Class: Object
Object is the default root of all Ruby objects. Object inherits from BasicObject which allows creating alternate object hierarchies. Methods on Object are available to all classes unless explicitly overridden.
Object mixes in the Kernel module, making the built-in kernel functions globally accessible. Although the instance methods of Object are defined by the Kernel module, we have chosen to document them here for clarity.
When referencing constants in classes inheriting from Object you do not need to use the full namespace. For example, referencing File
inside YourClass
will find the top-level File class.
In the descriptions of Object’s methods, the parameter symbol refers to a symbol, which is either a quoted string or a Symbol (such as :name
Constant Summary collapse
- Bignum =
An obsolete class, use Integer
- Fixnum =
An obsolete class, use Integer
Instance Method Summary collapse
#!~(other) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if two objects do not match (using the =~ method), otherwise false.
#<=>(other) ⇒ 0?
Returns 0 if
are the same object orobj == other
, otherwise nil. - #=== ⇒ Object
#=~(other) ⇒ nil
This method is deprecated.
#define_singleton_method(*args) ⇒ Object
Defines a singleton method in the receiver.
#display(port = $>) ⇒ nil
Prints obj on the given port (default
). -
#dup ⇒ Object
Produces a shallow copy of obj—the instance variables of obj are copied, but not the objects they reference.
#enum_for(*args) ⇒ Object
Creates a new Enumerator which will enumerate by calling
, passingargs
if any. -
#eql?(obj2) ⇒ Object
Equality — At the Object level, #== returns
only ifobj
are the same object. -
#extend ⇒ Object
Adds to obj the instance methods from each module given as a parameter.
#freeze ⇒ Object
Prevents further modifications to obj.
- #hash ⇒ Object
#initialize_clone(*args) ⇒ Object
! :nodoc:.
#initialize_copy(orig) ⇒ Object
#initialize_dup(orig) ⇒ Object
! :nodoc:.
#inspect ⇒ String
Returns a string containing a human-readable representation of obj.
#instance_of? ⇒ Boolean
if obj is an instance of the given class. -
#instance_variable_defined?(iv) ⇒ Object
if the given instance variable is defined in obj. -
#instance_variable_get(iv) ⇒ Object
Returns the value of the given instance variable, or nil if the instance variable is not set.
#instance_variable_set(iv, val) ⇒ Object
Sets the instance variable named by symbol to the given object.
#instance_variables ⇒ Array
Returns an array of instance variable names for the receiver.
#is_a?(c) ⇒ Object
if class is the class of obj, or if class is one of the superclasses of obj or modules included in obj. -
#itself ⇒ Object
Returns the receiver.
#kind_of?(c) ⇒ Object
if class is the class of obj, or if class is one of the superclasses of obj or modules included in obj. -
#method(sym) ⇒ Object
Looks up the named method as a receiver in obj, returning a Method object (or raising NameError).
#methods(regular = true) ⇒ Array
Returns a list of the names of public and protected methods of obj.
#nil? ⇒ Boolean
Only the object nil responds
. -
#object_id ⇒ Object
call-seq: obj.__id__ -> integer obj.object_id -> integer.
#private_methods(all = true) ⇒ Array
Returns the list of private methods accessible to obj.
#protected_methods(all = true) ⇒ Array
Returns the list of protected methods accessible to obj.
#public_method(sym) ⇒ Object
Similar to method, searches public method only.
#public_methods(all = true) ⇒ Array
Returns the list of public methods accessible to obj.
#public_send(*args) ⇒ Object
Invokes the method identified by symbol, passing it any arguments specified.
#remove_instance_variable(name) ⇒ Object
Removes the named instance variable from obj, returning that variable’s value.
#respond_to?(*args) ⇒ Object
if obj responds to the given method. -
#respond_to_missing?(mid, priv) ⇒ Object
#send(*args) ⇒ Object
Invokes the method identified by symbol, passing it any arguments specified.
#singleton_class ⇒ Class
Returns the singleton class of obj.
#singleton_method(sym) ⇒ Object
Similar to method, searches singleton method only.
#singleton_methods(all = true) ⇒ Array
Returns an array of the names of singleton methods for obj.
#taint ⇒ Object
Returns object.
#tainted? ⇒ false
Returns false.
#to_enum(*args) ⇒ Object
Creates a new Enumerator which will enumerate by calling
, passingargs
if any. -
#to_s ⇒ String
Returns a string representing obj.
#trust ⇒ Object
Returns object.
#untaint ⇒ Object
Returns object.
#untrust ⇒ Object
Returns object.
#untrusted? ⇒ false
Returns false.
Methods included from Kernel
#Array, #Complex, #Hash, #Integer, #Rational, #String, #__callee__, #__dir__, #__method__, #`, #abort, #at_exit, #autoload, #autoload?, #binding, #block_given?, #callcc, #caller, #caller_locations, #catch, #eval, #exec, #exit, #exit!, #fail, #fork, #format, #gets, #global_variables, #iterator?, #lambda, #load, #local_variables, #loop, #open, #p, #print, #printf, #proc, #putc, #puts, #raise, #rand, #readline, #readlines, #require, #require_relative, #select, #set_trace_func, #sleep, #spawn, #sprintf, #srand, #syscall, #system, #test, #throw, #trace_var, #trap, #untrace_var
Instance Method Details
#!~(other) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true if two objects do not match (using the =~ method), otherwise false.
