Class: Graphics::AbstractSimulation
- Inherits:
- Object
- Graphics::AbstractSimulation
- Defined in:
- lib/graphics/simulation.rb
An abstract simulation. See Graphics::Simulation and Graphics::Drawing.
Direct Known Subclasses
Constant Summary collapse
Flags to be used when initializing a window. Defaults to 0. See SDL doco for more.
The default color to clear the window.
The default font color for ‘debug` calls.
- D2R =
degrees to radians
Math::PI / 180.0
- R2D =
radians to degrees
1 / D2R
every N ticks, iflog
is defined. 60
The default font. Menlo on OS X, Deja Vu Sans Mono on linux.
case RUBY_PLATFORM when /darwin/ then "Menlo" when /linux/ then "DejaVuSansMono" else raise "Unsupported platform #{RUBY_PLATFORM}. Please fix." end
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#_bodies ⇒ Object
Collection of collections of Bodies to auto-update and draw.
#color ⇒ Object
A hash of color names to their values.
#done ⇒ Object
Is the application done?.
#font ⇒ Object
The current font for rendering text.
#h ⇒ Object
The window height.
#iter_per_tick ⇒ Object
Number of update iterations per drawing tick.
#key_handler ⇒ Object
Procs registered to handle key events.
#keydown_handler ⇒ Object
Procs registered to handle keydown events.
#paused ⇒ Object
Pause the simulation.
#renderer ⇒ Object
The renderer (software or hardware backed) the simulation is drawing in.
#start_time ⇒ Object
#w ⇒ Object
The window width.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#add_key_handler(k, remove = nil, &b) ⇒ Object
Register a block to run for a particular key-press.
#add_keydown_handler(k, &b) ⇒ Object
Register a block to run for a particular keydown event.
#angle(x1, y1, a, m, c) ⇒ Object
Draw a line from x1/y1 to a particular magnitude and angle in color c.
#audio(path) ⇒ Object
Load an audio file at path.
#bezier(*points, c) ⇒ Object
Draw an antialiased curve from x1/y1 to x2/y2 via control points cx1/cy1 & cx2/cy2 in color c.
#blit(src, x, y, a° = nil, xscale = nil, yscale = nil, flags = nil) ⇒ Object
Draw a bitmap centered at x/y with optional angle, x/y scale, and flags.
#circle(x, y, r, c, fill = false, aa = true) ⇒ Object
Draw a circle at x/y with radius r in color c.
#clear(c = self.class::CLEAR_COLOR) ⇒ Object
Clear the whole window.
#debug(fmt, *args) ⇒ Object
Print out some extra debugging information underneath the fps line (if any).
#draw(n) ⇒ Object
Draw the scene by clearing the window and drawing all registered bodies.
#draw_and_flip(n) ⇒ Object
#draw_collection(ary) ⇒ Object
Draw a homogeneous collection of bodies.
#ellipse(x, y, w, h, c, fill = false, aa = true) ⇒ Object
Draw a circle at x/y with radiuses w/h in color c.
#fast_rect(x, y, w, h, c) ⇒ Object
Draw a rect at x/y with w by h dimensions in color c.
#find_font(name, size = 16) ⇒ Object
Find and open a (TTF) font.
#fps(n, color = :green) ⇒ Object
Draw the current frames-per-second in the top left corner.
#from_hsl(h, s, l) ⇒ Object
Convert HSL to RGB.
#from_hsv(h, s, v) ⇒ Object
Convert HSV to RGB.
#handle_event(event, n) ⇒ Object
Handle an event.
#handle_keys ⇒ Object
Handle key events by looking through key_handler and running any blocks that match the key(s) being pressed.
#hline(y, c, x1 = 0, x2 = w) ⇒ Object
Draw a horizontal line from x1 to x2 at y in color c.
#image(path) ⇒ Object
Load an image at path into a new surface.
#initialize(w = nil, h = nil, name =, full = false) ⇒ AbstractSimulation
Create a new simulation of a certain width and height.
#initialize_colors ⇒ Object
#initialize_keys ⇒ Object
Register default key events.
#line(x1, y1, x2, y2, c, aa = true) ⇒ Object
Draw an antialiased line from x1/y1 to x2/y2 in color c.
