Class: Tk::Menu
Direct Known Subclasses
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: TkInternalFunction
Constant Summary collapse
- TkCommandNames =
- WidgetClassName =
Constants included from TkMenuSpec
Constants included from TkUtil
TkUtil::None, TkUtil::RELEASE_DATE
Constants included from Wm
Constants included from TkCore
Constants included from TkComm
TkComm::GET_CONFIGINFO_AS_ARRAY, TkComm::GET_CONFIGINFOwoRES_AS_ARRAY, TkComm::TkExtlibAutoloadModule, TkComm::Tk_CMDTBL, TkComm::Tk_IDs, TkComm::Tk_WINDOWS, TkComm::USE_TCLs_LIST_FUNCTIONS, TkComm::WidgetClassNames
Constants included from Tk
Constants included from Encoding
Encoding::BINARY, Encoding::BINARY_NAME, Encoding::DEFAULT_EXTERNAL_NAME, Encoding::DEFAULT_INTERNAL_NAME, Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE, Encoding::RubyEncoding, Encoding::UNKNOWN, Encoding::UTF8_NAME
Constants included from TkDND::Shape
Class Method Summary collapse
Instance Method Summary collapse
- #activate(index) ⇒ Object
- #add(type, keys = nil) ⇒ Object
- #add_cascade(keys = nil) ⇒ Object
- #add_checkbutton(keys = nil) ⇒ Object
- #add_command(keys = nil) ⇒ Object
- #add_radiobutton(keys = nil) ⇒ Object
- #add_separator(keys = nil) ⇒ Object
- #clone_menu(*args) ⇒ Object
- #delete(first, last = nil) ⇒ Object
- #index(idx) ⇒ Object
- #insert(index, type, keys = nil) ⇒ Object
- #invoke(index) ⇒ Object
- #menutype(index) ⇒ Object
- #popup(x, y, index = nil) ⇒ Object
- #post(x, y) ⇒ Object
- #postcascade(index) ⇒ Object
- #postcommand(cmd = ⇒ Object
- #set_focus ⇒ Object
- #tagid(id) ⇒ Object
- #tearoffcommand(cmd = ⇒ Object
- #unpost ⇒ Object
- #xposition(index) ⇒ Object
- #yposition(index) ⇒ Object
Methods included from TkItemConfigMethod
__IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__, #__check_available_itemconfigure_options, #__current_itemconfiginfo, __set_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__!, #current_itemconfiginfo, #itemcget, #itemcget_strict, #itemcget_tkstring, #itemconfiginfo, #itemconfigure
Methods included from TkItemConfigOptkeys
#__conv_item_keyonly_opts, #itemconfig_hash_kv
Methods included from TkUtil
#_conv_args, _conv_args, #_fromUTF8, #_get_eval_enc_str, _get_eval_enc_str, #_get_eval_string, _get_eval_string, _symbolkey2str, #_symbolkey2str, #_toUTF8, #bool, bool, callback, eval_cmd, #hash_kv, hash_kv, install_cmd, #num_or_nil, num_or_nil, num_or_str, #num_or_str, number, #number, string, #string, uninstall_cmd, untrust
Methods included from TkTreatItemFont
#kanjifont_copy, #kanjitagfont_configure, #latintagfont_configure, #latintagfont_copy, #tagfont_configinfo, #tagfont_configure, #tagfont_copy
Methods included from Wm
aspect, #aspect, attributes, #attributes, client, #client, colormapwindows, #colormapwindows, command, #deiconify, deiconify, #focusmodel, focusmodel, forget, #frame, frame, #geometry, geometry, grid, #group, group, #iconbitmap, iconbitmap, #iconify, iconify, iconmask, #iconmask, #iconname, iconname, iconphoto, #iconphoto, #iconphoto_default, iconphoto_default, iconposition, #iconposition, #iconwindow, iconwindow, manage, #maxsize, maxsize, #minsize, minsize, overrideredirect, #overrideredirect, #positionfrom, positionfrom, protocol, #protocol, protocols, #protocols, #resizable, resizable, sizefrom, #sizefrom, stackorder, #stackorder, stackorder_is_above, stackorder_is_below, stackorder_isabove, #stackorder_isabove, #stackorder_isbelow, stackorder_isbelow, #state, state, #title, title, #transient, transient, withdraw, #withdraw, #wm_command, #wm_forget, #wm_grid, #wm_manage
Methods included from TkCore