1606 1607 1608 1609 1610 1611 |
# File 'object.c', line 1606
static VALUE
rb_obj_not_match(VALUE obj1, VALUE obj2)
VALUE result = rb_funcall(obj1, id_match, 1, obj2);
return RTEST(result) ? Qfalse : Qtrue;
#<=>(other) ⇒ 0?
Returns 0 if obj
and other
are the same object or obj == other
, otherwise nil.
The #<=> is used by various methods to compare objects, for example Enumerable#sort, Enumerable#max etc.
Your implementation of #<=> should return one of the following values: -1, 0, 1 or nil. -1 means self is smaller than other. 0 means self is equal to other. 1 means self is bigger than other. Nil means the two values could not be compared.
When you define #<=>, you can include Comparable to gain the methods #<=, #<, #==, #>=, #> and #between?.
1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 |
# File 'object.c', line 1632
static VALUE
rb_obj_cmp(VALUE obj1, VALUE obj2)
if (rb_equal(obj1, obj2))
return INT2FIX(0);
return Qnil;
#=== ⇒ Object
#=~(other) ⇒ nil
This method is deprecated.
This is not only useless but also troublesome because it may hide a type error.
1588 1589 1590 1591 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596 |
# File 'object.c', line 1588
static VALUE
rb_obj_match(VALUE obj1, VALUE obj2)
if (rb_warning_category_enabled_p(RB_WARN_CATEGORY_DEPRECATED)) {
rb_category_warn(RB_WARN_CATEGORY_DEPRECATED, "deprecated Object#=~ is called on %"PRIsVALUE
"; it always returns nil", rb_obj_class(obj1));
return Qnil;
#define_singleton_method(symbol, method) ⇒ Object #define_singleton_method(symbol) { ... } ⇒ Object
Defines a singleton method in the receiver. The method parameter can be a Proc
, a Method
or an UnboundMethod
object. If a block is specified, it is used as the method body. If a block or a method has parameters, they’re used as method parameters.
class A
class << self
def class_name
A.define_singleton_method(:who_am_i) do
"I am: #{class_name}"
A.who_am_i # ==> "I am: A"
guy = "Bob"
guy.define_singleton_method(:hello) { "#{self}: Hello there!" }
guy.hello #=> "Bob: Hello there!"
chris = "Chris"
chris.define_singleton_method(:greet) {|greeting| "#{greeting}, I'm Chris!" }
chris.greet("Hi") #=> "Hi, I'm Chris!"
2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 |
# File 'proc.c', line 2276
static VALUE
rb_obj_define_method(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
VALUE klass = rb_singleton_class(obj);
return rb_mod_define_method(argc, argv, klass);
#display(port = $>) ⇒ nil
Prints obj on the given port (default $>
). Equivalent to:
def display(port=$>)
port.write self
For example:
[ 4, 5, 6 ].display
1cat[4, 5, 6]
8028 8029 8030 8031 8032 8033 8034 8035 8036 8037 |
# File 'io.c', line 8028
static VALUE
rb_obj_display(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
VALUE out;
out = (!rb_check_arity(argc, 0, 1) ? rb_ractor_stdout() : argv[0]);
rb_io_write(out, self);
return Qnil;
#dup ⇒ Object
Produces a shallow copy of obj—the instance variables of obj are copied, but not the objects they reference.
This method may have class-specific behavior. If so, that behavior will be documented under the #initialize_copy
method of the class.
on dup vs clone
In general, #clone and #dup may have different semantics in descendant classes. While #clone is used to duplicate an object, including its internal state, #dup typically uses the class of the descendant object to create the new instance.
When using #dup, any modules that the object has been extended with will not be copied.
class Klass
attr_accessor :str
module Foo
def foo; 'foo'; end
s1 = #=> #<Klass:0x401b3a38> s1.extend(Foo) #=> #<Klass:0x401b3a38> #=> “foo”
s2 = s1.clone #=> #<Klass:0x401be280> #=> “foo”
s3 = s1.dup #=> #<Klass:0x401c1084> #=> NoMethodError: undefined method ‘foo’ for #<Klass:0x401c1084>
558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 |
# File 'object.c', line 558
rb_obj_dup(VALUE obj)
VALUE dup;
if (special_object_p(obj)) {
return obj;
dup = rb_obj_alloc(rb_obj_class(obj));
init_copy(dup, obj);
rb_funcall(dup, id_init_dup, 1, obj);
return dup;
#to_enum(method = :each, *args) ⇒ Enumerator #enum_for(method = :each, *args) ⇒ Enumerator #to_enum(method = :each, *args) {|*args| ... } ⇒ Enumerator #enum_for(method = :each, *args) {|*args| ... } ⇒ Enumerator
Creates a new Enumerator which will enumerate by calling method
on obj
, passing args
if any. What was yielded by method becomes values of enumerator.
