Class: Vk::API::Groups::Methods::GetMembers

  • Object
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Returns a list of community members.

Arguments collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from Schema::Method

#call, #method, #to_hash

Constructor Details

#initialize(arguments) ⇒ Groups::Methods::GetMembers


  • arguments (Hash)

Options Hash (arguments):

  • :group_id (String)

    ID or screen name of the community.

  • :sort (String)

    Sort order. Available values: 'id_asc', 'id_desc', 'time_asc', 'time_desc'.; 'time_asc' and 'time_desc' are availavle only if the method is called by the group's 'moderator'.

  • :offset (Integer)

    Offset needed to return a specific subset of community members.

  • :count (Integer)

    Number of community members to return.

  • :fields (Array)

    List of additional fields to be returned. ; Available values: 'sex, bdate, city, country, photo_50, photo_100, photo_200_orig, photo_200, photo_400_orig, photo_max, photo_max_orig, online, online_mobile, lists, domain, has_mobile, contacts, connections, site, education, universities, schools, can_post, can_see_all_posts, can_see_audio, can_write_private_message, status, last_seen, common_count, relation, relatives, counters'.

  • :filter (String)

    *'friends' – only friends in this community will be returned;; *'unsure' – only those who pressed 'I may attend' will be returned (if it's an event).

# File 'lib/vk/api/groups/methods/get_members.rb', line 15

Instance Method Details


Returns Number of community members to return.


  • (Integer)

    Number of community members to return.

# File 'lib/vk/api/groups/methods/get_members.rb', line 34

attribute :count, API::Types::Coercible::Int.optional.default(1000)


Returns List of additional fields to be returned. ; Available values: 'sex, bdate, city, country, photo_50, photo_100, photo_200_orig, photo_200, photo_400_orig, photo_max, photo_max_orig, online, online_mobile, lists, domain, has_mobile, contacts, connections, site, education, universities, schools, can_post, can_see_all_posts, can_see_audio, can_write_private_message, status, last_seen, common_count, relation, relatives, counters'.


  • (Array)

    List of additional fields to be returned. ; Available values: 'sex, bdate, city, country, photo_50, photo_100, photo_200_orig, photo_200, photo_400_orig, photo_max, photo_max_orig, online, online_mobile, lists, domain, has_mobile, contacts, connections, site, education, universities, schools, can_post, can_see_all_posts, can_see_audio, can_write_private_message, status, last_seen, common_count, relation, relatives, counters'.

# File 'lib/vk/api/groups/methods/get_members.rb', line 36

attribute :fields, API::Types::Coercible::Array.member(API::Types::Coercible::String).optional.default(nil)


Returns *'friends' – only friends in this community will be returned;; *'unsure' – only those who pressed 'I may attend' will be returned (if it's an event).


  • (String)

    *'friends' – only friends in this community will be returned;; *'unsure' – only those who pressed 'I may attend' will be returned (if it's an event).

# File 'lib/vk/api/groups/methods/get_members.rb', line 38

attribute :filter, API::Types::Coercible::String.optional.default(nil)


Returns ID or screen name of the community.


  • (String)

    ID or screen name of the community.

# File 'lib/vk/api/groups/methods/get_members.rb', line 28

attribute :group_id, API::Types::Coercible::String.optional.default(nil)


Returns Offset needed to return a specific subset of community members.


  • (Integer)

    Offset needed to return a specific subset of community members.

# File 'lib/vk/api/groups/methods/get_members.rb', line 32

attribute :offset, API::Types::Coercible::Int.optional.default(nil)


Returns Sort order. Available values: 'id_asc', 'id_desc', 'time_asc', 'time_desc'.; 'time_asc' and 'time_desc' are availavle only if the method is called by the group's 'moderator'.


  • (String)

    Sort order. Available values: 'id_asc', 'id_desc', 'time_asc', 'time_desc'.; 'time_asc' and 'time_desc' are availavle only if the method is called by the group's 'moderator'.

# File 'lib/vk/api/groups/methods/get_members.rb', line 30

attribute :sort, API::Types::Coercible::String.enum("id_asc", "id_desc", "time_asc", "time_desc").optional.default("id_asc")