#_tk_call_to_list_core, #after, #after_cancel, #after_idle, #appname, #appsend, #appsend_deny, #appsend_displayof, callback, #callback_break, #callback_continue, #callback_return, #chooseColor, #chooseDirectory, #do_one_event, #event_generate, #getMultipleOpenFile, #getMultipleSaveFile, #getOpenFile, #getSaveFile, #get_eventloop_tick, #get_eventloop_weight, #get_no_event_wait, #inactive, #inactive_displayof, #info, #ip_eval, #ip_eval_with_enc, #ip_eval_without_enc, #ip_invoke, #ip_invoke_with_enc, #ip_invoke_without_enc, #is_mainloop?, #load_cmd_on_ip, #mainloop, #mainloop_exist?, #mainloop_thread?, #mainloop_watchdog, #messageBox, #rb_appsend, #rb_appsend_displayof, #reset_inactive, #reset_inactive_displayof, #restart, #scaling, #scaling_displayof, #set_eventloop_tick, #set_eventloop_weight, #set_no_event_wait, #tk_call, #tk_call_to_list, #tk_call_to_list_with_enc, #tk_call_to_list_without_enc, #tk_call_to_simplelist, #tk_call_to_simplelist_with_enc, #tk_call_to_simplelist_without_enc, #tk_call_with_enc, #tk_call_without_enc, #windowingsystem
Methods included from TkComm
_at, _callback_entry?, _callback_entry_class?, _curr_cmd_id, _fromUTF8, _genobj_for_tkwidget, _next_cmd_id, _toUTF8, array2tk_list, #bind, #bind_all, #bind_append, #bind_append_all, #bind_remove, #bind_remove_all, #bindinfo, #bindinfo_all, bool, image_obj, #install_cmd, install_cmd, list, num_or_nil, num_or_str, number, procedure, simplelist, slice_ary, string, #subst, tk_tcl2ruby, uninstall_cmd, #uninstall_cmd, window
Methods included from TkEvent
#install_bind, #install_bind_for_event_class
Methods inherited from TkWindow
_widget_inspect_full_=, _widget_inspect_full_?, #bind_class, #bindtags, #bindtags=, #bindtags_shift, #bindtags_unshift, #caret, #colormodel, #command, #cursor_propagate, #cursor_restore, database_class, #database_class, #database_classname, database_classname, #destroy, #eventloop_wait_destroy, #eventloop_wait_visibility, #exist?, #grab, #grab_current, #grab_release, #grab_set, #grab_set_global, #grab_status, #grid, #grid_anchor, #grid_bbox, #grid_column, #grid_columnconfig, #grid_columnconfiginfo, #grid_config, #grid_forget, #grid_in, #grid_info, #grid_location, #grid_propagate, #grid_remove, #grid_row, #grid_rowconfig, #grid_rowconfiginfo, #grid_size, #grid_slaves, #initialize, #inspect, #lower, #pack, #pack_config, #pack_forget, #pack_in, #pack_info, #pack_propagate, #pack_slaves, #place, #place_config, #place_configinfo, #place_forget, #place_in, #place_info, #place_slaves, #raise, #thread_wait_destroy, #thread_wait_visibility, #tktrans_get_image, #tktrans_set_image, to_eval, #wait_destroy, #wait_visibility
Methods included from TkBindCore
#bind, #bind_append, #bind_remove, #bindinfo
Methods included from Busy
#busy, #busy_cget, #busy_configinfo, #busy_configure, #busy_current?, #busy_current_configinfo, #busy_forget, #busy_status, current, forget, hold, method_missing, status
Methods included from TkWinfo
appname, atom, atomname, cells, children, classname, colormapfull, containing, depth, exist?, fpixels, geometry, height, id, interps, manager, mapped?, parent, pixels, pointerx, pointerxy, pointery, reqheight, reqwidth, rgb, rootx, rooty, screen, screencells, screendepth, screenheight, screenmmheight, screenmmwidth, screenvisual, screenwidth, server, toplevel, viewable, visual, visualid, visualsavailable, vrootheight, vrootwidth, vrootx, vrooty, widget, width, #winfo_appname, #winfo_atom, #winfo_atomname, #winfo_cells, #winfo_children, #winfo_classname, #winfo_colormapfull, #winfo_containing, #winfo_depth, #winfo_exist?, #winfo_fpixels, #winfo_geometry, #winfo_height, #winfo_id, #winfo_interps, #winfo_manager, #winfo_mapped?, #winfo_parent, #winfo_pixels, #winfo_pointerx, #winfo_pointerxy, #winfo_pointery, #winfo_reqheight, #winfo_reqwidth, #winfo_rgb, #winfo_rootx, #winfo_rooty, #winfo_screen, #winfo_screencells, #winfo_screendepth, #winfo_screenheight, #winfo_screenmmheight, #winfo_screenmmwidth, #winfo_screenvisual, #winfo_screenwidth, #winfo_server, #winfo_toplevel, #winfo_viewable, #winfo_visual, #winfo_visualid, #winfo_visualsavailable, #winfo_vrootheight, #winfo_vrootwidth, #winfo_vrootx, #winfo_vrooty, #winfo_widget, #winfo_width, #winfo_x, #winfo_y, x, y
Methods included from Tk