If a block is given, it will be used to calculate the size of the enumerator without the need to iterate it (see Enumerator#size).
str = "xyz"
enum = str.enum_for(:each_byte)
enum.each { |b| puts b }
# => 120
# => 121
# => 122
# protect an array from being modified by some_method
a = [1, 2, 3]
# String#split in block form is more memory-effective:
very_large_string.split("|") { |chunk| return chunk if chunk.include?('DATE') }
# This could be rewritten more idiomatically with to_enum:
very_large_string.to_enum(:split, "|").lazy.grep(/DATE/).first
It is typical to call to_enum when defining methods for a generic Enumerable, in case no block is passed.
Here is such an example, with parameter passing and a sizing block:
module Enumerable
# a generic method to repeat the values of any enumerable
def repeat(n)
raise ArgumentError, "#{n} is negative!" if n < 0
unless block_given?
return to_enum(__method__, n) do # __method__ is :repeat here
sz = size # Call size and multiply by n...
sz * n if sz # but return nil if size itself is nil
each do |*val|
n.times { yield *val }
%i[hello world].repeat(2) { |w| puts w }
# => Prints 'hello', 'hello', 'world', 'world'
enum = (1..14).repeat(3)
# => returns an Enumerator when called without a block
enum.first(4) # => [1, 1, 1, 2]
enum.size # => 42
368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 |
# File 'enumerator.c', line 368
static VALUE
obj_to_enum(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
VALUE enumerator, meth = sym_each;
if (argc > 0) {
meth = *argv++;
enumerator = rb_enumeratorize_with_size(obj, meth, argc, argv, 0);
if (rb_block_given_p()) {
enumerator_ptr(enumerator)->size = rb_block_proc();
return enumerator;
#==(other) ⇒ Boolean #equal?(other) ⇒ Boolean #eql?(other) ⇒ Boolean
Equality — At the Object level, #== returns true
only if obj
and other
are the same object. Typically, this method is overridden in descendant classes to provide class-specific meaning.
Unlike #==, the #equal? method should never be overridden by subclasses as it is used to determine object identity (that is, a.equal?(b)
if and only if a
is the same object as b
obj = "a"
other = obj.dup
obj == other #=> true
obj.equal? other #=> false
obj.equal? obj #=> true
The #eql? method returns true
if obj
and other
refer to the same hash key. This is used by Hash to test members for equality. For any pair of objects where #eql? returns true
, the #hash value of both objects must be equal. So any subclass that overrides #eql? should also override #hash appropriately.
For objects of class Object, #eql? is synonymous with #==. Subclasses normally continue this tradition by aliasing #eql? to their overridden #== method, but there are exceptions. Numeric types, for example, perform type conversion across #==, but not across #eql?, so:
1 == 1.0 #=> true
1.eql? 1.0 #=> false
234 235 236 237 238 239 |
# File 'object.c', line 234
rb_obj_equal(VALUE obj1, VALUE obj2)
if (obj1 == obj2) return Qtrue;
return Qfalse;
#extend ⇒ Object
Adds to obj the instance methods from each module given as a parameter.
module Mod
def hello
"Hello from Mod.\n"
class Klass
def hello
"Hello from Klass.\n"
k =
k.hello #=> "Hello from Klass.\n"
k.extend(Mod) #=> #<Klass:0x401b3bc8>
k.hello #=> "Hello from Mod.\n"
1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 |
# File 'eval.c', line 1790
static VALUE
rb_obj_extend(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
int i;
ID id_extend_object, id_extended;
CONST_ID(id_extend_object, "extend_object");
CONST_ID(id_extended, "extended");
rb_check_arity(argc, 1, UNLIMITED_ARGUMENTS);
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
Check_Type(argv[i], T_MODULE);
while (argc--) {
rb_funcall(argv[argc], id_extend_object, 1, obj);
rb_funcall(argv[argc], id_extended, 1, obj);
return obj;
#freeze ⇒ Object
Prevents further modifications to obj. A RuntimeError will be raised if modification is attempted. There is no way to unfreeze a frozen object. See also Object#frozen?.
This method returns self.
a = [ "a", "b", "c" ]
a << "z"
prog.rb:3:in `<<': can't modify frozen Array (FrozenError)
from prog.rb:3
Objects of the following classes are always frozen: Integer, Float, Symbol.
