Class: Stripe::PaymentMethodConfiguration

APIResource show all
Extended by:
APIOperations::Create, APIOperations::List
Defined in:


PaymentMethodConfigurations control which payment methods are displayed to your customers when you don’t explicitly specify payment method types. You can have multiple configurations with different sets of payment methods for different scenarios.

There are two types of PaymentMethodConfigurations. Which is used depends on the [charge type](

Direct configurations apply to payments created on your account, including Connect destination charges, Connect separate charges and transfers, and payments not involving Connect.

Child configurations apply to payments created on your connected accounts using direct charges, and charges with the on_behalf_of parameter.

Child configurations have a ‘parent` that sets default values and controls which settings connected accounts may override. You can specify a parent ID at payment time, and Stripe will automatically resolve the connected account’s associated child configuration. Parent configurations are [managed in the dashboard]( and are not available in this API.

Related guides:

Constant Summary collapse


Constants inherited from StripeObject


Instance Attribute Summary

Attributes inherited from APIResource


Method Summary

Methods included from APIOperations::Create


Methods included from APIOperations::List


Methods included from APIOperations::Save

included, #save

Methods inherited from APIResource

class_name, custom_method, #refresh, #request_stripe_object, resource_url, #resource_url, retrieve, save_nested_resource

Methods included from APIOperations::Request


Methods inherited from StripeObject

#==, #[], #[]=, additive_object_param, additive_object_param?, #as_json, construct_from, #deleted?, #dirty!, #each, #eql?, #hash, #initialize, #inspect, #keys, #marshal_dump, #marshal_load, protected_fields, #serialize_params, #to_hash, #to_json, #to_s, #update_attributes, #values

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from Stripe::StripeObject

Dynamic Method Handling

This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class Stripe::StripeObject