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A Ruby gem for presenting test expectation results with rich formatting and requirement level support. Perfect for test frameworks and assertion libraries that need flexible result reporting with support for MUST/SHOULD/MAY requirement levels.


  • Rich test result presentation with:
    • Colored output for different result types (success, warning, info, failure, error)
    • Single-character indicators for compact output (".", "W", "I", "F", "E")
    • Emoji support for visual feedback (✅, ⚠️, 💡, ❌, 💥)
    • ANSI-colored formatted messages with bold titles
  • Support for RFC 2119 requirement levels (MUST/SHOULD/MAY)
  • Comprehensive result classification:
    • Success: Test passed as expected (green)
    • Warning: Non-critical issues, typically for SHOULD/MAY requirements (yellow)
    • Info: Additional information about passing tests (blue)
    • Failure: Test failed but no exception occurred (purple)
    • Error: Unexpected exceptions during test execution (red)
  • Built-in support for negative assertions
  • Detailed error reporting with captured exceptions
  • Clean integration with test frameworks via simple API


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "expresenter"

And then execute:

bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

gem install expresenter


Basic Example

# Create a successful test result
result = Expresenter.call(true).new(
  actual:     "foo",
  definition: 'eq "foo"',
  error:      nil,
  got:        true,
  negate:     false,
  level:      :MUST

result.passed?    # => true
result.to_sym     # => :success
result.char       # => "."
result.emoji      # => "✅"
result.to_s       # => 'Success: expected "foo" to eq "foo".'

Handling Different Result Types

# Warning example (non-critical requirement)
warning = Expresenter.call(true).new(
  actual:     "foo",
  definition: "be_optimized",
  error:      nil,
  got:        false, # triggers warning state
  negate:     false,
  level:      :SHOULD

warning.warning? # => true
warning.char     # => "W"
warning.emoji    # => "⚠️"

# Failure example with exception
    actual:     42,
    definition: "eq 43",
    error:      nil,
    got:        false,
    negate:     false,
    level:      :MUST
rescue Expresenter::Fail => e
  e.failure? # => true
  e.char        # => "F"
  e.emoji       # => "❌"
  e.to_s        # => "Failure: expected 42 to eq 43."

Using Requirement Levels

Expresenter supports RFC 2119 requirement levels:

  • :MUST - Critical requirements that must be satisfied
  • :SHOULD - Recommended requirements that should be satisfied when possible
  • :MAY - Optional requirements that may be satisfied
# SHOULD requirement with warning
result = Expresenter.call(true).new(
  actual:     response,
  definition: "have_fast_response_time",
  error:      nil,
  got:        false,
  negate:     false,
  level:      :SHOULD

result.warning? # => true

Working with Negative Assertions

# Negative assertion example
result = Expresenter.call(true).new(
  actual:     "foo",
  definition: 'eq "bar"',
  error:      nil,
  got:        true,
  negate:     true, # indicates negative assertion
  level:      :MUST

result.negate?  # => true
result.to_s     # => 'Success: expected "foo" not to eq "bar".'


Expresenter can be easily integrated into test frameworks and assertion libraries. It provides a simple API for creating and handling test results with rich formatting and requirement levels.

Example integration with a test framework:

def assert(actual, matcher, level: :MUST)
  result = matcher.match(actual)

    actual:     actual,
    definition: matcher.description,
    error:      result.error,
    got:        result.matched?,
    negate:     false,
    level:      level


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake test to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/fixrb/expresenter. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


This project is sponsored by Sashité