Module: Msf::Post::Hardware::Automotive::UDS
- Defined in:
- lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb
Instance Method Summary collapse
#clear_dtcs(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Clears the DTCs and Resets the MIL light back to the off position.
#get_calibration_id(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ String
Gets the vehicle calibration ID and returns it as an ASCII string.
#get_current_data(bus, src_id, dst_id, pid, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Shows the vehicles current data.
#get_current_data_pids(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ Array
Get all supported pids for current data.
#get_dtcs(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ Array
Retrieves the Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs).
#get_ecu_name(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ String
Get the vehicles ECU name pid 0x0A.
#get_engine_coolant_temp(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Gets the engine coolant temperature in both Celcious and Fahrenheit.
#get_freeze_frame_data(bus, src_id, dst_id, pid, frame, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Shows the vehicles freeze frame data, Use the same PIDs as supported from Mode $01 #get_current_data_pids.
#get_frozen_dtcs(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ Array
Retrieves the Frozen Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs).
#get_monitor_status(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Mode $01 Pid $01 gets and parses the monitor status.
#get_obd_standards(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ String
Return which OBD standard this bus confirms to.
#get_rpms(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Gets the engine’s current RPMs.
#get_security_token(bus, src_id, dst_id, level = 1, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Retrieves the security access token.
#get_vehicle_info(bus, src_id, dst_id, mode, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Requests diagnostics 0x09 vehicle information for any given mode No formatting is done on the response.
#get_vehicle_speed(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Gets the engine’s current vehicle speed in km/h and mph.
#get_vin(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ String
Requests a VIN and formats the response as ASCII.
#get_vinfo_supported_pids(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ Array
Get all the supported pids by mode 0x09 Vehicle info Returns them as an array of ints.
#read_data_by_id(bus, src_id, dst_id, id, opt = {}) ⇒ Array
Reads data from a memory region given a lookup ID value.
#reset_ecu(bus, src_id, dst_id, hard, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Issues a reset of the ECU.
#response_hash_to_data_array(id, hash, start_offset = 5) ⇒ Array
Helper method to take client.automotive response hashes and return a single array in order, This takes the ISO-TP Packets and assembles them in order, strips out the ISO-TP/UDS related info and returns just the data section as an array.
#routine_control(bus, src_id, dst_id, routine_type, id, data = [], opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Executes a builtin routine.
#send_security_token_response(bus, src_id, dst_id, key, response_level = 2, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Sends a security access tokens response to the seed request.
#send_tester_present(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Sends a TestPresent message.
#set_dsc(bus, src_id, dst_id, level, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Set the diagnostic session code.
#write_data_by_id(bus, src_id, dst_id, id, data, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Writes data by ID.
Instance Method Details
permalink #clear_dtcs(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Clears the DTCs and Resets the MIL light back to the off position
442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 442 def clear_dtcs(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) unless client.automotive print_error("Not an automotive hwbridge session") return {} end src_id = src_id.to_s(16) dst_id = dst_id.to_s(16) bus = client.automotive.active_bus unless bus unless bus print_line("No active bus, use 'connect' or specify bus via the options") return {} end client.automotive.send_isotp_and_wait_for_response(bus, src_id, dst_id, [0x04], opt) end |
permalink #get_calibration_id(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ String
Gets the vehicle calibration ID and returns it as an ASCII string
596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 596 def get_calibration_id(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) packets = get_vehicle_info(bus, src_id, dst_id, 0x04, opt) return "" if packets.nil? return "UDS ERR: #{packets['error']}" if packets.key? "error" data = response_hash_to_data_array(dst_id.to_s(16), packets) return "" if data.nil?! { |d| d.hex.chr } data.join end |
permalink #get_current_data(bus, src_id, dst_id, pid, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Shows the vehicles current data
82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 82 def get_current_data(bus, src_id, dst_id, pid, opt = {}) unless client.automotive print_error("Not an automotive hwbridge session") return {} end src_id = src_id.to_s(16) dst_id = dst_id.to_s(16) bus = client.automotive.active_bus unless bus unless bus print_line("No active bus, use 'connect' or specify bus via the options") return {} end client.automotive.send_isotp_and_wait_for_response(bus, src_id, dst_id, [0x01, pid], opt) end |
