |
.chart_axis_set_min(axis, min) ⇒ nil
2383 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2383 attach_function :chart_axis_set_min, :chart_axis_set_min, [ChartAxis, :double], :void |
.chart_axis_set_minor_tick_mark(axis, type) ⇒ nil
2411 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2411 attach_function :chart_axis_set_minor_tick_mark, :chart_axis_set_minor_tick_mark, [ChartAxis, :uchar], :void |
.chart_axis_set_minor_unit(axis, unit) ⇒ nil
2439 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2439 attach_function :chart_axis_set_minor_unit, :chart_axis_set_minor_unit, [ChartAxis, :double], :void |
.chart_axis_set_name(axis, name) ⇒ nil
2286 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2286 attach_function :chart_axis_set_name, :chart_axis_set_name, [ChartAxis, :string], :void |
.chart_axis_set_name_font(axis, font) ⇒ nil
2302 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2302 attach_function :chart_axis_set_name_font, :chart_axis_set_name_font, [ChartAxis, ChartFont], :void |
.chart_axis_set_name_range(axis, sheetname, row, col) ⇒ nil
2295 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2295 attach_function :chart_axis_set_name_range, :chart_axis_set_name_range, [ChartAxis, :string, :uint, :ushort], :void |
.chart_axis_set_num_font(axis, font) ⇒ nil
2309 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2309 attach_function :chart_axis_set_num_font, :chart_axis_set_num_font, [ChartAxis, ChartFont], :void |
.chart_axis_set_num_format(axis, num_format) ⇒ nil
2316 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2316 attach_function :chart_axis_set_num_format, :chart_axis_set_num_format, [ChartAxis, :string], :void |
.chart_axis_set_pattern(axis, pattern) ⇒ nil
2337 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2337 attach_function :chart_axis_set_pattern, :chart_axis_set_pattern, [ChartAxis, ChartPattern], :void |
.chart_axis_set_position(axis, position) ⇒ nil
2369 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2369 attach_function :chart_axis_set_position, :chart_axis_set_position, [ChartAxis, :uchar], :void |
.chart_axis_set_reverse(axis) ⇒ nil
2343 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2343 attach_function :chart_axis_set_reverse, :chart_axis_set_reverse, [ChartAxis], :void |
.chart_chartarea_set_fill(chart, fill) ⇒ nil
2545 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2545 attach_function :chart_chartarea_set_fill, :chart_chartarea_set_fill, [Chart, ChartFill], :void |
.chart_chartarea_set_line(chart, line) ⇒ nil
2538 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2538 attach_function :chart_chartarea_set_line, :chart_chartarea_set_line, [Chart, ChartLine], :void |
.chart_chartarea_set_pattern(chart, pattern) ⇒ nil
2552 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2552 attach_function :chart_chartarea_set_pattern, :chart_chartarea_set_pattern, [Chart, ChartPattern], :void |
.chart_free(chart) ⇒ nil
2012 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2012 attach_function :chart_free, :lxw_chart_free, [Chart], :void |
.chart_legend_delete_series(chart, delete_series) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
2531 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2531 attach_function :chart_legend_delete_series, :chart_legend_delete_series, [Chart, :pointer], :error |
.chart_legend_set_font(chart, font) ⇒ nil
2524 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2524 attach_function :chart_legend_set_font, :chart_legend_set_font, [Chart, ChartFont], :void |
.chart_legend_set_position(chart, position) ⇒ nil
2517 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2517 attach_function :chart_legend_set_position, :chart_legend_set_position, [Chart, :uchar], :void |
.chart_new(type) ⇒ Chart
2006 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2006 attach_function :chart_new, :lxw_chart_new, [:uchar], Chart |
.chart_plotarea_set_fill(chart, fill) ⇒ nil
2566 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2566 attach_function :chart_plotarea_set_fill, :chart_plotarea_set_fill, [Chart, ChartFill], :void |
.chart_plotarea_set_line(chart, line) ⇒ nil
2559 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2559 attach_function :chart_plotarea_set_line, :chart_plotarea_set_line, [Chart, ChartLine], :void |
.chart_plotarea_set_pattern(chart, pattern) ⇒ nil
2573 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2573 attach_function :chart_plotarea_set_pattern, :chart_plotarea_set_pattern, [Chart, ChartPattern], :void |
.chart_series_set_categories(series, sheetname, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col) ⇒ nil
2037 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2037 attach_function :chart_series_set_categories, :chart_series_set_categories, [ChartSeries, :string, :uint, :ushort, :uint, :ushort], :void |
.chart_series_set_error_bars(error_bars, type, value) ⇒ nil
2258 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2258 attach_function :chart_series_set_error_bars, :chart_series_set_error_bars, [SeriesErrorBars, :uchar, :double], :void |
.chart_series_set_error_bars_direction(error_bars, direction) ⇒ nil
2265 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2265 attach_function :chart_series_set_error_bars_direction, :chart_series_set_error_bars_direction, [SeriesErrorBars, :uchar], :void |
.chart_series_set_error_bars_endcap(error_bars, endcap) ⇒ nil
2272 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2272 attach_function :chart_series_set_error_bars_endcap, :chart_series_set_error_bars_endcap, [SeriesErrorBars, :uchar], :void |
.chart_series_set_error_bars_line(error_bars, line) ⇒ nil
2279 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2279 attach_function :chart_series_set_error_bars_line, :chart_series_set_error_bars_line, [SeriesErrorBars, ChartLine], :void |
.chart_series_set_fill(series, fill) ⇒ nil
2078 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2078 attach_function :chart_series_set_fill, :chart_series_set_fill, [ChartSeries, ChartFill], :void |
.chart_series_set_invert_if_negative(series) ⇒ nil
2084 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2084 attach_function :chart_series_set_invert_if_negative, :chart_series_set_invert_if_negative, [ChartSeries], :void |
.chart_series_set_labels(series) ⇒ nil
2146 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2146 attach_function :chart_series_set_labels, :chart_series_set_labels, [ChartSeries], :void |
.chart_series_set_labels_font(series, font) ⇒ nil
2201 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2201 attach_function :chart_series_set_labels_font, :chart_series_set_labels_font, [ChartSeries, ChartFont], :void |
.chart_series_set_labels_leader_line(series) ⇒ nil
2175 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2175 attach_function :chart_series_set_labels_leader_line, :chart_series_set_labels_leader_line, [ChartSeries], :void |
.chart_series_set_labels_legend(series) ⇒ nil
2181 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2181 attach_function :chart_series_set_labels_legend, :chart_series_set_labels_legend, [ChartSeries], :void |
.chart_series_set_labels_num_format(series, num_format) ⇒ nil
2194 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2194 attach_function :chart_series_set_labels_num_format, :chart_series_set_labels_num_format, [ChartSeries, :string], :void |
.chart_series_set_labels_options(series, show_name, show_category, show_value) ⇒ nil
2155 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2155 attach_function :chart_series_set_labels_options, :chart_series_set_labels_options, [ChartSeries, :uchar, :uchar, :uchar], :void |
.chart_series_set_labels_percentage(series) ⇒ nil
2187 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2187 attach_function :chart_series_set_labels_percentage, :chart_series_set_labels_percentage, [ChartSeries], :void |
.chart_series_set_labels_position(series, position) ⇒ nil
2169 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2169 attach_function :chart_series_set_labels_position, :chart_series_set_labels_position, [ChartSeries, :uchar], :void |
.chart_series_set_labels_separator(series, separator) ⇒ nil
2162 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2162 attach_function :chart_series_set_labels_separator, :chart_series_set_labels_separator, [ChartSeries, :uchar], :void |
.chart_series_set_line(series, line) ⇒ nil
2071 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2071 attach_function :chart_series_set_line, :chart_series_set_line, [ChartSeries, ChartLine], :void |
.chart_series_set_marker_fill(series, fill) ⇒ nil
2119 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2119 attach_function :chart_series_set_marker_fill, :chart_series_set_marker_fill, [ChartSeries, ChartFill], :void |
.chart_series_set_marker_line(series, line) ⇒ nil