#mouse ⇒ Object
Return the current mouse state: x, y, buttons.
#open_mixer(channels = 1) ⇒ Object
Open the audio mixer with a number of
open. -
#point(x, y, c = nil) ⇒ Object
Read or write a color to x/y.
#polygon(points, c) ⇒ Object
Draw a closed form polygon from an array of points in a particular color.
#populate(klass, n = klass::COUNT) ⇒ Object
Return an array populated by instances of
. -
#post_draw(n) ⇒ Object
The post-draw phase.
#pre_draw(n) ⇒ Object
The pre-draw phase.
#project(x1, y1, a, m) ⇒ Object
Calculate the x/y coordinate offset from x1/y1 with an angle and a magnitude.
#put(src, x, y, a° = nil, xscale = nil, yscale = nil, flags = nil) ⇒ Object
Draw a bitmap at x/y with optional angle, x/y scale, and flags.
#rect(x, y, w, h, c, fill = false) ⇒ Object
Draw a rect at x/y with w by h dimensions in color c.
#register_bodies(ary) ⇒ Object
Register a collection of bodies to be auto-updated and drawn.
#register_body(obj) ⇒ Object
Register a single Body to be auto-updated and drawn.
#register_color(name, r, g, b, a = 255) ⇒ Object
Name a color w/ rgba values.
#register_hsla(n, h, s, l, a = 1.0) ⇒ Object
Name a color w/ HSL values.
#register_hsva(n, h, s, v, a = 1.0) ⇒ Object
Name a color w/ HSV values.
#render_text(s, c, f = font) ⇒ Object
Return the rendered text s in color c in font f.
#run ⇒ Object
Run the simulation.
#save(path) ⇒ Object
Save the current window to a png.
#sprite(w, h) ⇒ Object
Create a new renderer with a given width and height and yield to a block for drawing.
#text(s, x, y, c, f = font) ⇒ Object
Draw text s at x/y in color c in font f.
#text_size(s, f = font) ⇒ Object
Return the w/h of the text s in font f.
#update(n) ⇒ Object
Update the simulation by telling all registered bodies to update.
#vline(x, c, y1 = h-1, y2 = 0) ⇒ Object
Draw a vertical line from y1 to y2 at y in color c.
Constructor Details
#initialize(w = nil, h = nil, name =, full = false) ⇒ AbstractSimulation
Create a new simulation of a certain width and height. Optionally, you can set the bits per pixel (0 for current screen settings), the name of the window, and whether or not to run in full screen mode.
This also names a bunch colors and hues for convenience.
120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 120 def initialize w = nil, h = nil, name =, full = false w ||= SDL::Screen::W/2 h ||= SDL::Screen::H/2 full = full ? SDL::FULLSCREEN : 0 self._bodies = [] self.font = find_font(DEFAULT_FONT, 32) name ||= "Unknown" name = name.gsub(/[A-Z]/, ' \0').strip self.renderer = w, h, 32, self.class::SCREEN_FLAGS|full self.w, self.h = w, h renderer.title = name self.color = {} self.paused = false self.iter_per_tick = 1 self.key_handler = [] self.keydown_handler = {} initialize_keys initialize_colors clear # so you start with the right color blank window on frame 0 renderer.present end |
Instance Attribute Details
#_bodies ⇒ Object
Collection of collections of Bodies to auto-update and draw.
81 82 83 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 81 def _bodies @_bodies end |
#color ⇒ Object
A hash of color names to their values.
99 100 101 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 99 def color @color end |
#done ⇒ Object
Is the application done?
111 112 113 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 111 def done @done end |
#font ⇒ Object
The current font for rendering text.
96 97 98 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 96 def font @font end |
#h ⇒ Object
The window height.
90 91 92 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 90 def h @h end |
#iter_per_tick ⇒ Object
Number of update iterations per drawing tick.
102 103 104 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 102 def iter_per_tick @iter_per_tick end |
#key_handler ⇒ Object
Procs registered to handle key events.
105 106 107 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 105 def key_handler @key_handler end |
#keydown_handler ⇒ Object
Procs registered to handle keydown events.