permalink #get_current_data_pids(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ Array
Get all supported pids for current data
106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 106 def get_current_data_pids(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt={}) pids = [] opt['MAXPKTS'] = 1 packets = get_current_data(bus, src_id, dst_id, 0, opt) return pids if packets.nil? if (packets.key? "Packets") && !packets["Packets"].empty? hexpids = packets["Packets"][0]["DATA"][3, 6] hexpids = hexpids.join.hex.to_s(2).rjust(32, '0').split('') # Array of 1s and 0s (1..0x20).each do |pid| pids << pid if hexpids[pid-1] == "1" end end if pids.include? 0x20 packets = get_current_data(bus, src_id, dst_id, 0x20, opt) if (packets.key? "Packets") && !packets["Packets"].empty? hexpids = packets["Packets"][0]["DATA"][3, 6] hexpids = hexpids.join.hex.to_s(2).rjust(32, '0').split('') # Array of 1s and 0s (0x20..0x40).each do |pid| pids << pid if hexpids[pid-0x21] == "1" end end end if pids.include? 0x40 packets = get_current_data(bus, src_id, dst_id, 0x40, opt) if (packets.key? "Packets") && !packets["Packets"].empty? hexpids = packets["Packets"][0]["DATA"][3, 6] hexpids = hexpids.join.hex.to_s(2).rjust(32, '0').split('') # Array of 1s and 0s (0x40..0x60).each do |pid| pids << pid if hexpids[pid-0x41] == "1" end end end if pids.include? 0x60 packets = get_current_data(bus, src_id, dst_id, 0x60, opt) if (packets.key? "Packets") && !packets["Packets"].empty? hexpids = packets["Packets"][0]["DATA"][3, 6] hexpids = hexpids.join.hex.to_s(2).rjust(32, '0').split('') # Array of 1s and 0s (0x60..0x80).each do |pid| pids << pid if hexpids[pid-0x61] == "1" end end end if pids.include? 0x80 packets = get_current_data(bus, src_id, dst_id, 0x80, opt) if (packets.key? "Packets") && !packets["Packets"].empty? hexpids = packets["Packets"][0]["DATA"][3, 6] hexpids = hexpids.join.hex.to_s(2).rjust(32, '0').split('') # Array of 1s and 0s (0x80..0xA0).each do |pid| pids << pid if hexpids[pid-0x81] == "1" end end end if pids.include? 0xA0 packets = get_current_data(bus, src_id, dst_id, 0xA0, opt) if (packets.key? "Packets") && !packets["Packets"].empty? hexpids = packets["Packets"][0]["DATA"][3, 6] hexpids = hexpids.join.hex.to_s(2).rjust(32, '0').split('') # Array of 1s and 0s (0xA0..0xC0).each do |pid| pids << pid if hexpids[pid-0xA1] == "1" end end end if pids.include? 0xC0 packets = get_current_data(bus, src_id, dst_id, 0xC0, opt) if (packets.key? "Packets") && !packets["Packets"].empty? hexpids = packets["Packets"][0]["DATA"][3, 6] hexpids = hexpids.join.hex.to_s(2).rjust(32, '0').split('') # Array of 1s and 0s (0xC0..0xE0).each do |pid| pids << pid if hexpids[pid - 0xC1] == "1" end end end pids end |
permalink #get_dtcs(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ Array
Retrieves the Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs)
387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 387 def get_dtcs(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) dtcs = [] unless client.automotive print_error("Not an automotive hwbridge session") return {} end src_id = src_id.to_s(16) dst_id = dst_id.to_s(16) bus = client.automotive.active_bus unless bus unless bus print_line("No active bus, use 'connect' or specify bus via the options") return {} end data = client.automotive.send_isotp_and_wait_for_response(bus, src_id, dst_id, [0x03], opt) return [] if data.nil? if data.key? "error" print_error("UDS ERR: #{data['error']}") return [] end if (data.key? "Packets") && !data["Packets"].empty? data = response_hash_to_data_array(dst_id, data, 4) if !data.empty? && data.size.even? ( / 2).step(2) do |idx| code = "" case data[idx].hex & 0xC0 >> 3 when 0 code = "P" when 1 code = "C" when 2 code = "B" when 3 code = "U" end code += (data[idx].hex & 0x3F).to_s(16).rjust(2, '0') code += data[idx + 1] dtcs << code end end end dtcs end |
permalink #get_ecu_name(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ String
Get the vehicles ECU name pid 0x0A
614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 614 def get_ecu_name(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) packets = get_vehicle_info(bus, src_id, dst_id, 0x0A, opt) return "" if packets.nil? return "UDS ERR: #{packets['error']}" if packets.key? "error" data = response_hash_to_data_array(dst_id.to_s(16), packets) return "" if data.nil?! { |d| d.hex.chr } data.join end |
permalink #get_engine_coolant_temp(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Gets the engine coolant temperature in both Celcious and Fahrenheit
210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 210 def get_engine_coolant_temp(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) opt['MAXPKTS'] = 1 packets = get_current_data(bus, src_id, dst_id, 0x05, opt) return {} if packets.nil? return packets if packets.key? "error" return packets unless packets.key? "Packets" celsius = packets["Packets"][0]["DATA"][3].hex - 40 fahrenheit = celsius * 9 / 5 + 32 packets["TEMP_C"] = celsius packets["TEMP_F"] = fahrenheit packets end |
permalink #get_freeze_frame_data(bus, src_id, dst_id, pid, frame, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Shows the vehicles freeze frame data, Use the same PIDs as supported from Mode $01 #get_current_data_pids. You must specify which freeze frame you want to recall data from.