2112 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2112 attach_function :chart_series_set_marker_line, :chart_series_set_marker_line, [ChartSeries, ChartLine], :void |
.chart_series_set_marker_pattern(series, pattern) ⇒ nil
2126 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2126 attach_function :chart_series_set_marker_pattern, :chart_series_set_marker_pattern, [ChartSeries, ChartPattern], :void |
.chart_series_set_marker_size(series, size) ⇒ nil
2105 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2105 attach_function :chart_series_set_marker_size, :chart_series_set_marker_size, [ChartSeries, :uchar], :void |
.chart_series_set_marker_type(series, type) ⇒ nil
2098 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2098 attach_function :chart_series_set_marker_type, :chart_series_set_marker_type, [ChartSeries, :uchar], :void |
.chart_series_set_name(series, name) ⇒ nil
2055 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2055 attach_function :chart_series_set_name, :chart_series_set_name, [ChartSeries, :string], :void |
.chart_series_set_name_range(series, sheetname, row, col) ⇒ nil
2064 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2064 attach_function :chart_series_set_name_range, :chart_series_set_name_range, [ChartSeries, :string, :uint, :ushort], :void |
.chart_series_set_pattern(series, pattern) ⇒ nil
2091 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2091 attach_function :chart_series_set_pattern, :chart_series_set_pattern, [ChartSeries, ChartPattern], :void |
.chart_series_set_points(series, points) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
2133 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2133 attach_function :chart_series_set_points, :chart_series_set_points, [ChartSeries, :pointer], :error |
.chart_series_set_smooth(series, smooth) ⇒ nil
2140 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2140 attach_function :chart_series_set_smooth, :chart_series_set_smooth, [ChartSeries, :uchar], :void |
.chart_series_set_trendline(series, type, value) ⇒ nil
2209 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2209 attach_function :chart_series_set_trendline, :chart_series_set_trendline, [ChartSeries, :uchar, :uchar], :void |
.chart_series_set_trendline_equation(series) ⇒ nil
2223 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2223 attach_function :chart_series_set_trendline_equation, :chart_series_set_trendline_equation, [ChartSeries], :void |
.chart_series_set_trendline_forecast(series, forward, backward) ⇒ nil
2217 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2217 attach_function :chart_series_set_trendline_forecast, :chart_series_set_trendline_forecast, [ChartSeries, :double, :double], :void |
.chart_series_set_trendline_intercept(series, intercept) ⇒ nil
2236 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2236 attach_function :chart_series_set_trendline_intercept, :chart_series_set_trendline_intercept, [ChartSeries, :double], :void |
.chart_series_set_trendline_line(series, line) ⇒ nil
2250 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2250 attach_function :chart_series_set_trendline_line, :chart_series_set_trendline_line, [ChartSeries, ChartLine], :void |
.chart_series_set_trendline_name(series, name) ⇒ nil
2243 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2243 attach_function :chart_series_set_trendline_name, :chart_series_set_trendline_name, [ChartSeries, :string], :void |
.chart_series_set_trendline_r_squared(series) ⇒ nil
2229 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2229 attach_function :chart_series_set_trendline_r_squared, :chart_series_set_trendline_r_squared, [ChartSeries], :void |
.chart_series_set_values(series, sheetname, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col) ⇒ nil
2048 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2048 attach_function :chart_series_set_values, :chart_series_set_values, [ChartSeries, :string, :uint, :ushort, :uint, :ushort], :void |
.chart_set_drop_lines(chart, line) ⇒ nil
2626 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2626 attach_function :chart_set_drop_lines, :chart_set_drop_lines, [Chart, ChartLine], :void |
.chart_set_high_low_lines(chart, line) ⇒ nil
2633 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2633 attach_function :chart_set_high_low_lines, :chart_set_high_low_lines, [Chart, ChartLine], :void |
.chart_set_hole_size(chart, size) ⇒ nil
2674 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2674 attach_function :chart_set_hole_size, :chart_set_hole_size, [Chart, :uchar], :void |
.chart_set_rotation(chart, rotation) ⇒ nil
2667 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2667 attach_function :chart_set_rotation, :chart_set_rotation, [Chart, :ushort], :void |
.chart_set_series_gap(chart, gap) ⇒ nil
2647 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2647 attach_function :chart_set_series_gap, :chart_set_series_gap, [Chart, :ushort], :void |
.chart_set_series_overlap(chart, overlap) ⇒ nil
2640 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2640 attach_function :chart_set_series_overlap, :chart_set_series_overlap, [Chart, :char], :void |
.chart_set_style(chart, style_id) ⇒ nil
2580 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2580 attach_function :chart_set_style, :chart_set_style, [Chart, :uchar], :void |
.chart_set_table(chart) ⇒ nil
2586 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2586 attach_function :chart_set_table, :chart_set_table, [Chart], :void |
.chart_set_table_font(chart, font) ⇒ nil
2603 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2603 attach_function :chart_set_table_font, :chart_set_table_font, [Chart, ChartFont], :void |
.chart_set_table_grid(chart, horizontal, vertical, outline, legend_keys) ⇒ nil
2596 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2596 attach_function :chart_set_table_grid, :chart_set_table_grid, [Chart, :uchar, :uchar, :uchar, :uchar], :void |
.chart_set_up_down_bars(chart) ⇒ nil
2609 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2609 attach_function :chart_set_up_down_bars, :chart_set_up_down_bars, [Chart], :void |
.chart_set_up_down_bars_format(chart, up_bar_line, up_bar_fill, down_bar_line, down_bar_fill) ⇒ nil
2619 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2619 attach_function :chart_set_up_down_bars_format, :chart_set_up_down_bars_format, [Chart, ChartLine, ChartFill, ChartLine, ChartFill], :void |
.chart_show_blanks_as(chart, option) ⇒ nil
2654 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2654 attach_function :chart_show_blanks_as, :chart_show_blanks_as, [Chart, :uchar], :void |
.chart_show_hidden_data(chart) ⇒ nil
2660 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2660 attach_function :chart_show_hidden_data, :chart_show_hidden_data, [Chart], :void |
.chart_title_off(chart) ⇒ nil
2510 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2510 attach_function :chart_title_off, :chart_title_off, [Chart], :void |
.chart_title_set_name(chart, name) ⇒ nil
2488 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2488 attach_function :chart_title_set_name, :chart_title_set_name, [Chart, :string], :void |
.chart_title_set_name_font(chart, font) ⇒ nil
2504 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2504 attach_function :chart_title_set_name_font, :chart_title_set_name_font, [Chart, ChartFont], :void |
.chart_title_set_name_range(chart, sheetname, row, col) ⇒ nil
2497 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/chart.rb', line 2497 attach_function :chart_title_set_name_range, :chart_title_set_name_range, [Chart, :string, :uint, :ushort], :void |
.col_to_name(col_name, col_num, absolute) ⇒ nil
952 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 952 attach_function :col_to_name, :lxw_col_to_name, [:string, :ushort, :uchar], :void |
.content_types_assemble_xml_file(content_types) ⇒ nil
1738 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1738 attach_function :content_types_assemble_xml_file, :lxw_content_types_assemble_xml_file, [ContentTypes], :void |
.content_types_free(content_types) ⇒ nil
1732 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1732 attach_function :content_types_free, :lxw_content_types_free, [ContentTypes], :void |
.content_types_new ⇒ ContentTypes
1726 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1726 attach_function :content_types_new, :lxw_content_types_new, [], ContentTypes |
.core_assemble_xml_file(self_) ⇒ nil
1833 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1833 attach_function :core_assemble_xml_file, :lxw_core_assemble_xml_file, [Core], :void |
.core_free(core) ⇒ nil
1827 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1827 attach_function :core_free, :lxw_core_free, [Core], :void |
.core_new ⇒ Core
1821 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1821 attach_function :core_new, :lxw_core_new, [], Core |
.create_package(self_) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