BinaryString, EncodedString, #Grid, #Pack, #Place, UTF8_String, __create_widget_set__, __disable_toplevel_control__, __import_toplevel_aliases__, __regist_toplevel_aliases__, __remove_toplevel_aliases__, __reset_toplevel_owner__, __set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__, __set_toplevel_aliases__, __toplevel_alias_setup_proc__, add_kinsoku, bell, bell_on_display, const_missing, current_grabs, cursor_display, default_widget_set, default_widget_set=, delete_kinsoku, destroy, #encoding, #encoding=, errorCode, errorInfo, exit, focus, focus_lastfor, focus_next, focus_prev, focus_to, fromUTF8, grid, grid_forget, has_mainwindow?, load_tcllibrary, load_tclscript, load_tclscript_rsrc, load_tclscript_rsrcid, lower_window, pack, pack_forget, pkgconfig_get, pkgconfig_list, place, place_forget, raise_window, #root, show_kinsoku, sleep, strictMotif, subst_tk_backslash, subst_utf_backslash, tcl_pkgconfig_get, tcl_pkgconfig_list, thread_update, thread_update_idletasks, tk_pkgconfig_get, tk_pkgconfig_list, toUTF8, to_backslash_sequence, toplevel_aliases_on_widget_set, ungrid, unload_tcllibrary, unpack, unplace, update, #update, update_idletasks, utf_to_backslash, utf_to_backslash_sequence, wakeup, widget_set_symbols
Methods included from Encoding
#default_encoding=, #encoding=, #encoding_convertfrom, #encoding_convertto, #encoding_dirs, #encoding_dirs=, #encoding_name, #encoding_names, #encoding_obj, #encoding_objs, #encoding_system=, #encoding_system_name, #encoding_system_obj, #force_default_encoding, #force_default_encoding=, #force_default_encoding?, #tk_encoding_names
Methods included from TkDND::DND
#dnd_bindsource, #dnd_bindsource_info, #dnd_bindtarget, #dnd_bindtarget_info, #dnd_clearsource, #dnd_cleartarget, #dnd_drag, version
Methods included from TkDND::Shape
package_name, package_patchlevel, package_version, #shape_bounds, #shape_get, #shape_offset, #shape_set, #shape_update, version
Methods inherited from TkObject
#destroy, #epath, #event_generate, #method_missing, #path, #tk_send, #tk_send_to_list, #tk_send_to_list_with_enc, #tk_send_to_list_without_enc, #tk_send_to_simplelist, #tk_send_to_simplelist_with_enc, #tk_send_to_simplelist_without_enc, #tk_send_with_enc, #tk_send_without_enc, #to_eval
Methods included from TkConfigMethod
#[], #[]=, __IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__, #__check_available_configure_options, __set_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__!, #cget, #cget_strict, #cget_tkstring, #config_hash_kv, #configinfo, #configure, #configure_cmd, #current_configinfo
Methods included from TkTreatFont
#font_configinfo, #font_configure, #font_copy, #kanjifont_configure, #kanjifont_copy, #latinfont_configure, #latinfont_copy
Methods inherited from TkKernel
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from TkWindow
Dynamic Method Handling
This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class TkObject
Class Method Details
.new_menuspec(menu_spec, parent = nil, tearoff = false, keys = nil) ⇒ Object
75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 75 def self.(, parent = nil, tearoff = false, keys = nil) if parent.kind_of?(Hash) keys = _symbolkey2str(parent) parent = keys.delete('parent') tearoff = keys.delete('tearoff') elsif tearoff.kind_of?(Hash) keys = _symbolkey2str(tearoff) tearoff = keys.delete('tearoff') elsif keys keys = _symbolkey2str(keys) else keys = {} end = keys.delete('widgetname') (parent, , , tearoff, keys) end |
Instance Method Details
#activate(index) ⇒ Object
98 99 100 101 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 98 def activate(index) tk_send_without_enc('activate', _get_eval_enc_str(index)) self end |
#add(type, keys = nil) ⇒ Object
102 103 104 105 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 102 def add(type, keys=nil) tk_send_without_enc('add', type, *hash_kv(keys, true)) self end |
#add_cascade(keys = nil) ⇒ Object
106 107 108 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 106 def add_cascade(keys=nil) add('cascade', keys) end |
#add_checkbutton(keys = nil) ⇒ Object
