Module: Gem
- Defined in:
- lib/rubygems.rb,
TODO remove at RubyGems 4
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: BundlerVersionFinder, Commands, DefaultUserInteraction, Deprecate, Ext, GemcutterUtilities, InstallUpdateOptions, InstallerUninstallerUtils, LocalRemoteOptions, QueryUtils, SafeYAML, Security, SecurityOption, Text, UriParsing, UserInteraction, Util, VersionOption Classes: AvailableSet, BasicSpecification, Command, CommandLineError, CommandManager, ConfigFile, ConflictError, ConsoleUI, Dependency, DependencyError, DependencyInstaller, DependencyList, DependencyRemovalException, DependencyResolutionError, Doctor, DocumentError, EndOfYAMLException, ErrorReason, Exception, FakeFetcher, FilePermissionError, FormatException, GemNotFoundException, GemNotInHomeException, GemRunner, ImpossibleDependenciesError, Indexer, InstallError, Installer, InstallerTestCase, InvalidSpecificationException, Licenses, List, LoadError, MissingSpecError, MissingSpecVersionError, MockGemUi, NameTuple, NoAliasYAMLTree, OperationNotSupportedError, Package, PackageTask, PathSupport, Platform, PlatformMismatch, RemoteError, RemoteFetcher, RemoteInstallationCancelled, RemoteInstallationSkipped, RemoteSourceException, Request, RequestSet, Requirement, Resolver, RubyVersionMismatch, RuntimeRequirementNotMetError, S3URISigner, Server, SilentUI, Source, SourceFetchProblem, SourceList, SpecFetcher, SpecificGemNotFoundException, Specification, SpecificationPolicy, StreamUI, StubSpecification, SystemExitException, TestCase, UninstallError, Uninstaller, UnsatisfiableDependencyError, UriFormatter, UriParser, Validator, VerificationError, Version
Constant Summary collapse
File.dirname File.(__FILE__)
Taint support is deprecated in Ruby 2.7. This allows switching “.untaint” to “.tap(&Gem::UNTAINT)”, to avoid deprecation warnings in Ruby 2.7.
RUBY_VERSION < '2.7' ? :untaint.to_sym : proc{}
When is available, there is no need to override Kernel#warn
RUBY_ENGINE == "truffleruby" || (RUBY_ENGINE == "ruby" && RUBY_VERSION >= '3.0')
An Array of Regexps that match windows Ruby platforms.
[ /bccwin/i, /cygwin/i, /djgpp/i, /mingw/i, /mswin/i, /wince/i, ].freeze
%w[ gem.deps.rb gems.rb Gemfile Isolate ].freeze
Subdirectories in a gem repository
%w[ build_info cache doc extensions gems plugins specifications ].freeze
Subdirectories in a gem repository for default gems
%w[ gems specifications/default ].freeze
Exception classes used in a Gem.read_binary
statement [Errno::EACCES, Errno::EROFS, Errno::ENOSYS, Errno::ENOTSUP].freeze
Exception classes used in Gem.write_binary
statement [Errno::ENOSYS, Errno::ENOTSUP].freeze
Location of Marshal quick gemspecs on remote repositories
defined? OpenSSL::SSL # :nodoc:
- SyckDefaultKey =
- UnsatisfiableDepedencyError =
Backwards compatible typo’d exception class for early RubyGems 2.0.x
- RubyGemsVersion =
- RbConfigPriorities =
%w[ MAJOR MINOR TEENY EXEEXT RUBY_SO_NAME arch bindir datadir libdir ruby_install_name ruby_version rubylibprefix sitedir sitelibdir vendordir vendorlibdir rubylibdir ].freeze
- ConfigMap =
Configuration settings from ::RbConfig do |cm, key| cm[key] = RbConfig::CONFIG[key.to_s] end
- @@win_platform =
Class Attribute Summary collapse
.disable_system_update_message ⇒ Object
RubyGems distributors (like operating system package managers) can disable RubyGems update by setting this to error message printed to end-users on gem update –system instead of actual update.
.done_installing_hooks ⇒ Object
The list of hooks to be run after Gem::DependencyInstaller installs a set of gems.
.gemdeps ⇒ Object
GemDependencyAPI object, which is set when .use_gemdeps is called.
.loaded_specs ⇒ Object
Hash of loaded Gem::Specification keyed by name.
.post_build_hooks ⇒ Object
The list of hooks to be run after Gem::Installer#install extracts files and builds extensions.
.post_install_hooks ⇒ Object
The list of hooks to be run after Gem::Installer#install completes installation.
.post_reset_hooks ⇒ Object
The list of hooks to be run after Gem::Specification.reset is run.
.post_uninstall_hooks ⇒ Object
The list of hooks to be run after Gem::Uninstaller#uninstall completes installation.
.pre_install_hooks ⇒ Object
The list of hooks to be run before Gem::Installer#install does any work.
.pre_reset_hooks ⇒ Object
The list of hooks to be run before Gem::Specification.reset is run.
.pre_uninstall_hooks ⇒ Object
The list of hooks to be run before Gem::Uninstaller#uninstall does any work.
Class Method Summary collapse
.activate_bin_path(name, exec_name = nil, *requirements) ⇒ Object
Find the full path to the executable for gem
. -
.activated_gem_paths ⇒ Object
The number of paths in the ‘$LOAD_PATH` from activated gems.
.add_to_load_path(*paths) ⇒ Object
Add a list of paths to the $LOAD_PATH at the proper place.
.bin_path(name, exec_name = nil, *requirements) ⇒ Object
Find the full path to the executable for gem
. -
.binary_mode ⇒ Object
The mode needed to read a file as straight binary.
.bindir(install_dir = Gem.dir) ⇒ Object
The path where gem executables are to be installed.
.cache_home ⇒ Object
The path to standard location of the user’s cache directory.
.clear_default_specs ⇒ Object
Clear default gem related variables.
.clear_paths ⇒ Object
Reset the
values. -
.config_file ⇒ Object
The path to standard location of the user’s .gemrc file.
.config_home ⇒ Object
The path to standard location of the user’s configuration directory.
.configuration ⇒ Object
The standard configuration object for gems.
.configuration=(config) ⇒ Object
Use the given configuration object (which implements the ConfigFile protocol) as the standard configuration object.
.data_home ⇒ Object
The path to standard location of the user’s data directory.
.datadir(gem_name) ⇒ Object
The path to the data directory specified by the gem name.
.default_bindir ⇒ Object
The default directory for binaries.
.default_cert_path ⇒ Object
The default signing certificate chain path.
