Class: ActiveMerchant::Billing::CyberSourceGateway
- Defined in:
- lib/active_merchant/billing/gateways/cyber_source.rb
Initial setup instructions can be found in
Important Notes
For checks you can purchase and store.
AVS and CVV only work against the production server. You will always get back X for AVS and no response for CVV against the test server.
Nexus is the list of states or provinces where you have a physical presence. Nexus is used to calculate tax. Leave blank to tax everyone.
If you want to calculate VAT for overseas customers you must supply a registration number in the options hash as vat_reg_number.
productCode is a value in the line_items hash that is used to tell CyberSource what kind of item you are selling. It is used when calculating tax/VAT.
All transactions use dollar values.
The order of the XML elements does matter, make sure to follow the order in the documentation exactly.
Constant Summary collapse
Schema files can be found here:
{ visa: 'vbv', master: 'spa', maestro: 'spa', american_express: 'aesk', jcb: 'js', discover: 'pb', diners_club: 'pb' }.freeze
{ authentication_outage: 'authenticationOutageExemptionIndicator', corporate_card: 'secureCorporatePaymentIndicator', delegated_authentication: 'delegatedAuthenticationExemptionIndicator', low_risk: 'riskAnalysisExemptionIndicator', low_value: 'lowValueExemptionIndicator', stored_credential: 'stored_credential', trusted_merchant: 'trustedMerchantExemptionIndicator' }
{ 'master' => '014', 'visa' => '015' }
- @@credit_card_codes =
{ visa: '001', master: '002', american_express: '003', discover: '004', diners_club: '005', jcb: '007', dankort: '034', maestro: '042', elo: '054', carnet: '058' }
- @@decision_codes =
{ accept: 'ACCEPT', review: 'REVIEW' }
- @@response_codes =
{ r100: 'Successful transaction', r101: 'Request is missing one or more required fields', r102: 'One or more fields contains invalid data', r104: 'The merchantReferenceCode sent with this authorization request matches the merchantReferenceCode of another authorization request that you sent in the last 15 minutes.', r110: 'Partial amount was approved', r150: 'General failure', r151: 'The request was received but a server time-out occurred', r152: 'The request was received, but a service timed out', r200: 'The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but declined by CyberSource because it did not pass the AVS check', r201: 'The issuing bank has questions about the request', r202: 'Expired card', r203: 'General decline of the card', r204: 'Insufficient funds in the account', r205: 'Stolen or lost card', r207: 'Issuing bank unavailable', r208: 'Inactive card or card not authorized for card-not-present transactions', r209: 'American Express Card Identifiction Digits (CID) did not match', r210: 'The card has reached the credit limit', r211: 'Invalid card verification number', r220: 'Generic Decline.', r221: "The customer matched an entry on the processor's negative file", r222: 'customer\'s account is frozen', r230: 'The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but declined by CyberSource because it did not pass the card verification check', r231: 'Invalid account number', r232: 'The card type is not accepted by the payment processor', r233: 'General decline by the processor', r234: 'A problem exists with your CyberSource merchant configuration', r235: 'The requested amount exceeds the originally authorized amount', r236: 'Processor failure', r237: 'The authorization has already been reversed', r238: 'The authorization has already been captured', r239: 'The requested transaction amount must match the previous transaction amount', r240: 'The card type sent is invalid or does not correlate with the credit card number', r241: 'The request ID is invalid', r242: 'You requested a capture, but there is no corresponding, unused authorization record.', r243: 'The transaction has already been settled or reversed', r244: 'The bank account number failed the validation check', r246: 'The capture or credit is not voidable because the capture or credit information has already been submitted to your processor', r247: 'You requested a credit for a capture that was previously voided', r248: 'The boleto request was declined by your processor.', r250: 'The request was received, but a time-out occurred with the payment processor', r251: 'The Pinless Debit card\'s use frequency or maximum amount per use has been exceeded.', r254: 'Your CyberSource account is prohibited from processing stand-alone refunds', r255: 'Your CyberSource account is not configured to process the service in the country you specified', r400: 'Soft Decline - Fraud score exceeds threshold.', r450: 'Apartment number missing or not found.', r451: 'Insufficient address information.', r452: 'House/Box number not found on street.', r453: 'Multiple address matches were found.', r454: 'P.O. Box identifier not found or out of range.', r455: 'Route service identifier not found or out of range.', r456: 'Street name not found in Postal code.', r457: 'Postal code not found in database.', r458: 'Unable to verify or correct address.', r459: 'Multiple addres matches were found (international)', r460: 'Address match not found (no reason given)', r461: 'Unsupported character set', r475: 'The cardholder is enrolled in Payer Authentication. Please authenticate the cardholder before continuing with the transaction.', r476: 'Encountered a Payer Authentication problem. Payer could not be authenticated.', r478: 'Strong customer authentication (SCA) is required for this transaction.', r480: 'The order is marked for review by Decision Manager', r481: 'The order has been rejected by Decision Manager', r490: 'Your aggregator or acquirer is not accepting transactions from you at this time.', r491: 'Your aggregator or acquirer is not accepting this transaction.', r520: 'Soft Decline - The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but declined by CyberSource based on your Smart Authorization settings.', r700: 'The customer matched the Denied Parties List', r701: 'Export bill_country/ship_country match', r702: 'Export email_country match', r703: 'Export hostname_country/ip_country match' }
- @@wallet_payment_solution =
{ apple_pay: '001', google_pay: '012' }
Constants inherited from Gateway
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from Gateway
Instance Method Summary collapse
- #adjust(money, authorization, options = {}) ⇒ Object
- #authorize(money, payment_method, options = {}) ⇒ Object
#calculate_tax(creditcard, options) ⇒ Object
CyberSource requires that you provide line item information for tax calculations.
