Class: Tk::Scrollbar
- Defined in:
- lib/tk/scrollbar.rb,
Direct Known Subclasses
BLT::Tile::Scrollbar, Tile::TScrollbar, XScrollbar, YScrollbar
Constant Summary collapse
- TkCommandNames =
- WidgetClassName =
Constants included from TkUtil
TkUtil::None, TkUtil::RELEASE_DATE
Constants included from TkCore
Constants included from TkComm
TkComm::GET_CONFIGINFO_AS_ARRAY, TkComm::GET_CONFIGINFOwoRES_AS_ARRAY, TkComm::TkExtlibAutoloadModule, TkComm::Tk_CMDTBL, TkComm::Tk_IDs, TkComm::Tk_WINDOWS, TkComm::USE_TCLs_LIST_FUNCTIONS, TkComm::WidgetClassNames
Constants included from Tk
Constants included from Encoding
Encoding::BINARY, Encoding::BINARY_NAME, Encoding::DEFAULT_EXTERNAL_NAME, Encoding::DEFAULT_INTERNAL_NAME, Encoding::ENCODING_TABLE, Encoding::RubyEncoding, Encoding::UNKNOWN, Encoding::UTF8_NAME
Constants included from TkDND::Shape
Instance Method Summary collapse
- #activate(element = None) ⇒ Object
- #assign(*wins) ⇒ Object
- #assigned_list ⇒ Object
- #autoscroll ⇒ Object
- #configure(*args) ⇒ Object
#delta(deltax, deltay) ⇒ Object
def delta(deltax=None, deltay=None).
#fraction(x, y) ⇒ Object
def fraction(x=None, y=None).
- #get ⇒ Object
- #identify(x, y) ⇒ Object
- #moveto(fraction) ⇒ Object
- #propagate_set(src_win, first, last) ⇒ Object
- #scroll(*args) ⇒ Object
- #scroll_pages(num) ⇒ Object
- #scroll_units(num) ⇒ Object
- #set(first, last) ⇒ Object
- #unautoscroll ⇒ Object
Methods inherited from TkWindow
_widget_inspect_full_=, _widget_inspect_full_?, #bind_class, #bindtags, #bindtags=, #bindtags_shift, #bindtags_unshift, #caret, #colormodel, #command, #cursor_propagate, #cursor_restore, database_class, #database_class, #database_classname, database_classname, #destroy, #eventloop_wait_destroy, #eventloop_wait_visibility, #exist?, #grab, #grab_current, #grab_release, #grab_set, #grab_set_global, #grab_status, #grid, #grid_anchor, #grid_bbox, #grid_column, #grid_columnconfig, #grid_columnconfiginfo, #grid_config, #grid_forget, #grid_in, #grid_info, #grid_location, #grid_propagate, #grid_remove, #grid_row, #grid_rowconfig, #grid_rowconfiginfo, #grid_size, #grid_slaves, #initialize, #inspect, #lower, #pack, #pack_config, #pack_forget, #pack_in, #pack_info, #pack_propagate, #pack_slaves, #place, #place_config, #place_configinfo, #place_forget, #place_in, #place_info, #place_slaves, #raise, #set_focus, #thread_wait_destroy, #thread_wait_visibility, #tktrans_get_image, #tktrans_set_image, to_eval, #wait_destroy, #wait_visibility
Methods included from TkBindCore
#bind, #bind_append, #bind_remove, #bindinfo
Methods included from Busy
__item_cget_cmd, __item_config_cmd, __item_confinfo_cmd, #busy, #busy_cget, #busy_configinfo, #busy_configure, #busy_current?, #busy_current_configinfo, #busy_forget, #busy_status, current, forget, hold, method_missing, status
Methods included from TkItemConfigMethod
__IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__, #__check_available_itemconfigure_options, #__current_itemconfiginfo, __set_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__!, #current_itemconfiginfo, #itemcget, #itemcget_strict, #itemcget_tkstring, #itemconfiginfo, #itemconfigure, #tagid
Methods included from TkItemConfigOptkeys
#__conv_item_keyonly_opts, #itemconfig_hash_kv
Methods included from TkUtil