.default_dir ⇒ Object
Default home directory path to be used if an alternate value is not specified in the environment.
.default_exec_format ⇒ Object
Deduce Ruby’s –program-prefix and –program-suffix from its install name.
.default_ext_dir_for(base_dir) ⇒ Object
Returns binary extensions dir for specified RubyGems base dir or nil if such directory cannot be determined.
.default_key_path ⇒ Object
The default signing key path.
.default_path ⇒ Object
Default gem load path.
.default_rubygems_dirs ⇒ Object
Paths where RubyGems’ .rb files and bin files are installed.
.default_sources ⇒ Object
An Array of the default sources that come with RubyGems.
.default_spec_cache_dir ⇒ Object
Default spec directory path to be used if an alternate value is not specified in the environment.
.default_specifications_dir ⇒ Object
Path to specification files of default gems.
.deflate(data) ⇒ Object
A Zlib::Deflate.deflate wrapper.
.dir ⇒ Object
The path where gems are to be installed.
.done_installing(&hook) ⇒ Object
Adds a post-installs hook that will be passed a Gem::DependencyInstaller and a list of installed specifications when Gem::DependencyInstaller#install is complete.
.ensure_default_gem_subdirectories(dir = Gem.dir, mode = nil) ⇒ Object
Quietly ensure the Gem directory
contains all the proper subdirectories for handling default gems. -
.ensure_gem_subdirectories(dir = Gem.dir, mode = nil) ⇒ Object
Quietly ensure the Gem directory
contains all the proper subdirectories. -
.ensure_subdirectories(dir, mode, subdirs) ⇒ Object
- .env_requirement(gem_name) ⇒ Object
.extension_api_version ⇒ Object
The extension API version of ruby.
.find_config_file ⇒ Object
Finds the user’s config file.
.find_files(glob, check_load_path = true) ⇒ Object
Returns a list of paths matching
that can be used by a gem to pick up features from other gems. -
.find_files_from_load_path(glob) ⇒ Object
.find_latest_files(glob, check_load_path = true) ⇒ Object
Returns a list of paths matching
from the latest gems that can be used by a gem to pick up features from other gems. -
.find_unresolved_default_spec(path) ⇒ Object
Find a Gem::Specification of default gem from
. - .finish_resolve(request_set = ⇒ Object
.host ⇒ Object
Get the default RubyGems API host.
.host=(host) ⇒ Object
Set the default RubyGems API host.
.install(name, version = Gem::Requirement.default, *options) ⇒ Object
Top level install helper method.
.install_extension_in_lib ⇒ Object
Install extensions into lib as well as into the extension directory.
.java_platform? ⇒ Boolean
Is this a java platform?.
.latest_rubygems_version ⇒ Object
Returns the latest release version of RubyGems.
.latest_spec_for(name) ⇒ Object
Returns the latest release-version specification for the gem
. -
.latest_version_for(name) ⇒ Object
Returns the version of the latest release-version of gem
. -
.load_env_plugins ⇒ Object
Find all ‘rubygems_plugin’ files in $LOAD_PATH and load them.
.load_path_insert_index ⇒ Object
The index to insert activated gem paths into the $LOAD_PATH.
.load_plugin_files(plugins) ⇒ Object
as Ruby files. -
.load_plugins ⇒ Object
Find rubygems plugin files in the standard location and load them.
.load_yaml ⇒ Object
Loads YAML, preferring Psych.
.location_of_caller(depth = 1) ⇒ Object
The file name and line number of the caller of the caller of this method.
.marshal_version ⇒ Object
The version of the Marshal format for your Ruby.
- .needs {|rs| ... } ⇒ Object
.operating_system_defaults ⇒ Object
Default options for gem commands for Ruby packagers.
- .path ⇒ Object
.path_separator ⇒ Object
How String Gem paths should be split.
.paths ⇒ Object
Retrieve the PathSupport object that RubyGems uses to lookup files.
.paths=(env) ⇒ Object
Initialize the filesystem paths to use from
. -
.platform_defaults ⇒ Object
Default options for gem commands for Ruby implementers.
.platforms ⇒ Object
Array of platforms this RubyGems supports.
.platforms=(platforms) ⇒ Object
Set array of platforms this RubyGems supports (primarily for testing).
.plugin_suffix_pattern ⇒ Object
Glob pattern for require-able plugin suffixes.
.plugin_suffix_regexp ⇒ Object
Regexp for require-able plugin suffixes.
.plugindir(install_dir = Gem.dir) ⇒ Object
The path were rubygems plugins are to be installed.
.post_build(&hook) ⇒ Object
Adds a post-build hook that will be passed an Gem::Installer instance when Gem::Installer#install is called.
.post_install(&hook) ⇒ Object
Adds a post-install hook that will be passed an Gem::Installer instance when Gem::Installer#install is called.
.post_reset(&hook) ⇒ Object
Adds a hook that will get run after Gem::Specification.reset is run.
.post_uninstall(&hook) ⇒ Object
Adds a post-uninstall hook that will be passed a Gem::Uninstaller instance and the spec that was uninstalled when Gem::Uninstaller#uninstall is called.
.pre_install(&hook) ⇒ Object
Adds a pre-install hook that will be passed an Gem::Installer instance when Gem::Installer#install is called.
.pre_reset(&hook) ⇒ Object
Adds a hook that will get run before Gem::Specification.reset is run.
.pre_uninstall(&hook) ⇒ Object
Adds a pre-uninstall hook that will be passed an Gem::Uninstaller instance and the spec that will be uninstalled when Gem::Uninstaller#uninstall is called.
.prefix ⇒ Object
The directory prefix this RubyGems was installed at.
.read_binary(path) ⇒ Object
Safely read a file in binary mode on all platforms.
.refresh ⇒ Object
Refresh available gems from disk.
.register_default_spec(spec) ⇒ Object
Register a Gem::Specification for default gem.
.ruby ⇒ Object
The path to the running Ruby interpreter.
.ruby=(ruby) ⇒ Object
Allows setting path to Ruby.
.ruby_api_version ⇒ Object
Returns a String containing the API compatibility version of Ruby.
- .ruby_engine ⇒ Object
.ruby_version ⇒ Object
A Gem::Version for the currently running Ruby.
.rubygems_version ⇒ Object
A Gem::Version for the currently running RubyGems.
.searcher=(searcher) ⇒ Object
Allows setting the gem path searcher.
.source_date_epoch ⇒ Object
Returns the value of Gem.source_date_epoch_string, as a Time object.
.source_date_epoch_string ⇒ Object
If the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable is set, returns it’s value.
