Available Presenters

Note This file is generated automatically by rake docs:update and should be generated automatically if you run rake config:generate in development. If you wish to modify the file, update docs/templates/presenters.md.erb instead. The description of each class is pulled directly from the class itself.

Presenters are responsible for showing information about a piece of labware.

Plate presenters


Basic core presenter class for plates Handles the display of plates in the view, not used directly

This presenter is unused

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The ConcentrationBinnedPlatePresenter is used for plates that have had concentration binning applied. It shows a view of the plate with colours and keys indicating the various bins.

Used directly in 1 purposes: LBC 3pV3 GEX Dil

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Used directly in 2 purposes: scRNA-384 cDNA-XP and scRNA-384 End Prep

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The NormalisedBinnedPlatePresenter is used for plates that have had concentration binning and normalisation applied. It shows a view of the plate with colours and keys indicating the various bins.

Used directly in 1 purposes: LBC 5p GEX Dil

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The PcrCyclesBinnedPlatePresenter is used for plates that have had pcr cycle binning applied. It shows a view of the plate with colours and keys indicating the various bins. This is the base class for the PcrCyclesBinnedPlatePresenter and should not be used directly. NB. Once DuplexSeq is converted to use the new request poly_metadata, this subclassing can be removed and the PcrCyclesBinnedPlateUsingRequestMetadataPresenter version will be the only version needed.

This presenter is unused

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The StandardPresenter is used for the majority of plates. It shows a preview of the plate itself, and permits state changes, well failures and child creation when passed.

Used directly in 106 purposes: CLCM DNA End Prep, CLCM DNA Lib PCR XP, CLCM Lysate DNA, CLCM Lysate RNA, CLCM RNA End Prep, CLCM RNA Lib PCR XP, CLCM RT PreAmp, CLCM Stock, GnT Pico End Prep, GnT Pico-XP, GnT scDNA, LB Cap Lib, LB Cap Lib PCR, LB Cap Lib PCR-XP, LB Cap Lib Pool, LB End Prep, LB Hyb, LB Lib PCR-XP, LB Lib PrePool, LB Post Shear, LB Shear, LBB Enriched BCR, LBB Enriched BCR HT, LBB Enriched TCR, LBB Enriched TCR HT, LBB Lib-XP, LBB Ligation, LBC 3pV3 GEX Frag 2XP, LBC 5p GEX Frag 2XP, LBC Aggregate, LBC BCR Dil 1, LBC BCR Dil 2, LBC BCR Enrich1 2XSPRI, LBC BCR Enrich2 2XSPRI, LBC BCR Post PCR, LBC Cherrypick, LBC TCR Dil 1, LBC TCR Dil 2, LBC TCR Enrich1 2XSPRI, LBC TCR Enrich2 2XSPRI, LBC TCR Post PCR, LBR Frag cDNA, LBR Globin, LCA 10X cDNA, LCA Blood Array, LCA Blood Bank, LCA PBMC, LCA PBMC Bank, LCA PBMC Pools, LCMB End Prep, LCMB Lib PCR-XP, LDS AL Lib, LDS Lib PCR XP, LDS Stock XP, LHR End Prep, LHR PCR 1, LHR PCR 2, LHR XP, LHR-384 AL Lib, LHR-384 cDNA, LHR-384 PCR 1, LHR-384 PCR 2, LHR-384 XP, LRC Blood Bank, LRC HT 5p cDNA PCR, LRC HT 5p cDNA PCR XP, LRC HT 5p Chip, LRC HT 5p GEMs, LRC PBMC Bank, LRC PBMC Cryostor, LRC PBMC Defrost PBS, LRC PBMC Pools, LSW-96 Stock, LTHR Lib PCR pool, LTHR PCR 1, LTHR PCR 2, LTHR RT-S, LTHR-384 Lib PCR pool, LTHR-384 PCR 1, LTHR-384 PCR 2, LTHR-384 RT-Q, LTN AL Lib, LTN Lib PCR XP, LTN Post Shear, LTN Shear, LTN Stock XP, PF End Prep, PF Lib XP, PF Lib XP2, PF Post Shear, PF Post Shear XP, PF Shear, PF-384 End Prep, PF-384 Lib XP2, PF-384 Post Shear XP, pWGS-384 AL Lib, pWGS-384 Post Shear XP, RVI Cap Lib, RVI Cap Lib PCR, RVI Cap Lib PCR XP, RVI Cap Lib Pool, RVI Hyb, RVI Lib PCR XP, RVI Lib PrePool, scRNA cDNA-XP, and scRNA End Prep

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Class PermissivePresenter provides a presenter which allows plate creation even when the plate is pending

Used directly in 13 purposes: LB cDNA, LB cDNA XP, LBR Frag, LBR Globin DNase, LBR mRNA Cap, LBR Ribo DNase, LBR RiboGlobin DNase, LHR-384 End Prep, PF Lib, PF-384 Lib, RVI Cherrypick, RVI Lig Bind, and RVI RT

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Used for RVI cDNA XP plates. Used for a custom ‘Manual Transfer’ state transition. N.B. ‘Manual Transfer’ is used for the RVI BCL pipeline for the cDNA XP Plate because the plates are inaccessible in the bed at the time of transfer so cannot be transferred via bed verifications. Also we cannot set its state to ‘Passed’ on initial bed verification because there are steps on other plates that need to be completed before the cDNA XP Plate can be transferred. and we do not want to misreport the plate being passed if an issue arises with the steps before hand.