#_conv_args, _conv_args, #_fromUTF8, #_get_eval_enc_str, _get_eval_enc_str, #_get_eval_string, _get_eval_string, _symbolkey2str, #_symbolkey2str, #_toUTF8, #bool, bool, callback, eval_cmd, #hash_kv, hash_kv, install_cmd, #num_or_nil, num_or_nil, num_or_str, #num_or_str, number, #number, string, #string, uninstall_cmd, untrust
Methods included from TkTreatItemFont
#kanjifont_copy, #kanjitagfont_configure, #latintagfont_configure, #latintagfont_copy, #tagfont_configinfo, #tagfont_configure, #tagfont_copy
Methods included from TkCore
#_tk_call_to_list_core, #after, #after_cancel, #after_idle, #appname, #appsend, #appsend_deny, #appsend_displayof, callback, #callback_break, #callback_continue, #callback_return, #chooseColor, #chooseDirectory, #do_one_event, #event_generate, #getMultipleOpenFile, #getMultipleSaveFile, #getOpenFile, #getSaveFile, #get_eventloop_tick, #get_eventloop_weight, #get_no_event_wait, #inactive, #inactive_displayof, #info, #ip_eval, #ip_eval_with_enc, #ip_eval_without_enc, #ip_invoke, #ip_invoke_with_enc, #ip_invoke_without_enc, #is_mainloop?, #load_cmd_on_ip, #mainloop, #mainloop_exist?, #mainloop_thread?, #mainloop_watchdog, #messageBox, #rb_appsend, #rb_appsend_displayof, #reset_inactive, #reset_inactive_displayof, #restart, #scaling, #scaling_displayof, #set_eventloop_tick, #set_eventloop_weight, #set_no_event_wait, #tk_call, #tk_call_to_list, #tk_call_to_list_with_enc, #tk_call_to_list_without_enc, #tk_call_to_simplelist, #tk_call_to_simplelist_with_enc, #tk_call_to_simplelist_without_enc, #tk_call_with_enc, #tk_call_without_enc, #windowingsystem
Methods included from TkComm
_at, _callback_entry?, _callback_entry_class?, _curr_cmd_id, _fromUTF8, _genobj_for_tkwidget, _next_cmd_id, _toUTF8, array2tk_list, #bind, #bind_all, #bind_append, #bind_append_all, #bind_remove, #bind_remove_all, #bindinfo, #bindinfo_all, bool, image_obj, #install_cmd, install_cmd, list, num_or_nil, num_or_str, number, procedure, simplelist, slice_ary, string, #subst, tk_tcl2ruby, uninstall_cmd, #uninstall_cmd, window
Methods included from TkEvent
#install_bind, #install_bind_for_event_class
Methods included from TkWinfo
appname, atom, atomname, cells, children, classname, colormapfull, containing, depth, exist?, fpixels, geometry, height, id, interps, manager, mapped?, parent, pixels, pointerx, pointerxy, pointery, reqheight, reqwidth, rgb, rootx, rooty, screen, screencells, screendepth, screenheight, screenmmheight, screenmmwidth, screenvisual, screenwidth, server, toplevel, viewable, visual, visualid, visualsavailable, vrootheight, vrootwidth, vrootx, vrooty, widget, width, #winfo_appname, #winfo_atom, #winfo_atomname, #winfo_cells, #winfo_children, #winfo_classname, #winfo_colormapfull, #winfo_containing, #winfo_depth, #winfo_exist?, #winfo_fpixels, #winfo_geometry, #winfo_height, #winfo_id, #winfo_interps, #winfo_manager, #winfo_mapped?, #winfo_parent, #winfo_pixels, #winfo_pointerx, #winfo_pointerxy, #winfo_pointery, #winfo_reqheight, #winfo_reqwidth, #winfo_rgb, #winfo_rootx, #winfo_rooty, #winfo_screen, #winfo_screencells, #winfo_screendepth, #winfo_screenheight, #winfo_screenmmheight, #winfo_screenmmwidth, #winfo_screenvisual, #winfo_screenwidth, #winfo_server, #winfo_toplevel, #winfo_viewable, #winfo_visual, #winfo_visualid, #winfo_visualsavailable, #winfo_vrootheight, #winfo_vrootwidth, #winfo_vrootx, #winfo_vrooty, #winfo_widget, #winfo_width, #winfo_x, #winfo_y, x, y
Methods included from Tk