358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 358 def get_freeze_frame_data(bus, src_id, dst_id, pid, frame, opt = {}) unless client.automotive print_error("Not an automotive hwbridge session") return {} end src_id = src_id.to_s(16) dst_id = dst_id.to_s(16) bus = client.automotive.active_bus unless bus pid = pid.to_s(16) frame = frame.to_s(16) unless bus print_line("No active bus, use 'connect' or specify bus via the options") return {} end client.automotive.send_isotp_and_wait_for_response(bus, src_id, dst_id, [0x02, pid, frame], opt) end |
permalink #get_frozen_dtcs(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ Array
Retrieves the Frozen Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs)
469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 469 def get_frozen_dtcs(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) dtcs = [] unless client.automotive print_error("Not an automotive hwbridge session") return {} end src_id = src_id.to_s(16) dst_id = dst_id.to_s(16) bus = client.automotive.active_bus unless bus unless bus print_line("No active bus, use 'connect' or specify bus via the options") return {} end data = client.automotive.send_isotp_and_wait_for_response(bus, src_id, dst_id, [0x07], opt) return [] if data.nil? if data.key? "error" print_error("UDS ERR: #{data['error']}") return [] end if (data.key? "Packets") && !data["Packets"].empty? data = response_hash_to_data_array(dst_id, data, 4) if !data.empty? && data.size.even? ( / 2).step(2) do |idx| code = "" case data[idx].hex & 0xC0 >> 3 when 0 code = "P" when 1 code = "C" when 2 code = "B" when 3 code = "U" end code += (data[idx].hex & 0x3F).to_s(16).rjust(2, '0') code += data[idx + 1] dtcs << code end end end dtcs end |
permalink #get_monitor_status(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Mode $01 Pid $01 gets and parses the monitor status
190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 190 def get_monitor_status(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) opt['MAXPKTS'] = 1 packets = get_current_data(bus, src_id, dst_id, 0x01, opt) return {} if packets.nil? return packets if packets.key? "error" return packets unless packets.key? "Packets" packets["MIL"] = packets["Packets"][0]["DATA"][3].hex & 0xB0 == 1 ? true : false packets["DTC_COUNT"] = packets["Packets"][0]["DATA"][3].hex & 0x7F packets end |
permalink #get_obd_standards(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ String
Return which OBD standard this bus confirms to. This method could utilizes bitmasks but currently creates a human readable string instead. This may change in the future.
