Module: Msf::Exploit::Remote::TincdExploitClient
- Includes:
- Tcp
- Defined in:
- lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/tincd_exploit_client.rb
Author: Tobias Ospelt @floyd_ch
Constant Summary collapse
64 / 8
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes included from Tcp
Instance Method Summary collapse
#ack ⇒ Object
Ack state to signalize challenge/response was successful.
#challenge ⇒ Object
Send challenge random bytes.
#challenge_reply(challenge2) ⇒ Object
Reply to challenge that was sent by server.
#handle_write ⇒ Object
Encryption queue where waiting data gets encrypted and afterwards the remaining messages get sent.
#id ⇒ Object
Start message method after TCP handshake.
#init_ciphers(server_file, client_file) ⇒ Object
Reading of certificate files and parsing them, generation of random keys and initialization of OFB mode blowfish cipher.
#initialize(info = {}) ⇒ Object
Module options.
#line? ⇒ Boolean
Check if we already received a newline, meaning we got an entire message for the next protocol step.
#metakey ⇒ Object
Sending metakey (transferring a symmetric key that will get encrypted with public key before being sent to the server).
#pop_inbuffer_and_decrypt(size) ⇒ Object
Decryption method to process data sent by server.
#process_data(data) ⇒ Object
Depending on the state of the protocol handshake and the data we get back from the server, this method will decide which message has to be sent next.
#read_line ⇒ Object
Read up to the next newline from the data the server sent.
#send_data(buf) ⇒ Object
Simple socket put/write.
#send_packet ⇒ Object
Sending a packet inside the VPN connection after successful protocol setup.
#send_recv(packet_payload) ⇒ Object
The main method that will be called that will call other methods to send first message and continuously read from socket and ensures TCP disconnect at the end.
#setup_ciphers ⇒ Object
Setting up variables and calling cipher inits with file paths from configuration.
Methods included from Tcp
#chost, #cleanup, #connect, #connect_timeout, #cport, #disconnect, #handler, #lhost, #lport, #peer, #print_prefix, #proxies, #rhost, #rport, #set_tcp_evasions, #shutdown, #ssl, #ssl_cipher, #ssl_verify_mode, #ssl_version
Instance Method Details
permalink #ack ⇒ Object
Ack state to signalize challenge/response was successful
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# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/tincd_exploit_client.rb', line 317 def ack vprint_status('Sending ack (signalise server that we accept challenge' + 'reply, ciphertext)') @encryption_queue.push("4 #{datastore['RPORT']} 123 0 \n") handle_write end |
permalink #challenge ⇒ Object
Send challenge random bytes
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# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/tincd_exploit_client.rb', line 295 def challenge vprint_status('Sending challenge (ciphertext)') challenge = SecureRandom.random_bytes(@server_key_len) msg = "2 #{challenge.unpack('H*')[0]}\n" @encryption_queue.push(msg) handle_write end |
permalink #challenge_reply(challenge2) ⇒ Object
Reply to challenge that was sent by server
306 307 308 309 310 311 312 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/tincd_exploit_client.rb', line 306 def challenge_reply(challenge2) vprint_status('Sending challenge reply (ciphertext)') h = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(challenge2) msg = "3 #{h.upcase}\n" @encryption_queue.push(msg) handle_write end |
permalink #handle_write ⇒ Object
Encryption queue where waiting data gets encrypted and afterwards the remaining messages get sent
214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/tincd_exploit_client.rb', line 214 def handle_write # handle encryption queue first unless @encryption_queue.empty? msg = @encryption_queue[0] @encryption_queue.delete_at(0) @buffer = @bf_enc_cipher.update(msg) @buffer << # DON'T DO A @bf_enc_cipher.reset, we're in OFB mode and # the resulting block is used to encrypt the next block. end unless @buffer.empty? sent = send_data(@buffer) vprint_status("Sent #{sent} bytes: " + "[#{@buffer.unpack('H*')[0][0..30]}...]") @buffer = @buffer[sent..@buffer.length] end end |
permalink #id ⇒ Object
Start message method after TCP handshake
274 275 276 277 278 279 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/tincd_exploit_client.rb', line 274 def id msg = "0 #{datastore['CLIENT_NAME']} 17.0\n" vprint_status("Sending ID (cleartext): [#{msg.gsub("\n", '')}]") @buffer += msg handle_write end |
permalink #init_ciphers(server_file, client_file) ⇒ Object
Reading of certificate files and parsing them, generation of random keys and initialization of OFB mode blowfish cipher