1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 |
# File 'object.c', line 1277
rb_obj_freeze(VALUE obj)
if (!OBJ_FROZEN(obj)) {
if (SPECIAL_CONST_P(obj)) {
rb_bug("special consts should be frozen.");
return obj;
#hash ⇒ Object
241 |
# File 'object.c', line 241 VALUE rb_obj_hash(VALUE obj); |
#initialize_clone(*args) ⇒ Object
647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 |
# File 'object.c', line 647
static VALUE
rb_obj_init_clone(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
VALUE orig, opts;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "1:", &orig, &opts);
/* Ignore a freeze keyword */
if (argc == 2) (void)freeze_opt(1, &opts);
rb_funcall(obj, id_init_copy, 1, orig);
return obj;
#initialize_copy(orig) ⇒ Object
610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 |
# File 'object.c', line 610
rb_obj_init_copy(VALUE obj, VALUE orig)
if (obj == orig) return obj;
if (TYPE(obj) != TYPE(orig) || rb_obj_class(obj) != rb_obj_class(orig)) {
rb_raise(rb_eTypeError, "initialize_copy should take same class object");
return obj;
#initialize_dup(orig) ⇒ Object
630 631 632 633 634 635 |
# File 'object.c', line 630
rb_obj_init_dup_clone(VALUE obj, VALUE orig)
rb_funcall(obj, id_init_copy, 1, orig);
return obj;
#inspect ⇒ String
Returns a string containing a human-readable representation of obj. The default #inspect shows the object’s class name, an encoding of its memory address, and a list of the instance variables and their values (by calling #inspect on each of them). User defined classes should override this method to provide a better representation of obj. When overriding this method, it should return a string whose encoding is compatible with the default external encoding.
[ 1, 2, 3..4, 'five' ].inspect #=> "[1, 2, 3..4, \"five\"]" #=> "2008-03-08 19:43:39 +0900"
class Foo
end #=> "#<Foo:0x0300c868>"
class Bar
def initialize
@bar = 1
end #=> "#<Bar:0x0300c868 @bar=1>"
777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 |
# File 'object.c', line 777
static VALUE
rb_obj_inspect(VALUE obj)
if (rb_ivar_count(obj) > 0) {
VALUE str;
VALUE c = rb_class_name(CLASS_OF(obj));
str = rb_sprintf("-<%"PRIsVALUE":%p", c, (void*)obj);
return rb_exec_recursive(inspect_obj, obj, str);
else {
return rb_any_to_s(obj);
#instance_of? ⇒ Boolean
Returns true
if obj is an instance of the given class. See also Object#kind_of?.
class A; end
class B < A; end
class C < B; end
b =
b.instance_of? A #=> false
b.instance_of? B #=> true
b.instance_of? C #=> false
833 834 835 836 837 838 839 |
# File 'object.c', line 833
rb_obj_is_instance_of(VALUE obj, VALUE c)
c = class_or_module_required(c);
if (rb_obj_class(obj) == c) return Qtrue;
return Qfalse;
#instance_variable_defined?(symbol) ⇒ Boolean #instance_variable_defined?(string) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true
if the given instance variable is defined in obj. String arguments are converted to symbols.
class Fred
def initialize(p1, p2)
@a, @b = p1, p2
fred ='cat', 99)
fred.instance_variable_defined?(:@a) #=> true
fred.instance_variable_defined?("@b") #=> true
fred.instance_variable_defined?("@c") #=> false
2932 2933 2934 2935 2936 2937 2938 2939 2940 2941 |
# File 'object.c', line 2932
static VALUE
rb_obj_ivar_defined(VALUE obj, VALUE iv)
ID id = id_for_var(obj, iv, instance);
if (!id) {
return Qfalse;
return rb_ivar_defined(obj, id);
#instance_variable_get(symbol) ⇒ Object #instance_variable_get(string) ⇒ Object
Returns the value of the given instance variable, or nil if the instance variable is not set. The @
part of the variable name should be included for regular instance variables. Throws a NameError exception if the supplied symbol is not valid as an instance variable name. String arguments are converted to symbols.
class Fred
def initialize(p1, p2)
@a, @b = p1, p2
fred ='cat', 99)
fred.instance_variable_get(:@a) #=> "cat"
fred.instance_variable_get("@b") #=> 99
2870 2871 2872 2873 2874 2875 2876 2877 2878 2879 |
# File 'object.c', line 2870
static VALUE
rb_obj_ivar_get(VALUE obj, VALUE iv)
ID id = id_for_var(obj, iv, instance);
if (!id) {
return Qnil;
return rb_ivar_get(obj, id);
#instance_variable_set(symbol, obj) ⇒ Object #instance_variable_set(string, obj) ⇒ Object
Sets the instance variable named by symbol to the given object. This may circumvent the encapsulation intended by the author of the class, so it should be used with care. The variable does not have to exist prior to this call. If the instance variable name is passed as a string, that string is converted to a symbol.
class Fred
def initialize(p1, p2)
@a, @b = p1, p2
fred ='cat', 99)
fred.instance_variable_set(:@a, 'dog') #=> "dog"
fred.instance_variable_set(:@c, 'cat') #=> "cat"
fred.inspect #=> "#<Fred:0x401b3da8 @a=\"dog\", @b=99, @c=\"cat\">"
2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 2909 2910 |
# File 'object.c', line 2904
static VALUE
rb_obj_ivar_set(VALUE obj, VALUE iv, VALUE val)
ID id = id_for_var(obj, iv, instance);
if (!id) id = rb_intern_str(iv);
return rb_ivar_set(obj, id, val);
#instance_variables ⇒ Array
Returns an array of instance variable names for the receiver. Note that simply defining an accessor does not create the corresponding instance variable.