- #capture(money, authorization, options = {}) ⇒ Object
#credit(money, creditcard_or_reference, options = {}) ⇒ Object
Adds credit to a card or subscription (stand alone credit).
#initialize(options = {}) ⇒ CyberSourceGateway
These are the options that can be used when creating a new CyberSource Gateway object.
- #purchase(money, payment_method, options = {}) ⇒ Object
- #refund(money, identification, options = {}) ⇒ Object
#retrieve(reference, options = {}) ⇒ Object
Retrieves a customer subscription/profile.
- #scrub(transcript) ⇒ Object
#store(payment_method, options = {}) ⇒ Object
Stores a customer subscription/profile with type “on-demand”.
- #supports_network_tokenization? ⇒ Boolean
- #supports_scrubbing? ⇒ Boolean
#unstore(reference, options = {}) ⇒ Object
Removes a customer subscription/profile.
#update(reference, creditcard, options = {}) ⇒ Object
Updates a customer subscription/profile.
- #verify(payment, options = {}) ⇒ Object
- #verify_credentials ⇒ Object
- #void(identification, options = {}) ⇒ Object
Methods inherited from Gateway
#add_field_to_post_if_present, #add_fields_to_post_if_present, #card_brand, card_brand, #generate_unique_id, inherited, #supported_countries, supported_countries, supported_countries=, supports?, #test?
Methods included from CreditCardFormatting
#expdate, #format, #strftime_yyyymm
Methods included from PostsData
included, #raw_ssl_request, #ssl_get, #ssl_post, #ssl_request
Constructor Details
#initialize(options = {}) ⇒ CyberSourceGateway
These are the options that can be used when creating a new CyberSource Gateway object.
:login => your username
:password => the transaction key you generated in the Business Center
:test => true sets the gateway to test mode
:vat_reg_number => your VAT registration number
:nexus => “WI CA QC” sets the states/provinces where you have a physical
presence for tax purposes
:ignore_avs => true don’t want to use AVS so continue processing even
if AVS would have failed
:ignore_cvv => true don’t want to use CVV so continue processing even
if CVV would have failed
174 175 176 177 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateways/cyber_source.rb', line 174 def initialize( = {}) requires!(, :login, :password) super end |
Instance Method Details
#adjust(money, authorization, options = {}) ⇒ Object
214 215 216 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateways/cyber_source.rb', line 214 def adjust(money, , = {}) commit(build_adjust_request(money, , ), :adjust, money, ) end |
#authorize(money, payment_method, options = {}) ⇒ Object
179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateways/cyber_source.rb', line 179 def (money, payment_method, = {}) if valid_payment_method?(payment_method) setup_address_hash() commit(build_auth_request(money, payment_method, ), :authorize, money, ) else # this is for NetworkToken, ApplePay or GooglePay brands that aren't supported at CyberSource payment_type = payment_method.source.to_s.gsub('_', ' ').titleize.gsub(' ', ''), "#{card_brand(payment_method).capitalize} is not supported by #{payment_type} at CyberSource, check") end end |
#calculate_tax(creditcard, options) ⇒ Object
CyberSource requires that you provide line item information for tax calculations. If you do not have prices for each item or want to simplify the situation then pass in one fake line item that costs the subtotal of the order
The line_item hash goes in the options hash and should look like
:line_items => [
:declared_value => '1',
:quantity => '2',
:code => 'default',
:description => 'Giant Walrus',
:sku => 'WA323232323232323'
:declared_value => '6',
:quantity => '1',
:code => 'default',
:description => 'Marble Snowcone',
:sku => 'FAKE1232132113123'
This functionality is only supported by this particular gateway may be changed at any time
291 292 293 294 295 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateways/cyber_source.rb', line 291 def calculate_tax(creditcard, ) requires!(, :line_items) setup_address_hash() commit(build_tax_calculation_request(creditcard, ), :calculate_tax, nil, ) end |
#capture(money, authorization, options = {}) ⇒ Object
190 191 192 193 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateways/cyber_source.rb', line 190 def capture(money, , = {}) setup_address_hash() commit(build_capture_request(money, , ), :capture, money, ) end |
#credit(money, creditcard_or_reference, options = {}) ⇒ Object
Adds credit to a card or subscription (stand alone credit).
