Class: LabwareCreators::ConcentrationBinnedPlate

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Handles the generation of a concentration binned plate. For each well on the source plate we use the concentration entered via QuantHub to decide which bin and therefore which well the sample will be transferred to on the destination plate. N.B. Concentrations uploaded to QuantHub and used in the binning config below need to be in ng/ul (nanograms per microlitre). The binning parameters are retrieved from the plate purpose configuration. The volume multiplier is applied to the concentration to give the total amount of DNA/RNA in the well. Wells in the bins are applied to the destination by column. If there is enough space on the destination each new bin will start in a new column. Otherwise bins will run consecutively without gaps. Colour and cycle information in the configuration is used by the plate presenter to clearly display the bins and show keys.

Eg. source_volume: 10, diluent_volume: 25, bins: [

  colour: 1,
  pcr_cycles: 16,
  max: 25
  colour: 2,
  pcr_cycles: 12,
  min: 25,
  max: 500
  colour: 3,
  pcr_cycles: 8,
  min: 500


Source Plate Dest Plate --–+–~ --–+–~ |A1| conc=4.3 x10=43 (bin 2) |B1|A1|C1| --–+–~ --–+–~ |B1| conc=1.2 x10=12 (bin 1) |D1|E1| | --–+–~ + --–+–~ |C1| conc=67.2 x10=672 (bin 3) | |G1| | --–+–~ --–+–~ |D1| conc=2.1 x10=21 (bin 1) | | | | --–+–~ --–+–~ |E1| conc=33.7 x10=337 (bin 2) | | | | --–+–~ --–+–~ |G1| conc=25.9 x10=259 (bin 2) | | | |

Instance Method Summary collapse

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from LabwareCreators::Base

Instance Method Details


# File 'app/models/labware_creators/concentration_binned_plate.rb', line 55

def dilutions_calculator
  @dilutions_calculator ||=