2644 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2644 attach_function :create_package, :lxw_create_package, [Packager], :error |
.ct_add_calc_chain(content_types) ⇒ nil
1787 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1787 attach_function :ct_add_calc_chain, :lxw_ct_add_calc_chain, [ContentTypes], :void |
.ct_add_chart_name(content_types, name) ⇒ nil
1768 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1768 attach_function :ct_add_chart_name, :lxw_ct_add_chart_name, [ContentTypes, :string], :void |
.ct_add_custom_properties(content_types) ⇒ nil
1793 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1793 attach_function :ct_add_custom_properties, :lxw_ct_add_custom_properties, [ContentTypes], :void |
.ct_add_default(content_types, key, value) ⇒ nil
1746 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1746 attach_function :ct_add_default, :lxw_ct_add_default, [ContentTypes, :string, :string], :void |
.ct_add_drawing_name(content_types, name) ⇒ nil
1775 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1775 attach_function :ct_add_drawing_name, :lxw_ct_add_drawing_name, [ContentTypes, :string], :void |
.ct_add_override(content_types, key, value) ⇒ nil
1754 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1754 attach_function :ct_add_override, :lxw_ct_add_override, [ContentTypes, :string, :string], :void |
.ct_add_shared_strings(content_types) ⇒ nil
1781 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1781 attach_function :ct_add_shared_strings, :lxw_ct_add_shared_strings, [ContentTypes], :void |
.ct_add_worksheet_name(content_types, name) ⇒ nil
1761 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1761 attach_function :ct_add_worksheet_name, :lxw_ct_add_worksheet_name, [ContentTypes, :string], :void |
.custom_assemble_xml_file(self_) ⇒ nil
1876 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1876 attach_function :custom_assemble_xml_file, :lxw_custom_assemble_xml_file, [Custom], :void |
.custom_free(custom) ⇒ nil
1870 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1870 attach_function :custom_free, :lxw_custom_free, [Custom], :void |
.custom_new ⇒ Custom
1864 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1864 attach_function :custom_new, :lxw_custom_new, [], Custom |
.datetime_to_excel_date(datetime, date_1904) ⇒ Float
1032 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1032 attach_function :datetime_to_excel_date, :lxw_datetime_to_excel_date, [Datetime, :uchar], :double |
.drawing_assemble_xml_file(self_) ⇒ nil
919 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 919 attach_function :drawing_assemble_xml_file, :lxw_drawing_assemble_xml_file, [Drawing], :void |
.drawing_free(drawing) ⇒ nil
913 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 913 attach_function :drawing_free, :lxw_drawing_free, [Drawing], :void |
.drawing_new ⇒ Drawing
907 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 907 attach_function :drawing_new, :lxw_drawing_new, [], Drawing |
.escape_control_characters(string) ⇒ String
2820 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2820 attach_function :escape_control_characters, :lxw_escape_control_characters, [:string], :string |
.escape_data(data) ⇒ String
2826 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2826 attach_function :escape_data, :lxw_escape_data, [:string], :string |
.fill_fopen64_filefunc(pzlib_filefunc_def) ⇒ nil
2043 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2043 attach_function :fill_fopen64_filefunc, :fill_fopen64_filefunc, [ZlibFilefunc64DefS], :void |
.fill_fopen_filefunc(pzlib_filefunc_def) ⇒ nil
2049 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2049 attach_function :fill_fopen_filefunc, :fill_fopen_filefunc, [ZlibFilefuncDefS], :void |
.fill_zlib_filefunc64_32_def_from_filefunc32(p_filefunc64_32, p_filefunc32) ⇒ nil
2096 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2096 attach_function :fill_zlib_filefunc64_32_def_from_filefunc32, :fill_zlib_filefunc64_32_def_from_filefunc32, [ZlibFilefunc6432DefS, ZlibFilefuncDefS], :void |
.format_check_color(color) ⇒ Integer
900 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 900 attach_function :format_check_color, :lxw_format_check_color, [:int], :int |
.format_free(format) ⇒ nil
870 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 870 attach_function :format_free, :lxw_format_free, [Format], :void |
.format_get_border_key(format) ⇒ Border
888 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 888 attach_function :format_get_border_key, :lxw_format_get_border_key, [Format], Border |
.format_get_fill_key(format) ⇒ Fill
894 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 894 attach_function :format_get_fill_key, :lxw_format_get_fill_key, [Format], Fill |
.format_get_font_key(format) ⇒ Font
882 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 882 attach_function :format_get_font_key, :lxw_format_get_font_key, [Format], Font |
.format_get_xf_index(format) ⇒ Integer
876 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 876 attach_function :format_get_xf_index, :lxw_format_get_xf_index, [Format], :int |
.format_new ⇒ Format
864 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 864 attach_function :format_new, :lxw_format_new, [], Format |
.format_set_align(format, alignment) ⇒ nil
986 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 986 attach_function :format_set_align, :format_set_align, [Format, :uchar], :void |
.format_set_bg_color(format, color) ⇒ nil
1026 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1026 attach_function :format_set_bg_color, :format_set_bg_color, [Format, :int], :void |
.format_set_bold(format) ⇒ nil
927 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 927 attach_function :format_set_bold, :format_set_bold, [Format], :void |
.format_set_border(format, style) ⇒ nil
1040 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1040 attach_function :format_set_border, :format_set_border, [Format, :uchar], :void |
.format_set_border_color(format, color) ⇒ nil
1075 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1075 attach_function :format_set_border_color, :format_set_border_color, [Format, :int], :void |
.format_set_bottom(format, style) ⇒ nil
1047 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1047 attach_function :format_set_bottom, :format_set_bottom, [Format, :uchar], :void |
.format_set_bottom_color(format, color) ⇒ nil
1082 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1082 attach_function :format_set_bottom_color, :format_set_bottom_color, [Format, :int], :void |
.format_set_diag_border(format, value) ⇒ nil
1124 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1124 attach_function :format_set_diag_border, :format_set_diag_border, [Format, :uchar], :void |
.format_set_diag_color(format, color) ⇒ nil
1117 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1117 attach_function :format_set_diag_color, :format_set_diag_color, [Format, :int], :void |
.format_set_diag_type(format, value) ⇒ nil
1110 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1110 attach_function :format_set_diag_type, :format_set_diag_type, [Format, :uchar], :void |
.format_set_fg_color(format, color) ⇒ nil
1033 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1033 attach_function :format_set_fg_color, :format_set_fg_color, [Format, :int], :void |
.format_set_font_charset(format, value) ⇒ nil
1150 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1150 attach_function :format_set_font_charset, :format_set_font_charset, [Format, :uchar], :void |
.format_set_font_color(format, color) ⇒ nil
921 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 921 attach_function :format_set_font_color, :format_set_font_color, [Format, :int], :void |
.format_set_font_condense(format) ⇒ nil
1163 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1163 attach_function :format_set_font_condense, :format_set_font_condense, [Format], :void |
.format_set_font_extend(format) ⇒ nil
1169 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1169 attach_function :format_set_font_extend, :format_set_font_extend, [Format], :void |
.format_set_font_family(format, value) ⇒ nil
1143 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1143 attach_function :format_set_font_family, :format_set_font_family, [Format, :uchar], :void |
.format_set_font_name(format, font_name) ⇒ nil
907 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 907 attach_function :format_set_font_name, :format_set_font_name, [Format, :string], :void |
.format_set_font_outline(format) ⇒ nil
1130 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1130 attach_function :format_set_font_outline, :format_set_font_outline, [Format], :void |
.format_set_font_scheme(format, font_scheme) ⇒ nil
1157 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1157 attach_function :format_set_font_scheme, :format_set_font_scheme, [Format, :string], :void |
.format_set_font_script(format, style) ⇒ nil
