Method: ActiveMerchant::Billing::PaypalCommonAPI#inquire

Defined in:

#inquire(authorization, options = {}) ⇒ Object

For full documentation see Paypal API Reference:


  • :money – (Required) The amount of this new transaction,

required fo the payment details portion of this request


  • :reference_id – (Required) A transaction ID from a previous purchase, such as a credit card charge using the DoDirectPayment API, or a billing agreement ID.

  • :payment_action – (Optional) How you want to obtain payment. It is one of the following values:

    Authorization – This payment is a basic authorization subject to settlement with PayPal Authorization and Capture.
    Sale – This is a final sale for which you are requesting payment.
  • :ip_address – (Optional) IP address of the buyer’s browser.

Note: PayPal records this IP addresses as a means to detect possible fraud.

  • :req_confirm_shipping – Whether you require that the buyer’s shipping address on file with PayPal be a confirmed address. You must have permission from PayPal to not require a confirmed address. It is one of the following values:

    0 – You do not require that the buyer’s shipping address be a confirmed address.
    1 – You require that the buyer’s shipping address be a confirmed address.
  • :merchant_session_id – (Optional) Your buyer session identification token.

  • :return_fmf_details – (Optional) Flag to indicate whether you want the results returned by Fraud Management Filters. By default, you do not receive this information. It is one of the following values:

    0 – Do not receive FMF details (default)
    1 – Receive FMF details
  • :soft_descriptor – (Optional) Per transaction description of the payment that is passed to the consumer’s credit card statement. If the API request provides a value for the soft descriptor field, the full descriptor displayed on the buyer’s statement has the following format:

    <PP * | PAYPAL *><Merchant descriptor as set in the Payment Receiving Preferences><1 space><soft descriptor>
    The soft descriptor can contain only the following characters:
    Alphanumeric characters
    - (dash)
    * (asterisk)
    . (period)
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# File 'lib/active_merchant/billing/gateways/paypal/paypal_common_api.rb', line 183

def inquire(authorization, options = {})