.sources ⇒ Object
Returns an Array of sources to fetch remote gems from.
.sources=(new_sources) ⇒ Object
Need to be able to set the sources without calling Gem.sources.replace since that would cause an infinite loop.
- .spec_cache_dir ⇒ Object
.suffix_pattern ⇒ Object
Glob pattern for require-able path suffixes.
.suffix_regexp ⇒ Object
Regexp for require-able path suffixes.
.suffixes ⇒ Object
Suffixes for require-able paths.
.time(msg, width = 0, display = Gem.configuration.verbose) ⇒ Object
Prints the amount of time the supplied block takes to run using the debug UI output.
.try_activate(path) ⇒ Object
Try to activate a gem containing
. -
.ui ⇒ Object
Lazily loads DefaultUserInteraction and returns the default UI.
.use_gemdeps(path = nil) ⇒ Object
Looks for a gem dependency file at
and activates the gems in the file if found. -
.use_paths(home, *paths) ⇒ Object
Use the
values for Gem.dir and Gem.path. -
.user_dir ⇒ Object
Path for gems in the user’s home directory.
.user_home ⇒ Object
The home directory for the user.
.vendor_dir ⇒ Object
Directory where vendor gems are installed.
.win_platform=(val) ⇒ Object
Allows toggling Windows behavior.
.win_platform? ⇒ Boolean
Is this a windows platform?.
.write_binary(path, data) ⇒ Object
Safely write a file in binary mode on all platforms.
Class Attribute Details
.disable_system_update_message ⇒ Object
RubyGems distributors (like operating system package managers) can disable RubyGems update by setting this to error message printed to end-users on gem update –system instead of actual update.
1196 1197 1198 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1196 def @disable_system_update_message end |
.done_installing_hooks ⇒ Object (readonly)
The list of hooks to be run after Gem::DependencyInstaller installs a set of gems
1274 1275 1276 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1274 def done_installing_hooks @done_installing_hooks end |
.gemdeps ⇒ Object (readonly)
GemDependencyAPI object, which is set when .use_gemdeps is called. This contains all the information from the Gemfile.
1207 1208 1209 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1207 def gemdeps @gemdeps end |
.loaded_specs ⇒ Object (readonly)
Hash of loaded Gem::Specification keyed by name
1201 1202 1203 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1201 def loaded_specs @loaded_specs end |
.post_build_hooks ⇒ Object (readonly)
The list of hooks to be run after Gem::Installer#install extracts files and builds extensions
1262 1263 1264 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1262 def post_build_hooks @post_build_hooks end |
.post_install_hooks ⇒ Object (readonly)
The list of hooks to be run after Gem::Installer#install completes installation
1268 1269 1270 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1268 def post_install_hooks @post_install_hooks end |
.post_reset_hooks ⇒ Object (readonly)
The list of hooks to be run after Gem::Specification.reset is run.
1279 1280 1281 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1279 def post_reset_hooks @post_reset_hooks end |
.post_uninstall_hooks ⇒ Object (readonly)
The list of hooks to be run after Gem::Uninstaller#uninstall completes installation
1285 1286 1287 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1285 def post_uninstall_hooks @post_uninstall_hooks end |
.pre_install_hooks ⇒ Object (readonly)
The list of hooks to be run before Gem::Installer#install does any work
1290 1291 1292 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1290 def pre_install_hooks @pre_install_hooks end |
.pre_reset_hooks ⇒ Object (readonly)
The list of hooks to be run before Gem::Specification.reset is run.
1295 1296 1297 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1295 def pre_reset_hooks @pre_reset_hooks end |
.pre_uninstall_hooks ⇒ Object (readonly)
The list of hooks to be run before Gem::Uninstaller#uninstall does any work
1301 1302 1303 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1301 def pre_uninstall_hooks @pre_uninstall_hooks end |
Class Method Details
.activate_bin_path(name, exec_name = nil, *requirements) ⇒ Object
Find the full path to the executable for gem name
. If the exec_name
is not given, an exception will be raised, otherwise the specified executable’s path is returned. requirements
allows you to specify specific gem versions.
A side effect of this method is that it will activate the gem that contains the executable.
This method should only be used in bin stub files.
299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 299 def self.activate_bin_path(name, exec_name = nil, *requirements) # :nodoc: spec = find_spec_for_exe name, exec_name, requirements Gem::LOADED_SPECS_MUTEX.synchronize do spec.activate finish_resolve end spec.bin_file exec_name end |
.activated_gem_paths ⇒ Object
The number of paths in the ‘$LOAD_PATH` from activated gems. Used to prioritize `-I` and `ENV` entries during `require`.
603 604 605 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 603 def self.activated_gem_paths @activated_gem_paths ||= 0 end |
.add_to_load_path(*paths) ⇒ Object
Add a list of paths to the $LOAD_PATH at the proper place.
610 611 612 613 614 615 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 610 def self.add_to_load_path(*paths) @activated_gem_paths = activated_gem_paths + paths.size # gem directories must come after -I and ENV['RUBYLIB'] $LOAD_PATH.insert(Gem.load_path_insert_index, *paths) end |
.bin_path(name, exec_name = nil, *requirements) ⇒ Object
Find the full path to the executable for gem name
. If the exec_name
is not given, an exception will be raised, otherwise the specified executable’s path is returned. requirements
allows you to specify specific gem versions.
251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 251 def self.bin_path(name, exec_name = nil, *requirements) # TODO: fails test_self_bin_path_bin_file_gone_in_latest # Gem::Specification.find_by_name(name, *requirements).bin_file exec_name requirements = Gem::Requirement.default if requirements.empty? find_spec_for_exe(name, exec_name, requirements).bin_file exec_name end |
.binary_mode ⇒ Object
The mode needed to read a file as straight binary.
311 312 313 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 311 def self.binary_mode 'rb' end |
.bindir(install_dir = Gem.dir) ⇒ Object
The path where gem executables are to be installed.
318 319 320 321 322 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 318 def self.bindir(install_dir=Gem.dir) return File.join install_dir, 'bin' unless install_dir.to_s == Gem.default_dir.to_s Gem.default_bindir end |
.cache_home ⇒ Object
The path to standard location of the user’s cache directory.
153 154 155 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 153 def self.cache_home @cache_home ||= (ENV["XDG_CACHE_HOME"] || File.join(Gem.user_home, '.cache')) end |
.clear_default_specs ⇒ Object
Clear default gem related variables. It is for test
1254 1255 1256 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1254 def clear_default_specs @path_to_default_spec_map.clear end |
.clear_paths ⇒ Object
Reset the dir
and path
values. The next time dir
or path
is requested, the values will be calculated from scratch. This is mainly used by the unit tests to provide test isolation.