953 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 953 attach_function :format_set_font_script, :format_set_font_script, [Format, :uchar], :void |
.format_set_font_shadow(format) ⇒ nil
1136 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1136 attach_function :format_set_font_shadow, :format_set_font_shadow, [Format], :void |
.format_set_font_size(format, size) ⇒ nil
914 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 914 attach_function :format_set_font_size, :format_set_font_size, [Format, :double], :void |
.format_set_font_strikeout(format) ⇒ nil
946 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 946 attach_function :format_set_font_strikeout, :format_set_font_strikeout, [Format], :void |
.format_set_hidden(format) ⇒ nil
979 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 979 attach_function :format_set_hidden, :format_set_hidden, [Format], :void |
.format_set_indent(format, level) ⇒ nil
1006 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1006 attach_function :format_set_indent, :format_set_indent, [Format, :uchar], :void |
.format_set_italic(format) ⇒ nil
933 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 933 attach_function :format_set_italic, :format_set_italic, [Format], :void |
.format_set_left(format, style) ⇒ nil
1061 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1061 attach_function :format_set_left, :format_set_left, [Format, :uchar], :void |
.format_set_left_color(format, color) ⇒ nil
1096 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1096 attach_function :format_set_left_color, :format_set_left_color, [Format, :int], :void |
.format_set_num_format(format, num_format) ⇒ nil
960 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 960 attach_function :format_set_num_format, :format_set_num_format, [Format, :string], :void |
.format_set_num_format_index(format, index) ⇒ nil
967 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 967 attach_function :format_set_num_format_index, :format_set_num_format_index, [Format, :uchar], :void |
.format_set_pattern(format, index) ⇒ nil
1019 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1019 attach_function :format_set_pattern, :format_set_pattern, [Format, :uchar], :void |
.format_set_reading_order(format, value) ⇒ nil
1176 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1176 attach_function :format_set_reading_order, :format_set_reading_order, [Format, :uchar], :void |
.format_set_right(format, style) ⇒ nil
1068 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1068 attach_function :format_set_right, :format_set_right, [Format, :uchar], :void |
.format_set_right_color(format, color) ⇒ nil
1103 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1103 attach_function :format_set_right_color, :format_set_right_color, [Format, :int], :void |
.format_set_rotation(format, angle) ⇒ nil
999 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 999 attach_function :format_set_rotation, :format_set_rotation, [Format, :short], :void |
.format_set_shrink(format) ⇒ nil
1012 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1012 attach_function :format_set_shrink, :format_set_shrink, [Format], :void |
.format_set_text_wrap(format) ⇒ nil
992 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 992 attach_function :format_set_text_wrap, :format_set_text_wrap, [Format], :void |
.format_set_theme(format, value) ⇒ nil
1183 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1183 attach_function :format_set_theme, :format_set_theme, [Format, :uchar], :void |
.format_set_top(format, style) ⇒ nil
1054 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1054 attach_function :format_set_top, :format_set_top, [Format, :uchar], :void |
.format_set_top_color(format, color) ⇒ nil
1089 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 1089 attach_function :format_set_top_color, :format_set_top_color, [Format, :int], :void |
.format_set_underline(format, style) ⇒ nil
940 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 940 attach_function :format_set_underline, :format_set_underline, [Format, :uchar], :void |
.format_set_unlocked(format) ⇒ nil
973 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/format.rb', line 973 attach_function :format_set_unlocked, :format_set_unlocked, [Format], :void |
.free_drawing_object(drawing_object) ⇒ nil
925 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 925 attach_function :free_drawing_object, :lxw_free_drawing_object, [DrawingObject], :void |
.free_relationships(relationships) ⇒ nil
2543 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2543 attach_function :free_relationships, :lxw_free_relationships, [Relationships], :void |
.get_sst_index(sst, string) ⇒ SstElement
603 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 603 attach_function :get_sst_index, :lxw_get_sst_index, [Sst, :string], SstElement |
.hash_free(hash) ⇒ nil
712 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 712 attach_function :hash_free, :lxw_hash_free, [HashTable], :void |
.hash_key_exists(hash, key, key_len) ⇒ HashElement
689 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 689 attach_function :hash_key_exists, :lxw_hash_key_exists, [HashTable, :pointer, :ulong], HashElement |
.hash_new(num_buckets, free_key, free_value) ⇒ HashTable
706 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 706 attach_function :hash_new, :lxw_hash_new, [:uint, :uchar, :uchar], HashTable |
.insert_hash_element(hash, key, value, key_len) ⇒ HashElement
698 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 698 attach_function :insert_hash_element, :lxw_insert_hash_element, [HashTable, :pointer, :pointer, :ulong], HashElement |
.name_to_col(col_str) ⇒ Integer
1013 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1013 attach_function :name_to_col, :lxw_name_to_col, [:string], :ushort |
.name_to_col_2(col_str) ⇒ Integer
1025 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1025 attach_function :name_to_col_2, :lxw_name_to_col_2, [:string], :ushort |
.name_to_row(row_str) ⇒ Integer
1007 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1007 attach_function :name_to_row, :lxw_name_to_row, [:string], :uint |
.name_to_row_2(row_str) ⇒ Integer
1019 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1019 attach_function :name_to_row_2, :lxw_name_to_row_2, [:string], :uint |
.new_attribute_dbl(key, value) ⇒ XmlAttribute
2718 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2718 attach_function :new_attribute_dbl, :lxw_new_attribute_dbl, [:string, :double], XmlAttribute |
.new_attribute_int(key, value) ⇒ XmlAttribute
2711 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2711 attach_function :new_attribute_int, :lxw_new_attribute_int, [:string, :uint], XmlAttribute |
.new_attribute_str(key, value) ⇒ XmlAttribute
Create a new attribute struct to add to a xml_attribute_list.
2704 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2704 attach_function :new_attribute_str, :lxw_new_attribute_str, [:string, :string], XmlAttribute |
.new_workbook(filename) ⇒ Workbook
225 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/workbook.rb', line 225 attach_function :new_workbook, :new_workbook, [:string], Workbook |
.new_workbook_opt(filename, options) ⇒ Workbook
232 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/workbook.rb', line 232 attach_function :new_workbook_opt, :new_workbook_opt, [:string, WorkbookOptions], Workbook |
.packager_free(packager) ⇒ nil
2638 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2638 attach_function :packager_free, :lxw_packager_free, [Packager], :void |
.packager_new(filename, tmpdir) ⇒ Packager
2632 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2632 attach_function :packager_new, :lxw_packager_new, [:string, :string, :uchar], Packager |
.quote_sheetname(str) ⇒ String
944 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 944 attach_function :quote_sheetname, :lxw_quote_sheetname, [:string], :string |
.relationships_assemble_xml_file(self_) ⇒ nil
2549 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2549 attach_function :relationships_assemble_xml_file, :lxw_relationships_assemble_xml_file, [Relationships], :void |
.relationships_new ⇒ Relationships
2537 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2537 attach_function :relationships_new, :lxw_relationships_new, [], Relationships |
.rowcol_to_cell(cell_name, row, col) ⇒ nil
960 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 960 attach_function :rowcol_to_cell, :lxw_rowcol_to_cell, [:string, :uint, :ushort], :void |
.rowcol_to_cell_abs(cell_name, row, col, abs_row, abs_col) ⇒ nil
970 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 970 attach_function :rowcol_to_cell_abs, :lxw_rowcol_to_cell_abs, [:string, :uint, :ushort, :uchar, :uchar], :void |
.rowcol_to_formula_abs(formula, sheetname, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col) ⇒ nil
