Module: Prism
- Defined in:
- lib/prism.rb,
This file is generated by the templates/template.rb script and should not be modified manually. See templates/lib/prism/mutation_compiler.rb.erb if you are looking to modify the template
Defined Under Namespace
Modules: ArgumentsNodeFlags, ArrayNodeFlags, CallNodeFlags, DSL, EncodingFlags, IntegerBaseFlags, InterpolatedStringNodeFlags, KeywordHashNodeFlags, LoopFlags, NodeFlags, Pack, ParameterFlags, RangeFlags, Reflection, RegularExpressionFlags, Relocation, Serialize, ShareableConstantNodeFlags, StringFlags, SymbolFlags, Translation Classes: ASCIISource, AliasGlobalVariableNode, AliasMethodNode, AlternationPatternNode, AndNode, ArgumentsNode, ArrayNode, ArrayPatternNode, AssocNode, AssocSplatNode, BackReferenceReadNode, BasicVisitor, BeginNode, BlockArgumentNode, BlockLocalVariableNode, BlockNode, BlockParameterNode, BlockParametersNode, BreakNode, CallAndWriteNode, CallNode, CallOperatorWriteNode, CallOrWriteNode, CallTargetNode, CapturePatternNode, CaseMatchNode, CaseNode, ClassNode, ClassVariableAndWriteNode, ClassVariableOperatorWriteNode, ClassVariableOrWriteNode, ClassVariableReadNode, ClassVariableTargetNode, ClassVariableWriteNode, CodeUnitsCache, Comment, ConstantAndWriteNode, ConstantOperatorWriteNode, ConstantOrWriteNode, ConstantPathAndWriteNode, ConstantPathNode, ConstantPathOperatorWriteNode, ConstantPathOrWriteNode, ConstantPathTargetNode, ConstantPathWriteNode, ConstantReadNode, ConstantTargetNode, ConstantWriteNode, DefNode, DefinedNode, DesugarCompiler, Dispatcher, DotVisitor, ElseNode, EmbDocComment, EmbeddedStatementsNode, EmbeddedVariableNode, EnsureNode, FalseNode, FindPatternNode, FlipFlopNode, FloatNode, ForNode, ForwardingArgumentsNode, ForwardingParameterNode, ForwardingSuperNode, GlobalVariableAndWriteNode, GlobalVariableOperatorWriteNode, GlobalVariableOrWriteNode, GlobalVariableReadNode, GlobalVariableTargetNode, GlobalVariableWriteNode, HashNode, HashPatternNode, IfNode, ImaginaryNode, ImplicitNode, ImplicitRestNode, InNode, IndexAndWriteNode, IndexOperatorWriteNode, IndexOrWriteNode, IndexTargetNode, InlineComment, InspectVisitor, InstanceVariableAndWriteNode, InstanceVariableOperatorWriteNode, InstanceVariableOrWriteNode, InstanceVariableReadNode, InstanceVariableTargetNode, InstanceVariableWriteNode, IntegerNode, InterpolatedMatchLastLineNode, InterpolatedRegularExpressionNode, InterpolatedStringNode, InterpolatedSymbolNode, InterpolatedXStringNode, ItLocalVariableReadNode, ItParametersNode, KeywordHashNode, KeywordRestParameterNode, LambdaNode, LexResult, LocalVariableAndWriteNode, LocalVariableOperatorWriteNode, LocalVariableOrWriteNode, LocalVariableReadNode, LocalVariableTargetNode, LocalVariableWriteNode, Location, MagicComment, MatchLastLineNode, MatchPredicateNode, MatchRequiredNode, MatchWriteNode, MissingNode, ModuleNode, MultiTargetNode, MultiWriteNode, MutationCompiler, NextNode, NilNode, NoKeywordsParameterNode, Node, NumberedParametersNode, NumberedReferenceReadNode, OptionalKeywordParameterNode, OptionalParameterNode, OrNode, ParametersNode, ParenthesesNode, ParseError, ParseLexResult, ParseResult, ParseWarning, Pattern, PinnedExpressionNode, PinnedVariableNode, PostExecutionNode, PreExecutionNode, ProgramNode, RangeNode, RationalNode, RedoNode, RegularExpressionNode, RequiredKeywordParameterNode, RequiredParameterNode, RescueModifierNode, RescueNode, RestParameterNode, Result, RetryNode, ReturnNode, SelfNode, ShareableConstantNode, SingletonClassNode, Source, SourceEncodingNode, SourceFileNode, SourceLineNode, SplatNode, StatementsNode, StringNode, StringQuery, SuperNode, SymbolNode, Token, TrueNode, UndefNode, UnlessNode, UntilNode, Visitor, WhenNode, WhileNode, XStringNode, YieldNode
Constant Summary collapse
The version of the prism library.