BinaryString, EncodedString, #Grid, #Pack, #Place, UTF8_String, __create_widget_set__, __disable_toplevel_control__, __import_toplevel_aliases__, __regist_toplevel_aliases__, __remove_toplevel_aliases__, __reset_toplevel_owner__, __set_loaded_toplevel_aliases__, __set_toplevel_aliases__, __toplevel_alias_setup_proc__, _replace_toplevel_aliases, add_kinsoku, backup_current_topdef, bell, bell_on_display, const_missing, current_grabs, cursor_display, default_widget_set, default_widget_set=, define_topalias, define_topobj, delete_kinsoku, destroy, #encoding, #encoding=, errorCode, errorInfo, exit, focus, focus_lastfor, focus_next, focus_prev, focus_to, fromUTF8, grid, grid_forget, has_mainwindow?, load_tcllibrary, load_tclscript, load_tclscript_rsrc, load_tclscript_rsrcid, lower_window, pack, pack_forget, pkgconfig_get, pkgconfig_list, place, place_forget, raise_window, regist_sym_for_loaded_file, replace_topalias, replace_topobj, #root, set_topalias, show_kinsoku, sleep, strictMotif, subst_tk_backslash, subst_utf_backslash, tcl_pkgconfig_get, tcl_pkgconfig_list, thread_update, thread_update_idletasks, tk_pkgconfig_get, tk_pkgconfig_list, toUTF8, to_backslash_sequence, topalias_defined?, toplevel_aliases_on_widget_set, topobj_defined?, ungrid, unload_tcllibrary, unpack, unplace, update, #update, update_idletasks, utf_to_backslash, utf_to_backslash_sequence, wakeup, widget_set_symbols
Methods included from Encoding
#default_encoding=, #encoding=, #encoding_convertfrom, #encoding_convertto, #encoding_dirs, #encoding_dirs=, #encoding_name, #encoding_names, #encoding_obj, #encoding_objs, #encoding_system=, #encoding_system_name, #encoding_system_obj, #force_default_encoding, #force_default_encoding=, #force_default_encoding?, #tk_encoding_names
Methods included from TkDND::DND
#dnd_bindsource, #dnd_bindsource_info, #dnd_bindtarget, #dnd_bindtarget_info, #dnd_clearsource, #dnd_cleartarget, #dnd_drag, version
Methods included from TkDND::Shape
package_name, package_patchlevel, package_version, #shape_bounds, #shape_get, #shape_offset, #shape_set, #shape_update, version
Methods inherited from TkObject
#destroy, #epath, #event_generate, #method_missing, #path, #tk_send, #tk_send_to_list, #tk_send_to_list_with_enc, #tk_send_to_list_without_enc, #tk_send_to_simplelist, #tk_send_to_simplelist_with_enc, #tk_send_to_simplelist_without_enc, #tk_send_with_enc, #tk_send_without_enc, #to_eval
Methods included from TkConfigMethod
#[], #[]=, __IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__, #__check_available_configure_options, __set_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CONFIGURE_OPTION__!, #cget, #cget_strict, #cget_tkstring, #config_hash_kv, #configinfo, #configure_cmd, #current_configinfo
Methods included from TkTreatFont
#font_configinfo, #font_configure, #font_copy, #kanjifont_configure, #kanjifont_copy, #latinfont_configure, #latinfont_copy
Methods inherited from TkKernel
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from TkWindow
Dynamic Method Handling
This class handles dynamic methods through the method_missing method in the class TkObject
Instance Method Details
#activate(element = None) ⇒ Object
125 126 127 |
# File 'lib/tk/scrollbar.rb', line 125 def activate(element=None) tk_send_without_enc('activate', element) end |
#assign(*wins) ⇒ Object
63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 |
