Class: Msf::Sessions::VncInject
- Inherits:
- Object
- Msf::Sessions::VncInject
- Includes:
- Msf::Session, Msf::Session::Basic
- Defined in:
- lib/msf/base/sessions/vncinject.rb
Instance Attribute Summary collapse
#conn_eof ⇒ Object
#got_conn ⇒ Object
#view ⇒ Object
#vlhost ⇒ Object
#vlport ⇒ Object
Attributes included from Msf::Session::Interactive
Attributes included from Rex::Ui::Interactive
#completed, #interacting, #next_session, #on_command_proc, #on_print_proc, #on_run_command_error_proc, #orig_suspend, #orig_usr1, #orig_winch
Attributes included from Rex::Ui::Subscriber::Input
Attributes included from Rex::Ui::Subscriber::Output
Attributes included from Msf::Session
#alive, #db_record, #exploit, #exploit_datastore, #exploit_task, #exploit_uuid, #framework, #info, #machine_id, #payload_uuid, #routes, #sid, #sname, #target_host, #target_port, #username, #uuid, #via, #workspace
Attributes included from Framework::Offspring
Class Method Summary collapse
- .can_cleanup_files ⇒ Object
.type ⇒ Object
Returns the session type as being ‘vncinject’.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#_interact ⇒ Object
#autovnc(viewonly = true) ⇒ Object
Launches VNC viewer against the local relay for this VNC server session.
#cleanup ⇒ Object
Cleans up the local relay and closes the stream.
#desc ⇒ Object
Returns the session description.
#initialize(rstream, opts = {}) ⇒ VncInject
Initializes a vncinject session instance using the supplied rstream that is to be used as the client’s connection to the server.
#interactive? ⇒ Boolean
Not interactive in the normal sense.
#register? ⇒ Boolean
Skip session registration for VNC.
#setup_relay(port, host = '') ⇒ Object
Sets up a local relay that is associated with the stream connection.
#type ⇒ Object
Calls the class method.
Methods included from Msf::Session::Interactive
#_interact_complete, #_interrupt, #_suspend, #_usr1, #abort_foreground, #abort_foreground_supported, #comm_channel, #kill, #run_cmd, #tunnel_local, #tunnel_peer, #user_want_abort?
Methods included from Rex::Ui::Interactive
#_interact_complete, #_interrupt, #_local_fd, #_remote_fd, #_stream_read_local_write_remote, #_stream_read_remote_write_local, #_suspend, #_winch, #detach, #handle_suspend, #handle_usr1, #handle_winch, #interact, #interact_stream, #prompt, #prompt_yesno, #restore_suspend, #restore_usr1, #restore_winch
Methods included from Rex::Ui::Subscriber
Methods included from Rex::Ui::Subscriber::Input
Methods included from Rex::Ui::Subscriber::Output
#flush, #print, #print_blank_line, #print_error, #print_good, #print_line, #print_status, #print_warning
Methods included from Msf::Session
#alive?, #comm_channel, #dead?, #inspect, #kill, #log_file_name, #log_source, #name, #name=, #session_host, #session_host=, #session_port, #session_port=, #session_type, #set_from_exploit, #set_via, #tunnel_local, #tunnel_peer, #tunnel_to_s, #via_exploit, #via_payload
Constructor Details
permalink #initialize(rstream, opts = {}) ⇒ VncInject
Initializes a vncinject session instance using the supplied rstream that is to be used as the client’s connection to the server.