1001 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1001 attach_function :rowcol_to_formula_abs, :lxw_rowcol_to_formula_abs, [:string, :string, :uint, :ushort, :uint, :ushort], :void |
.rowcol_to_range(range, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col) ⇒ nil
980 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 980 attach_function :rowcol_to_range, :lxw_rowcol_to_range, [:string, :uint, :ushort, :uint, :ushort], :void |
.rowcol_to_range_abs(range, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col) ⇒ nil
990 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 990 attach_function :rowcol_to_range_abs, :lxw_rowcol_to_range_abs, [:string, :uint, :ushort, :uint, :ushort], :void |
.sst_assemble_xml_file(self_) ⇒ nil
609 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 609 attach_function :sst_assemble_xml_file, :lxw_sst_assemble_xml_file, [Sst], :void |
.sst_free(sst) ⇒ nil
596 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 596 attach_function :sst_free, :lxw_sst_free, [Sst], :void |
.sst_new ⇒ Sst
590 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 590 attach_function :sst_new, :lxw_sst_new, [], Sst |
.str_tolower(str) ⇒ nil
1050 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1050 attach_function :str_tolower, :lxw_str_tolower, [:string], :void |
.strdup(str) ⇒ String
1038 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1038 attach_function :strdup, :lxw_strdup, [:string], :string |
.strerror(error_num) ⇒ String
938 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 938 attach_function :strerror, :lxw_strerror, [:error], :string |
.styles_assemble_xml_file(self_) ⇒ nil
2474 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2474 attach_function :styles_assemble_xml_file, :lxw_styles_assemble_xml_file, [Styles], :void |
.styles_free(styles) ⇒ nil
2468 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2468 attach_function :styles_free, :lxw_styles_free, [Styles], :void |
.styles_new ⇒ Styles
2462 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2462 attach_function :styles_new, :lxw_styles_new, [], Styles |
.theme_assemble_xml_file(self_) ⇒ nil
2413 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2413 attach_function :theme_assemble_xml_file, :lxw_theme_assemble_xml_file, [Theme], :void |
.theme_free(theme) ⇒ nil
2401 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2401 attach_function :theme_free, :lxw_theme_free, [Theme], :void |
.theme_new ⇒ Theme
2395 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2395 attach_function :theme_new, :lxw_theme_new, [], Theme |
.theme_xml_declaration(self_) ⇒ nil
2407 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2407 attach_function :theme_xml_declaration, :lxw_theme_xml_declaration, [Theme], :void |
.tmpfile(tmpdir) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(*FILE)
1056 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1056 attach_function :tmpfile, :lxw_tmpfile, [:string], :pointer |
.tmpfileplus(dir, prefix, pathname, keep) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(*FILE)
2653 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2653 attach_function :tmpfileplus, :tmpfileplus, [:string, :string, :pointer, :int], :pointer |
.tmpfileplus_f(dir, prefix, pathnamebuf, pathsize, keep) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(*FILE)
2663 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2663 attach_function :tmpfileplus_f, :tmpfileplus_f, [:string, :string, :string, :ulong, :int], :pointer |
.utf8_strlen(str) ⇒ Integer
1044 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 1044 attach_function :utf8_strlen, :lxw_utf8_strlen, [:string], :ulong |
.workbook_add_chart(workbook, chart_type) ⇒ Chart
252 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/workbook.rb', line 252 attach_function :workbook_add_chart, :workbook_add_chart, [Workbook, :uchar], Chart |
.workbook_add_format(workbook) ⇒ Format
245 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/workbook.rb', line 245 attach_function :workbook_add_format, :workbook_add_format, [Workbook], Format |
.workbook_add_worksheet(workbook, sheetname) ⇒ Worksheet
239 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/workbook.rb', line 239 attach_function :workbook_add_worksheet, :workbook_add_worksheet, [Workbook, :string], Worksheet |
.workbook_assemble_xml_file(workbook) ⇒ nil
339 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/workbook.rb', line 339 attach_function :workbook_assemble_xml_file, :lxw_workbook_assemble_xml_file, [Workbook], :void |
.workbook_close(workbook) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
258 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/workbook.rb', line 258 attach_function :workbook_close, :workbook_close, [Workbook], :error |
.workbook_define_name(workbook, name, formula) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
313 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/workbook.rb', line 313 attach_function :workbook_define_name, :workbook_define_name, [Workbook, :string, :string], :error |
.workbook_free(workbook) ⇒ nil
333 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/workbook.rb', line 333 attach_function :workbook_free, :lxw_workbook_free, [Workbook], :void |
.workbook_get_worksheet_by_name(workbook, name) ⇒ Worksheet
320 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/workbook.rb', line 320 attach_function :workbook_get_worksheet_by_name, :workbook_get_worksheet_by_name, [Workbook, :string], Worksheet |
.workbook_new(filename) ⇒ Workbook
212 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/workbook.rb', line 212 attach_function :workbook_new, :workbook_new, [:string], Workbook |
.workbook_new_opt(filename, options) ⇒ Workbook
219 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/workbook.rb', line 219 attach_function :workbook_new_opt, :workbook_new_opt, [:string, WorkbookOptions], Workbook |
.workbook_set_custom_property_boolean(workbook, name, value) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
297 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/workbook.rb', line 297 attach_function :workbook_set_custom_property_boolean, :workbook_set_custom_property_boolean, [Workbook, :string, :uchar], :error |
.workbook_set_custom_property_datetime(workbook, name, datetime) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
305 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/workbook.rb', line 305 attach_function :workbook_set_custom_property_datetime, :workbook_set_custom_property_datetime, [Workbook, :string, Datetime], :error |
.workbook_set_custom_property_integer(workbook, name, value) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
289 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/workbook.rb', line 289 attach_function :workbook_set_custom_property_integer, :workbook_set_custom_property_integer, [Workbook, :string, :int], :error |
.workbook_set_custom_property_number(workbook, name, value) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
281 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/workbook.rb', line 281 attach_function :workbook_set_custom_property_number, :workbook_set_custom_property_number, [Workbook, :string, :double], :error |
.workbook_set_custom_property_string(workbook, name, value) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
273 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/workbook.rb', line 273 attach_function :workbook_set_custom_property_string, :workbook_set_custom_property_string, [Workbook, :string, :string], :error |
.workbook_set_default_xf_indices(workbook) ⇒ nil
345 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/workbook.rb', line 345 attach_function :workbook_set_default_xf_indices, :lxw_workbook_set_default_xf_indices, [Workbook], :void |
.workbook_set_properties(workbook, properties) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
265 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/workbook.rb', line 265 attach_function :workbook_set_properties, :workbook_set_properties, [Workbook, DocProperties], :error |
.workbook_validate_sheet_name(workbook, sheetname) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
327 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/workbook.rb', line 327 attach_function :workbook_validate_sheet_name, :workbook_validate_sheet_name, [Workbook, :string], :error |
.worksheet_activate(worksheet) ⇒ nil
1194 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1194 attach_function :worksheet_activate, :worksheet_activate, [Worksheet], :void |
.worksheet_assemble_xml_file(worksheet) ⇒ nil
1477 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1477 attach_function :worksheet_assemble_xml_file, :lxw_worksheet_assemble_xml_file, [Worksheet], :void |
.worksheet_autofilter(worksheet, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1188 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1188 attach_function :worksheet_autofilter, :worksheet_autofilter, [Worksheet, :uint, :ushort, :uint, :ushort], :error |