The FFI backend is used on other Ruby implementations.
Class Method Summary collapse
.Prism::dump(source, **options) ⇒ String
Dump the AST corresponding to the given string to a string.
.Prism::dump_file(filepath, **options) ⇒ String
Dump the AST corresponding to the given file to a string.
.Prism::lex(source, **options) ⇒ LexResult
Return a LexResult instance that contains an array of Token instances corresponding to the given string.
.lex_compat(source, **options) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: Prism::lex_compat(source, **options) -> LexCompat::Result.
.Prism::lex_file(filepath, **options) ⇒ LexResult
Return a LexResult instance that contains an array of Token instances corresponding to the given file.
.lex_ripper(source) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: Prism::lex_ripper(source) -> Array.
.load(source, serialized) ⇒ Object
:call-seq: Prism::load(source, serialized) -> ParseResult.
.Prism::parse(source, **options) ⇒ ParseResult
Parse the given string and return a ParseResult instance.
.Prism::parse_comments(source, **options) ⇒ Array
Parse the given string and return an array of Comment objects.
.Prism::parse_failure?(source, **options) ⇒ Boolean
Parse the given string and return true if it parses with errors.
.Prism::parse_file(filepath, **options) ⇒ ParseResult
Parse the given file and return a ParseResult instance.
.Prism::parse_file_comments(filepath, **options) ⇒ Array
Parse the given file and return an array of Comment objects.
.Prism::parse_file_failure?(filepath, **options) ⇒ Boolean
Parse the given file and return true if it parses with errors.
.Prism::parse_file_success?(filepath, **options) ⇒ Boolean
Parse the given file and return true if it parses without errors.
.Prism::parse_lex(source, **options) ⇒ ParseLexResult
Parse the given string and return a ParseLexResult instance that contains a 2-element array, where the first element is the AST and the second element is an array of Token instances.
.Prism::parse_lex_file(filepath, **options) ⇒ ParseLexResult
Parse the given file and return a ParseLexResult instance that contains a 2-element array, where the first element is the AST and the second element is an array of Token instances.
.Prism::parse_stream(stream, **options) ⇒ ParseResult
Parse the given object that responds to ‘gets` and return a ParseResult instance.
.Prism::parse_success?(source, **options) ⇒ Boolean
Parse the given string and return true if it parses without errors.
.Prism::profile(source, **options) ⇒ nil
Parse the given string and return nothing.
.Prism::profile_file(filepath, **options) ⇒ nil
Parse the given file and return nothing.
Class Method Details
.Prism::dump(source, **options) ⇒ String
Dump the AST corresponding to the given string to a string. For supported options, see Prism::parse.
229 230 231 |
# File 'lib/prism/ffi.rb', line 229 def dump(source, **) LibRubyParser::PrismString.with_string(source) { |string| dump_common(string, ) } end |
.Prism::dump_file(filepath, **options) ⇒ String
Dump the AST corresponding to the given file to a string. For supported options, see Prism::parse.
234 235 236 237 |
# File 'lib/prism/ffi.rb', line 234 def dump_file(filepath, **) [:filepath] = filepath LibRubyParser::PrismString.with_file(filepath) { |string| dump_common(string, ) } end |
.Prism::lex(source, **options) ⇒ LexResult
Return a LexResult instance that contains an array of Token instances corresponding to the given string. For supported options, see Prism::parse.
240 241 242 |
# File 'lib/prism/ffi.rb', line 240 def lex(code, **) LibRubyParser::PrismString.with_string(code) { |string| lex_common(string, code, ) } end |
.lex_compat(source, **options) ⇒ Object
Prism::lex_compat(source, **options) -> LexCompat::Result
Returns a parse result whose value is an array of tokens that closely resembles the return value of Ripper::lex. The main difference is that the ‘:on_sp` token is not emitted.
For supported options, see Prism::parse.
