Class: Stripe::BillingPortal::Session

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The Billing customer portal is a Stripe-hosted UI for subscription and billing management.

A portal configuration describes the functionality and features that you want to provide to your customers through the portal.

A portal session describes the instantiation of the customer portal for a particular customer. By visiting the session’s URL, the customer can manage their subscriptions and billing details. For security reasons, sessions are short-lived and will expire if the customer does not visit the URL. Create sessions on-demand when customers intend to manage their subscriptions and billing details.

Learn more in the [integration guide](

Constant Summary collapse


Constants inherited from StripeObject


Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from APIResource


Method Summary

Methods included from APIOperations::Create


Methods inherited from APIResource

class_name, custom_method, #refresh, #request_stripe_object, resource_url, #resource_url, retrieve, save_nested_resource

Methods included from APIOperations::Request


Methods inherited from StripeObject

#==, #[], #[]=, additive_object_param, additive_object_param?, #as_json, construct_from, #deleted?, #dirty!, #each, #eql?, #hash, #initialize, #inspect, #keys, #marshal_dump, #marshal_load, protected_fields, #serialize_params, #to_hash, #to_json, #to_s, #update_attributes, #values

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Stripe::StripeObject

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class Stripe::StripeObject