.worksheet_center_horizontally(worksheet) ⇒ nil
1364 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1364 attach_function :worksheet_center_horizontally, :worksheet_center_horizontally, [Worksheet], :void |
.worksheet_center_vertically(worksheet) ⇒ nil
1370 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1370 attach_function :worksheet_center_vertically, :worksheet_center_vertically, [Worksheet], :void |
.worksheet_find_cell(row, col_num) ⇒ Cell
1515 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1515 attach_function :worksheet_find_cell, :lxw_worksheet_find_cell, [Row, :ushort], Cell |
.worksheet_find_row(worksheet, row_num) ⇒ Row
1508 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1508 attach_function :worksheet_find_row, :lxw_worksheet_find_row, [Worksheet, :uint32], Row |
.worksheet_fit_to_pages(worksheet, width, height) ⇒ nil
1410 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1410 attach_function :worksheet_fit_to_pages, :worksheet_fit_to_pages, [Worksheet, :ushort, :ushort], :void |
.worksheet_free(worksheet) ⇒ nil
1471 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1471 attach_function :worksheet_free, :lxw_worksheet_free, [Worksheet], :void |
.worksheet_freeze_panes(worksheet, row, col) ⇒ nil
1220 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1220 attach_function :worksheet_freeze_panes, :worksheet_freeze_panes, [Worksheet, :uint, :ushort], :void |
.worksheet_freeze_panes_opt(worksheet, first_row, first_col, top_row, left_col, type) ⇒ nil
1239 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1239 attach_function :worksheet_freeze_panes_opt, :worksheet_freeze_panes_opt, [Worksheet, :uint, :ushort, :uint, :ushort, :uchar], :void |
.worksheet_gridlines(worksheet, option) ⇒ nil
1358 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1358 attach_function :worksheet_gridlines, :worksheet_gridlines, [Worksheet, :uchar], :void |
.worksheet_hide(worksheet) ⇒ nil
1206 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1206 attach_function :worksheet_hide, :worksheet_hide, [Worksheet], :void |
.worksheet_hide_zero(worksheet) ⇒ nil
1436 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1436 attach_function :worksheet_hide_zero, :worksheet_hide_zero, [Worksheet], :void |
.worksheet_insert_chart(worksheet, row, col, chart) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1156 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1156 attach_function :worksheet_insert_chart, :worksheet_insert_chart, [Worksheet, :uint32, :ushort, Chart], :error |
.worksheet_insert_chart_opt(worksheet, row, col, chart, user_options) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1166 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1166 attach_function :worksheet_insert_chart_opt, :worksheet_insert_chart_opt, [Worksheet, :uint32, :ushort, Chart, ImageOptions], :error |
.worksheet_insert_image(worksheet, row, col, filename) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1137 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1137 attach_function :worksheet_insert_image, :worksheet_insert_image, [Worksheet, :uint32, :ushort, :string], :error |
.worksheet_insert_image_opt(worksheet, row, col, filename, options) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1147 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1147 attach_function :worksheet_insert_image_opt, :worksheet_insert_image_opt, [Worksheet, :uint32, :ushort, :string, ImageOptions], :error |
.worksheet_merge_range(worksheet, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col, string, format) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1178 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1178 attach_function :worksheet_merge_range, :worksheet_merge_range, [Worksheet, :uint32, :ushort, :uint32, :ushort, :string, Format], :error |
.worksheet_new(init_data) ⇒ Worksheet
1465 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1465 attach_function :worksheet_new, :lxw_worksheet_new, [WorksheetInitData], Worksheet |
.worksheet_prepare_chart(worksheet, chart_ref_id, drawing_id, image_data) ⇒ nil
1501 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1501 attach_function :worksheet_prepare_chart, :lxw_worksheet_prepare_chart, [Worksheet, :ushort, :ushort, ImageOptions], :void |
.worksheet_prepare_image(worksheet, image_ref_id, drawing_id, image_data) ⇒ nil
1492 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1492 attach_function :worksheet_prepare_image, :lxw_worksheet_prepare_image, [Worksheet, :ushort, :ushort, ImageOptions], :void |
.worksheet_print_across(worksheet) ⇒ nil
1344 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1344 attach_function :worksheet_print_across, :worksheet_print_across, [Worksheet], :void |
.worksheet_print_area(worksheet, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1402 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1402 attach_function :worksheet_print_area, :worksheet_print_area, [Worksheet, :uint, :ushort, :uint, :ushort], :error |
.worksheet_print_row_col_headers(worksheet) ⇒ nil
1376 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1376 attach_function :worksheet_print_row_col_headers, :worksheet_print_row_col_headers, [Worksheet], :void |
.worksheet_protect(worksheet, password, options) ⇒ nil
1451 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1451 attach_function :worksheet_protect, :worksheet_protect, [Worksheet, :string, Protection], :void |
.worksheet_repeat_columns(worksheet, first_col, last_col) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1392 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1392 attach_function :worksheet_repeat_columns, :worksheet_repeat_columns, [Worksheet, :ushort, :ushort], :error |
.worksheet_repeat_rows(worksheet, first_row, last_row) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1384 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1384 attach_function :worksheet_repeat_rows, :worksheet_repeat_rows, [Worksheet, :uint, :uint], :error |
.worksheet_right_to_left(worksheet) ⇒ nil
1430 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1430 attach_function :worksheet_right_to_left, :worksheet_right_to_left, [Worksheet], :void |
.worksheet_select(worksheet) ⇒ nil
1200 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1200 attach_function :worksheet_select, :worksheet_select, [Worksheet], :void |
.worksheet_set_column(worksheet, first_col, last_col, width, format) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1117 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1117 attach_function :worksheet_set_column, :worksheet_set_column, [Worksheet, :ushort, :ushort, :double, Format], :error |
.worksheet_set_column_opt(worksheet, first_col, last_col, width, format, options) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1128 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1128 attach_function :worksheet_set_column_opt, :worksheet_set_column_opt, [Worksheet, :ushort, :ushort, :double, Format, RowColOptions], :error |
.worksheet_set_default_row(worksheet, height, hide_unused_rows) ⇒ nil
1459 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1459 attach_function :worksheet_set_default_row, :worksheet_set_default_row, [Worksheet, :double, :uchar], :void |
.worksheet_set_first_sheet(worksheet) ⇒ nil
1212 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1212 attach_function :worksheet_set_first_sheet, :worksheet_set_first_sheet, [Worksheet], :void |
.worksheet_set_footer(worksheet, string) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1308 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1308 attach_function :worksheet_set_footer, :worksheet_set_footer, [Worksheet, :string], :error |
.worksheet_set_footer_opt(worksheet, string, options) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1324 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1324 attach_function :worksheet_set_footer_opt, :worksheet_set_footer_opt, [Worksheet, :string, HeaderFooterOptions], :error |
.worksheet_set_h_pagebreaks(worksheet, breaks) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1331 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1331 attach_function :worksheet_set_h_pagebreaks, :worksheet_set_h_pagebreaks, [Worksheet, :pointer], :error |
.worksheet_set_header(worksheet, string) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1301 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1301 attach_function :worksheet_set_header, :worksheet_set_header, [Worksheet, :string], :error |
.worksheet_set_header_opt(worksheet, string, options) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1316 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1316 attach_function :worksheet_set_header_opt, :worksheet_set_header_opt, [Worksheet, :string, HeaderFooterOptions], :error |
.worksheet_set_landscape(worksheet) ⇒ nil