47 48 49 |
# File 'lib/prism.rb', line 47 def self.lex_compat(source, **), **).result # steep:ignore end |
.Prism::lex_file(filepath, **options) ⇒ LexResult
Return a LexResult instance that contains an array of Token instances corresponding to the given file. For supported options, see Prism::parse.
245 246 247 248 |
# File 'lib/prism/ffi.rb', line 245 def lex_file(filepath, **) [:filepath] = filepath LibRubyParser::PrismString.with_file(filepath) { |string| lex_common(string,, ) } end |
.lex_ripper(source) ⇒ Object
Prism::lex_ripper(source) -> Array
This lexes with the Ripper lex. It drops any space events but otherwise returns the same tokens. Raises SyntaxError if the syntax in source is invalid.
57 58 59 |
# File 'lib/prism.rb', line 57 def self.lex_ripper(source) # steep:ignore end |
.load(source, serialized) ⇒ Object
Prism::load(source, serialized) -> ParseResult
Load the serialized AST using the source as a reference into a tree.
65 66 67 |
# File 'lib/prism.rb', line 65 def self.load(source, serialized) Serialize.load(source, serialized) end |
.Prism::parse(source, **options) ⇒ ParseResult
Parse the given string and return a ParseResult instance. The options that are supported are:
‘command_line` - either nil or a string of the various options that were
set on the command line. Valid values are combinations of "a", "l", "n", "p", and "x".
‘encoding` - the encoding of the source being parsed. This should be an
encoding or nil.
‘filepath` - the filepath of the source being parsed. This should be a
string or nil.
‘frozen_string_literal` - whether or not the frozen string literal pragma
has been set. This should be a boolean or nil.
‘line` - the line number that the parse starts on. This should be an
integer or nil. Note that this is 1-indexed.
‘main_script` - a boolean indicating whether or not the source being parsed
is the main script being run by the interpreter. This controls whether or not shebangs are parsed for additional flags and whether or not the parser will attempt to find a matching shebang if the first one does not contain the word "ruby".
‘partial_script` - when the file being parsed is considered a “partial”
script, jumps will not be marked as errors if they are not contained within loops/blocks. This is used in the case that you're parsing a script that you know will be embedded inside another script later, but you do not have that context yet. For example, when parsing an ERB template that will be evaluated inside another script.
‘scopes` - the locals that are in scope surrounding the code that is being
parsed. This should be an array of arrays of symbols or nil. Scopes are ordered from the outermost scope to the innermost one.
‘version` - the version of Ruby syntax that prism should used to parse Ruby
code. By default prism assumes you want to parse with the latest version of Ruby syntax (which you can trigger with `nil` or `"latest"`). You may also restrict the syntax to a specific version of Ruby, e.g., with `"3.3.0"`. To parse with the same syntax version that the current Ruby is running use `version: RUBY_VERSION`. Raises ArgumentError if the version is not currently supported by Prism.
251 252 253 |
# File 'lib/prism/ffi.rb', line 251 def parse(code, **) LibRubyParser::PrismString.with_string(code) { |string| parse_common(string, code, ) } end |
.Prism::parse_comments(source, **options) ⇒ Array
Parse the given string and return an array of Comment objects. For supported options, see Prism::parse.
287 288 289 |
# File 'lib/prism/ffi.rb', line 287 def parse_comments(code, **) LibRubyParser::PrismString.with_string(code) { |string| parse_comments_common(string, code, ) } end |
.Prism::parse_failure?(source, **options) ⇒ Boolean
Parse the given string and return true if it parses with errors. For supported options, see Prism::parse.
316 317 318 |
# File 'lib/prism/ffi.rb', line 316 def parse_failure?(code, **) !parse_success?(code, **) end |
.Prism::parse_file(filepath, **options) ⇒ ParseResult
Parse the given file and return a ParseResult instance. For supported options, see Prism::parse.
258 259 260 261 |
# File 'lib/prism/ffi.rb', line 258 def parse_file(filepath, **) [:filepath] = filepath LibRubyParser::PrismString.with_file(filepath) { |string| parse_common(string,, ) } end |
.Prism::parse_file_comments(filepath, **options) ⇒ Array
Parse the given file and return an array of Comment objects. For supported options, see Prism::parse.
