Class: Vk::API::Account::Methods::LookupContacts

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Allows to search the VK users using phone numbers, e-mail addresses and user IDs on other services.

Arguments collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from Schema::Method

#call, #method, #to_hash

Constructor Details

#initialize(arguments) ⇒ Account::Methods::LookupContacts


  • arguments (Hash)

Options Hash (arguments):

  • :contacts (Array)

    List of contacts separated with commas

  • :service (String)

    String identifier of a service which contacts are used for searching. Possible values: ; * email; * phone; * twitter; * facebook; * odnoklassniki; * instagram; * google

  • :mycontact (String)

    Contact of a current user on a specified service

  • :return_all (Boolean)

    '1' – also return contacts found using this service before, '0' – return only contacts found using 'contacts' field.

  • :fields (Array)

    Profile fields to return. Possible values: 'nickname, domain, sex, bdate, city, country, timezone, photo_50, photo_100, photo_200_orig, has_mobile, contacts, education, online, relation, last_seen, status, can_write_private_message, can_see_all_posts, can_post, universities'.

# File 'lib/vk/api/account/methods/lookup_contacts.rb', line 15

Instance Method Details


Returns List of contacts separated with commas.


  • (Array)

    List of contacts separated with commas

# File 'lib/vk/api/account/methods/lookup_contacts.rb', line 27

attribute :contacts, API::Types::Coercible::Array.member(API::Types::Coercible::String).optional.default(nil)


Returns Profile fields to return. Possible values: 'nickname, domain, sex, bdate, city, country, timezone, photo_50, photo_100, photo_200_orig, has_mobile, contacts, education, online, relation, last_seen, status, can_write_private_message, can_see_all_posts, can_post, universities'.


  • (Array)

    Profile fields to return. Possible values: 'nickname, domain, sex, bdate, city, country, timezone, photo_50, photo_100, photo_200_orig, has_mobile, contacts, education, online, relation, last_seen, status, can_write_private_message, can_see_all_posts, can_post, universities'.

# File 'lib/vk/api/account/methods/lookup_contacts.rb', line 35

attribute :fields, API::Types::Coercible::Array.member(API::Types::Coercible::String).optional.default(nil)


Returns Contact of a current user on a specified service.


  • (String)

    Contact of a current user on a specified service

# File 'lib/vk/api/account/methods/lookup_contacts.rb', line 31

attribute :mycontact, API::Types::Coercible::String.optional.default(nil)


Returns '1' – also return contacts found using this service before, '0' – return only contacts found using 'contacts' field.


  • (Boolean)

    '1' – also return contacts found using this service before, '0' – return only contacts found using 'contacts' field.

# File 'lib/vk/api/account/methods/lookup_contacts.rb', line 33

attribute :return_all, API::Types::Form::Bool.optional.default(nil)


Returns String identifier of a service which contacts are used for searching. Possible values: ; * email; * phone; * twitter; * facebook; * odnoklassniki; * instagram; * google.


  • (String)

    String identifier of a service which contacts are used for searching. Possible values: ; * email; * phone; * twitter; * facebook; * odnoklassniki; * instagram; * google

# File 'lib/vk/api/account/methods/lookup_contacts.rb', line 29

attribute :service, API::Types::Coercible::String