108 109 110 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 108 def keydown_handler @keydown_handler end |
#paused ⇒ Object
Pause the simulation.
93 94 95 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 93 def paused @paused end |
#renderer ⇒ Object
The renderer (software or hardware backed) the simulation is drawing in.
84 85 86 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 84 def renderer @renderer end |
#start_time ⇒ Object
616 617 618 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 616 def start_time @start_time end |
#w ⇒ Object
The window width.
87 88 89 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 87 def w @w end |
Instance Method Details
#add_key_handler(k, remove = nil, &b) ⇒ Object
Register a block to run for a particular key-press. This allows you to register multiple blocks for the same key and also to handle multiple keys down at the same time.
348 349 350 351 352 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 348 def add_key_handler k, remove = nil, &b k = SDL::Key.const_get k key_handler.delete_if { |a, _| k==a } if remove key_handler.unshift [k, b] end |
#add_keydown_handler(k, &b) ⇒ Object
Register a block to run for a particular keydown event. This is a single key handler per tick and only on a key-down event.
358 359 360 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 358 def add_keydown_handler k, &b keydown_handler[k] = b end |
#angle(x1, y1, a, m, c) ⇒ Object
Draw a line from x1/y1 to a particular magnitude and angle in color c.
510 511 512 513 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 510 def angle x1, y1, a, m, c x2, y2 = project x1, y1, a, m line x1, y1, x2, y2, c end |
#audio(path) ⇒ Object
Load an audio file at path
639 640 641 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 639 def audio path SDL::Audio.load path end |
#bezier(*points, c) ⇒ Object
Draw an antialiased curve from x1/y1 to x2/y2 via control points cx1/cy1 & cx2/cy2 in color c.
573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 573 def bezier *points, c h = self.h-1 # TODO: there is probably a cleaner way... or move entirely into C xs, ys = points.each_slice(2).to_a.transpose! { |y| h-y } renderer.draw_bezier xs, ys, 5, color[c] end |
#blit(src, x, y, a° = nil, xscale = nil, yscale = nil, flags = nil) ⇒ Object
Draw a bitmap centered at x/y with optional angle, x/y scale, and flags.
662 663 664 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 662 def blit src, x, y, a° = nil, xscale = nil, yscale = nil, flags = nil renderer.blit src, x-src.w/2, h-y-src.h/2, a°, xscale, yscale, :center end |
#circle(x, y, r, c, fill = false, aa = true) ⇒ Object
Draw a circle at x/y with radius r in color c.
556 557 558 559 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 556 def circle x, y, r, c, fill = false, aa = true y = h-y-1 renderer.draw_circle x, y, r, color[c], aa, fill end |
#clear(c = self.class::CLEAR_COLOR) ⇒ Object
Clear the whole window. Defaults to CLEAR_COLOR.
462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 462 def clear c = self.class::CLEAR_COLOR cc = color[c] if cc then renderer.clear cc else warn "Color #{c} doesn't appear to be registered. Skipping clear." end end |
#debug(fmt, *args) ⇒ Object
Print out some extra debugging information underneath the fps line (if any).
611 612 613 614 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 611 def debug fmt, *args s = fmt % args text s, 10, h-40-font.height, self.class::DEBUG_COLOR end |
#draw(n) ⇒ Object
Draw the scene by clearing the window and drawing all registered bodies. You are free to completely override this or call super and add any extras at the end.
412 413 414 415 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 412 def draw n pre_draw n post_draw n end |
#draw_and_flip(n) ⇒ Object
402 403 404 405 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 402 def draw_and_flip n # :nodoc: self.draw n renderer.present end |
#draw_collection(ary) ⇒ Object
Draw a homogeneous collection of bodies. This assumes that the MVC pattern described on this class is being used.
438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 438 def draw_collection ary return if ary.empty? cls = ary.first.class.const_get :View ary.each do |obj| cls.draw self, obj end end |
#ellipse(x, y, w, h, c, fill = false, aa = true) ⇒ Object
Draw a circle at x/y with radiuses w/h in color c.