294 295 296 297 |
# File 'lib/prism/ffi.rb', line 294 def parse_file_comments(filepath, **) [:filepath] = filepath LibRubyParser::PrismString.with_file(filepath) { |string| parse_comments_common(string,, ) } end |
.Prism::parse_file_failure?(filepath, **options) ⇒ Boolean
Parse the given file and return true if it parses with errors. For supported options, see Prism::parse.
327 328 329 |
# File 'lib/prism/ffi.rb', line 327 def parse_file_failure?(filepath, **) !parse_file_success?(filepath, **) end |
.Prism::parse_file_success?(filepath, **options) ⇒ Boolean
Parse the given file and return true if it parses without errors. For supported options, see Prism::parse.
321 322 323 324 |
# File 'lib/prism/ffi.rb', line 321 def parse_file_success?(filepath, **) [:filepath] = filepath LibRubyParser::PrismString.with_file(filepath) { |string| parse_file_success_common(string, ) } end |
.Prism::parse_lex(source, **options) ⇒ ParseLexResult
Parse the given string and return a ParseLexResult instance that contains a 2-element array, where the first element is the AST and the second element is an array of Token instances.
This API is only meant to be used in the case where you need both the AST and the tokens. If you only need one or the other, use either Prism::parse or Prism::lex.
For supported options, see Prism::parse.
300 301 302 |
# File 'lib/prism/ffi.rb', line 300 def parse_lex(code, **) LibRubyParser::PrismString.with_string(code) { |string| parse_lex_common(string, code, ) } end |
.Prism::parse_lex_file(filepath, **options) ⇒ ParseLexResult
Parse the given file and return a ParseLexResult instance that contains a 2-element array, where the first element is the AST and the second element is an array of Token instances.
This API is only meant to be used in the case where you need both the AST and the tokens. If you only need one or the other, use either Prism::parse_file or Prism::lex_file.
For supported options, see Prism::parse.
305 306 307 308 |
# File 'lib/prism/ffi.rb', line 305 def parse_lex_file(filepath, **) [:filepath] = filepath LibRubyParser::PrismString.with_file(filepath) { |string| parse_lex_common(string,, ) } end |
.Prism::parse_stream(stream, **options) ⇒ ParseResult
Parse the given object that responds to ‘gets` and return a ParseResult instance. The options that are supported are the same as Prism::parse.
264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 |
# File 'lib/prism/ffi.rb', line 264 def parse_stream(stream, **) LibRubyParser::PrismBuffer.with do |buffer| source = +"" callback = -> (string, size, _) { raise "Expected size to be >= 0, got: #{size}" if size <= 0 if !(line = stream.gets(size - 1)).nil? source << line string.write_string("#{line}\x00", line.bytesize + 1) end } # In the pm_serialize_parse_stream function it accepts a pointer to the # IO object as a void* and then passes it through to the callback as the # third argument, but it never touches it itself. As such, since we have # access to the IO object already through the closure of the lambda, we # can pass a null pointer here and not worry. LibRubyParser.pm_serialize_parse_stream(buffer.pointer, nil, callback, ()) Prism.load(source, end end |
.Prism::parse_success?(source, **options) ⇒ Boolean
Parse the given string and return true if it parses without errors. For supported options, see Prism::parse.
311 312 313 |
# File 'lib/prism/ffi.rb', line 311 def parse_success?(code, **) LibRubyParser::PrismString.with_string(code) { |string| parse_file_success_common(string, ) } end |
.Prism::profile(source, **options) ⇒ nil
Parse the given string and return nothing. This method is meant to allow profilers to avoid the overhead of reifying the AST to Ruby. For supported options, see Prism::parse.
332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 |
# File 'lib/prism/ffi.rb', line 332 def profile(source, **) LibRubyParser::PrismString.with_string(source) do |string| LibRubyParser::PrismBuffer.with do |buffer| LibRubyParser.pm_serialize_parse(buffer.pointer, string.pointer, string.length, ()) nil end end end |
.Prism::profile_file(filepath, **options) ⇒ nil
Parse the given file and return nothing. This method is meant to allow profilers to avoid the overhead of reifying the AST to Ruby. For supported options, see Prism::parse.
342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 |
# File 'lib/prism/ffi.rb', line 342 def profile_file(filepath, **) LibRubyParser::PrismString.with_file(filepath) do |string| LibRubyParser::PrismBuffer.with do |buffer| [:filepath] = filepath LibRubyParser.pm_serialize_parse(buffer.pointer, string.pointer, string.length, ()) nil end end end |