Class: Vk::API::Likes::Methods::GetList

Schema::Method show all
Defined in:


Returns a list of IDs of users who added the specified object to their 'Likes' list.

Arguments collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from Schema::Method

#call, #method, #to_hash

Constructor Details

#initialize(arguments) ⇒ Likes::Methods::GetList


  • arguments (Hash)

Options Hash (arguments):

  • :type (String)

    ; Object type:; 'post' — post on user or community wall; 'comment' — comment on a wall post; 'photo' — photo; 'audio' — audio; 'video' — video; 'note' — note; 'photo_comment' — comment on the photo; 'video_comment' — comment on the video; 'topic_comment' — comment in the discussion; 'sitepage' — page of the site where the is installed

  • :owner_id (Integer)

    ID of the user, community, or application that owns the object. If the 'type' parameter is set as 'sitepage', the application ID is passed as 'owner_id'. Use negative value for a community id. If the 'type' parameter is not set, the 'owner_id' is assumed to be either the current user or the same application ID as if the 'type' parameter was set to 'sitepage'.; ;

  • :item_id (Integer)

    Object ID. If 'type' is set as 'sitepage', 'item_id' can include the 'page_id' parameter value used during initialization of the .

  • :page_url (String)

    URL of the page where the is installed. Used instead of the 'item_id' parameter.

  • :filter (String)

    Filters to apply:; 'likes' — returns information about all users who liked the object (default); 'copies' — returns information only about users who told their friends about the object

  • :friends_only (Boolean)

    Specifies which users are returned:; '1' — to return only the current user's friends; '0' — to return all users (default)

  • :extended (Boolean)

    Specifies whether extended information will be returned.; '1' — to return extended information about users and communities from the 'Likes' list; '0' — to return no additional information (default)

  • :offset (Integer)

    Offset needed to select a specific subset of users.

  • :count (Integer)

    Number of user IDs to return (maximum '1000').; Default is '100' if 'friends_only' is set to '0'; otherwise, the default is '10' if 'friends_only' is set to '1'.;

  • :skip_own (Boolean)

# File 'lib/vk/api/likes/methods/get_list.rb', line 15

Instance Method Details


Returns Number of user IDs to return (maximum '1000').; Default is '100' if 'friends_only' is set to '0'; otherwise, the default is '10' if 'friends_only' is set to '1'.;.


  • (Integer)

    Number of user IDs to return (maximum '1000').; Default is '100' if 'friends_only' is set to '0'; otherwise, the default is '10' if 'friends_only' is set to '1'.;

# File 'lib/vk/api/likes/methods/get_list.rb', line 48

attribute :count, API::Types::Coercible::Int.optional.default(nil)


Returns Specifies whether extended information will be returned.; '1' — to return extended information about users and communities from the 'Likes' list; '0' — to return no additional information (default).


  • (Boolean)

    Specifies whether extended information will be returned.; '1' — to return extended information about users and communities from the 'Likes' list; '0' — to return no additional information (default)

# File 'lib/vk/api/likes/methods/get_list.rb', line 44

attribute :extended, API::Types::Form::Bool.optional.default(nil)


Returns Filters to apply:; 'likes' — returns information about all users who liked the object (default); 'copies' — returns information only about users who told their friends about the object.


  • (String)

    Filters to apply:; 'likes' — returns information about all users who liked the object (default); 'copies' — returns information only about users who told their friends about the object

# File 'lib/vk/api/likes/methods/get_list.rb', line 40

attribute :filter, API::Types::Coercible::String.optional.default(nil)


Returns Specifies which users are returned:; '1' — to return only the current user's friends; '0' — to return all users (default).


  • (Boolean)

    Specifies which users are returned:; '1' — to return only the current user's friends; '0' — to return all users (default)

# File 'lib/vk/api/likes/methods/get_list.rb', line 42

attribute :friends_only, API::Types::Form::Bool.optional.default(nil)


Returns Object ID. If 'type' is set as 'sitepage', 'item_id' can include the 'page_id' parameter value used during initialization of the .


  • (Integer)

    Object ID. If 'type' is set as 'sitepage', 'item_id' can include the 'page_id' parameter value used during initialization of the .

# File 'lib/vk/api/likes/methods/get_list.rb', line 36

attribute :item_id, API::Types::Coercible::Int.optional.default(nil)


Returns Offset needed to select a specific subset of users.


  • (Integer)

    Offset needed to select a specific subset of users.

# File 'lib/vk/api/likes/methods/get_list.rb', line 46

attribute :offset, API::Types::Coercible::Int.optional.default(nil)


Returns ID of the user, community, or application that owns the object. If the 'type' parameter is set as 'sitepage', the application ID is passed as 'owner_id'. Use negative value for a community id. If the 'type' parameter is not set, the 'owner_id' is assumed to be either the current user or the same application ID as if the 'type' parameter was set to 'sitepage'.; ;.


  • (Integer)

    ID of the user, community, or application that owns the object. If the 'type' parameter is set as 'sitepage', the application ID is passed as 'owner_id'. Use negative value for a community id. If the 'type' parameter is not set, the 'owner_id' is assumed to be either the current user or the same application ID as if the 'type' parameter was set to 'sitepage'.; ;

# File 'lib/vk/api/likes/methods/get_list.rb', line 34

attribute :owner_id, API::Types::Coercible::Int.optional.default(nil)


Returns URL of the page where the is installed. Used instead of the 'item_id' parameter.


  • (String)

    URL of the page where the is installed. Used instead of the 'item_id' parameter.

# File 'lib/vk/api/likes/methods/get_list.rb', line 38

attribute :page_url, API::Types::Coercible::String.optional.default(nil)


# File 'lib/vk/api/likes/methods/get_list.rb', line 50

attribute :skip_own, API::Types::Form::Bool.optional.default(nil)


Returns ; Object type:; 'post' — post on user or community wall; 'comment' — comment on a wall post; 'photo' — photo; 'audio' — audio; 'video' — video; 'note' — note; 'photo_comment' — comment on the photo; 'video_comment' — comment on the video; 'topic_comment' — comment in the discussion; 'sitepage' — page of the site where the is installed.


  • (String)

    ; Object type:; 'post' — post on user or community wall; 'comment' — comment on a wall post; 'photo' — photo; 'audio' — audio; 'video' — video; 'note' — note; 'photo_comment' — comment on the photo; 'video_comment' — comment on the video; 'topic_comment' — comment in the discussion; 'sitepage' — page of the site where the is installed

# File 'lib/vk/api/likes/methods/get_list.rb', line 32

attribute :type, API::Types::Coercible::String