Class: LabwareCreators::NormalisedBinnedPlate

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Handles the generation of plates where the source plate wells are normalised and rearranged by bins onto the target plate. The normalisation goal is to have a specific amount of DNA in the target wells (e.g. 50ng). This amount to be in a specific target volume (e.g. 20ul). There is also a minimum volume of source to take *e.g. 0.2ul). The highest concentrated samples will have the minimum volume taken and be topped up with diluent. The lowest concentrated samples will take the maximum volume with no diluent. Once the normalisation is calculated the target wells are arranged according to bins of total amount present, and different numbers of pcr cycles assigned to each bin to attempt to further normalise the samples. The library preparation Submission may only be for some of the wells on the plate. We use a well filter on library type to select only those wells that have a request for the required library type.

Instance Method Summary collapse

Constructor Details

This class inherits a constructor from LabwareCreators::Base

Instance Method Details


# File 'app/models/labware_creators/normalised_binned_plate.rb', line 17

def dilutions_calculator
  @dilutions_calculator ||=