564 565 566 567 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 564 def ellipse x, y, w, h, c, fill = false, aa = true y = self.h-y-1 renderer.draw_ellipse x, y, w, h, color[c], aa, fill end |
#fast_rect(x, y, w, h, c) ⇒ Object
Draw a rect at x/y with w by h dimensions in color c. Ignores blending.
518 519 520 521 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 518 def fast_rect x, y, w, h, c y = self.h-y-h # TODO: -1??? renderer.fast_rect x, y, w, h, color[c] end |
#find_font(name, size = 16) ⇒ Object
Find and open a (TTF) font. Should be as system agnostic as possible.
213 214 215 216 217 218 219 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 213 def find_font name, size = 16 font = Dir["#{FONT_GLOB}/#{name}.{ttc,ttf}"].first raise ArgumentError, "Can't find font named '#{name}'" unless font, size) end |
#fps(n, color = :green) ⇒ Object
Draw the current frames-per-second in the top left corner. Defaults to green.
621 622 623 624 625 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 621 def fps n, color = :green secs = - start_time fps = "%5.1f fps" % [n / secs] text fps, 10, h-font.height, color end |
#from_hsl(h, s, l) ⇒ Object
Convert HSL to RGB.
263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 263 def from_hsl h, s, l # 0..360, 0..1, 0..1 raise ArgumentError, "%f, %f, %f out of range" % [h, s, v] unless h.between?(0, 360) && s.between?(0, 1) && l.between?(0, 1) c = (1 - (2*l - 1).abs) * s h2 = h / 60.0 x = c * (1 - (h2 % 2 - 1).abs) m = l - c/2 r, g, b = case when 0 <= h2 && h2 < 1 then [c+m, x+m, 0+m] when 1 <= h2 && h2 < 2 then [x+m, c+m, 0+m] when 2 <= h2 && h2 < 3 then [0+m, c+m, x+m] when 3 <= h2 && h2 < 4 then [0+m, x+m, c+m] when 4 <= h2 && h2 < 5 then [x+m, 0+m, c+m] when 5 <= h2 && h2 < 6 then [c+m, 0+m, x+m] else raise [h, s, v, h2, x, m].inspect end [(r*255).round, (g*255).round, (b*255).round] end |
#from_hsv(h, s, v) ⇒ Object
Convert HSV to RGB.
291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 291 def from_hsv h, s, v # 0..360, 0..1, 0..1 raise ArgumentError, "%f, %f, %f out of range" % [h, s, v] unless h.between?(0, 360) && s.between?(0, 1) && v.between?(0, 1) c = v * s h2 = h / 60.0 x = c * (1 - (h2 % 2 - 1).abs) m = v - c r, g, b = case when 0 <= h2 && h2 < 1 then [c+m, x+m, 0+m] when 1 <= h2 && h2 < 2 then [x+m, c+m, 0+m] when 2 <= h2 && h2 < 3 then [0+m, c+m, x+m] when 3 <= h2 && h2 < 4 then [0+m, x+m, c+m] when 4 <= h2 && h2 < 5 then [x+m, 0+m, c+m] when 5 <= h2 && h2 < 6 then [c+m, 0+m, x+m] else raise [h, s, v, h2, x, m].inspect end [(r*255).round, (g*255).round, (b*255).round] end |
#handle_event(event, n) ⇒ Object
Handle an event. By default only handles the Quit event. Override if you want to add more handlers. Be sure to call super or you won’t be able to quit.
332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 332 def handle_event event, n case event when SDL::Event::Quit then exit when SDL::Event::Keydown then c = event.sym.chr rescue nil b = keydown_handler[c] b[self] if b end end |
#handle_keys ⇒ Object
Handle key events by looking through key_handler and running any blocks that match the key(s) being pressed.
366 367 368 369 370 371 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 366 def handle_keys SDL::Key.scan key_handler.each do |k, blk| blk[self] if k end end |
#hline(y, c, x1 = 0, x2 = w) ⇒ Object
Draw a horizontal line from x1 to x2 at y in color c.
482 483 484 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 482 def hline y, c, x1 = 0, x2 = w line x1, y, x2, y, c end |
#image(path) ⇒ Object
Load an image at path into a new surface.
