Class: Vk::API::Ads::Methods::GetSuggestions

  • Object
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Returns a set of auto-suggestions for various targeting parameters.

Arguments collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from Schema::Method

#call, #method, #to_hash

Constructor Details

#initialize(arguments) ⇒ Ads::Methods::GetSuggestions


  • arguments (Hash)

Options Hash (arguments):

  • :section (String)

    Section, suggestions are retrieved in. Available values:; *countries — request of a list of countries. If q is not set or blank, a short list of countries is shown. Otherwise, a full list of countries is shown.; *regions — requested list of regions. 'country' parameter is required.; *cities — requested list of cities. 'country' parameter is required.; *districts — requested list of districts. 'cities' parameter is required.; *stations — requested list of subway stations. 'cities' parameter is required.; *streets — requested list of cities. 'cities' parameter is required.; *schools — requested list of educational organizations. 'cities' parameter is required.; *interests — requested list of interests.; *positions — requested list of positions (professions).; *group_types — requested list of group types.; *religions — requested list of religious commitments.; *browsers — requested list of browsers and mobile devices.;

  • :ids (String)

    Objects IDs separated by commas. If the parameter is passed, 'q, country, cities' should not be passed.

  • :q (String)

    Filter-line of the request (for countries, regions, cities, streets, schools, interests, positions).

  • :country (Integer)

    ID of the country objects are searched in.

  • :cities (String)

    IDs of cities where objects are searched in, separated with a comma.

  • :lang (String)

    Language of the returned string values. Supported languages:; *ru — Russian;; *ua — Ukrainian;; *en — English.;

# File 'lib/vk/api/ads/methods/get_suggestions.rb', line 15

Instance Method Details


Returns IDs of cities where objects are searched in, separated with a comma.


  • (String)

    IDs of cities where objects are searched in, separated with a comma.

# File 'lib/vk/api/ads/methods/get_suggestions.rb', line 36

attribute :cities, API::Types::Coercible::String.optional.default(nil)


Returns ID of the country objects are searched in.


  • (Integer)

    ID of the country objects are searched in.

# File 'lib/vk/api/ads/methods/get_suggestions.rb', line 34

attribute :country, API::Types::Coercible::Int.optional.default(nil)


Returns Objects IDs separated by commas. If the parameter is passed, 'q, country, cities' should not be passed.


  • (String)

    Objects IDs separated by commas. If the parameter is passed, 'q, country, cities' should not be passed.

# File 'lib/vk/api/ads/methods/get_suggestions.rb', line 30

attribute :ids, API::Types::Coercible::String.optional.default(nil)


Returns Language of the returned string values. Supported languages:; *ru — Russian;; *ua — Ukrainian;; *en — English.;.


  • (String)

    Language of the returned string values. Supported languages:; *ru — Russian;; *ua — Ukrainian;; *en — English.;

# File 'lib/vk/api/ads/methods/get_suggestions.rb', line 38

attribute :lang, API::Types::Coercible::String.optional.default(nil)


Returns Filter-line of the request (for countries, regions, cities, streets, schools, interests, positions).


  • (String)

    Filter-line of the request (for countries, regions, cities, streets, schools, interests, positions).

# File 'lib/vk/api/ads/methods/get_suggestions.rb', line 32

attribute :q, API::Types::Coercible::String.optional.default(nil)


Returns Section, suggestions are retrieved in. Available values:; *countries — request of a list of countries. If q is not set or blank, a short list of countries is shown. Otherwise, a full list of countries is shown.; *regions — requested list of regions. 'country' parameter is required.; *cities — requested list of cities. 'country' parameter is required.; *districts — requested list of districts. 'cities' parameter is required.; *stations — requested list of subway stations. 'cities' parameter is required.; *streets — requested list of cities. 'cities' parameter is required.; *schools — requested list of educational organizations. 'cities' parameter is required.; *interests — requested list of interests.; *positions — requested list of positions (professions).; *group_types — requested list of group types.; *religions — requested list of religious commitments.; *browsers — requested list of browsers and mobile devices.;.


  • (String)

    Section, suggestions are retrieved in. Available values:; *countries — request of a list of countries. If q is not set or blank, a short list of countries is shown. Otherwise, a full list of countries is shown.; *regions — requested list of regions. 'country' parameter is required.; *cities — requested list of cities. 'country' parameter is required.; *districts — requested list of districts. 'cities' parameter is required.; *stations — requested list of subway stations. 'cities' parameter is required.; *streets — requested list of cities. 'cities' parameter is required.; *schools — requested list of educational organizations. 'cities' parameter is required.; *interests — requested list of interests.; *positions — requested list of positions (professions).; *group_types — requested list of group types.; *religions — requested list of religious commitments.; *browsers — requested list of browsers and mobile devices.;

# File 'lib/vk/api/ads/methods/get_suggestions.rb', line 28

attribute :section, API::Types::Coercible::String