Class: Vk::API::Photos::Methods::GetById

Schema::Method show all
Defined in:


Returns information about photos by their IDs.

Arguments collapse

Instance Method Summary collapse

Methods inherited from Schema::Method

#call, #method, #to_hash

Constructor Details

#initialize(arguments) ⇒ Photos::Methods::GetById


  • arguments (Hash)

Options Hash (arguments):

  • :photos (Array)

    IDs separated with a comma, that are IDs of users who posted photos and IDs of photos themselves with an underscore character between such IDs. To get information about a photo in the group album, you shall specify group ID instead of user ID. Example:; "1_129207899,6492_135055734, ; -20629724_271945303"

  • :extended (Boolean)

    '1' — to return additional fields; '0' — (default)

  • :photo_sizes (Boolean)

    '1' — to return photo sizes in a

# File 'lib/vk/api/photos/methods/get_by_id.rb', line 15

Instance Method Details


Returns '1' — to return additional fields; '0' — (default).


  • (Boolean)

    '1' — to return additional fields; '0' — (default)

# File 'lib/vk/api/photos/methods/get_by_id.rb', line 27

attribute :extended, API::Types::Form::Bool.optional.default(nil)


Returns '1' — to return photo sizes in a.


  • (Boolean)

    '1' — to return photo sizes in a

# File 'lib/vk/api/photos/methods/get_by_id.rb', line 29

attribute :photo_sizes, API::Types::Form::Bool.optional.default(nil)


Returns IDs separated with a comma, that are IDs of users who posted photos and IDs of photos themselves with an underscore character between such IDs. To get information about a photo in the group album, you shall specify group ID instead of user ID. Example:; "1_129207899,6492_135055734, ; -20629724_271945303".


  • (Array)

    IDs separated with a comma, that are IDs of users who posted photos and IDs of photos themselves with an underscore character between such IDs. To get information about a photo in the group album, you shall specify group ID instead of user ID. Example:; "1_129207899,6492_135055734, ; -20629724_271945303"

# File 'lib/vk/api/photos/methods/get_by_id.rb', line 25

attribute :photos, API::Types::Coercible::Array.member(API::Types::Coercible::String)