Ruby amqp gem and RabbitMQ versions compatibility

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About this guide

This guide covers compatibility of the Ruby amqp gem with various versions of RabbitMQ messaging broker.

Covered versions

This guide covers Ruby amqp gem v0.8.0 and later.

RabbitMQ Version Requirement

amqp gem before 0.8.0 (0.6.x, 0.7.x) series implemented (most of) AMQP 0.8 specification. amqp gem 0.8.0 implements AMQP 0.9.1 and thus requires RabbitMQ version 2.0 or later. See RabbitMQ versions for more information about RabbitMQ versions support and how obtain up-todate packages for your operating system.

amqp gem 0.8.0 and later versions implement AMQP 0.9.1 and thus requires RabbitMQ version 2.0 or later

Using recent versions on Debian and Ubuntu

Ubuntu (even 10.10) and Debian both ship with an old RabbitMQ version, that only supports AMQP protocol 0.8. Ruby amqp gem 0.8.0 and later will not work with RabbitMQ versions before 2.0.0.

We strongly recommend that you use RabbitMQ apt repository that has recent versions of RabbitMQ.

OpsCode Chef & Puppet

Chef cookbook for RabbitMQ

There is a Chef cookbook for RabbitMQ that installs recent versions from the apt repository. It also has LWPRs (providers) for managing users and vhosts.

RabbitMQ Puppet module

There is a RabbitMQ Puppet module by the Puppet Labs team. It uses .deb packages from Debian testing and unstable repositories. Note that it has two dependencies:

TLS (SSL) support

Note that before 1.7.0, RabbitMQ did not support TLS. In order to have TLS support, RabbitMQ 1.7.0 requires

  • Erlang/OTP R13B or later
  • Erlang SSL 3.10 or later

and recommends using Erlang R141B that ships with Erlang SSL 4.0.1. Learn more in our Using TLS (SSL) guide.


This guide was written by Michael Klishin and edited by Chris Duncan.

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