227 228 229 230 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateways/cyber_source.rb', line 227 def credit(money, creditcard_or_reference, = {}) setup_address_hash() commit(build_credit_request(money, creditcard_or_reference, ), :credit, money, ) end |
#purchase(money, payment_method, options = {}) ⇒ Object
195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateways/cyber_source.rb', line 195 def purchase(money, payment_method, = {}) if valid_payment_method?(payment_method) setup_address_hash() commit(build_purchase_request(money, payment_method, ), :purchase, money, ) else # this is for NetworkToken, ApplePay or GooglePay brands that aren't supported at CyberSource payment_type = payment_method.source.to_s.gsub('_', ' ').titleize.gsub(' ', ''), "#{card_brand(payment_method).capitalize} is not supported by #{payment_type} at CyberSource, check") end end |
#refund(money, identification, options = {}) ⇒ Object
210 211 212 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateways/cyber_source.rb', line 210 def refund(money, identification, = {}) commit(build_refund_request(money, identification, ), :refund, money, ) end |
#retrieve(reference, options = {}) ⇒ Object
Retrieves a customer subscription/profile
260 261 262 263 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateways/cyber_source.rb', line 260 def retrieve(reference, = {}) requires!(, :order_id) commit(build_retrieve_subscription_request(reference, ), :retrieve, nil, ) end |
#scrub(transcript) ⇒ Object
301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateways/cyber_source.rb', line 301 def scrub(transcript) transcript. gsub(%r((<wsse:Password [^>]*>)[^<]*(</wsse:Password>))i, '\1[FILTERED]\2'). gsub(%r((<accountNumber>)[^<]*(</accountNumber>))i, '\1[FILTERED]\2'). gsub(%r((<cvNumber>)[^<]*(</cvNumber>))i, '\1[FILTERED]\2'). gsub(%r((<cavv>)[^<]*(</cavv>))i, '\1[FILTERED]\2'). gsub(%r((<xid>)[^<]*(</xid>))i, '\1[FILTERED]\2'). gsub(%r((<networkTokenCryptogram>)[^<]*(</networkTokenCryptogram>))i, '\1[FILTERED]\2'). gsub(%r((<requestorID>)[^<]*(</requestorID>))i, '\1[FILTERED]\2'). gsub(%r((<authenticationData>)[^<]*(</authenticationData>))i, '\1[FILTERED]\2') end |
#store(payment_method, options = {}) ⇒ Object
Stores a customer subscription/profile with type “on-demand”. To charge the card while creating a profile, pass options => money
235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateways/cyber_source.rb', line 235 def store(payment_method, = {}) if valid_payment_method?(payment_method) setup_address_hash() commit(build_create_subscription_request(payment_method, ), :store, nil, ) else # this is for NetworkToken, ApplePay or GooglePay brands that aren't supported at CyberSource payment_type = payment_method.source.to_s.gsub('_', ' ').titleize.gsub(' ', ''), "#{card_brand(payment_method).capitalize} is not supported by #{payment_type} at CyberSource, check") end end |
#supports_network_tokenization? ⇒ Boolean
313 314 315 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateways/cyber_source.rb', line 313 def supports_network_tokenization? true end |
#supports_scrubbing? ⇒ Boolean
297 298 299 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateways/cyber_source.rb', line 297 def supports_scrubbing? true end |
#unstore(reference, options = {}) ⇒ Object
Removes a customer subscription/profile
254 255 256 257 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateways/cyber_source.rb', line 254 def unstore(reference, = {}) requires!(, :order_id) commit(build_delete_subscription_request(reference, ), :unstore, nil, ) end |
#update(reference, creditcard, options = {}) ⇒ Object
Updates a customer subscription/profile
247 248 249 250 251 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateways/cyber_source.rb', line 247 def update(reference, creditcard, = {}) requires!(, :order_id) setup_address_hash() commit(build_update_subscription_request(reference, creditcard, ), :update, nil, ) end |
#verify(payment, options = {}) ⇒ Object
218 219 220 221 222 223 224 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateways/cyber_source.rb', line 218 def verify(payment, = {}) amount = eligible_for_zero_auth?(payment, ) ? 0 : 100 do |r| r.process { (amount, payment, ) } r.process(:ignore_result) { void(r., ) } unless amount == 0 end end |
#verify_credentials ⇒ Object
317 318 319 320 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateways/cyber_source.rb', line 317 def verify_credentials response = void('0') response.params['reasonCode'] == '102' end |
#void(identification, options = {}) ⇒ Object
206 207 208 |
# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateways/cyber_source.rb', line 206 def void(identification, = {}) commit(build_void_request(identification, ), :void, nil, ) end |