1265 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1265 attach_function :worksheet_set_landscape, :worksheet_set_landscape, [Worksheet], :void |
.worksheet_set_margins(worksheet, left, right, top, bottom) ⇒ nil
1294 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1294 attach_function :worksheet_set_margins, :worksheet_set_margins, [Worksheet, :double, :double, :double, :double], :void |
.worksheet_set_page_view(worksheet) ⇒ nil
1277 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1277 attach_function :worksheet_set_page_view, :worksheet_set_page_view, [Worksheet], :void |
.worksheet_set_paper(worksheet, paper_type) ⇒ nil
1284 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1284 attach_function :worksheet_set_paper, :worksheet_set_paper, [Worksheet, :uchar], :void |
.worksheet_set_portrait(worksheet) ⇒ nil
1271 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1271 attach_function :worksheet_set_portrait, :worksheet_set_portrait, [Worksheet], :void |
.worksheet_set_print_scale(worksheet, scale) ⇒ nil
1424 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1424 attach_function :worksheet_set_print_scale, :worksheet_set_print_scale, [Worksheet, :ushort], :void |
.worksheet_set_row(worksheet, row, height, format) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1097 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1097 attach_function :worksheet_set_row, :worksheet_set_row, [Worksheet, :uint32, :double, Format], :error |
.worksheet_set_row_opt(worksheet, row, height, format, options) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1107 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1107 attach_function :worksheet_set_row_opt, :worksheet_set_row_opt, [Worksheet, :uint32, :double, Format, RowColOptions], :error |
.worksheet_set_selection(worksheet, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col) ⇒ nil
1259 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1259 attach_function :worksheet_set_selection, :worksheet_set_selection, [Worksheet, :uint, :ushort, :uint, :ushort], :void |
.worksheet_set_start_page(worksheet, start_page) ⇒ nil
1417 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1417 attach_function :worksheet_set_start_page, :worksheet_set_start_page, [Worksheet, :ushort], :void |
.worksheet_set_tab_color(worksheet, color) ⇒ nil
1443 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1443 attach_function :worksheet_set_tab_color, :worksheet_set_tab_color, [Worksheet, :int], :void |
.worksheet_set_v_pagebreaks(worksheet, breaks) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1338 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1338 attach_function :worksheet_set_v_pagebreaks, :worksheet_set_v_pagebreaks, [Worksheet, :pointer], :error |
.worksheet_set_zoom(worksheet, scale) ⇒ nil
1351 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1351 attach_function :worksheet_set_zoom, :worksheet_set_zoom, [Worksheet, :ushort], :void |
.worksheet_split_panes(worksheet, vertical, horizontal) ⇒ nil
1228 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1228 attach_function :worksheet_split_panes, :worksheet_split_panes, [Worksheet, :double, :double], :void |
.worksheet_split_panes_opt(worksheet, vertical, horizontal, top_row, left_col) ⇒ nil
1249 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1249 attach_function :worksheet_split_panes_opt, :worksheet_split_panes_opt, [Worksheet, :double, :double, :uint, :ushort], :void |
.worksheet_write_array_formula(worksheet, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col, formula, format) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1013 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1013 attach_function :worksheet_write_array_formula, :worksheet_write_array_formula, [Worksheet, :uint32, :ushort, :uint, :ushort, :string, Format], :error |
.worksheet_write_array_formula_num(worksheet, first_row, first_col, last_row, last_col, formula, format, result) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1026 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1026 attach_function :worksheet_write_array_formula_num, :worksheet_write_array_formula_num, [Worksheet, :uint32, :ushort, :uint, :ushort, :string, Format, :double], :error |
.worksheet_write_blank(worksheet, row, col, format) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1077 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1077 attach_function :worksheet_write_blank, :worksheet_write_blank, [Worksheet, :uint32, :ushort, Format], :error |
.worksheet_write_boolean(worksheet, row, col, value, format) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1068 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1068 attach_function :worksheet_write_boolean, :worksheet_write_boolean, [Worksheet, :uint32, :ushort, :int, Format], :error |
.worksheet_write_datetime(worksheet, row, col, datetime, format) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1036 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1036 attach_function :worksheet_write_datetime, :worksheet_write_datetime, [Worksheet, :uint32, :ushort, Datetime, Format], :error |
.worksheet_write_formula(worksheet, row, col, formula, format) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1001 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1001 attach_function :worksheet_write_formula, :worksheet_write_formula, [Worksheet, :uint32, :ushort, :string, Format], :error |
.worksheet_write_formula_num(worksheet, row, col, formula, format, result) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1088 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1088 attach_function :worksheet_write_formula_num, :worksheet_write_formula_num, [Worksheet, :uint32, :ushort, :string, Format, :double], :error |
.worksheet_write_number(worksheet, row, col, number, format) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
981 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 981 attach_function :worksheet_write_number, :worksheet_write_number, [Worksheet, :uint32, :ushort, :double, Format], :error |
.worksheet_write_single_row(worksheet) ⇒ nil
1483 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1483 attach_function :worksheet_write_single_row, :lxw_worksheet_write_single_row, [Worksheet], :void |
.worksheet_write_string(worksheet, row, col, string, format) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
991 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 991 attach_function :worksheet_write_string, :worksheet_write_string, [Worksheet, :uint32, :ushort, :string, Format], :error |
.worksheet_write_url(worksheet, row, col, url, format) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1058 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1058 attach_function :worksheet_write_url, :worksheet_write_url, [Worksheet, :uint32, :ushort, :string, Format], :error |
.worksheet_write_url_opt(worksheet, row_num, col_num, url, format, string, tooltip) ⇒ Symbol from _enum_error_
1048 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding/worksheet.rb', line 1048 attach_function :worksheet_write_url_opt, :worksheet_write_url_opt, [Worksheet, :uint32, :ushort, :string, Format, :string, :string], :error |
.xml_data_element(xmlfile, tag, data, attributes) ⇒ nil
Write an XML element containing data and optional attributes.
2814 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2814 attach_function :xml_data_element, :lxw_xml_data_element, [:pointer, :string, :string, XmlAttributeList], :void |
.xml_declaration(xmlfile) ⇒ nil
Create the XML declaration in an XML file.
2728 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2728 attach_function :xml_declaration, :lxw_xml_declaration, [:pointer], :void |
.xml_empty_tag(xmlfile, tag, attributes) ⇒ nil
Write an XML empty tag with optional attributes.
2783 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2783 attach_function :xml_empty_tag, :lxw_xml_empty_tag, [:pointer, :string, XmlAttributeList], :void |
.xml_empty_tag_unencoded(xmlfile, tag, attributes) ⇒ nil
Write an XML empty tag with optional un-encoded attributes. This is a minor optimization for attributes that don’t need encoding.
2798 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2798 attach_function :xml_empty_tag_unencoded, :lxw_xml_empty_tag_unencoded, [:pointer, :string, XmlAttributeList], :void |
.xml_end_tag(xmlfile, tag) ⇒ nil
Write an XML end tag.
2769 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2769 attach_function :xml_end_tag, :lxw_xml_end_tag, [:pointer, :string], :void |
.xml_start_tag(xmlfile, tag, attributes) ⇒ nil
Write an XML start tag with optional attributes.
2742 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2742 attach_function :xml_start_tag, :lxw_xml_start_tag, [:pointer, :string, XmlAttributeList], :void |
.xml_start_tag_unencoded(xmlfile, tag, attributes) ⇒ nil
Write an XML start tag with optional un-encoded attributes. This is a minor optimization for attributes that don’t need encoding.