336 337 338 339 340 341 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 336 def self.clear_paths @paths = nil @user_home = nil Gem::Specification.reset Gem::Security.reset if defined?(Gem::Security) end |
.config_file ⇒ Object
The path to standard location of the user’s .gemrc file.
146 147 148 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 146 def self.config_file @config_file ||= find_config_file.tap(&Gem::UNTAINT) end |
.config_home ⇒ Object
The path to standard location of the user’s configuration directory.
127 128 129 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 127 def self.config_home @config_home ||= (ENV["XDG_CONFIG_HOME"] || File.join(Gem.user_home, '.config')) end |
.configuration ⇒ Object
The standard configuration object for gems.
346 347 348 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 346 def self.configuration @configuration ||= [] end |
.configuration=(config) ⇒ Object
Use the given configuration object (which implements the ConfigFile protocol) as the standard configuration object.
354 355 356 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 354 def self.configuration=(config) @configuration = config end |
.data_home ⇒ Object
The path to standard location of the user’s data directory.
160 161 162 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 160 def self.data_home @data_home ||= (ENV["XDG_DATA_HOME"] || File.join(Gem.user_home, '.local', 'share')) end |
.datadir(gem_name) ⇒ Object
The path to the data directory specified by the gem name. If the package is not available as a gem, return nil.
362 363 364 365 366 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 362 def self.datadir(gem_name) spec = @loaded_specs[gem_name] return nil if spec.nil? spec.datadir end |
.default_bindir ⇒ Object
The default directory for binaries
199 200 201 202 203 204 205 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 199 def self.default_bindir if defined? RUBY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION # mac framework support '/usr/bin' else # generic install RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir'] end end |
.default_cert_path ⇒ Object
The default signing certificate chain path
227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 227 def self.default_cert_path default_cert_path = File.join Gem.user_home, ".gem", "gem-public_cert.pem" unless File.exist?(default_cert_path) default_cert_path = File.join Gem.data_home, "gem", "gem-public_cert.pem" end default_cert_path end |
.default_dir ⇒ Object
Default home directory path to be used if an alternate value is not specified in the environment
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 36 def self.default_dir path = if defined? RUBY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION [ File.dirname(RbConfig::CONFIG['sitedir']), 'Gems', RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_version'], ] else [ RbConfig::CONFIG['rubylibprefix'], 'gems', RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_version'], ] end @default_dir ||= File.join(*path) end |
.default_exec_format ⇒ Object
Deduce Ruby’s –program-prefix and –program-suffix from its install name
185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 185 def self.default_exec_format exec_format = RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_install_name'].sub('ruby', '%s') rescue '%s' unless exec_format =~ /%s/ raise Gem::Exception, "[BUG] invalid exec_format #{exec_format.inspect}, no %s" end exec_format end |
.default_ext_dir_for(base_dir) ⇒ Object
Returns binary extensions dir for specified RubyGems base dir or nil if such directory cannot be determined.
By default, the binary extensions are located side by side with their Ruby counterparts, therefore nil is returned
61 62 63 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 61 def self.default_ext_dir_for(base_dir) nil end |
.default_key_path ⇒ Object
The default signing key path
214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 214 def self.default_key_path default_key_path = File.join Gem.user_home, ".gem", "gem-private_key.pem" unless File.exist?(default_key_path) default_key_path = File.join Gem.data_home, "gem", "gem-private_key.pem" end default_key_path end |
.default_path ⇒ Object
Default gem load path
174 175 176 177 178 179 180 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 174 def self.default_path path = [] path << user_dir if user_home && File.exist?(user_home) path << default_dir path << vendor_dir if vendor_dir and vendor_dir path end |
.default_rubygems_dirs ⇒ Object
Paths where RubyGems’ .rb files and bin files are installed
68 69 70 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 68 def self.default_rubygems_dirs nil # default to standard layout end |
.default_sources ⇒ Object
An Array of the default sources that come with RubyGems
14 15 16 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 14 def self.default_sources %w[] end |
.default_spec_cache_dir ⇒ Object
Default spec directory path to be used if an alternate value is not specified in the environment
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 22 def self.default_spec_cache_dir default_spec_cache_dir = File.join Gem.user_home, '.gem', 'specs' unless File.exist?(default_spec_cache_dir) default_spec_cache_dir = File.join Gem.data_home, 'gem', 'specs' end default_spec_cache_dir end |
.default_specifications_dir ⇒ Object
Path to specification files of default gems.
75 76 77 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 75 def self.default_specifications_dir File.join(Gem.default_dir, "specifications", "default") end |
.deflate(data) ⇒ Object
A Zlib::Deflate.deflate wrapper
371 372 373 374 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 371 def self.deflate(data) require 'zlib' Zlib::Deflate.deflate data end |
.dir ⇒ Object
The path where gems are to be installed.
419 420 421 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 419 def self.dir paths.home end |
.done_installing(&hook) ⇒ Object
Adds a post-installs hook that will be passed a Gem::DependencyInstaller and a list of installed specifications when Gem::DependencyInstaller#install is complete
722 723 724 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 722 def self.done_installing(&hook) @done_installing_hooks << hook end |
.ensure_default_gem_subdirectories(dir = Gem.dir, mode = nil) ⇒ Object
Quietly ensure the Gem directory dir
contains all the proper subdirectories for handling default gems. If we can’t create a directory due to a permission problem, then we will silently continue.
If mode
is given, missing directories are created with this mode.
World-writable directories will never be created.
453 454 455 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 453 def self.ensure_default_gem_subdirectories(dir = Gem.dir, mode = nil) ensure_subdirectories(dir, mode, REPOSITORY_DEFAULT_GEM_SUBDIRECTORIES) end |
.ensure_gem_subdirectories(dir = Gem.dir, mode = nil) ⇒ Object
Quietly ensure the Gem directory dir
contains all the proper subdirectories. If we can’t create a directory due to a permission problem, then we will silently continue.
If mode
is given, missing directories are created with this mode.
World-writable directories will never be created.
