Module: Limber::TagLayoutTemplate::InColumnThenColumns

Defined in:


Used in quadrant layouts Tags are arranged in quadrants in the case of some 384 well plates. Essentially a 96 well plate of tags is transferred onto the same target plate four times, such that each cluster of 4 wells contains the same tag. Ie. Tag 1 is in wells A1, B1, A2, B2 In the case of column then column direction algorithms Four different tag 2s then get applied to each cluster. These tags are laid out in COLUMN order ie. A1 => 1, A2 => 3, B1 => 2, B2 => 4

Instance Method Summary collapse

Instance Method Details

#primary_index(row, column, scale, height, _width) ⇒ Integer

Returns the tag index for the primary (i7) tag That is the one laid out in columns with four copies of each


  • row (Integer)

    Zero indexed row co-ordinate of the well

  • column (Integer)

    Zero-indexed column co-ordinate of the well

  • scale (Integer)

    The number of times each tag is repeated in a given row/column. eg. 2 for quad stamps.

  • height (Integer)

    The number of rows on a plate

  • _width (Integer)

    The number of columns on a plate (unused)


  • (Integer)

    The index of the tag to use for the well

# File 'app/models/limber/tag_layout_template/in_column_then_columns.rb', line 34

def primary_index(row, column, scale, height, _width)
  tag_col = (column / scale)
  tag_row = (row / scale)
  tag_row + (height / scale * tag_col)