class Fred
attr_accessor :a1
def initialize
@iv = 3
end #=> [:@iv]
1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 |
# File 'variable.c', line 1800
rb_obj_instance_variables(VALUE obj)
VALUE ary;
ary = rb_ary_new();
rb_ivar_foreach(obj, ivar_i, ary);
return ary;
#is_a? ⇒ Boolean #kind_of? ⇒ Boolean
Returns true
if class is the class of obj, or if class is one of the superclasses of obj or modules included in obj.
module M; end
class A
include M
class B < A; end
class C < B; end
b =
b.is_a? A #=> true
b.is_a? B #=> true
b.is_a? C #=> false
b.is_a? M #=> true
b.kind_of? A #=> true
b.kind_of? B #=> true
b.kind_of? C #=> false
b.kind_of? M #=> true
877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 |
# File 'object.c', line 877
rb_obj_is_kind_of(VALUE obj, VALUE c)
VALUE cl = CLASS_OF(obj);
c = class_or_module_required(c);
return class_search_ancestor(cl, RCLASS_ORIGIN(c)) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
#itself ⇒ Object
Returns the receiver.
string = "my string"
string.itself.object_id == string.object_id #=> true
584 585 586 587 588 |
# File 'object.c', line 584
static VALUE
rb_obj_itself(VALUE obj)
return obj;
#is_a? ⇒ Boolean #kind_of? ⇒ Boolean
Returns true
if class is the class of obj, or if class is one of the superclasses of obj or modules included in obj.
module M; end
class A
include M
class B < A; end
class C < B; end
b =
b.is_a? A #=> true
b.is_a? B #=> true
b.is_a? C #=> false
b.is_a? M #=> true
b.kind_of? A #=> true
b.kind_of? B #=> true
b.kind_of? C #=> false
b.kind_of? M #=> true
877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 |
# File 'object.c', line 877
rb_obj_is_kind_of(VALUE obj, VALUE c)
VALUE cl = CLASS_OF(obj);
c = class_or_module_required(c);
return class_search_ancestor(cl, RCLASS_ORIGIN(c)) ? Qtrue : Qfalse;
#method(sym) ⇒ Object
Looks up the named method as a receiver in obj, returning a Method object (or raising NameError). The Method object acts as a closure in obj’s object instance, so instance variables and the value of self
remain available.
class Demo
def initialize(n)
@iv = n
def hello()
"Hello, @iv = #{@iv}"
k =
m = k.method(:hello) #=> "Hello, @iv = 99"
l ='Fred')
m = l.method("hello") #=> "Hello, @iv = Fred"
Note that Method implements to_proc
method, which means it can be used with iterators.
[ 1, 2, 3 ].each(&method(:puts)) # => prints 3 lines to stdout
out ='test.txt', 'w')
[ 1, 2, 3 ].each(&out.method(:puts)) # => prints 3 lines to file
require 'date'
%w[2017-03-01 2017-03-02].collect(&Date.method(:parse))
#=> [#<Date: 2017-03-01 ((2457814j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>, #<Date: 2017-03-02 ((2457815j,0s,0n),+0s,2299161j)>]
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 |
# File 'proc.c', line 1991
rb_obj_method(VALUE obj, VALUE vid)
return obj_method(obj, vid, FALSE);
#methods(regular = true) ⇒ Array
Returns a list of the names of public and protected methods of obj. This will include all the methods accessible in obj’s ancestors. If the optional parameter is false
, it returns an array of obj’s public and protected singleton methods, the array will not include methods in modules included in obj.
class Klass
def klass_method()
k =
k.methods[0..9] #=> [:klass_method, :nil?, :===,
# :==~, :!, :eql?
# :hash, :<=>, :class, :singleton_class]
k.methods.length #=> 56
k.methods(false) #=> []
def k.singleton_method; end
k.methods(false) #=> [:singleton_method]
module M123; def m123; end end
k.extend M123
k.methods(false) #=> [:singleton_method]
1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 |
# File 'class.c', line 1549
rb_obj_methods(int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
rb_check_arity(argc, 0, 1);
if (argc > 0 && !RTEST(argv[0])) {
return rb_obj_singleton_methods(argc, argv, obj);
return class_instance_method_list(argc, argv, CLASS_OF(obj), 1, ins_methods_i);
#nil? ⇒ Boolean
1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 |
# File 'object.c', line 1571
rb_false(VALUE obj)
return Qfalse;
#object_id ⇒ Object
obj.__id__ -> integer
obj.object_id -> integer
Returns an integer identifier for obj
The same number will be returned on all calls to object_id
for a given object, and no two active objects will share an id.
Note: that some objects of builtin classes are reused for optimization. This is the case for immediate values and frozen string literals.