440 441 442 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 440 def self.ensure_gem_subdirectories(dir = Gem.dir, mode = nil) ensure_subdirectories(dir, mode, REPOSITORY_SUBDIRECTORIES) end |
.ensure_subdirectories(dir, mode, subdirs) ⇒ Object
457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 457 def self.ensure_subdirectories(dir, mode, subdirs) # :nodoc: old_umask = File.umask File.umask old_umask | 002 require 'fileutils' = {} [:mode] = mode if mode subdirs.each do |name| subdir = File.join dir, name next if File.exist? subdir begin FileUtils.mkdir_p subdir, ** rescue Errno::EACCES end end ensure File.umask old_umask end |
.env_requirement(gem_name) ⇒ Object
853 854 855 856 857 858 859 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 853 def self.env_requirement(gem_name) @env_requirements_by_name ||= {} @env_requirements_by_name[gem_name] ||= begin req = ENV["GEM_REQUIREMENT_#{gem_name.upcase}"] || '>= 0'.freeze Gem::Requirement.create(req) end end |
.extension_api_version ⇒ Object
The extension API version of ruby. This includes the static vs non-static distinction as extensions cannot be shared between the two.
483 484 485 486 487 488 489 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 483 def self.extension_api_version # :nodoc: if 'no' == RbConfig::CONFIG['ENABLE_SHARED'] "#{ruby_api_version}-static" else ruby_api_version end end |
.find_config_file ⇒ Object
Finds the user’s config file
134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 134 def self.find_config_file gemrc = File.join Gem.user_home, '.gemrc' if File.exist? gemrc gemrc else File.join Gem.config_home, "gem", "gemrc" end end |
.find_files(glob, check_load_path = true) ⇒ Object
Returns a list of paths matching glob
that can be used by a gem to pick up features from other gems. For example:
Gem.find_files('rdoc/discover').each do |path| load path end
if check_load_path
is true (the default), then find_files also searches $LOAD_PATH for files as well as gems.
Note that find_files will return all files even if they are from different versions of the same gem. See also find_latest_files
503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 503 def self.find_files(glob, check_load_path=true) files = [] files = find_files_from_load_path glob if check_load_path gem_specifications = @gemdeps ? Gem.loaded_specs.values : Gem::Specification.stubs files.concat {|spec| spec.matches_for_glob("#{glob}#{Gem.suffix_pattern}") }.flatten # $LOAD_PATH might contain duplicate entries or reference # the spec dirs directly, so we prune. files.uniq! if check_load_path return files end |
.find_files_from_load_path(glob) ⇒ Object
521 522 523 524 525 526 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 521 def self.find_files_from_load_path(glob) # :nodoc: glob_with_suffixes = "#{glob}#{Gem.suffix_pattern}" $ do |load_path| Gem::Util.glob_files_in_dir(glob_with_suffixes, load_path) {|file| File.file? file.tap(&Gem::UNTAINT) } end |
.find_latest_files(glob, check_load_path = true) ⇒ Object
Returns a list of paths matching glob
from the latest gems that can be used by a gem to pick up features from other gems. For example:
Gem.find_latest_files('rdoc/discover').each do |path| load path end
if check_load_path
is true (the default), then find_latest_files also searches $LOAD_PATH for files as well as gems.
Unlike find_files, find_latest_files will return only files from the latest version of a gem.
540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 540 def self.find_latest_files(glob, check_load_path=true) files = [] files = find_files_from_load_path glob if check_load_path files.concat Gem::Specification.latest_specs(true).map {|spec| spec.matches_for_glob("#{glob}#{Gem.suffix_pattern}") }.flatten # $LOAD_PATH might contain duplicate entries or reference # the spec dirs directly, so we prune. files.uniq! if check_load_path return files end |
.find_unresolved_default_spec(path) ⇒ Object
Find a Gem::Specification of default gem from path
1246 1247 1248 1249 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1246 def find_unresolved_default_spec(path) default_spec = @path_to_default_spec_map[path] return default_spec if default_spec && loaded_specs[] != default_spec end |
.finish_resolve(request_set = ⇒ Object
236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 236 def self.finish_resolve( request_set.import Gem::Specification.unresolved_deps.values request_set.import {|s|, s.version) } request_set.resolve_current.each do |s| s.full_spec.activate end end |
.host ⇒ Object
Get the default RubyGems API host. This is normally
575 576 577 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 575 def @host ||= Gem::DEFAULT_HOST end |
.host=(host) ⇒ Object
Set the default RubyGems API host.
581 582 583 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 581 def @host = host end |
.install(name, version = Gem::Requirement.default, *options) ⇒ Object
Top level install helper method. Allows you to install gems interactively:
% irb
>> Gem.install "minitest"
Fetching: minitest-5.14.0.gem (100%)
=> [#<Gem::Specification:0x1013b4528 @name="minitest", ...>]
564 565 566 567 568 569 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 564 def self.install(name, version = Gem::Requirement.default, *) require "rubygems/dependency_installer" inst =*) inst.install name, version inst.installed_gems end |
.install_extension_in_lib ⇒ Object
Install extensions into lib as well as into the extension directory.
240 241 242 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 240 def self.install_extension_in_lib # :nodoc: true end |
.java_platform? ⇒ Boolean
Is this a java platform?
1038 1039 1040 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1038 def self.java_platform? RUBY_PLATFORM == "java" end |
.latest_rubygems_version ⇒ Object
Returns the latest release version of RubyGems.
878 879 880 881 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 878 def self.latest_rubygems_version latest_version_for('rubygems-update') or raise "Can't find 'rubygems-update' in any repo. Check `gem source list`." end |
.latest_spec_for(name) ⇒ Object
Returns the latest release-version specification for the gem name
865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 865 def self.latest_spec_for(name) dependency = name fetcher = Gem::SpecFetcher.fetcher spec_tuples, = fetcher.spec_for_dependency dependency spec, = spec_tuples.first spec end |
.latest_version_for(name) ⇒ Object
Returns the version of the latest release-version of gem name
886 887 888 889 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 886 def self.latest_version_for(name) spec = latest_spec_for name spec and spec.version end |
.load_env_plugins ⇒ Object
Find all ‘rubygems_plugin’ files in $LOAD_PATH and load them
1072 1073 1074 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1072 def self.load_env_plugins load_plugin_files find_files_from_load_path("rubygems_plugin") end |
.load_path_insert_index ⇒ Object
The index to insert activated gem paths into the $LOAD_PATH. The activated gem’s paths are inserted before site lib directory by default.