272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 272 def get_obd_standards(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) opt['MAXPKTS'] = 1 packets = get_current_data(bus, src_id, dst_id, 0x1C, opt) return "" if packets.nil? if packets.key? "error" print_error("OBD ERR: #{packets['error']}") return "" end return "" unless packets.key? "Packets" case packets["Packets"][0]["DATA"][3].hex when 1 return "OBD-II as defined by CARB" when 2 return "OBD as defined by EPA" when 3 return "OBD and OBD-II" when 4 return "OBD-I" when 5 return "Not OBD Compliant" when 6 return "EOBD Europe" when 7 return "EOBD and OBD-II" when 8 return "EOBD and OBD" when 9 return "EOBD, OBD, OBD-II" when 10 return "JOBD Japan" when 11 return "JOBD and OBD-II" when 12 return "JOBD and EOBD" when 13 return "JOBD, EOBD, OBD-II" when 17 return "Engine Manufacturer Diagnostics (EMD)" when 18 return "Engine Manufacturer Diagnostics Enhanced (EMD+)" when 19 return "Heavy Duty On-Board Diagnostics (Child/Partial) (HD OBD-C)" when 20 return "Heavy Duty On-Board Diagnostics (HD OBD)" when 21 return "World Wide Harmonized OBD (WWH OBD)" when 23 return "Heavy Duty Euro OBD Stage I without NOx control (HD EOBD-I)" when 24 return "Heavy Duty Euro OBD Stage I with NOx control (HD EOBD-I N)" when 25 return "Heavy Duty Euro OBD Stage II without NOx control (HD EOBD-II)" when 26 return "Heavy Duty Euro OBD Stage II with NOx control (HD EOBD-II N)" when 28 return "Brazil OBD Phase 1 (OBDBr-1)" when 29 return "Brazil OBD Phase 2 (OBDBr-2)" when 30 return "Korean OBD (KOBD)" when 31 return "India OBD I (IOBD I)" when 32 return "India OBD II (IOBD II)" when 33 return "Heavy Duty Euro OBD Stage VI (HD EOBD-IV)" when 14..16, 22, 27, 34..250 return "Reserved" end "SAE J1939 Special Meanings" end |
permalink #get_rpms(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Gets the engine’s current RPMs
232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 232 def get_rpms(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) opt['MAXPKTS'] = 1 packets = get_current_data(bus, src_id, dst_id, 0x0C, opt) return {} if packets.nil? return packets if packets.key? "error" return packets unless packets.key? "Packets" packets["RPM"] = (256 * packets["Packets"][0]["DATA"][3].hex + packets["Packets"][0]["DATA"][4].hex) / 4 packets end |
permalink #get_security_token(bus, src_id, dst_id, level = 1, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Retrieves the security access token
759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 759 def get_security_token(bus, src_id, dst_id, level = 1, opt = {}) unless client.automotive print_error("Not an automotive hwbridge session") return {} end src_id = src_id.to_s(16) dst_id = dst_id.to_s(16) level = level.to_s(16) bus = client.automotive.active_bus unless bus unless bus print_line("No active bus, use 'connect' or specify bus via the options") return {} end padding = nil padding = opt['PADDING'] if opt.key? 'PADDING' opt = {} opt["MAXPKTS"] = 2 opt["PADDING"] = padding unless padding.nil? packets = client.automotive.send_isotp_and_wait_for_response(bus, src_id, dst_id, [0x27, level], opt) return {} if packets.nil? unless packets.key? "error" packets["SEED"] = response_hash_to_data_array(dst_id, packets) end packets end |
permalink #get_vehicle_info(bus, src_id, dst_id, mode, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Requests diagnostics 0x09 vehicle information for any given mode No formatting is done on the response
524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 524 def get_vehicle_info(bus, src_id, dst_id, mode, opt = {}) unless client.automotive print_error("Not an automotive hwbridge session") return {} end src_id = src_id.to_s(16) dst_id = dst_id.to_s(16) bus = client.automotive.active_bus unless bus mode = mode.to_s(16) unless bus print_line("No active bus, use 'connect' or specify bus via the options") return {} end client.automotive.send_isotp_and_wait_for_response(bus, src_id, dst_id, [0x09, mode], opt) end |
permalink #get_vehicle_speed(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Gets the engine’s current vehicle speed in km/h and mph
251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 251 def get_vehicle_speed(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) opt['MAXPKTS'] = 1 packets = get_current_data(bus, src_id, dst_id, 0x0D, opt) return {} if packets.nil? return packets if packets.key? "error" return packets unless packets.key? "Packets" packets["SPEED_K"] = packets["Packets"][0]["DATA"][3].hex packets["SPEED_M"] = packets["SPEED_K"] / 1.609344 packets end |
permalink #get_vin(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ String
Requests a VIN and formats the response as ASCII
