Class: Banzai::Filter::MarkdownPreEscapeFilter

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In order to allow a user to short-circuit our reference shortcuts (such as # or !), the user should be able to escape them, like #. CommonMark supports this, however it removes all information about what was actually a literal. In order to short-circuit the reference, we must surround backslash escaped ASCII punctuation with a custom sequence. This way CommonMark will properly handle the backslash escaped chars but we will maintain knowledge (the sequence) that it was a literal.

This processing is also important for the handling of escaped characters in LaTeX math. These will need to be converted back into their escaped versions if they are detected in math blocks.

We need to surround the character, not just prefix it. It could get converted into an entity by CommonMark and we wouldn’t know how many characters there are. The entire literal needs to be surrounded with a ‘span` tag, which short-circuits our reference processing.

We can’t use a custom HTML tag since we could be initially surrounding text in an href, and then CommonMark will not be able to parse links properly. So we use ‘cmliteral-` and `-cmliteral`

This filter does the initial surrounding, and MarkdownPostEscapeFilter does the conversion into span tags.

Constant Summary collapse


Table of characters that need this special handling. It consists of the GitLab special reference characters and special LaTeX characters.

The ‘token` is used when we do the initial replacement - for example converting `$` into `cmliteral-+a-cmliteral`. We don’t simply replace ‘$` with `$`, because this can cause difficulties in parsing math blocks that use `$` as a delimiter. We also include a character that can be escaped, `+`. By examining the text once it’s been passed to markdown, we can determine that ‘cmliteral-+a-cmliteral` was in a block that markdown did not escape the character, for example an inline code block or some other element. In this case, we must convert back to the original escaped version, `$`. However if we detect `cmliteral-+a-cmliteral`, then we know markdown considered it an escaped character, and we should replace it with the non-escaped version, `$`. See the MarkdownPostEscapeFilter for how this is done.

  { char: '$', escaped: '\$', token: '\+a', reference: true, latex: true },
  { char: '%', escaped: '\%', token: '\+b', reference: true, latex: true },
  { char: '#', escaped: '\#', token: '\+c', reference: true, latex: true },
  { char: '&', escaped: '\&', token: '\+d', reference: true, latex: true },
  { char: '{', escaped: '\{', token: '\+e', reference: false, latex: true },
  { char: '}', escaped: '\}', token: '\+f', reference: false, latex: true },
  { char: '_', escaped: '\_', token: '\+g', reference: false, latex: true },
  { char: '@', escaped: '\@', token: '\+h', reference: true, latex: false },
  { char: '!', escaped: '\!', token: '\+i', reference: true, latex: false },
  { char: '~', escaped: '\~', token: '\+j', reference: true, latex: false },
  { char: '^', escaped: '\^', token: '\+k', reference: true, latex: false }

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details


# File 'lib/banzai/filter/markdown_pre_escape_filter.rb', line 63

def call
  @text.gsub(ASCII_PUNCTUATION) do |match|
    # The majority of markdown does not have literals.  If none
    # are found, we can bypass the post filter
    result[:escaped_literals] = true

    escaped_item = ESCAPABLE_CHARS.find { |item| item[:escaped] == match }
    token = escaped_item ? escaped_item[:token] : match