22 23 24 25 26 27 |
# File 'lib/msf/base/sessions/vncinject.rb', line 22 def initialize(rstream, opts={}) super self.conn_eof = false self.got_conn = false end |
Instance Attribute Details
permalink #conn_eof ⇒ Object (protected)
180 181 182 |
# File 'lib/msf/base/sessions/vncinject.rb', line 180 def conn_eof @conn_eof end |
permalink #got_conn ⇒ Object (protected)
181 182 183 |
# File 'lib/msf/base/sessions/vncinject.rb', line 181 def got_conn @got_conn end |
permalink #view ⇒ Object (protected)
182 183 184 |
# File 'lib/msf/base/sessions/vncinject.rb', line 182 def view @view end |
permalink #vlhost ⇒ Object (protected)
178 179 180 |
# File 'lib/msf/base/sessions/vncinject.rb', line 178 def vlhost @vlhost end |
permalink #vlport ⇒ Object (protected)
179 180 181 |
# File 'lib/msf/base/sessions/vncinject.rb', line 179 def vlport @vlport end |
Class Method Details
permalink .can_cleanup_files ⇒ Object
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61 62 63 |
# File 'lib/msf/base/sessions/vncinject.rb', line 61 def self.can_cleanup_files false end |
permalink .type ⇒ Object
Returns the session type as being ‘vncinject’.
57 58 59 |
# File 'lib/msf/base/sessions/vncinject.rb', line 57 def self.type "vncinject" end |
Instance Method Details
permalink #_interact ⇒ Object
85 86 87 88 89 |
# File 'lib/msf/base/sessions/vncinject.rb', line 85 def _interact # :nodoc: raise EOFError if (self.conn_eof == true) sleep(1) end |
permalink #autovnc(viewonly = true) ⇒ Object
Launches VNC viewer against the local relay for this VNC server session.
Returns true if we were able to find the executable and false otherwise. Note that this says nothing about whether it worked, only that we found the file.
157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 |
# File 'lib/msf/base/sessions/vncinject.rb', line 157 def autovnc(viewonly=true) vnc = Rex::FileUtils::find_full_path('vncviewer') || Rex::FileUtils::find_full_path('vncviewer.exe') if (vnc) args = [] args.push '-viewonly' if viewonly args.push "#{vlhost}::#{vlport}" self.view = framework.threads.spawn("VncViewerWrapper", false) { system(vnc, *args) } return true end false end |
permalink #cleanup ⇒ Object
Cleans up the local relay and closes the stream.
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 |
# File 'lib/msf/base/sessions/vncinject.rb', line 32 def cleanup # Stop the local TCP relay service = Rex::ServiceManager.start(Rex::Services::LocalRelay) if (service) begin service.stop_tcp_relay(vlport, vlhost) if (vlport) ensure service.deref end end super end |
permalink #desc ⇒ Object
Returns the session description.
74 75 76 |
# File 'lib/msf/base/sessions/vncinject.rb', line 74 def desc "VNC Server" end |
permalink #interactive? ⇒ Boolean
Not interactive in the normal sense
94 95 96 |
# File 'lib/msf/base/sessions/vncinject.rb', line 94 def interactive? false end |
permalink #register? ⇒ Boolean
Skip session registration for VNC
50 51 52 |
# File 'lib/msf/base/sessions/vncinject.rb', line 50 def register? false end |
permalink #setup_relay(port, host = '') ⇒ Object
Sets up a local relay that is associated with the stream connection
107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 |
# File 'lib/msf/base/sessions/vncinject.rb', line 107 def setup_relay(port, host = '') if (port) self.vlhost = host self.vlport = port service = Rex::ServiceManager.start(Rex::Services::LocalRelay) if (service) begin service.start_tcp_relay(port, 'LocalHost' => host, 'Stream' => true, 'OnLocalConnection' => { if (self.got_conn == true) nil else self.got_conn = true rstream end }, 'OnConnectionClose' => { if (self.conn_eof == false) print_status("VNC connection closed.") self.conn_eof = true # Closing time self.view.kill if self.view self.view = nil self.kill end }, '__RelayType' => 'vncinject') end else raise RuntimeError, "Relay failed to start." end end end |
permalink #type ⇒ Object
Calls the class method.
81 82 83 |
# File 'lib/msf/base/sessions/vncinject.rb', line 81 def type self.class.type end |