589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 589 def self.load_path_insert_index $LOAD_PATH.each_with_index do |path, i| return i if path.instance_variable_defined?(:@gem_prelude_index) end index = $LOAD_PATH.index RbConfig::CONFIG['sitelibdir'] index || 0 end |
.load_plugin_files(plugins) ⇒ Object
Load plugins
as Ruby files
1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1045 def self.load_plugin_files(plugins) # :nodoc: plugins.each do |plugin| # Skip older versions of the GemCutter plugin: Its commands are in # RubyGems proper now. next if plugin =~ /gemcutter-0\.[0-3]/ begin load plugin rescue ::Exception => e details = "#{plugin.inspect}: #{e.} (#{e.class})" warn "Error loading RubyGems plugin #{details}" end end end |
.load_plugins ⇒ Object
Find rubygems plugin files in the standard location and load them
1065 1066 1067 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1065 def self.load_plugins load_plugin_files Gem::Util.glob_files_in_dir("*#{Gem.plugin_suffix_pattern}", plugindir) end |
.load_yaml ⇒ Object
Loads YAML, preferring Psych
622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 622 def self.load_yaml return if @yaml_loaded begin # Try requiring the gem version *or* stdlib version of psych. require 'psych' rescue ::LoadError # If we can't load psych, thats fine, go on. else # If 'yaml' has already been required, then we have to # be sure to switch it over to the newly loaded psych. if defined?(YAML::ENGINE) && YAML::ENGINE.yamler != "psych" YAML::ENGINE.yamler = "psych" end require 'rubygems/psych_additions' require 'rubygems/psych_tree' end require 'yaml' require 'rubygems/safe_yaml' # Now that we're sure some kind of yaml library is loaded, pull # in our hack to deal with Syck's DefaultKey ugliness. require 'rubygems/syck_hack' @yaml_loaded = true end |
.location_of_caller(depth = 1) ⇒ Object
The file name and line number of the caller of the caller of this method.
is how many layers up the call stack it should go.
def a; Gem.location_of_caller; end a #=> [“x.rb”, 2] # (it’ll vary depending on file name and line number)
def b; c; end def c; Gem.location_of_caller(2); end b #=> [“x.rb”, 6] # (it’ll vary depending on file name and line number)
665 666 667 668 669 670 671 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 665 def self.location_of_caller(depth = 1) caller[depth] =~ /(.*?):(\d+).*?$/i file = $1 lineno = $2.to_i [file, lineno] end |
.marshal_version ⇒ Object
The version of the Marshal format for your Ruby.
676 677 678 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 676 def self.marshal_version "#{Marshal::MAJOR_VERSION}.#{Marshal::MINOR_VERSION}" end |
.needs {|rs| ... } ⇒ Object
228 229 230 231 232 233 234 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 228 def self.needs rs = yield rs finish_resolve rs end |
.operating_system_defaults ⇒ Object
Default options for gem commands for Ruby packagers.
The options here should be structured as an array of string “gem” command names as keys and a string of the default options as values.
def self.operating_system_defaults
'install' => '--no-rdoc --no-ri --env-shebang',
'update' => '--no-rdoc --no-ri --env-shebang'
273 274 275 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 273 def self. {} end |
.path ⇒ Object
423 424 425 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 423 def self.path paths.path end |
.path_separator ⇒ Object
How String Gem paths should be split. Overridable for esoteric platforms.
167 168 169 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 167 def self.path_separator File::PATH_SEPARATOR end |
.paths ⇒ Object
Retrieve the PathSupport object that RubyGems uses to lookup files.
379 380 381 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 379 def self.paths @paths ||= end |
.paths=(env) ⇒ Object
Initialize the filesystem paths to use from env
. env
is a hash-like object (typically ENV) that is queried for ‘GEM_HOME’, ‘GEM_PATH’, and ‘GEM_SPEC_CACHE’ Keys for the env
hash should be Strings, and values of the hash should be Strings or nil
389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 389 def self.paths=(env) clear_paths target = {} env.each_pair do |k,v| case k when 'GEM_HOME', 'GEM_PATH', 'GEM_SPEC_CACHE' case v when nil, String target[k] = v when Array unless Gem::Deprecate.skip warn <<-EOWARN Array values in the parameter to `Gem.paths=` are deprecated. Please use a String or nil. An Array (#{env.inspect}) was passed in from #{caller[3]} EOWARN end target[k] = v.join File::PATH_SEPARATOR end else target[k] = v end end @paths = ENV.to_hash.merge(target) Gem::Specification.dirs = @paths.path end |
.platform_defaults ⇒ Object
Default options for gem commands for Ruby implementers.
The options here should be structured as an array of string “gem” command names as keys and a string of the default options as values.
def self.platform_defaults
'install' => '--no-rdoc --no-ri --env-shebang',
'update' => '--no-rdoc --no-ri --env-shebang'
292 293 294 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 292 def self.platform_defaults {} end |
.platforms ⇒ Object
Array of platforms this RubyGems supports.
690 691 692 693 694 695 696 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 690 def self.platforms @platforms ||= [] if @platforms.empty? @platforms = [Gem::Platform::RUBY, Gem::Platform.local] end @platforms end |
.platforms=(platforms) ⇒ Object
Set array of platforms this RubyGems supports (primarily for testing).
683 684 685 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 683 def self.platforms=(platforms) @platforms = platforms end |
.plugin_suffix_pattern ⇒ Object
Glob pattern for require-able plugin suffixes.
961 962 963 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 961 def self.plugin_suffix_pattern @plugin_suffix_pattern ||= "_plugin#{suffix_pattern}" end |
.plugin_suffix_regexp ⇒ Object
Regexp for require-able plugin suffixes.
968 969 970 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 968 def self.plugin_suffix_regexp @plugin_suffix_regexp ||= /_plugin#{suffix_regexp}\z/ end |
.plugindir(install_dir = Gem.dir) ⇒ Object
The path were rubygems plugins are to be installed.
327 328 329 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 327 def self.plugindir(install_dir=Gem.dir) File.join install_dir, 'plugins' end |
.post_build(&hook) ⇒ Object
Adds a post-build hook that will be passed an Gem::Installer instance when Gem::Installer#install is called. The hook is called after the gem has been extracted and extensions have been built but before the executables or gemspec has been written. If the hook returns false
then the gem’s files will be removed and the install will be aborted.
705 706 707 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 705 def self.post_build(&hook) @post_build_hooks << hook end |
.post_install(&hook) ⇒ Object
Adds a post-install hook that will be passed an Gem::Installer instance when Gem::Installer#install is called
713 714 715 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 713 def self.post_install(&hook) @post_install_hooks << hook end |
.post_reset(&hook) ⇒ Object
Adds a hook that will get run after Gem::Specification.reset is run.