97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/tincd_exploit_client.rb', line 97 def init_ciphers(server_file, client_file) server_public_key_cipher = @server_key_len = server_public_key_cipher.n.num_bytes @client_private_key_cipher = @client_key_len = @client_private_key_cipher.n.num_bytes vprint_status("Our private key length is #{@client_key_len}, expecting same length for metakey and challenge") vprint_status("Server's public key length is #{@server_key_len}, sending same metakey and challenge length") # we don't want this to happen here: # `public_encrypt': data too large for modulus (OpenSSL::PKey::RSAError) # simple solution: choose the key_s1 with a leading zero byte key_s1 = "\x00"+SecureRandom.random_bytes(@server_key_len-1) enc_key_s1 = server_public_key_cipher.public_encrypt(key_s1, OpenSSL::PKey::RSA::NO_PADDING) @hex_enc_key_s1 = enc_key_s1.unpack('H*')[0] offset_key = @server_key_len - BF_KEY_LEN offset_iv = @server_key_len - BF_KEY_LEN - BF_IV_LEN bf_enc_key = key_s1[offset_key...@server_key_len] bf_enc_iv = key_s1[offset_iv...offset_key] @bf_enc_cipher ='BF-OFB') @bf_enc_cipher.encrypt @bf_enc_cipher.key = bf_enc_key @bf_enc_cipher.iv = bf_enc_iv # #Looks like ruby openssl supports other lengths than multiple of 8! # test = @bf_enc_cipher.update('A'*10) # test << # puts "Testing cipher: "+test.unpack('H*')[0] end |
permalink #initialize(info = {}) ⇒ Object
Module options
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/tincd_exploit_client.rb', line 18 def initialize(info = {}) super ( [Opt::RPORT(655), # As this is only for post-auth exploits, you should know the value of the # following variables by simply checking # your configuration.'SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE', [true, 'Server\'s public key', '']),'CLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE', [true, 'Client private key', '']), # You should see CLIENT_NAME in cleartext in the first message to the # server by your usual tinc client (tcpdump or # wireshark it: e.g. "0 home 17.0", so it's "home"). On the server, # this is located in the config folder, e.g. in FreeBSD # there is the client public key file /usr/local/etc/tinc/hosts/home # for the client "home" # If you don't have a clue, maybe just try the filename of your private # key without file extension'CLIENT_NAME', [true, 'Your client name (pre-shared with server)' , '']) ], self ) end |
permalink #line? ⇒ Boolean
Check if we already received a newline, meaning we got an entire message for the next protocol step
267 268 269 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/tincd_exploit_client.rb', line 267 def line? !!(@inbuffer.match("\n")) end |
permalink #metakey ⇒ Object
Sending metakey (transferring a symmetric key that will get encrypted with public key before being sent to the server)
285 286 287 288 289 290 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/tincd_exploit_client.rb', line 285 def msg = "1 94 64 0 0 #{@hex_enc_key_s1}\n" vprint_status("Sending metakey (cleartext): [#{msg[0..30]}...]") @buffer += msg handle_write end |
permalink #pop_inbuffer_and_decrypt(size) ⇒ Object
Decryption method to process data sent by server
243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/tincd_exploit_client.rb', line 243 def pop_inbuffer_and_decrypt(size) # In ruby openssl OFM works not only on full blocks, but also on # parts. Therefore no worries like in pycrypto and no # modified decrypt routine, simply use the cipher as is. data = @bf_dec_cipher.update(@inbuffer.slice!(0, size)) data << # DON'T DO A @bf_enc_cipher.reset, we're in OFB mode and # the resulting block is used to decrypt the next block. end |
permalink #process_data(data) ⇒ Object
Depending on the state of the protocol handshake and the data we get back from the server, this method will decide which message has to be sent next
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# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/tincd_exploit_client.rb', line 133 def process_data(data) @inbuffer += data if data case @state when :id_state if line? data = read_line vprint_status("Received ID from server: [#{data[0..30]}]") @state = :metakey_state # next expected state end when :metakey_state if line? data = read_line vprint_status("Received Metakey from server: [#{data[0..30]}...]") data = data.split(' ') fail 'Error in protocol. The first byte should be an ASCII 1.' unless data.first == '1' hexkey_s2 = data[5].rstrip # ("\n") fail "Error in protocol. metakey length should be #{@client_key_len}." unless hexkey_s2.length == @client_key_len * 2 @enckey_s2 = [hexkey_s2].pack('H*') key_s2 = @client_private_key_cipher.private_decrypt(@enckey_s2, OpenSSL::PKey::RSA::NO_PADDING) # metakey setup according to protocol_auth.c # if(!EVP_DecryptInit(c->inctx, c->incipher, # (unsigned char *)c->inkey + len - c->incipher->key_len, # <--- KEY pointer # (unsigned char *)c->inkey + len - c->incipher->key_len - c->incipher->iv_len # <--- IV pointer # )) offset_key = @client_key_len - BF_KEY_LEN offset_iv = @client_key_len - BF_KEY_LEN - BF_IV_LEN bf_dec_key = key_s2[offset_key...