BasicObject implements __id__
, Kernel implements object_id
Immediate values are not passed by reference but are passed by value: nil
, true
, false
, Fixnums, Symbols, and some Floats. == # => false
(21 * 2).object_id == (21 * 2).object_id # => true
"hello".object_id == "hello".object_id # => false
"hi".freeze.object_id == "hi".freeze.object_id # => true
4115 4116 4117 4118 4119 4120 4121 4122 4123 4124 4125 4126 4127 4128 4129 4130 4131 4132 4133 4134 4135 4136 4137 4138 4139 4140 4141 4142 4143 4144 4145 4146 4147 4148 |
# File 'gc.c', line 4115
rb_obj_id(VALUE obj)
* 32-bit VALUE space
* MSB ------------------------ LSB
* false 00000000000000000000000000000000
* true 00000000000000000000000000000010
* nil 00000000000000000000000000000100
* undef 00000000000000000000000000000110
* symbol ssssssssssssssssssssssss00001110
* object oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo00 = 0 (mod sizeof(RVALUE))
* fixnum fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff1
* object_id space
* false 00000000000000000000000000000000
* true 00000000000000000000000000000010
* nil 00000000000000000000000000000100
* undef 00000000000000000000000000000110
* symbol 000SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS0 S...S % A = 4 (S...S = s...s * A + 4)
* object oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo0 o...o % A = 0
* fixnum fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff1 bignum if required
* where A = sizeof(RVALUE)/4
* sizeof(RVALUE) is
* 20 if 32-bit, double is 4-byte aligned
* 24 if 32-bit, double is 8-byte aligned
* 40 if 64-bit
return rb_find_object_id(obj, cached_object_id);
#private_methods(all = true) ⇒ Array
Returns the list of private methods accessible to obj. If the all parameter is set to false
, only those methods in the receiver will be listed.
1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 |
# File 'class.c', line 1583
rb_obj_private_methods(int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
return class_instance_method_list(argc, argv, CLASS_OF(obj), 1, ins_methods_priv_i);
#protected_methods(all = true) ⇒ Array
Returns the list of protected methods accessible to obj. If the all parameter is set to false
, only those methods in the receiver will be listed.
1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 |
# File 'class.c', line 1568
rb_obj_protected_methods(int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
return class_instance_method_list(argc, argv, CLASS_OF(obj), 1, ins_methods_prot_i);
#public_method(sym) ⇒ Object
Similar to method, searches public method only.
2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 |
# File 'proc.c', line 2004
rb_obj_public_method(VALUE obj, VALUE vid)
return obj_method(obj, vid, TRUE);
#public_methods(all = true) ⇒ Array
Returns the list of public methods accessible to obj. If the all parameter is set to false
, only those methods in the receiver will be listed.
1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 |
# File 'class.c', line 1598
rb_obj_public_methods(int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
return class_instance_method_list(argc, argv, CLASS_OF(obj), 1, ins_methods_pub_i);
#public_send(symbol[, args...]) ⇒ Object #public_send(string[, args...]) ⇒ Object
Invokes the method identified by symbol, passing it any arguments specified. Unlike send, public_send calls public methods only. When the method is identified by a string, the string is converted to a symbol.
1.public_send(:puts, "hello") # causes NoMethodError
1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 |
# File 'vm_eval.c', line 1154
static VALUE
rb_f_public_send(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE recv)
return send_internal_kw(argc, argv, recv, CALL_PUBLIC);
#remove_instance_variable(symbol) ⇒ Object #remove_instance_variable(string) ⇒ Object
Removes the named instance variable from obj, returning that variable’s value. String arguments are converted to symbols.
class Dummy
attr_reader :var
def initialize
@var = 99
def remove
d =
d.var #=> 99
d.remove #=> 99
d.var #=> nil
1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 |
# File 'variable.c', line 1855
rb_obj_remove_instance_variable(VALUE obj, VALUE name)
VALUE val = Qnil;
const ID id = id_for_var(obj, name, an, instance);
st_data_t n, v;
struct st_table *iv_index_tbl;
uint32_t index;
if (!id) {
goto not_defined;
switch (BUILTIN_TYPE(obj)) {
case T_OBJECT:
iv_index_tbl = ROBJECT_IV_INDEX_TBL(obj);
if (iv_index_tbl_lookup(iv_index_tbl, id, &index) &&
index < ROBJECT_NUMIV(obj) &&
(val = ROBJECT_IVPTR(obj)[index]) != Qundef) {
ROBJECT_IVPTR(obj)[index] = Qundef;
return val;
case T_CLASS:
case T_MODULE:
n = id;
if (RCLASS_IV_TBL(obj) && st_delete(RCLASS_IV_TBL(obj), &n, &v)) {
return (VALUE)v;
if (FL_TEST(obj, FL_EXIVAR)) {
if (generic_ivar_remove(obj, id, &val)) {
return val;
rb_name_err_raise("instance variable %1$s not defined",
obj, name);
#respond_to?(symbol, include_all = false) ⇒ Boolean #respond_to?(string, include_all = false) ⇒ Boolean
Returns true
if obj responds to the given method. Private and protected methods are included in the search only if the optional second parameter evaluates to true
If the method is not implemented, as Process.fork on Windows, File.lchmod on GNU/Linux, etc., false is returned.
If the method is not defined, respond_to_missing?
method is called and the result is returned.
When the method name parameter is given as a string, the string is converted to a symbol.