Used directly in 1 purposes: RVI cDNA XP

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Class SingleChildPermissivePresenter provides a presenter which allows creation of a single plate even when the plate is pending

Used directly in 1 purposes: pWGS-384 End Prep

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The SplitPresenter is used for plates that has beed de-multiplexed and have ‘stock_barcode` in their metadata. This presenter will show the originating stock barcode as well.

Used directly in 1 purposes: PF Lib Q-XP2

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A stock plate presenter is used for plates just entering the pipeline. It shows a preview of the plate, but prevents well failure and state changes. In addition it also detects common scenarios which may indicate problems with the submission. State of stock plates is a little complicated currently, as it can’t depend on transfer requests into the plate. As a result, wells on stock plates may have a state of ‘unknown.’ As a result, stock wells inherit their styling from the plate itself.

Used directly in 19 purposes: GnT Stock, LB Cherrypick, LBB Cherrypick, LBC Stock, LBR Cherrypick, LBSN-96 Lysate, LCMB Cherrypick, LDS Cherrypick, LDS Stock, LHR RT, LHR-384 RT, LILYS-96 Stock, LRC PBMC Pools Input, LTHR RT, LTHR-384 RT, LTN Cherrypick, LTN Stock, PF Cherrypicked, and scRNA Stock

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The SubmissionPlatePresenter is used when plates enter the process with no assigned pipeline. It presents the user with a selection of workflows, and allows them to generate corresponding Sequencescape submissions. Once these submissions are passed, the plate behaves like a standard stock plate.

Submission options are defined by the submission_options config in the purposes/*.yml file. Structure is: <button text>:

template_name: <submission template name>
  <request_option_key>: <request_option_value>

Used directly in 2 purposes: LDW-96 Stock and LTHR Cherrypick

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This presenter is unused

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The UntaggedPlatePassingPresenter is used in MDA and allows passing before libraries are tagged. TODO: Really this decision is a property of the request, so probably belongs in the intended ‘pipelines’ configuration

Used directly in 1 purposes: GnT MDA Norm

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Used directly in 11 purposes: GBS PCR1, GBS PCR2, LBSN-384 PCR 1, LBSN-384 PCR 2, LHR-384 Lib PCR, LTHR Lib PCR 1, LTHR Lib PCR 2, LTHR-384 Lib PCR 1, LTHR-384 Lib PCR 2, pWGS-384 Lib PCR, and scRNA-384 Lib PCR

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Used directly in 3 purposes: GBS Stock, GBS-96 Stock, and scRNA-384 Stock

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This version of the PcrCyclesBinnedPlatePresenter fetches metadata from the Request poly_metadata.

Used directly in 1 purposes: LTN AL Lib Dil

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This version of the PcrCyclesBinnedPlatePresenter fetches metadata from the wells.

Used directly in 1 purposes: LDS AL Lib Dil

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Standard presenter, but renders tags. Could probably get rid of this.

Used directly in 20 purposes: CLCM DNA Lib PCR, CLCM RNA Lib PCR, GnT Pico Lib PCR, LB Lib PCR, LBB Chromium Tagged, LBB Lib PCR-XP, LBB Ligation Tagged, LBC 3pV3 GEX LigXP, LBC 3pV3 GEX PCR 2XP, LBC 5p GEX LigXP, LBC 5p GEX PCR 2XP, LBC BCR Post Lig 1XSPRI, LBC TCR Post Lig 1XSPRI, LCA Connect PCRXP, LCMB Lib PCR, LDS Lib PCR, LHR Lib PCR, LTN Lib PCR, RVI Lib PCR, and scRNA Lib PCR

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This presenter enables printing labels for ‘Tag Plate - 384’ plates.

Used directly in 1 purposes: Tag Plate - 384

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Tube presenters


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This template is unused

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Used directly in 36 purposes: LBC 5p GLibPS, LBC 5p Pool Norm, LRC Blood Aliquot, LRC Bank Seq, LRC Bank Spare, Cap Lib Pool Norm, LB Custom Pool, CLCM DNA Pool, CLCM RNA Pool, LCMB Custom Pool, pWGS-384 Lib Pool XP, LTHR-384 Pool XP, LBSN-384 PCR 2 Pool, LBSN-9216 Lib PCR Pool, LTN Custom Pool, LBC BCR LibPS, LBC BCR Pool Norm, GnT Pico Lib Pool, GnT Pico Lib Pool XP, LB Lib Pool, LDS Custom Pool, LHR-384 Pool XP, GBS PCR2 Pool Stock, GBS PCR Pool, GBS PCR Pool Selected, LCA Custom Pool, LBC TCR LibPS, LBC TCR Pool Norm, LTHR Pool XP, LBB Lib Pool Stock, LBC 3pV3 GLibPS, scRNA Lib Pool, scRNA-384 Lib Pool XP, scRNA Lib Pool XP, LHR Lib Pool, LHR Lib Pool XP,

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Used directly in 10 purposes: LB Custom Pool Norm, CLCM DNA Pool Norm, CLCM RNA Pool Norm, LCMB Custom Pool Norm, LB Lib Pool Norm, LBSN-9216 Lib PCR Pool XP, LTN Custom Pool Norm, LDS Custom Pool Norm, GBS MiSeq Pool, LCA Custom Pool Norm,

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This template is unused

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A stock tube presenter is used for tubes just entering the pipeline. It shows a preview of the tube, but prevents well failure and state changes. In addition it also detects common scenarios which may indicate problems with the submission.

Used directly in 2 purposes: LRC Blood Vac, LCA Blood Vac,

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Used directly in 1 purposes: LCA Bank Stock,

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