@client_key_len] bf_dec_iv = key_s2[offset_iv...offset_key] @bf_dec_cipher = 'BF-OFB' @bf_dec_cipher.encrypt @bf_dec_cipher.key = bf_dec_key @bf_dec_cipher.iv = bf_dec_iv # don't forget, it *does* matter if you do a # @bf_dec_cipher.reset or not, we're in OFB mode. DON'T. vprint_status('Metakey handshake/exchange completed') @state = :challenge_state challenge end when :challenge_state need_len = 2 * @client_key_len + 3 if @inbuffer.length >= need_len data = pop_inbuffer_and_decrypt(need_len) vprint_status("Received challenge from server: " + "[#{data.unpack('H*')[0][0..30]}...]") data = data.split(' ', 2) fail 'Error in protocol. The first byte should be an ASCII 2. Got #{data[0]}.' unless data.first == '2' challenge2 = data[1][0...2 * @client_key_len] challenge2 = [challenge2].pack('H*') fail "Error in protocol. challenge2 length should be #{@client_key_len}." unless challenge2.length == @client_key_len @state = :challenge_reply_state challenge_reply(challenge2) end when :challenge_reply_state need_len = 43 if @inbuffer.length >= need_len data = pop_inbuffer_and_decrypt(need_len) vprint_status("Received challenge reply from server:" + " [#{data.unpack('H*')[0][0..30]}...]") @state = :ack_state ack end when :ack_state need_len = 12 if @inbuffer.length >= need_len data = pop_inbuffer_and_decrypt(need_len) vprint_status("Received ack (server accepted challenge response):" + "[#{data.unpack('H*')[0][0..30]}...]") @state = :done_state send_packet end end end |
permalink #read_line ⇒ Object
Read up to the next newline from the data the server sent
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# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/tincd_exploit_client.rb', line 256 def read_line idx = @inbuffer.index("\n") data = @inbuffer.slice!(0, idx) @inbuffer.lstrip! data end |
permalink #send_data(buf) ⇒ Object
Simple socket put/write
236 237 238 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/tincd_exploit_client.rb', line 236 def send_data(buf) sock.put(buf) end |
permalink #send_packet ⇒ Object
Sending a packet inside the VPN connection after successful protocol setup
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# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/tincd_exploit_client.rb', line 327 def send_packet vprint_status('Protocol finished setup. Going to send packet.') msg = "17 #{@packet_payload.length}\n#{@packet_payload}" plen = BF_BLOCKSIZE - (msg.length % BF_BLOCKSIZE) # padding msg += 'B' * plen @encryption_queue.push(msg) @keep_reading_socket = false handle_write end |
permalink #send_recv(packet_payload) ⇒ Object
The main method that will be called that will call other methods to send first message and continuously read from socket and ensures TCP disconnect at the end
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# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/tincd_exploit_client.rb', line 66 def send_recv(packet_payload) @packet_payload = packet_payload @keep_reading_socket = true connect begin # send the first message id # Condition to get out of the while loop: ack_state to false. Unsafe? Maybe a timeout? while @keep_reading_socket process_data(sock.get_once) end rescue Errno::ECONNRESET if @state == :metakey_state fail 'Server reset the connection. Probably rejecting ' + 'the private key and/or client name (e.g. client name not associated ' + 'with client public key on server side). ' + 'Wrong server public key possible too. ' + 'Please recheck client name, client private key and ' + 'server public key.' else fail 'Server reset the connection, reason unknown.' end ensure disconnect end end |
permalink #setup_ciphers ⇒ Object
Setting up variables and calling cipher inits with file paths from configuration
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# File 'lib/msf/core/exploit/remote/tincd_exploit_client.rb', line 43 def setup_ciphers @state = :id_state @buffer = '' @inbuffer = '' @encryption_queue = [] @packet_payload = nil @keep_reading_socket = false @server_key_len = nil @client_key_len = nil @client_private_key_cipher = nil @hex_enc_key_s1 = nil @bf_enc_cipher = nil init_ciphers(datastore['SERVER_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE'], datastore['CLIENT_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE']) vprint_status('Ciphers locally initialized, private key and public key files seem to be ok') @bf_dec_cipher = nil end |