632 633 634 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 632 def image path SDL::Surface.load path end |
#initialize_colors ⇒ Object
164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 164 def initialize_colors # :nodoc: register_color :black, 0, 0, 0 register_color :white, 255, 255, 255 register_color :gray, 127, 127, 127 register_color :red, 255, 0, 0 register_color :green, 0, 255, 0 register_color :blue, 0, 0, 255 register_color :cyan, 0, 255, 255 register_color :magenta, 255, 0, 255 register_color :yellow, 255, 255, 0 register_color :alpha, 0, 0, 0, 0 (0..99).each do |n| m = (255 * (n / 100.0)).to_i register_color(("gray%02d" % n).to_sym, m, m, m) register_color(("red%02d" % n).to_sym, m, 0, 0) register_color(("green%02d" % n).to_sym, 0, m, 0) register_color(("blue%02d" % n).to_sym, 0, 0, m) register_color(("cyan%02d" % n).to_sym, 0, m, m) register_color(("magenta%02d" % n).to_sym, m, 0, m) register_color(("yellow%02d" % n).to_sym, m, m, 0) end (0...256).each do |n| m = (256 * n / 255.0).to_i register_color(("gray%03d" % n).to_sym, m, m, m) register_color(("red%03d" % n).to_sym, m, 0, 0) register_color(("green%03d" % n).to_sym, 0, m, 0) register_color(("blue%03d" % n).to_sym, 0, 0, m) register_color(("cyan%03d" % n).to_sym, 0, m, m) register_color(("magenta%03d" % n).to_sym, m, 0, m) register_color(("yellow%03d" % n).to_sym, m, m, 0) end end |
#initialize_keys ⇒ Object
Register default key events. Handles ESC & Q (quit) and P (pause).
156 157 158 159 160 161 162 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 156 def initialize_keys add_keydown_handler("\e") { self.done = true } add_keydown_handler("q") { self.done = true } add_keydown_handler("p") { self.paused = !paused } add_keydown_handler("/") { self.iter_per_tick += 1 } add_keydown_handler("-") { self.iter_per_tick -= 1; self.iter_per_tick = 1 if iter_per_tick < 1 } end |
#line(x1, y1, x2, y2, c, aa = true) ⇒ Object
Draw an antialiased line from x1/y1 to x2/y2 in color c.
474 475 476 477 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 474 def line x1, y1, x2, y2, c, aa = true h = self.h renderer.draw_line x1, h-y1-1, x2, h-y2-1, color[c], aa end |
#mouse ⇒ Object
Return the current mouse state: x, y, buttons.
653 654 655 656 657 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 653 def mouse r = SDL::Mouse.state r[1] = h-r[1] r end |
#open_mixer(channels = 1) ⇒ Object
Open the audio mixer with a number of channels
646 647 648 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 646 def open_mixer channels = 1 channels end |
#point(x, y, c = nil) ⇒ Object
Read or write a color to x/y. If c is given, write, otherwise read.
Reading is pretty slow. Try to avoid.
528 529 530 531 532 533 534 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 528 def point x, y, c = nil if c then renderer[x, h-y-1] = color[c] else renderer[x, h-y-1] end end |
#polygon(points, c) ⇒ Object
Draw a closed form polygon from an array of points in a particular color.
497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 497 def polygon points, c return unless points.size > 1 points << points.first xs, ys = points.transpose renderer.draw_polygon xs, { |y| h-y-1 }, color[c], :aa end |
#populate(klass, n = klass::COUNT) ⇒ Object
Return an array populated by instances of klass
. You can specify how many to create here or it will access klass::COUNT
as the default.
319 320 321 322 323 324 325 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 319 def populate klass, n = klass::COUNT { o = self yield o if block_given? o } end |
#post_draw(n) ⇒ Object
The post-draw phase. Defaults to having all bodies draw themselves.
428 429 430 431 432 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 428 def post_draw n _bodies.each do |ary| draw_collection ary end end |
#pre_draw(n) ⇒ Object
The pre-draw phase. Defaults to clearing.
420 421 422 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 420 def pre_draw n clear end |
#project(x1, y1, a, m) ⇒ Object
Calculate the x/y coordinate offset from x1/y1 with an angle and a magnitude.