2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 |
# File 'vm_method.c', line 2547
static VALUE
obj_respond_to(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
VALUE mid, priv;
ID id;
rb_execution_context_t *ec = GET_EC();
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &mid, &priv);
if (!(id = rb_check_id(&mid))) {
VALUE ret = basic_obj_respond_to_missing(ec, CLASS_OF(obj), obj,
rb_to_symbol(mid), priv);
if (ret == Qundef) ret = Qfalse;
return ret;
if (basic_obj_respond_to(ec, CLASS_OF(obj), obj, id, !RTEST(priv)))
return Qtrue;
return Qfalse;
#respond_to_missing?(symbol, include_all) ⇒ Boolean #respond_to_missing?(string, include_all) ⇒ Boolean
Hook method to return whether the obj can respond to id method or not.
When the method name parameter is given as a string, the string is converted to a symbol.
See #respond_to?, and the example of BasicObject.
2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 |
# File 'vm_method.c', line 2581
static VALUE
obj_respond_to_missing(VALUE obj, VALUE mid, VALUE priv)
return Qfalse;
#send(symbol[, args...]) ⇒ Object #__send__(symbol[, args...]) ⇒ Object #send(string[, args...]) ⇒ Object #__send__(string[, args...]) ⇒ Object
Invokes the method identified by symbol, passing it any
arguments specified.
When the method is identified by a string, the string is converted
to a symbol.
BasicObject implements +__send__+, Kernel implements +send+.
<code>__send__</code> is safer than +send+
when _obj_ has the same method name like <code>Socket</code>.
See also <code>public_send</code>.
class Klass
def hello(*args)
"Hello " + args.join(' ')
k =
k.send :hello, "gentle", "readers" #=> "Hello gentle readers"
1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 |
# File 'vm_eval.c', line 1134
rb_f_send(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE recv)
return send_internal_kw(argc, argv, recv, CALL_FCALL);
#singleton_class ⇒ Class
Returns the singleton class of obj. This method creates a new singleton class if obj does not have one.
If obj is nil
, true
, or false
, it returns NilClass, TrueClass, or FalseClass, respectively. If obj is an Integer, a Float or a Symbol, it raises a TypeError. #=> #<Class:#<Object:0xb7ce1e24>>
String.singleton_class #=> #<Class:String>
nil.singleton_class #=> NilClass
317 318 319 320 321 |
# File 'object.c', line 317
static VALUE
rb_obj_singleton_class(VALUE obj)
return rb_singleton_class(obj);
#singleton_method(sym) ⇒ Object
Similar to method, searches singleton method only.
class Demo
def initialize(n)
@iv = n
def hello()
"Hello, @iv = #{@iv}"
k =
def k.hi
"Hi, @iv = #{@iv}"
m = k.singleton_method(:hi) #=> "Hi, @iv = 99"
m = k.singleton_method(:hello) #=> NameError
2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 2050 2051 2052 2053 2054 2055 2056 2057 2058 2059 2060 2061 2062 2063 2064 2065 2066 2067 2068 2069 2070 |
# File 'proc.c', line 2034
rb_obj_singleton_method(VALUE obj, VALUE vid)
VALUE klass = rb_singleton_class_get(obj);
ID id = rb_check_id(&vid);
if (NIL_P(klass)) {
/* goto undef; */
else if (NIL_P(klass = RCLASS_ORIGIN(klass))) {
/* goto undef; */
else if (! id) {
VALUE m = mnew_missing_by_name(klass, obj, &vid, FALSE, rb_cMethod);
if (m) return m;
/* else goto undef; */
else {
const rb_method_entry_t *me = rb_method_entry_at(klass, id);
vid = ID2SYM(id);
/* goto undef; */
else if (UNDEFINED_REFINED_METHOD_P(me->def)) {
/* goto undef; */
else {
return mnew_from_me(me, klass, klass, obj, id, rb_cMethod, FALSE);
/* undef: */
rb_name_err_raise("undefined singleton method `%1$s' for `%2$s'",
obj, vid);
#singleton_methods(all = true) ⇒ Array
Returns an array of the names of singleton methods for obj. If the optional all parameter is true, the list will include methods in modules included in obj. Only public and protected singleton methods are returned.
module Other
def three() end
class Single
def Single.four() end
a =
class << a
include Other
def two()
Single.singleton_methods #=> [:four]
a.singleton_methods(false) #=> [:two, :one]
a.singleton_methods #=> [:two, :one, :three]
1637 1638 1639 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648 1649 1650 1651 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1663 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 |
# File 'class.c', line 1637
rb_obj_singleton_methods(int argc, const VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
VALUE ary, klass, origin;
struct method_entry_arg me_arg;
struct rb_id_table *mtbl;
int recur = TRUE;
if (rb_check_arity(argc, 0, 1)) recur = RTEST(argv[0]);
if (RB_TYPE_P(obj, T_CLASS) && FL_TEST(obj, FL_SINGLETON)) {
klass = CLASS_OF(obj);
origin = RCLASS_ORIGIN(klass);
me_arg.list = st_init_numtable();
me_arg.recur = recur;
if (klass && FL_TEST(klass, FL_SINGLETON)) {
if ((mtbl = RCLASS_M_TBL(origin)) != 0) rb_id_table_foreach(mtbl, method_entry_i, &me_arg);
klass = RCLASS_SUPER(klass);
if (recur) {
while (klass && (FL_TEST(klass, FL_SINGLETON) || RB_TYPE_P(klass, T_ICLASS))) {
if (klass != origin && (mtbl = RCLASS_M_TBL(klass)) != 0) rb_id_table_foreach(mtbl, method_entry_i, &me_arg);
klass = RCLASS_SUPER(klass);
ary = rb_ary_new2(me_arg.list->num_entries);
st_foreach(me_arg.list, ins_methods_i, ary);
return ary;
#taint ⇒ Object
Returns object. This method is deprecated and will be removed in Ruby 3.2.