109 110 111 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 109 def (keys=nil) add('checkbutton', keys) end |
#add_command(keys = nil) ⇒ Object
112 113 114 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 112 def add_command(keys=nil) add('command', keys) end |
#add_radiobutton(keys = nil) ⇒ Object
115 116 117 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 115 def (keys=nil) add('radiobutton', keys) end |
#add_separator(keys = nil) ⇒ Object
118 119 120 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 118 def add_separator(keys=nil) add('separator', keys) end |
#clone_menu(*args) ⇒ Object
122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 122 def (*args) if args[0].kind_of?(TkWindow) parent = args.shift else parent = self end if args[0].kind_of?(String) || args[0].kind_of?(Symbol) # menu type type = args.shift else type = None # 'normal' end if args[0].kind_of?(Hash) keys = _symbolkey2str(args.shift) else keys = {} end parent = keys.delete('parent') if keys.has_key?('parent') type = keys.delete('type') if keys.has_key?('type') if keys.empty?, parent, type) else, parent, type, keys) end end |
#delete(first, last = nil) ⇒ Object
163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 163 def delete(first, last=nil) if last tk_send_without_enc('delete', _get_eval_enc_str(first), _get_eval_enc_str(last)) else tk_send_without_enc('delete', _get_eval_enc_str(first)) end self end |
#index(idx) ⇒ Object
151 152 153 154 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 151 def index(idx) ret = tk_send_without_enc('index', _get_eval_enc_str(idx)) (ret == 'none')? nil: number(ret) end |
#insert(index, type, keys = nil) ⇒ Object
158 159 160 161 162 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 158 def insert(index, type, keys=nil) tk_send_without_enc('insert', _get_eval_enc_str(index), type, *hash_kv(keys, true)) self end |
#invoke(index) ⇒ Object
155 156 157 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 155 def invoke(index) _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('invoke', _get_eval_enc_str(index))) end |
#menutype(index) ⇒ Object
200 201 202 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 200 def (index) tk_send_without_enc('type', _get_eval_enc_str(index)) end |
#popup(x, y, index = nil) ⇒ Object
172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 172 def popup(x, y, index=nil) if index tk_call_without_enc('tk_popup', path, x, y, _get_eval_enc_str(index)) else tk_call_without_enc('tk_popup', path, x, y) end self end |
#post(x, y) ⇒ Object
181 182 183 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 181 def post(x, y) _fromUTF8(tk_send_without_enc('post', x, y)) end |
#postcascade(index) ⇒ Object
184 185 186 187 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 184 def postcascade(index) tk_send_without_enc('postcascade', _get_eval_enc_str(index)) self end |
#postcommand(cmd = ⇒ Object
188 189 190 191 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 188 def postcommand( configure_cmd 'postcommand', cmd self end |
#set_focus ⇒ Object
192 193 194 195 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 192 def set_focus tk_call_without_enc('tk_menuSetFocus', path) self end |
#tagid(id) ⇒ Object
93 94 95 96 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 93 def tagid(id) #id.to_s _get_eval_string(id) end |
#tearoffcommand(cmd = ⇒ Object
196 197 198 199 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 196 def tearoffcommand( configure_cmd 'tearoffcommand', cmd self end |
#unpost ⇒ Object
203 204 205 206 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 203 def unpost tk_send_without_enc('unpost') self end |
#xposition(index) ⇒ Object
207 208 209 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 207 def xposition(index) number(tk_send_without_enc('xposition', _get_eval_enc_str(index))) end |
#yposition(index) ⇒ Object
210 211 212 |
# File 'lib/tk/menu.rb', line 210 def yposition(index) number(tk_send_without_enc('yposition', _get_eval_enc_str(index))) end |