Module: Presenters::Statemachine::Submission

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Presenters::Statemachine::Submission can be included in a class to provide a state machine with the following behaviour:

  • When plates are ‘pending’ the submission sidebar will be displayed. This sidebar allows the user to build a submission for the plate

  • In all other states the default sidebar will be used

  • When the plate is passed, the user will be allowed to create the child plates

  • In all other states the user will be unable to advanced the plate

Typically this state machine should be used in conjunction with an input plate purpose. See the purposes yaml configuration. Purposes with input_plate set to true use the PlatePurpose::Input class in sequencescape. These plates show the following states: Pending: No submission made, or some wells with samples have no submissions Passed: Submissions made, and the plate is ready to proceed Cancelled/Failed: Seen when all requests out of the plate have these states.

Other states: Typically not seen in standard scenarios.