1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 |
# File 'object.c', line 1173
rb_obj_taint(VALUE obj)
rb_warn_deprecated_to_remove("Object#taint", "3.2");
return obj;
#tainted? ⇒ false
Returns false. This method is deprecated and will be removed in Ruby 3.2.
1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 |
# File 'object.c', line 1159
rb_obj_tainted(VALUE obj)
rb_warn_deprecated_to_remove("Object#tainted?", "3.2");
return Qfalse;
#to_enum(method = :each, *args) ⇒ Enumerator #enum_for(method = :each, *args) ⇒ Enumerator #to_enum(method = :each, *args) {|*args| ... } ⇒ Enumerator #enum_for(method = :each, *args) {|*args| ... } ⇒ Enumerator
Creates a new Enumerator which will enumerate by calling method
on obj
, passing args
if any. What was yielded by method becomes values of enumerator.
If a block is given, it will be used to calculate the size of the enumerator without the need to iterate it (see Enumerator#size).
str = "xyz"
enum = str.enum_for(:each_byte)
enum.each { |b| puts b }
# => 120
# => 121
# => 122
# protect an array from being modified by some_method
a = [1, 2, 3]
# String#split in block form is more memory-effective:
very_large_string.split("|") { |chunk| return chunk if chunk.include?('DATE') }
# This could be rewritten more idiomatically with to_enum:
very_large_string.to_enum(:split, "|").lazy.grep(/DATE/).first
It is typical to call to_enum when defining methods for a generic Enumerable, in case no block is passed.
Here is such an example, with parameter passing and a sizing block:
module Enumerable
# a generic method to repeat the values of any enumerable
def repeat(n)
raise ArgumentError, "#{n} is negative!" if n < 0
unless block_given?
return to_enum(__method__, n) do # __method__ is :repeat here
sz = size # Call size and multiply by n...
sz * n if sz # but return nil if size itself is nil
each do |*val|
n.times { yield *val }
%i[hello world].repeat(2) { |w| puts w }
# => Prints 'hello', 'hello', 'world', 'world'
enum = (1..14).repeat(3)
# => returns an Enumerator when called without a block
enum.first(4) # => [1, 1, 1, 2]
enum.size # => 42
368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 |
# File 'enumerator.c', line 368
static VALUE
obj_to_enum(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
VALUE enumerator, meth = sym_each;
if (argc > 0) {
meth = *argv++;
enumerator = rb_enumeratorize_with_size(obj, meth, argc, argv, 0);
if (rb_block_given_p()) {
enumerator_ptr(enumerator)->size = rb_block_proc();
return enumerator;
#to_s ⇒ String
Returns a string representing obj. The default #to_s prints the object’s class and an encoding of the object id. As a special case, the top-level object that is the initial execution context of Ruby programs returns “main”.
671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 |
# File 'object.c', line 671
rb_any_to_s(VALUE obj)
VALUE str;
VALUE cname = rb_class_name(CLASS_OF(obj));
str = rb_sprintf("#<%"PRIsVALUE":%p>", cname, (void*)obj);
return str;
#trust ⇒ Object
Returns object. This method is deprecated and will be removed in Ruby 3.2.
1231 1232 1233 1234 1235 1236 |
# File 'object.c', line 1231
rb_obj_trust(VALUE obj)
rb_warn_deprecated_to_remove("Object#trust", "3.2");
return obj;
#untaint ⇒ Object
Returns object. This method is deprecated and will be removed in Ruby 3.2.
1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 |
# File 'object.c', line 1188
rb_obj_untaint(VALUE obj)
rb_warn_deprecated_to_remove("Object#untaint", "3.2");
return obj;
#untrust ⇒ Object
Returns object. This method is deprecated and will be removed in Ruby 3.2.
1216 1217 1218 1219 1220 1221 |
# File 'object.c', line 1216
rb_obj_untrust(VALUE obj)
rb_warn_deprecated_to_remove("Object#untrust", "3.2");
return obj;
#untrusted? ⇒ false
Returns false. This method is deprecated and will be removed in Ruby 3.2.
1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 |
# File 'object.c', line 1202
rb_obj_untrusted(VALUE obj)
rb_warn_deprecated_to_remove("Object#untrusted?", "3.2");
return Qfalse;