Module: Msf::Exploit::Remote::MsSamr::Account
- Includes:
- Auxiliary::Report, Msf::Exploit::Remote::MsSamr
- Defined in:
- lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/ms_samr/account.rb
Defined Under Namespace
Classes: AccountInfo
Constant Summary
Constants included from SMB::Client
SMB::Client::CONST, SMB::Client::DCERPCClient, SMB::Client::DCERPCPacket, SMB::Client::DCERPCResponse, SMB::Client::DCERPCUUID, SMB::Client::NDR, SMB::Client::SIMPLE, SMB::Client::XCEPT
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes included from SMB::Client
Attributes included from Tcp
Class Method Summary collapse
- .get_account_sid(samr_con, account_name) ⇒ Object
- .random_hostname(prefix: 'DESKTOP') ⇒ Object
- .report_creds(domain, username, password) ⇒ Object
Instance Method Summary collapse
#add_account(account_type, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
Add a new account (computer or user).
- #delete_account(opts = {}) ⇒ Object
- #generate_unused_computer_name(samr_con) ⇒ Object
- #initialize(info = {}) ⇒ Object
- #lookup_account(opts = {}) ⇒ Object
- #validate_name_doesnt_exist(samr_con, name) ⇒ Object
Methods included from Msf::Exploit::Remote::MsSamr
Methods included from SMB::Client::Ipc
Methods included from Auxiliary::Report
#active_db?, #create_cracked_credential, #create_credential, #create_credential_and_login, #create_credential_login, #db, #db_warning_given?, #get_client, #get_host, #inside_workspace_boundary?, #invalidate_login, #mytask, #myworkspace, #myworkspace_id, #report_auth_info, #report_client, #report_exploit, #report_host, #report_loot, #report_note, #report_service, #report_vuln, #report_web_form, #report_web_page, #report_web_site, #report_web_vuln, #store_cred, #store_local, #store_loot
Methods included from Metasploit::Framework::Require
optionally, optionally_active_record_railtie, optionally_include_metasploit_credential_creation, #optionally_include_metasploit_credential_creation, optionally_require_metasploit_db_gem_engines
Methods included from Kerberos::ServiceAuthenticator::Options
Methods included from Kerberos::Ticket::Storage
#kerberos_storage_options, #kerberos_ticket_storage, store_ccache
Methods included from SMB::Client
#connect, #domain, #domain_username_split, #smb_create, #smb_direct, #smb_enumprinters, #smb_enumprintproviders, #smb_file_exist?, #smb_file_rm, #smb_fingerprint, #smb_fingerprint_windows_lang, #smb_fingerprint_windows_sp, #smb_hostname, #smb_lanman_netshareenumall, #smb_login, #smb_lookup_share_type, #smb_netshareenumall, #smb_netsharegetinfo, #smb_open, #smb_peer_lm, #smb_peer_os, #smb_srvsvc_netshareenumall, #smb_srvsvc_netsharegetinfo, #smbhost, #splitname, #unicode
Methods included from Tcp
#chost, #cleanup, #connect, #connect_timeout, #cport, #disconnect, #handler, #lhost, #lport, #peer, #print_prefix, #proxies, #rhost, #rport, #set_tcp_evasions, #shutdown, #ssl, #ssl_cipher, #ssl_verify_mode, #ssl_version
Class Method Details
permalink .get_account_sid(samr_con, account_name) ⇒ Object
182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/ms_samr/account.rb', line 182 def get_account_sid(samr_con, account_name) details = samr_con.samr.samr_lookup_names_in_domain( domain_handle: samr_con.domain_handle, names: [ account_name ] ) raise MsSamrNotFoundError, 'The account was not found.' if details.nil? details = details[account_name] samr_con.samr.samr_rid_to_sid( object_handle: samr_con.domain_handle, rid: details[:rid] ).to_s end |
permalink .random_hostname(prefix: 'DESKTOP') ⇒ Object
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178 179 180 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/ms_samr/account.rb', line 178 def random_hostname(prefix: 'DESKTOP') "#{prefix}-#{Rex::Text.rand_base(8, '', ('A'..'Z').to_a + ('0'..'9').to_a)}$" end |
permalink .report_creds(domain, username, password) ⇒ Object
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196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/ms_samr/account.rb', line 196 def report_creds(domain, username, password) service_data = { address: rhost, port: rport, service_name: 'smb', protocol: 'tcp', workspace_id: myworkspace_id } credential_data = { module_fullname: fullname, origin_type: :service, private_data: password, private_type: :password, username: username, realm_key: Metasploit::Model::Realm::Key::ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_DOMAIN, realm_value: domain }.merge(service_data) credential_core = create_credential(credential_data) login_data = { core: credential_core, status: Metasploit::Model::Login::Status::UNTRIED }.merge(service_data) create_credential_login(login_data) end |
Instance Method Details
permalink #add_account(account_type, opts = {}) ⇒ Object
Add a new account (computer or user)