578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 578 def get_vin(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) packets = get_vehicle_info(bus, src_id, dst_id, 0x02, opt) return "" if packets.nil? return "UDS ERR: #{packets['error']}" if packets.key? "error" data = response_hash_to_data_array(dst_id.to_s(16), packets) return "" if data.nil?! { |d| d.hex.chr } data.join end |
permalink #get_vinfo_supported_pids(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ Array
Get all the supported pids by mode 0x09 Vehicle info Returns them as an array of ints
550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 550 def get_vinfo_supported_pids(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) opt['MAXPKTS'] = 1 pids = [] packets = get_vehicle_info(bus, src_id, dst_id, 0, opt) return pids if packets.nil? if (packets.key? "Packets") && !packets["Packets"].empty? unless packets["Packets"][0]["DATA"][1].hex == 0x49 print_error("ECU Did not return a valid response") return [] end hexpids = packets["Packets"][0]["DATA"][3, 6] hexpids = hexpids.join.hex.to_s(2).rjust(32, '0').split('') # Array of 1s and 0s (1..20).each do |pid| pids << pid if hexpids[pid - 1] == "1" end end pids end |
permalink #read_data_by_id(bus, src_id, dst_id, id, opt = {}) ⇒ Array
Reads data from a memory region given a lookup ID value
702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 702 def read_data_by_id(bus, src_id, dst_id, id, opt = {}) data = [] unless client.automotive print_error("Not an automotive hwbridge session") return {} if show_error return [] end unless id.is_a? Array print_error("ID parameter must be a two byte array") return {} if show_error return [] end unless id.size == 2 print_error("ID parameter must be a two byte array") return {} if show_error return [] end src_id = src_id.to_s(16) dst_id = dst_id.to_s(16)! { |i| i.to_s(16) } if id[0].is_a? Integer bus = client.automotive.active_bus unless bus unless bus print_line("No active bus, use 'connect' or specify bus via the options") return {} end show_error = false padding = nil show_error = true if opt.key? 'SHOW_ERROR' padding = opt['PADDING'] if opt.key? 'PADDING' opt = {} opt["MAXPKTS"] = 15 opt["PADDING"] = padding unless padding.nil? packets = client.automotive.send_isotp_and_wait_for_response(bus, src_id, dst_id, [0x22] + id, opt) return [] if packets.nil? if packets.key? "error" return packets if show_error else data = response_hash_to_data_array(dst_id, packets) if id.size > 1 # Remove IDs from return data = data[(id.size-1)] end end data end |
permalink #reset_ecu(bus, src_id, dst_id, hard, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Issues a reset of the ECU
673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 673 def reset_ecu(bus, src_id, dst_id, hard, opt = {}) unless client.automotive print_error("Not an automotive hwbridge session") return {} end src_id = src_id.to_s(16) dst_id = dst_id.to_s(16) bus = client.automotive.active_bus unless bus unless bus print_line("No active bus, use 'connect' or specify bus via the options") return {} end reset_type = hard ? 1 : 0 client.automotive.send_isotp_and_wait_for_response(bus, src_id, dst_id, [0x11, reset_type], opt) end |
permalink #response_hash_to_data_array(id, hash, start_offset = 5) ⇒ Array
Helper method to take client.automotive response hashes and return a single array in order, This takes the ISO-TP Packets and assembles them in order, strips out the ISO-TP/UDS related info and returns just the data section as an array
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 20 def response_hash_to_data_array(id, hash, start_offset = 5) data = [] return data unless hash bad_count = 0 if hash.key? "Packets" unless hash["Packets"].size > 1 # Not multiple packets pktdata = hash["Packets"][0]["DATA"] if pktdata[1] == 0x7F print_line("Packet response was an error") else data = pktdata[3, pktdata.size-1] end return data end left2combine = hash["Packets"].size counter = 0 while left2combine > 0 && (bad_count < (hash["Packets"].size * 2)) # print_line("DEBUG Current status combine=#{left2combine} data=#{data.inspect}") hash["Packets"].each do |pkt| if (pkt.key? "ID") && pkt["ID"].hex == id.hex if pkt.key? "DATA" if # Get starting packet if pkt["DATA"][0] == "10" data += pkt["DATA"][start_offset, 8 - start_offset] left2combine -= 1 counter += 1 else bad_count += 1 end else # Got the first packet, get the 2x series # TODO: Support rollover counter, rare but technically possible if pkt["DATA"][0] == "%02x" % (0x20 + counter) data += pkt["DATA"][1, pkt["DATA"].size] left2combine -= 1 counter += 1 else bad_count += 1 end end end end end end if bad_count >= (hash["Packets"].size * 2) print_error("bad packet count exceeded normal limits. Packet parser failed") end end data end |
permalink #routine_control(bus, src_id, dst_id, routine_type, id, data = [], opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Executes a builtin routine. Routines are a series of pre-programmed acutions setup by the manufacturer.