730 731 732 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 730 def self.post_reset(&hook) @post_reset_hooks << hook end |
.post_uninstall(&hook) ⇒ Object
Adds a post-uninstall hook that will be passed a Gem::Uninstaller instance and the spec that was uninstalled when Gem::Uninstaller#uninstall is called
739 740 741 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 739 def self.post_uninstall(&hook) @post_uninstall_hooks << hook end |
.pre_install(&hook) ⇒ Object
Adds a pre-install hook that will be passed an Gem::Installer instance when Gem::Installer#install is called. If the hook returns false
then the install will be aborted.
748 749 750 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 748 def self.pre_install(&hook) @pre_install_hooks << hook end |
.pre_reset(&hook) ⇒ Object
Adds a hook that will get run before Gem::Specification.reset is run.
756 757 758 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 756 def self.pre_reset(&hook) @pre_reset_hooks << hook end |
.pre_uninstall(&hook) ⇒ Object
Adds a pre-uninstall hook that will be passed an Gem::Uninstaller instance and the spec that will be uninstalled when Gem::Uninstaller#uninstall is called
765 766 767 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 765 def self.pre_uninstall(&hook) @pre_uninstall_hooks << hook end |
.prefix ⇒ Object
The directory prefix this RubyGems was installed at. If your prefix is in a standard location (ie, rubygems is installed where you’d expect it to be), then prefix returns nil.
774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 774 def self.prefix prefix = File.dirname RUBYGEMS_DIR if prefix != File.(RbConfig::CONFIG['sitelibdir']) and prefix != File.(RbConfig::CONFIG['libdir']) and 'lib' == File.basename(RUBYGEMS_DIR) prefix end end |
.read_binary(path) ⇒ Object
Safely read a file in binary mode on all platforms.
794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 794 def self.read_binary(path) path, 'rb+' do |f| f.flock(File::LOCK_EX) end rescue *READ_BINARY_ERRORS path, 'rb' do |f| end rescue Errno::ENOLCK # NFS if Thread.main != Thread.current raise else path, 'rb' do |f| end end end |
.refresh ⇒ Object
Refresh available gems from disk.
787 788 789 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 787 def self.refresh Gem::Specification.reset end |
.register_default_spec(spec) ⇒ Object
Register a Gem::Specification for default gem.
Two formats for the specification are supported:
MRI 2.0 style, where spec.files contains unprefixed require names. The spec’s filenames will be registered as-is.
New style, where spec.files contains files prefixed with paths from spec.require_paths. The prefixes are stripped before registering the spec’s filenames. Unprefixed files are omitted.
1221 1222 1223 1224 1225 1226 1227 1228 1229 1230 1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1221 def register_default_spec(spec) extended_require_paths = {|f| f + "/" } new_format = extended_require_paths.any? {|path| spec.files.any? {|f| f.start_with? path } } if new_format prefix_group = extended_require_paths.join("|") prefix_pattern = /^(#{prefix_group})/ end spec.files.each do |file| if new_format file = file.sub(prefix_pattern, "") next unless $~ end spec.activate if already_loaded?(file) @path_to_default_spec_map[file] = spec @path_to_default_spec_map[file.sub(suffix_regexp, "")] = spec end end |
.ruby ⇒ Object
The path to the running Ruby interpreter.
836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 836 def self.ruby if @ruby.nil? @ruby = RbConfig.ruby @ruby = "\"#{@ruby}\"" if @ruby =~ /\s/ end @ruby end |
.ruby=(ruby) ⇒ Object
Allows setting path to Ruby. This method is available when requiring ‘rubygems/test_case’
70 71 72 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/test_case.rb', line 70 def self.ruby=(ruby) @ruby = ruby end |
.ruby_api_version ⇒ Object
Returns a String containing the API compatibility version of Ruby
849 850 851 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 849 def self.ruby_api_version @ruby_api_version ||= RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_version'].dup end |
.ruby_engine ⇒ Object
207 208 209 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 207 def self.ruby_engine RUBY_ENGINE end |
.ruby_version ⇒ Object
A Gem::Version for the currently running Ruby.
894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 894 def self.ruby_version return @ruby_version if defined? @ruby_version version = RUBY_VERSION.dup if defined?(RUBY_PATCHLEVEL) && RUBY_PATCHLEVEL != -1 version << ".#{RUBY_PATCHLEVEL}" elsif defined?(RUBY_DESCRIPTION) if RUBY_ENGINE == "ruby" desc = RUBY_DESCRIPTION[/\Aruby #{Regexp.quote(RUBY_VERSION)}([^ ]+) /, 1] else desc = RUBY_DESCRIPTION[/\A#{RUBY_ENGINE} #{Regexp.quote(RUBY_ENGINE_VERSION)} \(#{RUBY_VERSION}([^ ]+)\) /, 1] end version << ".#{desc}" if desc end @ruby_version = version end |
.rubygems_version ⇒ Object
A Gem::Version for the currently running RubyGems
915 916 917 918 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 915 def self.rubygems_version return @rubygems_version if defined? @rubygems_version @rubygems_version = Gem::VERSION end |
.searcher=(searcher) ⇒ Object
Allows setting the gem path searcher. This method is available when requiring ‘rubygems/test_case’
54 55 56 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/test_case.rb', line 54 def self.searcher=(searcher) @searcher = searcher end |
.source_date_epoch ⇒ Object
Returns the value of Gem.source_date_epoch_string, as a Time object.
This is used throughout RubyGems for enabling reproducible builds.
1184 1185 1186 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1184 def self.source_date_epoch end |
.source_date_epoch_string ⇒ Object
If the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable is set, returns it’s value. Otherwise, returns the time that ‘Gem.source_date_epoch_string` was first called in the same format as SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH.
NOTE(@duckinator): The implementation is a tad weird because we want to:
1. Make builds reproducible by default, by having this function always
return the same result during a given run.
2. Allow changing ENV['SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH'] at runtime, since multiple
tests that set this variable will be run in a single process.
If you simplify this function and a lot of tests fail, that is likely due to #2 above.
1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1165 def self.source_date_epoch_string # The value used if $SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH is not set. @default_source_date_epoch ||= specified_epoch = ENV["SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH"] # If it's empty or just whitespace, treat it like it wasn't set at all. specified_epoch = nil if !specified_epoch.nil? && specified_epoch.strip.empty? epoch = specified_epoch || @default_source_date_epoch epoch.strip end |
.sources ⇒ Object
Returns an Array of sources to fetch remote gems from. Uses default_sources if the sources list is empty.
924 925 926 927 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 924 def self.sources source_list = configuration.sources || default_sources @sources ||= Gem::SourceList.from(source_list) end |
.sources=(new_sources) ⇒ Object
Need to be able to set the sources without calling Gem.sources.replace since that would cause an infinite loop.