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/ms_samr/account.rb', line 48 def add_account(account_type, opts = {}) raise MsSamrBadConfigError, 'Must specify computer or user account' unless [:computer, :user].include?(account_type) tree = opts[:tree] || connect_ipc samr_con = connect_samr(tree) account_name = opts[:account_name] || datastore['ACCOUNT_NAME'] if account_name.blank? if account_type == :computer account_name = generate_unused_computer_name(samr_con) else raise MsSamrBadConfigError, 'Must provide a user name' end else validate_name_doesnt_exist(samr_con, account_name) end account_password = opts[:account_password] || datastore['ACCOUNT_PASSWORD'] if account_password.blank? account_password = Rex::Text.rand_text_alphanumeric(32) end uac = account_type == :computer ? RubySMB::Dcerpc::Samr::USER_WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT : RubySMB::Dcerpc::Samr::USER_NORMAL_ACCOUNT result = samr_con.samr.samr_create_user2_in_domain( domain_handle: samr_con.domain_handle, name: account_name, account_type: uac, desired_access: RubySMB::Dcerpc::Samr::USER_FORCE_PASSWORD_CHANGE | RubySMB::Dcerpc::Samr::MAXIMUM_ALLOWED ) user_handle = result[:user_handle] password_expired = (account_type == :computer) ? 1 : 0 user_info = tag: RubySMB::Dcerpc::Samr::USER_INTERNAL4_INFORMATION_NEW, member: i1: { password_expired: password_expired, which_fields: RubySMB::Dcerpc::Samr::USER_ALL_NTPASSWORDPRESENT | RubySMB::Dcerpc::Samr::USER_ALL_PASSWORDEXPIRED, }, user_password: { buffer: RubySMB::Dcerpc::Samr::SamprEncryptedUserPasswordNew.encrypt_password( account_password, @simple.client.application_key ) } ) ) samr_con.samr.samr_set_information_user2( user_handle: user_handle, user_info: user_info ) user_info = tag: RubySMB::Dcerpc::Samr::USER_CONTROL_INFORMATION, member: user_account_control: uac ) ) samr_con.samr.samr_set_information_user2( user_handle: user_handle, user_info: user_info ) print_good("Successfully created #{samr_con.domain_name}\\#{account_name}") print_good(" Password: #{account_password}") print_good(" SID: #{get_account_sid(samr_con, account_name)}") report_creds(samr_con.domain_name, account_name, account_password), account_password) rescue RubySMB::Dcerpc::Error::SamrError => e raise MsSamrUnknownError, "A DCERPC SAMR error occurred: #{e.}" ensure if samr_con samr_con.samr.close_handle(user_handle) if user_handle samr_con.samr.close_handle(samr_con.domain_handle) if samr_con.domain_handle samr_con.samr.close_handle(samr_con.server_handle) if samr_con.server_handle end end |
permalink #delete_account(opts = {}) ⇒ Object
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128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/ms_samr/account.rb', line 128 def delete_account(opts = {}) tree = opts[:tree] || connect_ipc samr_con = connect_samr(tree) account_name = opts[:account_name] || datastore['ACCOUNT_NAME'] if account_name.blank? raise MsSamrBadConfigError, 'Unable to delete the account since its name is unknown' end details = samr_con.samr.samr_lookup_names_in_domain(domain_handle: samr_con.domain_handle, names: [ account_name ]) raise MsSamrBadConfigError, 'The specified account was not found.' if details.nil? details = details[account_name] user_handle = samr_con.samr.samr_open_user(domain_handle: samr_con.domain_handle, user_id: details[:rid]) samr_con.samr.samr_delete_user(user_handle: user_handle) print_good('The specified account has been deleted.') rescue RubySMB::Dcerpc::Error::SamrError => e # `user_handle` only needs to be closed if an error occurs in `samr_delete_user` # If this method succeed, the server took care of closing the handle samr_con.samr.close_handle(user_handle) if user_handle raise MsSamrUnknownError, "Could not delete the account #{account_name}: #{e.}" ensure if samr_con samr_con.samr.close_handle(samr_con.domain_handle) if samr_con.domain_handle samr_con.samr.close_handle(samr_con.server_handle) if samr_con.server_handle end end |
permalink #generate_unused_computer_name(samr_con) ⇒ Object
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25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/ms_samr/account.rb', line 25 def generate_unused_computer_name(samr_con) computer_name = random_hostname 4.downto(0) do |attempt| break if samr_con.samr.samr_lookup_names_in_domain( domain_handle: samr_con.domain_handle, names: [ computer_name ] ).nil? computer_name = random_hostname raise MsSamrBadConfigError, 'Could not find an unused computer name.' if attempt == 0 end computer_name end |
permalink #initialize(info = {}) ⇒ Object
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16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/ms_samr/account.rb', line 16 def initialize(info = {}) super (['ACCOUNT_NAME', [ false, 'The account name' ]),'ACCOUNT_PASSWORD', [ false, 'The password for the new account' ]), ], Msf::Exploit::Remote::MsSamr) end |
permalink #lookup_account(opts = {}) ⇒ Object
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157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/ms_samr/account.rb', line 157 def lookup_account(opts = {}) tree = opts[:tree] || connect_ipc samr_con = connect_samr(tree) account_name = opts[:account_name] || datastore['ACCOUNT_NAME'] if account_name.blank? raise MsSamrBadConfigError, 'Unable to lookup the account since its name is unknown' end sid = get_account_sid(samr_con, account_name) print_good("Found #{samr_con.domain_name}\\#{account_name} (SID: #{sid})") ensure if samr_con samr_con.samr.close_handle(samr_con.domain_handle) if samr_con.domain_handle samr_con.samr.close_handle(samr_con.server_handle) if samr_con.server_handle end end |
permalink #validate_name_doesnt_exist(samr_con, name) ⇒ Object
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40 41 42 43 44 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/ms_samr/account.rb', line 40 def validate_name_doesnt_exist(samr_con, name) if samr_con.samr.samr_lookup_names_in_domain(domain_handle: samr_con.domain_handle, names: [ name ]) raise MsSamrBadConfigError, 'The specified name already exists.' end end |