param id [Array] 2 byte Array for the routine identifier
880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 880 def routine_control(bus, src_id, dst_id, routine_type, id, data = [], opt = {}) unless client.automotive print_error("Not an automotive hwbridge session") return {} end unless id.is_a? Array print_error("ID must be an array of hex values") return {} end unless data.is_a? Array print_error("DATA must be an array of hex values") return {} end src_id = src_id.to_s(16) dst_id = dst_id.to_s(16) routine_type = routine_type.to_s(16)! { |i| i.to_s(16) } if id[0].is_a? Integer! { |d| d.to_s(16) } if !data.empty? && (data[0].is_a? Integer) bus = client.automotive.active_bus unless bus unless bus print_line("No active bus, use 'connect' or specify bus via the options") return {} end client.automotive.send_isotp_and_wait_for_response(bus, src_id, dst_id, [0x31, routine_type] + id + data, opt) end |
permalink #send_security_token_response(bus, src_id, dst_id, key, response_level = 2, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Sends a security access tokens response to the seed request
796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 796 def send_security_token_response(bus, src_id, dst_id, key, response_level = 2, opt = {}) unless client.automotive print_error("Not an automotive hwbridge session") return {} end unless key.is_a? Array print_error("Key must be an array of hex values") return {} end src_id = src_id.to_s(16) dst_id = dst_id.to_s(16)! { |k| k.to_s(16) } if key[0].is_a? Integer response_level = response_level.to_s(16) bus = client.automotive.active_bus unless bus unless bus print_line("No active bus, use 'connect' or specify bus via the options") return {} end padding = nil padding = opt['PADDING'] if opt.key? 'PADDING' opt = {} opt["MAXPKTS"] = 2 opt["PADDING"] = padding unless padding.nil? client.automotive.send_isotp_and_wait_for_response(bus, src_id, dst_id, [0x27, response_level] + key, opt) end |
permalink #send_tester_present(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Sends a TestPresent message. This message maintains previously set DSCs or Security Access levels so they don’t timeout and revert back to normal. TesterPresent is typically transmitted on 2-3 second intervals
920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 920 def send_tester_present(bus, src_id, dst_id, opt = {}) unless client.automotive print_error("Not an automotive hwbridge session") return {} end src_id = src_id.to_s(16) dst_id = dst_id.to_s(16) bus = client.automotive.active_bus unless bus unless bus print_line("No active bus, use 'connect' or specify bus via the options") return {} end padding = nil suppress = 0x80 suppress = 0 unless (opt.key? 'SUPRESS_RESPONSE') && opt['SUPRESS_RESPONSE'] == false padding = opt['PADDING'] if opt.key? 'PADDING' opt = {} opt["MAXPKTS"] = 1 opt["PADDING"] = padding unless padding.nil? client.automotive.send_isotp_and_wait_for_response(bus, src_id, dst_id, [0x3E, suppress], opt) end |
permalink #set_dsc(bus, src_id, dst_id, level, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Set the diagnostic session code
639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 639 def set_dsc(bus, src_id, dst_id, level, opt = {}) unless client.automotive print_error("Not an automotive hwbridge session") return {} end level = level.to_s(16) src_id = src_id.to_s(16) dst_id = dst_id.to_s(16) bus = client.automotive.active_bus unless bus unless bus print_line("No active bus, use 'connect' or specify bus via the options") return {} end padding = nil padding = opt['PADDING'] if opt.key? 'PADDING' opt = {} opt["TIMEOUT"] = 20 opt["MAXPKTS"] = 1 opt["PADDING"] = padding unless padding.nil? client.automotive.send_isotp_and_wait_for_response(bus, src_id, dst_id, [0x10, level], opt) end |
permalink #write_data_by_id(bus, src_id, dst_id, id, data, opt = {}) ⇒ Hash
Writes data by ID
835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 |
# File 'lib/msf/core/post/hardware/automotive/uds.rb', line 835 def write_data_by_id(bus, src_id, dst_id, id, data, opt = {}) unless client.automotive print_error("Not an automotive hwbridge session") return {} end unless id.is_a? Array print_error("ID must be an array of hex values") return {} end unless data.is_a? Array print_error("DATA must be an array of hex values") return {} end src_id = src_id.to_s(16) dst_id = dst_id.to_s(16)! { |i| i.to_s(16) } if id[0].is_a? Integer! { |d| d.to_s(16) } if data[0].is_a? Integer bus = client.automotive.active_bus unless bus unless bus print_line("No active bus, use 'connect' or specify bus via the options") return {} end padding = nil padding = opt['PADDING'] if opt.key? 'PADDING' opt = {} opt["MAXPKTS"] = 1 opt["PADDING"] = padding unless padding.nil? client.automotive.send_isotp_and_wait_for_response(bus, src_id, dst_id, [0x27] + id + data, opt) end |