540 541 542 543 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 540 def project x1, y1, a, m rad = a * D2R [x1 + Math.cos(rad) * m, y1 + Math.sin(rad) * m] end |
#put(src, x, y, a° = nil, xscale = nil, yscale = nil, flags = nil) ⇒ Object
Draw a bitmap at x/y with optional angle, x/y scale, and flags.
669 670 671 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 669 def put src, x, y, a° = nil, xscale = nil, yscale = nil, flags = nil renderer.blit src, x, h-y-src.h, a°, xscale, yscale, false end |
#rect(x, y, w, h, c, fill = false) ⇒ Object
Draw a rect at x/y with w by h dimensions in color c.
548 549 550 551 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 548 def rect x, y, w, h, c, fill = false y = self.h-y-h # TODO: -1??? renderer.draw_rect x, y, w, h, color[c], fill end |
#register_bodies(ary) ⇒ Object
Register a collection of bodies to be auto-updated and drawn.
224 225 226 227 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 224 def register_bodies ary _bodies << ary ary end |
#register_body(obj) ⇒ Object
Register a single Body to be auto-updated and drawn.
232 233 234 235 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 232 def register_body obj register_bodies Array(obj) obj end |
#register_color(name, r, g, b, a = 255) ⇒ Object
Name a color w/ rgba values.
240 241 242 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 240 def register_color name, r, g, b, a = 255 color[name] = renderer.format.map_rgba r, g, b, a end |
#register_hsla(n, h, s, l, a = 1.0) ⇒ Object
Name a color w/ HSL values.
247 248 249 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 247 def register_hsla n, h, s, l, a = 1.0 register_color n, *from_hsl(h, s, l), (a*255).round end |
#register_hsva(n, h, s, v, a = 1.0) ⇒ Object
Name a color w/ HSV values.
254 255 256 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 254 def register_hsva n, h, s, v, a = 1.0 register_color n, *from_hsv(h, s, v), (a*255).round end |
#render_text(s, c, f = font) ⇒ Object
Return the rendered text s in color c in font f.
595 596 597 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 595 def render_text s, c, f = font f.render renderer, s, color[c] end |
#run ⇒ Object
Run the simulation. This handles all events by polling and scanning for key presses (multiple keys at once are possible).
On each tick, call update, then draw the scene.
379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 379 def run self.start_time = n = 0 event = nil self.done = false logger = respond_to? :log log_interval = self.class::LOG_INTERVAL loop do handle_event event, n while event = SDL::Event.poll handle_keys break if done next if paused iter_per_tick.times { update n; n += 1 } draw_and_flip n log if logger and n % log_interval == 0 end end |
#save(path) ⇒ Object
Save the current window to a png.
676 677 678 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 676 def save path path end |
#sprite(w, h) ⇒ Object
Create a new renderer with a given width and height and yield to a block for drawing. The resulting surface is returned.
684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 684 def sprite w, h old_renderer = renderer new_renderer = renderer.sprite w, h old_w, old_h = renderer.w, renderer.h self.w, self.h = w, h self.renderer = new_renderer yield if block_given? new_renderer.surface ensure self.renderer = old_renderer self.w, self.h = old_w, old_h end |
#text(s, x, y, c, f = font) ⇒ Object
Draw text s at x/y in color c in font f.
602 603 604 605 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 602 def text s, x, y, c, f = font y = self.h-y-f.height-1 f.draw renderer, s, x, y, color[c] end |
#text_size(s, f = font) ⇒ Object
Return the w/h of the text s in font f.
588 589 590 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 588 def text_size s, f = font f.text_size s.to_s end |
#update(n) ⇒ Object
Update the simulation by telling all registered bodies to update. You are free to completely override this or call super and add any extras at the end.
453 454 455 456 457 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 453 def update n _bodies.each do |ary| ary.each(&:update) end end |
#vline(x, c, y1 = h-1, y2 = 0) ⇒ Object
Draw a vertical line from y1 to y2 at y in color c.
489 490 491 |
# File 'lib/graphics/simulation.rb', line 489 def vline x, c, y1 = h-1, y2 = 0 line x, y1, x, y2, c end |