DOC: This comment is not documentation about the method itself, it’s more of a code comment about the implementation.
936 937 938 939 940 941 942 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 936 def self.sources=(new_sources) if !new_sources @sources = nil else @sources = Gem::SourceList.from(new_sources) end end |
.spec_cache_dir ⇒ Object
427 428 429 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 427 def self.spec_cache_dir paths.spec_cache_dir end |
.suffix_pattern ⇒ Object
Glob pattern for require-able path suffixes.
947 948 949 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 947 def self.suffix_pattern @suffix_pattern ||= "{#{suffixes.join(',')}}" end |
.suffix_regexp ⇒ Object
Regexp for require-able path suffixes.
954 955 956 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 954 def self.suffix_regexp @suffix_regexp ||= /#{Regexp.union(suffixes)}\z/ end |
.suffixes ⇒ Object
Suffixes for require-able paths.
975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 975 def self.suffixes @suffixes ||= ['', '.rb', *%w[DLEXT DLEXT2].map do |key| val = RbConfig::CONFIG[key] next unless val and not val.empty? ".#{val}" end, ].compact.uniq end |
.time(msg, width = 0, display = Gem.configuration.verbose) ⇒ Object
Prints the amount of time the supplied block takes to run using the debug UI output.
990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 990 def self.time(msg, width = 0, display = Gem.configuration.verbose) now = value = yield elapsed = - now ui.say "%2$*1$s: %3$3.3fs" % [-width, msg, elapsed] if display value end |
.try_activate(path) ⇒ Object
Try to activate a gem containing path
. Returns true if activation succeeded or wasn’t needed because it was already activated. Returns false if it can’t find the path in a gem.
203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 203 def self.try_activate(path) # finds the _latest_ version... regardless of loaded specs and their deps # if another gem had a requirement that would mean we shouldn't # activate the latest version, then either it would already be activated # or if it was ambiguous (and thus unresolved) the code in our custom # require will try to activate the more specific version. spec = Gem::Specification.find_by_path path return false unless spec return true if spec.activated? begin spec.activate rescue Gem::LoadError => e # this could fail due to gem dep collisions, go lax spec_by_name = Gem::Specification.find_by_name( if spec_by_name.nil? raise e else spec_by_name.activate end end return true end |
.ui ⇒ Object
Lazily loads DefaultUserInteraction and returns the default UI.
1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1005 def self.ui require 'rubygems/user_interaction' Gem::DefaultUserInteraction.ui end |
.use_gemdeps(path = nil) ⇒ Object
Looks for a gem dependency file at path
and activates the gems in the file if found. If the file is not found an ArgumentError is raised.
If path
is not given the RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS environment variable is used, but if no file is found no exception is raised.
If ‘-’ is given for path
RubyGems searches up from the current working directory for gem dependency files (gem.deps.rb, Gemfile, Isolate) and activates the gems in the first one found.
You can run this automatically when rubygems starts. To enable, set the RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS
environment variable to either the path of your gem dependencies file or “-” to auto-discover in parent directories.
NOTE: Enabling automatic discovery on multiuser systems can lead to execution of arbitrary code when used from directories outside your control.
1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1096 def self.use_gemdeps(path = nil) raise_exception = path path ||= ENV['RUBYGEMS_GEMDEPS'] return unless path path = path.dup if path == "-" Gem::Util.traverse_parents Dir.pwd do |directory| dep_file = GEM_DEP_FILES.find {|f| File.file?(f) } next unless dep_file path = File.join directory, dep_file break end end path.tap(&Gem::UNTAINT) unless File.file? path return unless raise_exception raise ArgumentError, "Unable to find gem dependencies file at #{path}" end ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] ||= File.(path) require 'rubygems/user_interaction' Gem::DefaultUserInteraction.use_ui(ui) do require "bundler" begin Bundler.ui.silence do @gemdeps = Bundler.setup end ensure Gem::DefaultUserInteraction.ui.close end end rescue => e case e when Gem::LoadError, Gem::UnsatisfiableDependencyError, (defined?(Bundler::GemNotFound) ? Bundler::GemNotFound : Gem::LoadError) warn e. warn "You may need to `gem install -g` to install missing gems" warn "" else raise end end |
.use_paths(home, *paths) ⇒ Object
Use the home
and paths
values for Gem.dir and Gem.path. Used mainly by the unit tests to provide environment isolation.
1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1015 def self.use_paths(home, *paths) paths.flatten! paths.compact! hash = { "GEM_HOME" => home, "GEM_PATH" => paths.empty? ? home : paths.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) } hash.delete_if {|_, v| v.nil? } self.paths = hash end |
.user_dir ⇒ Object
Path for gems in the user’s home directory
116 117 118 119 120 121 122 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 116 def self.user_dir gem_dir = File.join(Gem.user_home, ".gem") gem_dir = File.join(Gem.data_home, "gem") unless File.exist?(gem_dir) parts = [gem_dir, ruby_engine] parts << RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_version'] unless RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_version'].empty? File.join parts end |
.user_home ⇒ Object
The home directory for the user.
109 110 111 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 109 def self.user_home @user_home ||= find_home.tap(&Gem::UNTAINT) end |
.vendor_dir ⇒ Object
Directory where vendor gems are installed.
247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/defaults.rb', line 247 def self.vendor_dir # :nodoc: if vendor_dir = ENV['GEM_VENDOR'] return vendor_dir.dup end return nil unless RbConfig::CONFIG.key? 'vendordir' File.join RbConfig::CONFIG['vendordir'], 'gems', RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_version'] end |
.win_platform=(val) ⇒ Object
Allows toggling Windows behavior. This method is available when requiring ‘rubygems/test_case’
62 63 64 |
# File 'lib/rubygems/test_case.rb', line 62 def self.win_platform=(val) @@win_platform = val end |
.win_platform? ⇒ Boolean
Is this a windows platform?
1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 1026 def self.win_platform? if @@win_platform.nil? ruby_platform = RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] @@win_platform = !!WIN_PATTERNS.find {|r| ruby_platform =~ r } end @@win_platform end |
.write_binary(path, data) ⇒ Object
Safely write a file in binary mode on all platforms.
815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 |
# File 'lib/rubygems.rb', line 815 def self.write_binary(path, data) open(path, 'wb') do |io| begin io.flock(File::LOCK_EX) rescue *WRITE_BINARY_ERRORS end io.write data end rescue Errno::ENOLCK # NFS if Thread.main != Thread.current raise else open(path, 'wb') do |io| io.write data end end end |