Module: Msf::Simple::Payload
- Includes:
- Module
- Defined in:
- lib/msf/base/simple/payload.rb
Simple payload wrapper class for performing generation.
Class Method Summary collapse
.generate_simple(payload, opts) {|payload| ... } ⇒ Object
Generate a payload with the mad skillz.
Instance Method Summary collapse
#generate_simple(opts, &block) ⇒ Object
Calls the class method.
Methods included from Module
#_import_extra_options, #init_simplified, #inspect, #load_config, #save_config
Class Method Details
permalink .generate_simple(payload, opts) {|payload| ... } ⇒ Object
Generate a payload with the mad skillz. The payload can be generated in a number of ways.
opts can have:
Encoder => A encoder module name.
BadChars => A string of bad characters.
Format => The format to represent the data as: ruby, perl, c, raw
Options => A hash of options to set.
OptionStr => A string of options in VAR=VAL form separated by
NoComment => Disables prepention of a comment
NopSledSize => The number of NOPs to use
MaxSize => The maximum size of the payload.
Iterations => Number of times to encode.
ForceEncode => Force encoding.
BadcharError => If the supplied encoder fails to encode the payload
NoKeyError => No valid encoder key could be found
ArgumentParseError => Options were supplied improperly
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# File 'lib/msf/base/simple/payload.rb', line 40 def self.generate_simple(payload, opts, &block) # Clone the module to prevent changes to the original instance payload = payload.replicant Msf::Simple::Framework.simplify_module(payload) yield(payload) if block_given? # Import any options we may need payload.(opts) framework = payload.framework # Generate the payload e = EncodedPayload.create(payload, 'BadChars' => opts['BadChars'], 'MinNops' => opts['NopSledSize'], 'PadNops' => opts['PadNops'], 'Encoder' => opts['Encoder'], 'Iterations' => opts['Iterations'], 'ForceEncode' => opts['ForceEncode'], 'DisableNops' => opts['DisableNops'], 'Space' => opts['MaxSize']) fmt = opts['Format'] || 'raw' exeopts = { :inject => opts['KeepTemplateWorking'], :template => opts['Template'], :template_path => opts['ExeDir'], :secname => opts['SecName'] } arch = payload.arch plat = opts['Platform'] || payload.platform # Save off the original payload length len = e.encoded.length if arch.index(ARCH_JAVA) and fmt == 'war' return e.encoded_war.pack end output = Msf::Util::EXE.to_executable_fmt(framework, arch, plat, e.encoded, fmt, exeopts) if not output # Generate jar if necessary if fmt == 'jar' return e.encoded_jar.pack end # Serialize the generated payload to some sort of format fmt ||= "ruby" output = Buffer.transform(e.encoded, fmt) # Prepend a comment if (fmt != 'raw' and opts['NoComment'] != true) ((ou = payload..(payload.datastore)) and ou.length > 0) ? ou += "\n" : ou = '' output = Buffer.comment( "#{payload.refname} - #{len} bytes#{payload.staged? ? " (stage 1)" : ""}\n" + "\n" + ((e.encoder) ? "Encoder: #{e.encoder.refname}\n" : '') + ((e.nop) ? "NOP gen: #{e.nop.refname}\n" : '') + "#{ou}", fmt) + output # If verbose was requested and it's multistage, include the second stage too if opts['Verbose'] && payload.staged? stage = payload.generate_stage # If a stage was generated, then display it if stage and stage.length > 0 output += "\n" + Buffer.comment( "#{payload.refname} - #{stage.length} bytes (stage 2)\n" + "\n", fmt) + Buffer.transform(stage, fmt) end end end end # How to warn? #if exeopts[:fellback] # $stderr.puts(OutError + "Warning: Falling back to default template: #{exeopts[:fellback]}") #end return output end |
Instance Method Details
permalink #generate_simple(opts, &block) ⇒ Object
Calls the class method.
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# File 'lib/msf/base/simple/payload.rb', line 138 def generate_simple(opts, &block) Msf::Simple::Payload.generate_simple(self, opts, &block) end |