2757 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2757 attach_function :xml_start_tag_unencoded, :lxw_xml_start_tag_unencoded, [:pointer, :string, XmlAttributeList], :void |
.zip_close(file, global_comment) ⇒ Integer
2357 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2357 attach_function :zip_close, :zipClose, [:pointer, :string], :int |
.zip_close_file_in_zip(file) ⇒ Integer
2334 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2334 attach_function :zip_close_file_in_zip, :zipCloseFileInZip, [:pointer], :int |
.zip_close_file_in_zip_raw(file, uncompressed_size, crc32) ⇒ Integer
2342 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2342 attach_function :zip_close_file_in_zip_raw, :zipCloseFileInZipRaw, [:pointer, :ulong, :ulong], :int |
.zip_close_file_in_zip_raw64(file, uncompressed_size, crc32) ⇒ Integer
2350 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2350 attach_function :zip_close_file_in_zip_raw64, :zipCloseFileInZipRaw64, [:pointer, :ulong_long, :ulong], :int |
.zip_open(pathname, append) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(ZipFile)
2141 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2141 attach_function :zip_open, :zipOpen, [:string, :int], :pointer |
.zip_open2(pathname, append, globalcomment, pzlib_filefunc_def) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(ZipFile)
2157 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2157 attach_function :zip_open2, :zipOpen2, [:string, :int, :pointer, ZlibFilefuncDefS], :pointer |
.zip_open2_64(pathname, append, globalcomment, pzlib_filefunc_def) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(ZipFile)
2166 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2166 attach_function :zip_open2_64, :zipOpen2_64, [:pointer, :int, :pointer, ZlibFilefunc64DefS], :pointer |
.zip_open64(pathname, append) ⇒ FFI::Pointer(ZipFile)
2148 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2148 attach_function :zip_open64, :zipOpen64, [:pointer, :int], :pointer |
.zip_open_new_file_in_zip(file, filename, zipfi, extrafield_local, size_extrafield_local, extrafield_global, size_extrafield_global, comment, method, level) ⇒ Integer
2181 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2181 attach_function :zip_open_new_file_in_zip, :zipOpenNewFileInZip, [:pointer, :string, ZipFileinfo, :pointer, :uint, :pointer, :uint, :string, :int, :int], :int |
.zip_open_new_file_in_zip2(file, filename, zipfi, extrafield_local, size_extrafield_local, extrafield_global, size_extrafield_global, comment, method, level, raw) ⇒ Integer
2213 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2213 attach_function :zip_open_new_file_in_zip2, :zipOpenNewFileInZip2, [:pointer, :string, ZipFileinfo, :pointer, :uint, :pointer, :uint, :string, :int, :int, :int], :int |
.zip_open_new_file_in_zip2_64(file, filename, zipfi, extrafield_local, size_extrafield_local, extrafield_global, size_extrafield_global, comment, method, level, raw, zip64) ⇒ Integer
2230 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2230 attach_function :zip_open_new_file_in_zip2_64, :zipOpenNewFileInZip2_64, [:pointer, :string, ZipFileinfo, :pointer, :uint, :pointer, :uint, :string, :int, :int, :int, :int], :int |
.zip_open_new_file_in_zip3(file, filename, zipfi, extrafield_local, size_extrafield_local, extrafield_global, size_extrafield_global, comment, method, level, raw, window_bits, mem_level, strategy, password, crc_for_crypting) ⇒ Integer
2251 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2251 attach_function :zip_open_new_file_in_zip3, :zipOpenNewFileInZip3, [:pointer, :string, ZipFileinfo, :pointer, :uint, :pointer, :uint, :string, :int, :int, :int, :int, :int, :int, :string, :ulong], :int |
.zip_open_new_file_in_zip3_64(file, filename, zipfi, extrafield_local, size_extrafield_local, extrafield_global, size_extrafield_global, comment, method, level, raw, window_bits, mem_level, strategy, password, crc_for_crypting, zip64) ⇒ Integer
2273 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2273 attach_function :zip_open_new_file_in_zip3_64, :zipOpenNewFileInZip3_64, [:pointer, :string, ZipFileinfo, :pointer, :uint, :pointer, :uint, :string, :int, :int, :int, :int, :int, :int, :string, :ulong, :int], :int |
.zip_open_new_file_in_zip4(file, filename, zipfi, extrafield_local, size_extrafield_local, extrafield_global, size_extrafield_global, comment, method, level, raw, window_bits, mem_level, strategy, password, crc_for_crypting, version_made_by, flag_base) ⇒ Integer
2296 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2296 attach_function :zip_open_new_file_in_zip4, :zipOpenNewFileInZip4, [:pointer, :string, ZipFileinfo, :pointer, :uint, :pointer, :uint, :string, :int, :int, :int, :int, :int, :int, :string, :ulong, :ulong, :ulong], :int |
.zip_open_new_file_in_zip4_64(file, filename, zipfi, extrafield_local, size_extrafield_local, extrafield_global, size_extrafield_global, comment, method, level, raw, window_bits, mem_level, strategy, password, crc_for_crypting, version_made_by, flag_base, zip64) ⇒ Integer
2320 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2320 attach_function :zip_open_new_file_in_zip4_64, :zipOpenNewFileInZip4_64, [:pointer, :string, ZipFileinfo, :pointer, :uint, :pointer, :uint, :string, :int, :int, :int, :int, :int, :int, :string, :ulong, :ulong, :ulong, :int], :int |
.zip_open_new_file_in_zip64(file, filename, zipfi, extrafield_local, size_extrafield_local, extrafield_global, size_extrafield_global, comment, method, level, zip64) ⇒ Integer
2197 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2197 attach_function :zip_open_new_file_in_zip64, :zipOpenNewFileInZip64, [:pointer, :string, ZipFileinfo, :pointer, :uint, :pointer, :uint, :string, :int, :int, :int], :int |
.zip_remove_extra_info_block(p_data, data_len, s_header) ⇒ Integer
2365 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2365 attach_function :zip_remove_extra_info_block, :zipRemoveExtraInfoBlock, [:string, :pointer, :short], :int |
.zip_write_in_file_in_zip(file, buf, len) ⇒ Integer
2328 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 2328 attach_function :zip_write_in_file_in_zip, :zipWriteInFileInZip, [:pointer, :pointer, :uint], :int |
Instance Method Details
#cell(cell) ⇒ Object
171 172 173 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 171 def cell(cell) return name_to_row(cell), name_to_col(cell) end |
#cols(cols) ⇒ Object
175 176 177 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 175 def cols(cols) return name_to_col(cols), name_to_col_2(cols) end |
#error(message) ⇒ Object
125 126 127 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 125 def error() fprintf(STDERR, "[ERROR][%s:%d]: \"message\"\n", FILE, LINE) end |
#mem_error ⇒ Object
129 130 131 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 129 def mem_error() error("Memory allocation failed.") end |
#qmd_list_check_head(head, field) ⇒ Object
37 38 39 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 37 def qmd_list_check_head(head, field) end |
#qmd_list_check_next(elm, field) ⇒ Object
41 42 43 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 41 def qmd_list_check_next(elm, field) end |
#qmd_list_check_prev(elm, field) ⇒ Object
45 46 47 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 45 def qmd_list_check_prev(elm, field) end |
#qmd_savelink(name, link) ⇒ Object
29 30 31 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 29 def qmd_savelink(name, link) end |
#qmd_tailq_check_head(head, field) ⇒ Object
49 50 51 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 49 def qmd_tailq_check_head(head, field) end |
#qmd_tailq_check_next(elm, field) ⇒ Object
57 58 59 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 57 def qmd_tailq_check_next(elm, field) end |
#qmd_tailq_check_prev(elm, field) ⇒ Object
61 62 63 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 61 def qmd_tailq_check_prev(elm, field) end |
#qmd_tailq_check_tail(head, headname) ⇒ Object
53 54 55 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 53 def qmd_tailq_check_tail(head, headname) end |
#qmd_trace_elem(elem) ⇒ Object
21 22 23 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 21 def qmd_trace_elem(elem) end |
#qmd_trace_head(head) ⇒ Object
25 26 27 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 25 def qmd_trace_head(head) end |
#range(range) ⇒ Object
179 180 181 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 179 def range(range) return name_to_row(range), name_to_col(range), name_to_row_2(range), name_to_col_2(range) end |
#rb_generate(name, type, field, cmp) ⇒ Object
77 78 79 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 77 def rb_generate(name, type, field, cmp) rb_generate_internal(name, type, field, cmp, ) end |
#rb_generate_internal(name, type, field, cmp, attr) ⇒ Object
81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 81 def rb_generate_internal(name, type, field, cmp, attr) rb_generate_insert_color(name, type, field, attr) rb_generate_remove_color(name, type, field, attr) rb_generate_insert(name, type, field, cmp, attr) rb_generate_remove(name, type, field, attr) rb_generate_find(name, type, field, cmp, attr) rb_generate_nfind(name, type, field, cmp, attr) rb_generate_next(name, type, field, attr) rb_generate_prev(name, type, field, attr) rb_generate_minmax(name, type, field, attr) end |
#rb_prototype(name, type, field, cmp) ⇒ Object
73 74 75 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 73 def rb_prototype(name, type, field, cmp) rb_prototype_internal(name, type, field, cmp, ) end |
#trashit(x) ⇒ Object
33 34 35 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 33 def trashit(x) end |
#warn(message) ⇒ Object
133 134 135 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 133 def warn() fprintf(STDERR, "[WARNING]: \"message\"\n") end |
#warn_format(message) ⇒ Object
137 138 139 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 137 def warn_format() fprintf(STDERR, "[WARNING]: \"message\"\n") end |
#warn_format1(message, var) ⇒ Object
141 142 143 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 141 def warn_format1(, var) fprintf(STDERR, "[WARNING]: \"message\"\n", var) end |
#warn_format2(message, var1, var2) ⇒ Object
145 146 147 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 145 def warn_format2(, var1, var2) fprintf(STDERR, "[WARNING]: \"message\"\n", var1, var2) end |
#zip_errno(_Z_ERRNO) ⇒ Object
227 228 229 |
# File 'lib/fast_excel/binding.rb', line 227 def zip_errno(_Z_ERRNO) end |