# File 'lib/tk/scrollbar.rb', line 63 def assign(*wins) begin self.command(@scroll_proc) if self.cget('command').cmd != @scroll_proc rescue Exception self.command(@scroll_proc) end orient = self.orient wins.each{|w| @assigned << w unless @assigned.index(w) if orient == 'horizontal' w.xscrollcommand proc{|first, last| self.propagate_set(w, first, last)} else # 'vertical' w.yscrollcommand proc{|first, last| self.propagate_set(w, first, last)} end } Tk.update # avoid scrollbar trouble self end |
#assigned_list ⇒ Object
82 83 84 85 86 87 88 |
# File 'lib/tk/scrollbar.rb', line 82 def assigned_list begin return @assigned.dup if self.cget('command').cmd == @scroll_proc rescue Exception end fail RuntimeError, "not depend on the assigned_list" end |
#autoscroll ⇒ Object
112 113 114 115 116 117 118 |
# File 'lib/tkextlib/tcllib/autoscroll.rb', line 112 def autoscroll # Arranges for the already existing scrollbar to be mapped # and unmapped as needed. #tk_call_without_enc('::autoscroll::autoscroll', @path) Tk::Tcllib::Autoscroll.autoscroll(self) self end |
#configure(*args) ⇒ Object
90 91 92 93 94 |
# File 'lib/tk/scrollbar.rb', line 90 def configure(*args) ret = super(*args) # Tk.update # avoid scrollbar trouble ret end |
#delta(deltax, deltay) ⇒ Object
def delta(deltax=None, deltay=None)
97 98 99 |
# File 'lib/tk/scrollbar.rb', line 97 def delta(deltax, deltay) number(tk_send_without_enc('delta', deltax, deltay)) end |
#fraction(x, y) ⇒ Object
def fraction(x=None, y=None)
102 103 104 |
# File 'lib/tk/scrollbar.rb', line 102 def fraction(x, y) number(tk_send_without_enc('fraction', x, y)) end |
#get ⇒ Object
110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 |
# File 'lib/tk/scrollbar.rb', line 110 def get #ary1 = tk_send('get').split #ary2 = [] #for i in ary1 # ary2.push number(i) #end #ary2 list(tk_send_without_enc('get')) end |
#identify(x, y) ⇒ Object
106 107 108 |
# File 'lib/tk/scrollbar.rb', line 106 def identify(x, y) tk_send_without_enc('identify', x, y) end |
#moveto(fraction) ⇒ Object
129 130 131 132 |
# File 'lib/tk/scrollbar.rb', line 129 def moveto(fraction) tk_send_without_enc('moveto', fraction) self end |
#propagate_set(src_win, first, last) ⇒ Object
54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 |
# File 'lib/tk/scrollbar.rb', line 54 def propagate_set(src_win, first, last) self.set(first, last) if self.orient == 'horizontal' @assigned.each{|w| w.xview('moveto', first) if w != src_win} else # 'vertical' @assigned.each{|w| w.yview('moveto', first) if w != src_win} end end |
#scroll(*args) ⇒ Object
134 135 136 137 |
# File 'lib/tk/scrollbar.rb', line 134 def scroll(*args) tk_send_without_enc('scroll', *args) self end |
#scroll_pages(num) ⇒ Object
144 145 146 147 |
# File 'lib/tk/scrollbar.rb', line 144 def scroll_pages(num) scroll(num, 'pages') self end |
#scroll_units(num) ⇒ Object
139 140 141 142 |
# File 'lib/tk/scrollbar.rb', line 139 def scroll_units(num) scroll(num, 'units') self end |
#set(first, last) ⇒ Object
120 121 122 123 |
# File 'lib/tk/scrollbar.rb', line 120 def set(first, last) tk_send_without_enc('set', first, last) self end |
#unautoscroll ⇒ Object
119 120 121 122 123 124 |
# File 'lib/tkextlib/tcllib/autoscroll.rb', line 119 def unautoscroll # Returns the scrollbar to its original static state. #tk_call_without_enc('::autoscroll::unautoscroll', @path) Tk::Tcllib::Autoscroll.unautoscroll(self) self end |